5297/A quiet Sunday in.

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Revision as of 02:51, 22 February 2021 by PoeWolf (talk | contribs) (Hank comes by to check up on Wade and Mike. Wade is not a good host.)
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A quiet Sunday in.
Date of Scene: 21 February 2021
Location: Wade Shaw's Condo
Synopsis: Hank comes by to check up on Wade and Mike. Wade is not a good host.
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Hank Pym

Michael Hannigan has posed:
It is another quiet Sunday over at the condo of Wade Shaw. But unlike last time there is no wafting smells of a pot roast in the slow cooker. No kettle heating up on the stove. And the tv is still not on. Wade sits at the kitchen table, quietly and slowly clicking through files on his laptop, mindful of the cast.

The studio owner isn't the only sign of life in the condo. But he is the most active as the other one lies high on his loft bed, wrapped up in a comforter. Sleeping away with his back to the wall. This perhaps is the reason why Wade is not situated at the Desk. Unlike the desk light, the kitchen light for the most part is blocked by the bathroom wall jutted out, leaving for a dark sleeping area as a result.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym flits around the windows and frowns at the drawn curtains. In his shrunken form he crawls under the front door of the building and finds Wade's door. He then knocks on the door like an ordinary citizen... dressed like a hornet. A couple of other condo dwellers in their seventies walk past him keeping their distance and Hank finger guns them which causes them to make a break for it. Hank quickly checks his scanner.

"Son of a bitch!" He hurls a bio bolt from his glove stunning the two and calls in on his phone. "It's Pym. Two more doppels, a couple in their seventies. Bag and tag 'em City Spire condos. Thank you. He waits for the door to open, a little worried.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Wade's slow typing slows even further as he hears the knock. The short haired blonde gets up, not bothering to push the chair in as he pads around the table to access the door. Using a bit of thumb he slides the peephole cover aside to allow for him to glance through, getting a fisheye view of the crazy that is going on outside. OH GOD ARE HIS -

That uniform...

Giving a frown, the owner glances back to the living area for a moment before he opens the door, leaving the chain on the door.

The yellow attired doctor is given a once over. "Pym... right?" His attention shifts over to the elderly couple on the floor. "What the hell?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym actually got back to Wades door after banging on the neighbor's door and finding the identical couple inside. This couple tested negative for evil. After pretending he was delivering a singing telegram and got lost... he hurried back, all smiles.

He looks over his shoulder to see the police apprehending the 'neighbors.' "Doppelgangers. I checked on the originals. They're fine though I needed to do a bad impression of Michigan J. Frog to make it look good. And I prefer 'Hank' or Dr. Pym if you want to be formal /Mr./ Shaw. Is Mike home?"

"Could you let me in? I feel kind of exposed here."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Wade considers for a moment. Glimpsing the scene outside before he shuts the door in Pym's face. There's a rattle before the door opens again, a bit further open to grant the doctor access in. "Very well. Dr. Pym." Wade replies, waving his hand over to the kitchen table. He waits for the guest to pop in and to close the door before he can continue. "Mike- Well, he's home but he's pretty much dead to the world right now." He nods to the darkness that is set beyond the bathroom. "Rough night it seems."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym enters and says peevishly, "Doctor? Not Hank? What'd I do? Wedgie Reed Richards? Are you sure Mike is all right? I was with him and it was indeed a rough night. He flits up shrinking to stand on the foot of Mike's bed and listen to him breathing for a moment before hopping off and returning to normal. His face takes on a slightly pained expression as he grows. "Hitting forty sucks. How are you feeling? Were the pills any help?" He pulls off his visor and hood.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Well, since you seem to have some vested interest in our health, it seems you're wanting to be more of a doctor than 'Hank'." Wade reponds back. As Hank flies up to check on the man on the loft bed, Wade turns his body to start to walk towards him, halting as Pym returns. "Y-yes he'll be fine once he gets some rest. It's just when he gets to the point where he has to take his medicine, he's out for hours."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym shrugs. You have a point. "I'm guessing you did not want my pills, since you didn't answer. Pity. They'll have that cast off you in half the time. They're just immune system and healing supplements. I see you guys want some relaxation so I'll go. Superheroes don't usually add to the serenity of a scene. I hope you both feel better." He starts pulling his hood and visor back in place.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"We'll be fine." Wade assures, looking to the Avenger. He glances to the door. "Just HOW many doppelgangers are there?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym heads for the door. "Not thaaat many. But I seem inordinately 'blessed' by them. Just keep your door locked and your eyes open. Oh please give this card to Mike. It has my new contact information I pulled out of the Avengers. I have a new lab about five blocks thataway." He points up the Avenue. "If there's any weird going s on you can still call me. I suggest you implement some simple signs and countersigns among your employees. Can't hurt. Have a good day Mr. Shaw." Yellowjacket turns to go.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Wade reaches over to take the offered card, looking to it. "I'm not sure I like the way you said 'that' but... alright." He pauses, "Wait... Uh you mentioned there was a Rod Doppelganger last time you were here?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym doesn't look back and simply answers, "Yes." nodding his head. his hand on the doorknob. Inches from a clean getaway.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Uh. What was he like? All I got from Mike was that he was a bit disoriented and didn't like Gellar. Were they together? Are they all together?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym stiffens a little and says levelly, "You would have to ask Mike about that. I didn't get to have a heart to heart with him. I thought you meant, my doppels -my daughter and my deceased wife. More anecdotal proof the Universe not only has a sense of humor, it's a mean one. Take care, Wade. And please be careful of that card. Don't lose it."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Wade gives a glance back towards where Mike lay, frowning but the hint is taken this time. "Ok Hank. You too."