4216/The Vampire of Chinatown

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The Vampire of Chinatown
Date of Scene: 24 November 2020
Location: Columbus Park
Synopsis: Three bodies are found in Chinatown. Colleen and Elektra take a look. A swords person, a vampire, and a mutant killed some business men and may be abducted a fourth??! what is going on here...
Cast of Characters: Colleen Wing, Elektra Natchios

Colleen Wing has posed:
It was barely 5am when the kids came around, knocking. They were loud about it. One of them was a trusted student and unlocked the doors, letting them all in. They were all talking at once and Colleen wasn't really awake yet. But she was alert and ready to fight. Those two are mutually exclusive. By the time she was dressed and able to think, she texted Elektra.

<Meet me at Columbus Park, something weird went down and the youthful neighborhood watch came to me instead of the police. I'm heading there now>

The younger kids were sent away and the teenagers with Colleen made their way through the cold winter streets to Columbus Park. It is there, amidst the bushes and away from public view that the scene is set.

Three bodies. One with several slashing cuts had bled out in to the snow. Another was slumped against a tree, the color drained from his body and two puncture wounds on his neck, while the third looked to have had his entire torso crushed by something powerful and strong.

Colleen isn't sure she should feel flattered that they came to her first before the police. Yes, it is weird.. and it does look like gang violence, sort of, but suddenly she feels a weight of responsibility - what is it she can really do to help these people?

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra has been keeping a low profile as of late, what with a zodiac avatar having fun at her expense and the Hand having gone underground meant it was time to hunt.. And it was what she had been doing so far. It also meant waking up early, prowling about... So when the message came she was already dressed up, the message almost instantaneous.

< Sure. What kind of weird?

And being dressed with the black and red of her assassin's garb she made way across to the park, a shadow in the still poorly-lit place.

"Interesting ...." While Colleen was busy with all that weight of responsibility Elektra steps from behind a tree, as casual as if she had been there all this time, moving to stand next to the young woman.

"Swords maybe. But the many cuts is either not a good swordsman or it was deliberate." perfectly neutral expression before looking at Colleen. "Are you well?"

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen rubs at her eyes and then covers her mouth as she yawns. "Tell me you're this awake because of coffee," she says in response to 'are you well'. The teenagers have moved away and are discussing quietly amongst themselves. Colleen smiles to Elektra and then looks back at the first body.

"It looks deliberate to me. Very parallel, wielding two blades at once perhaps." She makes cutting motions through the air with both arms in a few specific motions and then nods. "Yeah. So, someone with a sword," she mentions and then walks across the ground to drag marks and follows them all the way back to a stone pathway. "May be there was a fourth victim. There are drag marks," she says and walks back over to the collection of bodies.

"I don't have the best relationship with the police, so this'll be... interesting when they get here. At least we got to look first. I messaged Danny, Jess and Luke; and of course Daredevil. It seems you're the only one awake or willing to respond at the moment."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I run on anger and resentment." Elektra deadpans at the coffee part, quirking a brow up at the other woman, "And occasional curiosity." she folds her arms together afterwards, attention shifting to the bodies. The comment on the blades has her incline her head in approval. "Yes, very much so." content on staying quiet while Colleen goes about being Sherlock. Though for some reason she appears almost as if she was the teacher, watching, taking 'note' of what Colleen says of what they see.

"Maybe their actual target. Check for marks of blood where the bodies aren't. If there aren't many might mean the fourth victim may still be alive." She crouches near one of the bodies, checking the marks ... but it's the mark on the neck that has her frown. "Look at this here." she inspects the punctures. "If this is what I am thinking I may know someone who can give us a hand with this." It's what one gets by knowing vampires! Contacts, baby!

"I was your last resort, was it?" She then asks dryly with a mix of amusement when Colleen speaks about having messaged the whole gang.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen tugs her coat closer to her body. "I feel like I need to stay here now, until the police arrive. Which is terrible because it's cold and I really just want to go back to sleep," she complains - but it's an afforded complaint. If needs be, she can handle this just fine. She's from Japan after all.

At the suggestion of blood she starts looking around the area. The three bodies have certainly soaked the ground with blood. But no blood is found for a fourth. She shakes her head to Elektra, "No other blood that I can see, but I'm not a CSI. I doubt the police will share what they find with us."

She walks over to Elektra and peers at the puncture marks. There's a small laugh of disbelief when Elektra says she knows what this is, "I'm going to guess some sort of exotic weapon and _not_ a vampire? because if you say vampire I'm just going to laugh again."

The poke in the metaphorical ribs about being her last resort earns a look. "Jessica is my last resort because she's usually drunk. You're my second resort because Daredevil's thing is fighting crime and your thing is ending it," she waggles fingers at her.

She then walks over to the third body and asks, "Okay Detective Natchios, what about this guy. This looks like something a mutant might do. They must be very strong. Are we looking at a mutant, a vampire, a sword dualist team, or a mutant vampire sword dualist individual..."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Yes, but your assessment is correct." Blood patterns. Death. Elektra has been in enough assassinations to know how a crime scene looks after a massacre. And there just isn't enough blood for the fourth. She nods. "I still have hopes for you, maybe one day you will pick up after me." internationally reknowned assassin. Right.. But she is smirking when she says that.

The suggestion about waiting for hte police is answered with a shake of her head, "No." and it's a firm one. "You don't really want to be here when the police arrives." she says, "You'd be pegged as an immediate suspect most likely. And lets not forget you do have a sword, don't you?"

"But yes, vampire." she states, "Or at least could be. I have met one a few nights back. I knew they existed just had never truly interacted with one. In cordial terms at least."

She looks at the third one and nods, "Could be just one person doing it all. What do you think?" she asks. Another test!

Colleen Wing has posed:
Another look is given to Elektra as she jokingly suggests she would follow in her foot steps. "Weird. Here I am hoping one day you'll settle down and be a teacher instead of a ..whatever it is you are," she says and waves her hand again. Some things are just better not spoken out loud. They make them too real.

She nods her head, "You're right. I don't want to be a suspect. I'll make sure the tip off is anonymous and get out of here. We should wrap up and leave before someone sees us here and decides we're responsible too."

And then there's a laugh, "Vampires. Really. I shouldn't be so surprised I guess. All the myths and legends seem to be true. I've already seen a real dragon after all." Which lends credence to the notion that Danny punched one to get a glowing fist.. but hey. "This seems a bit much for one person to do all three modes of killing. If you're good at a thing, you'd just do the thing three times right? I don't even recognise these people, they mustn't be from Chinatown. If this was a hit or a kidnapping of a fourth person, I haven't a clue who it could be."

She takes out her phone though and begins taking pictures of the crime scene to share with the rest of the defenders.. if anyone of them are interested that is. You never know. "They look like business men. I doubt they put up much of a fight."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"You know well what I am by now." Is Elektra's retort, that brow continuing raised, amused. "And not all myths are real. But fangs? That's universal. Of course, it could all be a red herring of sorts. Though we could tap on the autopsies later and find out. Just a small crime of breaking into the morgue." she teases.

Elektra takes a step back from the scene, making sure to not have touched anything. At least not yet. She tightens her gloves further on her fingertips. "Lets see if they have IDs." she goes closer to the one that was bit, checking a jacket or pocket for anything that may give a clue to an identity. After the pictures of course.

"So, a sword fighter, a biter and a strong one? Could be a mutant group indeed. Maybe even a robbery gone wrong. Just the fourth one that doesn't quite match that theory. Why bring one alive?"

While she searches she suggests. "Want me to bring in the expert I know?"

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen chuckles, "Right. Fangs are universal." She rolls her eyes and tucks her hands in to her coat pockets once the pictures are taken. She looks back at Elektra and then shrugs. Breaking in to a morgue is hardly the worst thing the group has ever done. "Sure. Morgue. Why not."

The bodies have wallets and IDs and business cards. They seem to be a group of mid-level managers from downtown. They probably came out this way for drinks. There's certainly a smell of alcohol on their clothes. "May be.. robbery or targeted kidnapping. This isn't really my field of expertise."

There's a nod to Elektra, "I think we need some expert help on this one. A vampire. They're not going to make vampire jokes are they.. eh. Blee?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Suits." Elektra confirms, going through the IDs, checking names before placing the wallets back in. At least something to investigate for now. "This doesn't seem to be the work of the Hand though." as if that could also mean she has every right to wash her hands out of this. Not a hero this one!

"Are you truly wanting to get involved?" She gets back up to her feet, rolling her shoulders. "The Hand may be quiet as of late, but it doesn't mean we should let our guard down. Like ..., looking into this." a gesture with her hand back to the bodies. Heartless!

The vampire jokes just make her smirk. "I don't think she's the type to do those. At all."

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen shakes her head too and says, "I agree. This doesn't look like The Hand. But I also made a pledge to protect Chinatown. If I can't hold the turf from other gangs moving in, The Hand will move right back in and void our.. my treaty with them. I can't give them an excuse."

She motions over the three dead bodies, "Which means I need to know if this is some new kind of gang trying to move in to Chinatown. If it is, I need to make it patently clear that they're not welcome here." She looks to Elektra with that steely eyed determination. She's not too concerned about a bunch of suits dying, she's concerned that it will upset the balance of power.

"...and I wouldn't discount the notion that The Hand might get wind of this and seek to recruit whoever did this."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"One of these days this altruism will be the death of you. Being a hero ..." Elektra shakes her head slowly, perhaps resigned. She knows how to discern that determination on her friend's gaze. No budging her away from this. "... I do hope you do not have some kind of deathwish." Well, it is something Elektra does. But shh. No sharing.

About the Hand recruiting them she nods, "I would." as if assuring it may just be their play if they wind of this.

"Now lets move out of here before we draw any further attention. I will buy you your second coffee of the morning." So generous of Elektra.