410/Another Drive-By

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Another Drive-By
Date of Scene: 10 March 2020
Location: Midtown - New Troy
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Jessica Drew, Ben Reilly

Jessica Drew has posed:
Mid-morning Midtown, anodyne as taxi ranks and congested traffic. Plate glass windows reflect back the busy images of people racing through their lives, racing to work and appointments, or the next piece of must-have tech marvel. One silhouette floats slowly out of sync with the other rushing pedestrians. It tarries before a window of a display of solar powered computers, her black hair framing a pale oval face, hands pushed into a chic camel hair coat. She is watching the rush of traffic and people behind her, ears tuned to any anomaly in the pattern.

Ben Reilly has posed:
There are things to be found in Metropolis that just can't be found in New York. Or at least they're a whole lot more expensive. It's cheaper to hitch a ride on a train. Literally in Ben's case. Hitch a ride. As in not pay for the ticket, as in clung to the outside of the train from New York to Metropolis because he can't afford a ticket. Which also means he can't actually afford anything from the shops he's currently peeking into. He steps out of the shop with the solar powered computers not quite yelling, more discussing loudly, New York style. Which the proprietor doesn't seem to quite get. "I'm just saying you should totally carry the indinvidual parts to do the battery connection from the - Okay okay! No need to get testy geeesh." He lets the door closed and makes a face at the man through the glass before he turns away and starts to walk down the sidewalk. "Tell a guy he should carry something that people might wanna buy and get told to leave. This is why I don't leave New York. People here I swear." He stuffs his hands into the pockets of his worn coat and shakes his head as he strolls down the street, kicking a piece of masonry that's fallen from somewhere and sending it skittering down the sidewalk.

Jessica Drew has posed:
It doesn't take extraordinary hearing to witness the little scene played out at the door of the shop she has been perusing. Amused, Jessica watches the boy walk behind her still expostulating about New York being the center of the universe. She has come to learn having lived in various countries that every large city considers itself the center of the universe. The t-shirts showing <Place Name Here> as the main view then way off in the distance, the rest of the world, are all too true. Still smiling and focused on that amusing scene she misses the two burly men that walk up on either side of her and try to hustle her away. Her immediate response is to elbow them both in the solar plexus.

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Heck even Gotham is better than here. They at least wear their dirt and grime on their sleeve instead of covering it up with pretty paint. And they can have a proper discussion. Geez. Can't even raise your voice to get your point across or they get all whiny." His voice raises to a shriller and mocking note. "Please leave sir. Get out of my store. This is not a flea market sir." There's some more general griping and mocking of Metropolis sorts as he walks, hands tucked into his pockets. "Maybe it's too much sun. Sunnier here. Too much vitamin D, makes people crazy." He tilts his head back to look up at the sky, his shoulders shrugging and a little shake of his head. The sounds of a beginning scuffle are lost on him amidst the hustle and bustle of the street so he doesn't notice what's happening right away, oblivious, off in his own world sort of deal. Ben might have spider senses, but he doesn't have super hearing.

Jessica Drew has posed:
The boy sounded daft but her situation wasn't. Being strong armed on a public street was hardly an emergency for Jessica, she just doesn't like the attention. A clutch of worry grabs her, she is still uncertain of how many of her powers have returned. Perhaps they were counting on that but neither of them have said anything to her other than an expelled, "Ugh." She stomps on instep of the one on her right and gets a jab in her kidney from the one on the left. They are still trying to keep this low key.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jessica is not in the mood to do what 'they' want, whoever they are though she suspects strongly that when they do speak it will be with a Hispanic accent. She jerks herself out of the man's grasp by walking out of her coat. She likes that coat and hopes fervently that she gets it back. PI's are not necessarily rich. Once clear, she yells at the top of her voice, "You New York scum. Get your hands off of me."