4550/Promotion One-Upmanship

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Promotion One-Upmanship
Date of Scene: 30 December 2020
Location: Outside Madison Square Garden
Synopsis: Jennifer Walters, AKA She-Hulk, is looking to get involved with the Four Corners of the World event. Through some wordplay, she wound up landing the job of referee for the main event. Whoops?
Cast of Characters: Katsumi Oshiro, Jennifer Walters

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
The time is drawing nigh for the much-vaunted Four Corners of the World event, and technically at this point, all tickets are sold. And in many of the performers' words, it damn well better be to justify them missing holidays with family and friends. But the pay is expected to be enormous, and the publicity is wacky levels of game-changing by now. For those participating, this can open a great many doors otherwise region-locked. A local folk hero can become an international star.

The pressure is real. Everyone is feeling it.

Today is a special promotion to keep that hype-train rolling. A section of the block in front of Madison Square Garden has been blocked off, with a film crew following after a man in a plaid suit with slick blond hair. Periodically, he pulls an excited visitor in from the perimeter to conduct an extremely brief, typically one-question-long interview. This is Mr. Delaney, all the charisma of a used car salesman, but the ambitious spirit and opportunistic acumen of any Fortune 500 darling; the organizer, promoter, and creator of this international shindig. He's slick. He's savvy. He knows how to work people. He also stands to make a fortune off of this.

"And tonight, ten lucky people watching at home will get the chance to win tickets to the big show!," announces Delaney with a fingerpoint to the camera. "All you have to do is call that number on the screen when you see the 'CALL NOW' sign flashing! And that goes for you out there-," he turns the fingerpoint and camera to the gathered onlookers along the perimeter, "-use your smartphones, your androids, your devices! Log onto the livestream, and call that number! You have just as much chance as anyone!"

Katsumi Oshiro, the Punk Princess of Japan, is presently freezing her rear off in the bitter cold. But not to worry! So is every other wrestler. They were told to dress 'show-appropriate', which for wrestlers, typically means scant attire. Katsumi's no different. But everyone is soldiering through, signing autographs and engaging in brief chat with fans and sometimes zealous detractors. Katsumi gets more the latter than the former, but she plays with both flavors with equal mirth and impish pluck. It's just intermittent with clusters of wrestlers huddling beneath a towering space heater for moments of respite.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
After the big wrestling charity event that Jennifer and Ben had done, Jen had been bitten by the wrestling bug. She'd watched many, many hours of old pay-per-views from both the Unlimited league and the more mundane leagues to figure out what she should do, and now she watches them for pure pleasure of the theatrics of it all. It's like soap opera, but with sweat and muscles.

She had been toying with the idea to somehow get involved with the Four Corners event, having gotten a taste of it. She doesn't really want to wrestle but she had fun cutting promos so she had come to the conclusion that she and and Delaney can figure something out. However, Delaney has been rather hard to get a hold of over the past couple of weeks, so she decided to take matters into her own hands.

Which is how she found herself standing outside, along with the crowd, hoping to get close enough to Delaney that he can't possibly miss her again. After all, she's emerald green, and stands nearly a head taller than everybody else.

Not having any luck just being obvious in the crowd, she decides to take on a different tact. She gets herself into the meet and greet lines and when it's her turn she walks up to Katsumi.

"Katsumi, right?" she asks, with a charming smile. "I love the Japanese stuff and you're one of the best they have." It's always better to open up with a compliment.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro moves along the guests, weathering barbs and snarks about how such-and-such totally would have had her if whatever hadn't happened. She's the villain, she knows. She's settled comfortably into the role, even if it wasn't one she deliberately took. It just happened to follow her personality. But she's met with a pleasant acknowledgment while coming face to face with a- well, not a face.

Katsumi blinks. "Fee fi fo fum...," she murmurs as her head tips back to look up at Jennifer. Normally radiant green eyes are oddly-hued today - a near-perfect magenta, flecked with severely pale jade green. And a bright smile soon follows. Tall as Hell, but that was a nice thing to say! "That's what it says on my resume!," she chirps playfully. "But holy crap, look at you!"

Let's not forget, Katsumi has basically no filter. She reaches up to brazenly fluff at Jennifer's green hair. She also doesn't know many superheroes, but for the absolute most prolific.

"This is wild! Are you like Starfire?"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer braves the ruffling of her hair with grace, and purses her lips at the question. "No, I'm more like the Hulk. He's my cousin in fact. I'm She-Hulk." It's been a while since people haven't recognized her. She's a fairly prolific person, both in her superhero identity and out. She sticks out a hand for Katsumi to shake, "Jennifer Walters. A pleasure."

She tilts her head curiously and asks, "Aren't you a bit cold out here in that? Shouldn't you at least be wearing a coat? I'm pretty sure you don't want to catch a cold before the big event."

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
It might explain a bit when Katsumi says, "Hulk...," with the sort of slow uncertainty that suggests she isn't even too up-to-date with that one either. She has a very specific scope of focus. But tolerating the hair-fluffing is a good mark for her character, at least!

The question directed towards her gets a pause from the diva, however, no longer focused on Hulks and more on her personal wardrobe. She glances down at the chic blue and gold gear, then back up to Jennifer with rounded eyes and a pitiful frown. "I /know/!," she squeaks. Of note, her English is basically perfect with a clean, metropolitan accent. Only a faint lilt on occasion colors her voice. "Freezing out here! But they wanted us in gear, so here we are!"

Her arms wind around her midsection, bottom lip pouting out.

"Anyway! You're a superhero. That's cool. It feels weird signing autographs for people with superpowers, but hey!" That tooth-pinging smile returns. "Is that what'cha want?"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Actually," Jennifer says, leaning in conspiratorially, "I was hoping to speak to Delaney. I've been trying to reach him for weeks, and either my messages aren't getting to him, or he's blowing me off." She sounds doubtful that it's the latter. After all, who would blow off She-Hulk? "Tell you what. I'll let you borrow my coat if you can get me close enough to talk to him."

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro is back to staring up at Jennifer in a completely guileless way, her pixie features momentarily placid. When suddenly:


The shout is loud enough to startle the poor man in the middle of his live promoting. He comically pitches forward onto one foot before he straightens his posture and snaps his attention to the girl who shouted for him. She gets a squint, but it's currently morphed into a radiant made-for-tv smile to the camera. "It looks like one of the combatants needs me!," he announces to the viewers at home. "Let's see what she wants!"

Meanwhile, Katsumi has adopted a smug, self-satisfied little smile of her own. "He's comin'," she reports unnecessarily to Ms. Walters.

As he approaches, Katsumi steps a bit to the side to present a clear path between him and the Green Wonder.

"Now what can I- ohhh!," says Delaney, eyes wide as he realizes who's in attendance. "Ladies and gentlemen!," he announces to the camera, "It's She-Hulk! What an honor, to think she'd be a fan of our promotion!"

Did she say that?

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Holding up to her end of the bargain, Jennifer takes off her coat and wraps it around Katsumi before she steps aside. The coat is warm from her body heat, and fuzzy to boot, and big enough to engulf the smaller woman in it's coziness.

She-Hulk is no stranger to being in front of the camera, and her courtroom experience allows her to just roll with it. She beams at the camera, "Yes! A huge fan of both the promotion and the event itself! I heard it's going to be almost as big as the Match of the Century me and Ben had not too long ago." The barb is smooth and said with such sincerity that most people will easily miss it.

"In fact," she continues, "I'm such a big fan, me and Mr. Delaney have been in talks with how I could participate in the main event."

See? Two can play at this game. Never verbally spar with a lawyer.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
"Ohoho!," laughs Delaney at the barb. "Big talk from a big-time heroine, ladies and gentlemen!"

Meanwhile, Katsumi has completely jawa'd out in the coat. Nothing but folds of fabric and a bodyshape somewhere in there. Ootini!

"We-," Delaney pauses, giving her a curious look. "-uh, we sure have, ladies and gentlemen." That curious look has become a full-fledged, baffled stare. In truth, he didn't even know she was trying to contact him! She's an Avenger, he'd love to use her fame- err, accept her assistance, in promoting the show! But in the main event? "As you know, only the very best will be facing off for the glory and prestige of calling their country the very best in the world of professional wrestling," he continues, finding his rhythm again. "And what better way than to have an esteemed and trustworthy member of the Avengers - known for their bravery and sense of justice - officiating the match itself! With the likes of She-Hulk calling the shots, I'd say someone - like a certain presence lurking behind us - would have to be foolhardy to try to pull anything, isn't that right?"

The microphone is thrust up towards Jennifer again.

If Katsumi minded the obvious implications, she isn't making it clear. She's just a shape in an oversized coat.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer suddenly realizes that when she said the 'main event' she was talking about the general event in question and not the promotion. And now she's going to be officiating the Main Event. Oops. Hubris, She-Hulk be thy name.

Still, she doesn't let her beaming smile falter and rolls with it some more, pulling in Delaney with a friendly arm around his shoulders. "That's right! I've been a huge fan of wrestling and I can't wait to be a part of it." She gives him a bit of a squeeze before letting him go. "Now, I'm sure you have plenty of business to take care of, so I'll let you be."

She takes a step back to let Delaney get back to his promoting and wanders over to Katsumi, folding her arms. "Jen, what have you gotten yourself into?" she asks herself through that smile of hers.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
"Indeed, and in fact many of you will remember-hrrk!" Delaney (probably) jokingly gags at the strength exhibited with the squeeze around his shoulders. "-probably remember... She-Hulk.. recently.. had a bout.. with the Fantastic Four's.. very own.. Thing! I mean The Thing!" Once released, he makes a grand showing of gasping in air. "So gracious, yet so strong! She-Hulk herself will be with us, live! Remember, ladies and gentlemen, when you see that prompt flash on your screens, call, call, call!"

As he continues, he wanders away from the grouping.

Katsumi, meanwhile, remains a pile of furry fabric. But as Jennifer nears, she pivots ever-so-slightly to indicate she's aware of her presence. "Sounds like you got yourself on the show," Katsumi's muffled voice answers the rhetorical self-addressed question. "If you want out, you can probably still bail. Maybe. Fake a crime alert!"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer huffs, putting her hands on her hips and shakes her head. "When I said 'main event' I... didn't quite mean that." She pulls out her phone and starts blocking out time, "And now I'm going to need a crash course in officiating a wrestling match. Ben is absolutely going to *freak* when he hears about this." And by 'freak' she means 'laugh his ass off.' "There," she says putting her phone back in her pocket.

She shakes her head again at the wrestler entombed in her jacket. "Naw. It wouldn't be like me to back out of something like this. Should be fun! What could possibly go wrong?"

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
"I'unno. Just try not to bust anyone open if they try sneaky stuff, though," Katsumi teases. "You're officially no longer a normie!"

It might be impossible to tell in the dark recesses of the furry coat, but the Japanese grappler is grinning at her.

"And hey, I'm sure they'll get you up to speed. Or I could, I guess. Heck, it could give me something to do while I'm not doing, uh, this." After a brief pause, she asks, "You want your coat back?"

By now, some of the civilians have started to gather around She-Hulk as well. She's gonna be in the show? So coooool~

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer waves a hand, "I haven't been a normie in a long time," she says. "I mean.... just look at this gorgeous bod. Best bod ever created by accidental science."

At Katsumi's offer she tilts her head. "You'd do that? I'd really appreciate it! Ben's a great guy, but Unlimited class wrestling is an entirely different thing than regular wrestling." Her tone indicates that she doesn't mean this as putting down regular wrestling. Unlimited class is wrestling with powers and it really *is* a whole different thing.

She nods, and takes her jacket back from Katsumi. "I hope you were able to warm yourself up some." She pulls out her wallet where she stashes some extra business cards and pulls one out to give to Katsumi. "Here you go. Call me at this number and leave a message with your phone number and I'll get back to you about details."

"Now, to deal with the adoring public..."

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Reluctantly, Katsumi squirms out of the nestling warmth of the outerwear. And all at once, the cold air hits her skin and she's all goosebumped. "Hyaahh," she whines, arms immediately winding around herself and knees buckling together. "It's like going on tour in Heaven and then finding out you can't cover tuition!" It's a helpless, if comedic wriggle she performs in place as she's back to enduring the cold. A hand is freed to take the card, however.

"Okay! It'll be soon, though! We don't have much time!"

As Jennifer turns to her own adoring public, Katsumi turns to other expectant viewers - mostly to be chastised for her reprehensible behavior in the ring. And she's back to taking it in shivery stride.