1915/Fangs, Fakes and Freaks

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Fangs, Fakes and Freaks
Date of Scene: 31 May 2020
Location: The Wick
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Jack Ryder, Blake Riviere

Jack Ryder has posed:
Jack Ryder enters the bar, calling to someone further from the door. "Ah come on. Have a sense of humor Dracula... dude, lt me buy your crew some drinks... you know..." Jack mimes sipping from a shot glass. "Not... " he takes a series of sharp bite in the air. "Oh yeah? Well you're an idiot! The podcast goes up tomorrow! Yeah, same to you. Oh go play that World of Darkness game!" He reaches the bar and orders a whiskey sour... bending the bartender and patrons' ears alike. "Vampire wanna bees... theyb gotta be a couple steps below Dungeons and Dragons players. The idiots think they're real vampires. In folk lore vampires are bald, stinking corpses that drain life force. Not cosplayers listening to Cradle of Filth. Idiots!" He looks around to see if he has any listeners.

Blake Riviere has posed:
It was becoming a habbit these days for Blake, a little concerning perhaps, but certainly amusing. Once more she was nearby, observing the entertainment that was the 'vampire wannabes' that seemed to frequent places like this and the Wick in particular. Of course, there was a certain freedom to it too, noone looked twice at the fact she was dressed in leather pants, or at the corset worn over her deeply red shirt. Perhaps that was part of the enjoyment: that the real deal was intermingled and sitting nearby.

Not that one would immediately suspect, given the fact that Blake was neither brandishing fangs nor baring them at the insults. Instead? The raven-haired woman gives a little laugh from behind the rim of her glass. After all, she -could- indulge in more than just blood, even if it were merely for the enjoyment of it.

Jack Ryder has posed:
Jack Ryder's ear catches the laugh. Everyone else is pointedly ignoring him. He turns and notes the laugher. Ooh! He leans over and tells the bartender to send a drink her way, the lovely little thing. He hoists his nearly empty drink and orders another. "Ah... a fan or soon to be fan. Weren't those guys wrong on every level?" He waits for an invite to head over. Well for a second. He takes the lovely's fresh drink from the bartender... pays... and walks over, setting it in front of her. "Hello, I'm Jack Ryder, Independent New Service. Your next drink is on me."

Blake Riviere has posed:
Blake's brow raises as the ranting man moves over, raising an eyebrow at the greeting and tilting her head. "A fan of what exactly?" she questions, but there's a sip of her drink and a little smile behind the rim of her glass before she nods. It was an invitation to let him approach. Why not? She was here for entertainment after all.

"Blake Riviere," she offers back gesturing to herself with her free hand. "You have an interesting way of examining other people's hobbies Mr Ryder."

Jack Ryder has posed:
Jack Ryder says, "A fan of me of course. Or at least you enjoyed me calling those idiots on their own stupidity. Vampires! I am tired of people sanitizing all the old monsters and making them sexy and fun. Anyway. You might enjoy my podcast with Nandor, Lazlo, and Nadja. After I do some editing it should be on the internet tomorrow. then I can expect some trolls to join the vampires. It's cool. Fresh meat. May I join you?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
"I see..." Blake questions, tilting her head to the side. She'd accepted the offer, enough for a drink. It seems like she was willing to make the small addition of Jack joining her at the table. "The old monsters?" she repeats, smirking softly. "I suppose you are right. So many stories, books, tales around campfires and...movies make it awfully hard to know what's true."

A shrug of her shoulders, she leans back for another sip of her first drink and sets it aside. "And what version of monsters is your preference?"

Jack Ryder has posed:
Jack Ryder smirks and says, "I prefer humans. Vampires, werewolves and such are just infantile personifications of fears. I don't need any monsters. They suck." He doesn't slam his glass down but nevertheless it makes a sharp 'clack". He gives her a serious gaze for a moment then says, "Why, are you looking to eat me or something? I don't recommend it. Some people find me distasteful."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"What's to say humans can't be monsters? I'd say there's plenty to suggest they might be the scariest of all," a little chuckle given by the dark-haired woman, his question earns a grin. "Perhaps, but shouldn't one check out their meals before they indulge. Know if they're 'good' or 'bad' for you?" A wink given, Blake was probably joking...right?

With a signal of her hand, she looks back to the man. "Still, in a world with mutants, aliens, men who fly...what is it that makes you doubt Vampires and such? Because they are so...popular?" The question asked in her faintly 'Queen's English' accent, she looks toward the crowd of cosplayers. "Not that I'm saying anyone in there talking of 'Princes' and whatever else are anything more than what they seem."

Jack Ryder has posed:
Jack Ryder sweeps his hand around the bar. "Aliens are pretty obvious about it. They even let us study them somewhat. Vampires and werwolves? Never seen one. Superman is on tv everyday. I've seen him fly. He's the problem. Peeople believe in a flying man and want to believe anything. If there were vampires living among us all this time, there'd be at least /one/ pickled in a jar of formaldehyde. Same thing with ghosts. These ghost chasers would have at least one decent picture, not stupid orbs from dust and insects flying in front of camera lenses. Aliens, yes, vampires-no. Of course... if you wanted to play vampire with me, I'd let you." He gives Blake a wink and touches her hand as he reaches for his glass, watching her.