Just Say No

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Revision as of 00:03, 22 April 2021 by PoeWolf (talk | contribs) (Mike has been sleeping in way too long. Wade takes care of that.)
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Just Say No
Date of Cutscene: 20 April 2021
Location: Wade Shaw's Condo
Synopsis: Mike has been sleeping in way too long. Wade takes care of that.
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan


It is uncertain which is more attention getting. The loud clack as the curtains are quickly slid down it's track to the open position or the burning light of the sun scalding the lids of Mike's eyes. Or perhaps it is Wade balancing on the ladder of the loft bed just ripping the covers up. "Right. That's enough sleep for one day."

Mike grumbles as the cold air of the apartment hits the heat conditioned body. The attempt to roll on his side to face away from the other musician is thwarted by the studio owner's hand upon the shoulder. "That's not working today. I know damn well you aren't on them right now."

"Nghh-" The comment gets a slight squint directed the studio owner's way, "What are you doing? Counting them now?" Lids shutting once more, Mike starts tugging his pillow over his face in compromise.

The fluffy barrier is soon sailing across the room, leaving the drummer turned singer to look to the former bassist, at twisted back and gritted teeth as a feature of his expression. "Yes." Wade answers matter of factly, "Yes I do." He starts climbing down, "The count changed last night. You had more than enough time for it to wear off. Now spend at least part of today out of bed."

Awake and with nothing else to hide under, Mike stares at the ceiling. "Why?"

"Because you've been lying in bed all day when you're not even tired. That is deserving of a kick to the ass."

"No." Mike shakes his head, "The pills. Why are you counting them?"

Wade heads over the kitchen, frowning at the question, "And my counter question. Why don't you tell me directly that your sleep problems are popping up again so I don't have to? Hell, why don't you tell me a lot of things?"

Mike sighs, pushing himself up and scooching over to the ladder. "Wade, it's not a big deal. I've had this for a while. This is normal for me. The routine works."

"Is jumping into portals to hell and doppelgangers normal too? If you want me to continue I got about eight years of material built up and that's only counting from when you got back to Gotham." Wade grabs the kettle, holding it curiously before setting it on the burner. "Hell, I don't even know what made you decide to come back here after you ran off." The elder man glances to the side of the dividing wall, unable to lock eyes but he just KNOWS that Mike knows he's glaring. "THIS routine is not working. I mean, it used to after you got back but you've changed it somehow and it's showing....I've been holding back on bookings for you because honestly I think you're spreading yourself too thin as is. I'm NOT going to be the one that adds that final straw."

Feet settle on the floor as Mike lets go of the ladder. He pads over to the kitchen, looking over to the less than enthused expression of the friend turned manager. "It's not the routine. I just had some extra exhausting days."

Wade gives Mike an assessing look, "...What were you doing and why are you doing it so often?"

"I was just- helping others through some difficult stuff.."

There's a silence from the blonde as he looks to the shorter man. Lips thinning. Shoulders rise and fall as he gets through a deep breath. "Mike. It's-" He pauses, considering his words, "Helping people is fine. Usually. You're a good friend. But you REALLY need to put in limits. Saying 'No' is an option."

Mike frowns. "...Okay."

Wade arches a brow considering the response with a cautious hurm, "Just...PLEASE keep me in the loop on what's going on."