Zodiac Rising

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Title Date Scene Summary
Retrieving the Tablet November 5th, 2020 Amanda askes Thor to retrieve the hidden piece of the Tablet of Zalmoxis so she may dispose of it properly. He agrees.
Zodiac Rising: The Tomb of Zalmoxis October 26th, 2020 Daytripper, Pepper Potts, Elektra, Nightcrawler, and Phantasm face down Serpens and his Avatar minions in a last-ditch battle to stop him from releasing Set onto the world.
Curing Cancer October 25th, 2020 Cancer and Aquarius come to retrieve the last third of Zalmoxis' tablet from Amanda. While the Avatars may succeed at that, Amanda and Kurt still manage to free Jean from Cancer's possession. So, let's call this one a tie.
The Ring October 24th, 2020 Thor arrives early in the morning, waking Amanda to tell her of his concerns for his paramour Elektra.
Thundering Home October 14th, 2020 Thor returns home in a hurry and relays the troubling situation with Elektra to Natasha. Natasha recomends Shield's expertise to what may not be a simple clumsy murder.
Lips at the Lux October 6th, 2020 Kurt and Amanda go to see Lucifer. Amanda gets her mouth back and a little extra info besides.
Zodiac Rising: Collecting the Crown (3 of 3) October 6th, 2020 Cancer returns with another quartet of Avatars after the Crown of Ophiuchus. Daytripper and some unexpected allies stand in her way. It's a showdown in Gotham.
Mouthless in Manhattan October 5th, 2020 Kurt wakes up from his Avatar coma to discover a mouthless Amanda. Nevertheless, they communicate well enough to compare notes and form a plan of action. Step one? Get Amanda's mouth back.
Zodiac Rising: Collecting the Crown (2 of 3) October 4th, 2020 The Avatars of the Zodiac strike again, this time in Metropolis. Less damage is done. More people die. The heroes go home frustrated.
Collecting the Sorceress October 3rd, 2020 Mike calls Pepper to come help with Amanda. Sarah Pezzini helps them avoid any unfortunate law enforcement entanglements.
Zodiac Rising: Collecting the Crown (1 of 3) October 2nd, 2020 When the corrupted Avatars of the Zodiac attack the New York Met
Visiting the Monks of Toth September 18th, 2020 Amanda, Alexander, and Lara go to visit the Monks of Thoth to learn more about Zalmoxis and his mysterious tablet.
On the Trail of the Tablet September 12th, 2020 Amanda goes to meet Alex's next door neighbor Lara. Together, the three track down the 3rd piece of Zalmoxis' Tablet.
Translation Services August 31st, 2020 Amanda and Nessa drop in on Lucifer, hoping he can translate the mysterious stone tablet.
Zodiac Rising: The Henley Crowne Affair August 29th, 2020 Daytripper and her allies confirm Henley Crowne died because he possessed a piece of the Tablet of Zalmoxis. And they catch a glimpse of the mastermind behind the attack.
Tripping Wards August 28th, 2020 Nessa turns up on Amanda's doorstep, seeking the source of the magical pulse that swept over the city some days earlier.
Asgardian Attention and Favours August 27th, 2020 When Pepper invites Thor to the apartment to ask him to help protect the fragment Radu dropped in Amanda's lap, Loki turns up, too... and Amanda makes a deal with the devil.
Fragments and Clues August 26th, 2020 Amanda and Pepper take Radu's tablet to Stark Industries, where they are joined by Tony and a very lucky tech named Kyle... and learn just how dangerous the information the tablet holds may actually be.
Queries and Connections August 25th, 2020 Amanda Sefton receives a call from Brian Braddock and must explain to him what she knows about the magic pulse out of Romania.
Girls, Interrupted August 10th, 2020 Pepper and Amanda are set to enjoy a pint of ice cream when a magical interruption derails any thought of another night of girltalk.
Zodiac Rising: No Stone Unturned (Part 3) August 9th, 2020 Serpens sends the remaining four Avatars of the Zodiac to find the last fragment of the Tablet of Zalmoxis... only to find they face more obstacles than they expected.
Zodiac Rising: No Stone Unturned (Part 2) August 8th, 2020 The ancient order of the Monks of Thoth attempts to repell an attack by the corrupted Avatars of the Zodiac, who come in search of ancient knowledge.
Zodiac Rising: No Stone Unturned (Part 1) August 7th, 2020 Henley Crowne, one of the nouveau riche of Adams Heights, Starling City, has a horrible, terrible, no-good, very bad night when four of the corrupted Avatars of the Zodiac show up in search of a treasure for their Master.
Desert Search & Seizure August 4th, 2020 Domino joins another mercenary in escorting an important weapons crate from Cairo, across the river, to Giza... And walks away with the prize.
How can we ever thank you... August 2nd, 2020 Meggan rescues a family from a storm at sea, and receives the best gift they have to offer as thanks.
Seek the Hand, Find the Ring July 31st, 2020 Elektra goes hunting for Hand artifacts in NYC, but finds an artifact for herself, instead.
All a-Quiver July 30th, 2020 Malcolm recieves a highly anticipated antiques shipment, only to discover a surprise within that sets him all a-quiver.
Gifts of a Kind July 28th, 2020 Piotr and Jean go to the faire and buy each other a gift. It's a magical moment.
Market Sparrow July 28th, 2020 Carrie Kelley goes hunting for a gift for Henry... and finds a little something for herself along the way. It's quite the bargain.


Title Date Scene Summary
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