4026/Deus ex Machina

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Deus ex Machina
Date of Scene: 04 November 2020
Location: Penthouse - Kord Co
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Hercules, Ted Kord

Hercules has posed:
The Girl from Ipanema chimed in its finest muzak rendition from the speakers. A young woman stood rapt in the shadow of the Herc'ing figure (like Hulking but with less drool and more charm) that loomed over her. He leaned, a hand braced against the wall, one leg crossed over the other, "And so I did hear the very voice of Athena whisper into my ear. So, wrapping my arms around the lions throat-" he spoke with a hushed verve, straining those last few words as he coiled his arm into a powerful flex! The muscles swelled and bulged!

Just then, there was that slight lurch of a lift coming to a halt and the 'dng!' that told of their arrival. "Aha, we have arrived! I will finish this story later!"

She could take that to the bank. There was little else that Hercules loved as much as telling his myths. Of course, she would have to wait in line for a minute, he's given out quite a few of those IOUs.

"FRIEND KORD!" his voice was booming and warm, erupting from the elevator even before he himself stepped past its threshold! He stepped out, arms flung wide, dressed in little more than a skirt and a sash with a messenger bag looped over one shoulder. "It is I, your boon companion and good friend-


All of this was true even if this was or was not their first encounter... That was really a better question to have asked than the door thing BUT HERE WE ARE!

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord looks at the scene in the elevator. Huh. Gods. It's all or nothing with gods. New Gods anyway. Old Gods seemed much the same. For his part, friend Kord is wearing light blue cargo pants and navy blue blazer over a middling blue t-shirt.

Yep a nerd.

"Greetings sir, hail and well met and all that, come on in. Thank you Melissa." As he leads the Olympian in Melissa follows.

"Tank you Melissa, that will be all. Go take care of my email. Melissa?" Ted gently leads Melissa back into the elevator. She comes out of her trance as the doors close looking ticked.

"So... welcome! I'm always happy to help a colleague out. I was all set to help out during that Brainiac business, I guess they forgot to call me. Cam I offer you a libation? I have some Blue Moon over here. What can Kord Co do you today? I didn't quite understand your message. Having an owl deliver it was a nice touch my the way."

Hercules has posed:
"haHA! Was it not?!" he boomed, his features bright and beaming as he clapped Kord firmly on the back once the man had come abreast of him. "My Sister always seems to have one of the little night-flyers lingering about, I felt it wise-" he chortled at his own, little joke, "To offer one a chance to do a bit more than just lurk in the eves."

"Ah yes, never let it be said that Hercules turned away the offer of a friend to quench his thirst! I leave it to you, Friend Kord." he accepted the offer even as he unfastened the first flap of his messenger bag, it gave with a crackle of velcro. "As I said in my missive, this is no mere social visit. I have a task I would ask of you that has thwarted even Hercules!" From the satchel, he pulled what looked like... a small suitcase! But no suitcase was it, no. It was some manner of rough and tumble laptop, sheathed in hard plastics and buffered by dense rubber guarding here and there. Meant to survive shocks, bumps and drops! He opened it up to reveal... well, yes, a Laptop. the keyboard, mechanical, keys made of aluminium, the screen dirty but intact. He laid it upon a counter and prodded its power button... but to no avail. It did not stir or hum. "I fear it is lost to this world... but I thought to allow the mighty Ted Kord a try."