3691/Sniffing Out A Shadowcat

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Sniffing Out A Shadowcat
Date of Scene: 05 October 2020
Location: Luke's Bar
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Luke Cage, Matthew Murdock

Kitty Pryde has posed:
It is really late. For some people that means patrolling the city. For others that means it's getting close to time to get kicked out your favorite bar. For Kitty Pryde, it might be the latter though she only makes it into this part of town every now and then.

But when she does, she often stops in to visit Luke Cage, best known to her as a bartender. Though she's heard the name Power Man mentioned, she still hasn't actually clued in that Luke actually is a superhero. While she keeps up on a lot of heroes, she just somehow had missed that about him.

SO it's 1:45 AM, and Kitty is at the corner of the bar with her usual soda. Since she's underage. She's never tried to talk Luke into something stronger for her. "And so, the short of it is I have two contracts with different companies, doing IT work. So my first /real/ jobs," she tells Luke.

Luke Cage has posed:
"Congrats Kitty." Luke grins as he sips some water himself. "Sounds like it could all be a bit overwhelming, too much work and no time for yourself...between the IT work and...well, you know." Luke shrugs. "Its hard to balance it all." he adds.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Tonight's patrol took Matt down towards Harlem, and after a couple fruitless sweeps he swings by Luke's to pay a visit, literally when it comes to the swinging part. Perched on the rooftop he can hear Luke has one last patron in the bar, he lingers for a moment sniffing the air, she smells familiar, but from where, then it clicks, the warehouse, the fire, hmm, interesting coincidence. Pulling out his phone, he shoots Luke a text, "Coming in with the suit, know your guest, your call if you want to admit to knowing me."

And with that he drops down to street level and heads for the bar door.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty gives a shrug to Luke and a little wave. "Both are short term contracts. A few weeks to a month. And neither are fulltime, though they could turn into it, either one. Not even sure which I'd choose if so. I really like both places. One's a company that the CEO is doing a lot of good out there. Actually you were there too. Fisk Enterprises? I got an offer after meeting him at that one event about worker safety he had. And the other... well, her too," Kitty says with a laugh. "JVD Fashion is one of them, it's owned by Janet van Dyne, one of the Avengers. She liked my work too, had me in to her office to say she'd heard good things about it," Kitty says.

"I really kind of want a job with some flexibility though. Why I started out just looking for contract work," she tells Luke. "So how about you, anything new going on?"

Luke Cage has posed:
"Fisk? Yeah he offered me some work too...sort of...wants me to run a gym for kids on the street." Luke begins but is momentarily distracted by his phone. BZZZT it vibrates. "I met Janet Van Dyne once...it was a bit crazy. Fans all over..." he mutters as he texts DD back.

'I got you. Come in.' A short and simple response.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
And come in Matt does, or really, Daredevil. The red clad vigilante passes through the outer doors of Lukes and locks them behind him, then goes on through the inner ones. "Hey, this place open?" he asks with a grin at Luke and Kitty.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty turns towards the voice, just expecting it to be some person stopping in for a late drink. Luke can see her look of surprise, and Matt can probably hear her quietly pull in a breath that evinces that same emotion. "Oh, wow," she says.

She turns back to look towards Luke and then back to Daredevil. "Near to closing time but that's the owner there if he say it's ok. He just hadn't kicked me out yet. But then I'm nice and help him wipe down the counters and put the chairs up on the tables," she says with a little grin.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt smiles as Kitty reacts with surprise, "Sorry to barge in, but don't worry, not hear to throw you out," he says with a smile for Kitty and a nod for Luke. He sniffs the air smelling the almost too sweet scent of soda, he says, "I'll have what the lady is having."

Then he takes a seat. "My name's Daredevil," he offers to Kitty holding out a hand. "What's yours?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty's just got a coke from the gun behind the bar, so presumably that's what Luke ends up pouring the superhero. Kitty glances to Luke, grinning at him for a moment and then turning back to the hero. She doesn't really know about his heightened senses of course, so has no reason to think he'll have sussed out who she is exactly.

"Kitty. Kitty Pryde," she says, putting her hand in Daredevil's to shake it. "I just wanted to say what a fan of yours I am. Anyone who helps out other people, putting themselves in harms way? That takes a certain kind of person. I'd offer to buy you a drink but... hey, can I buy someone else who is 21 a drink? Just not myself? I'm not sure that you're 21, but... guessing so?" she says, looking back to Daredevil.