6034/Still Not Ready for Backrubs

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Still Not Ready for Backrubs
Date of Scene: 24 April 2021
Location: Sherwood Florist, First Floor
Synopsis: Catman and Canary meet face to face. Without masks.
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Dinah Lance

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake thinks the little shop is cozy and tranquil. Of all things it makes him think of his mom, Sienna Blake. He peers through the window, his polarized glasses cutting the glare and does a double take. The owner: tiny, rock hard, more curves than Lombard street. As the owner reaches for some merchandise on the floor, he further appraises from the new angle. He adjusts his wrap around glasses, that would do a middle class dad credit and also do a decent job of hiding his face and comes through the door. Ah jingly bells. Figures. No one else is there except them and he says in a pleasant tone, "You look so pretty in your civvies, Boo."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance has her back to the door when the bell jingles, reaching up on tiptoe to reposition one of the displays on a higher shelf. Then she hears the voice, head turning instantly without changing her pose. A tilt of the head and she lowers slowly, brushing hands on her jeans. His size and mannerisms are familiar... could it be? There are a few different ways that she could play this. "Beg your pardon?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake does a wait a second sign with his forefinger pointing up and turns the sign in the door around to say 'Back in Ten Minutes <3."

He folds his arms and smiles a little, then ohs and pulls the shade down. "I have a very inquisitive nose. You have an aura of floral scents. It's very nice and I went crazy trying to figure out what perfume you used. Then I realized, no perfume, real flowers, and you. So I said to myself, Catman, check out Gotham based floral businesses. And... you have the biggest most beautiful web page by Kord Co. It puts you right out there. You were my first try today. You should put your picture on the site. You'd get a lot of business from guys cheating on their wives... and possibly some wives."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance turns slowly, a blonde brow lifting as she faces him more directly. The shift of her weight, the slight change in stance. Yeah, it really couldn't be anyone else. Step after slow step, she approaches, and her smile begins to form as he lays out the results of his inquiry. "And you've been looking for me all this time? I should be flattered." she replies, stopping comfortably close. "And you have very good senses, too. I should have thought of that."

Pause, as she looks up at him. "Good call, coming to my shop like this. I'm very protective of my identity, but I don't want to wreck my shop."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake looks down at her. How can someone so small be so intimidating? Not that he is. Not wanting to wreck her shop and refusing are two different things. really outing a super is a headache. She can call all manner of heat down on him. She has a power that can knock down a brick wall. She's a god enough fighter to give him a work out, in a bad way. There is really one way to run this. One smart way.

He takes the glasses off, moving slowly. Then he holds out his hand.

"Thomas Blake. As you probably guessed and Batman no doubt knows but I've kept pretty clean. No warrants. I may be a crook but, I'm not a blackmailer." He waits.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance props hands on her hips, watching and giving him a good once-over when he takes off the shades. Then he sticks out his hand and she hesitates. Only a moment, however. "Dinah Lance." she replies, smile brightening. Now that she has a hand on him it wouldn't take much to slip in an arm lock. Or any number of throws. Or a kick up under the chin.

"I don't make a habit of checking rap sheets, Thomas. You've watched my back when I needed it, which means a lot. And if you wanted to violate my trust, I'd like to think that you wouldn't be here."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake huffs. "Showing up to blackmail you would be pull on Superman's cape stupid. Besides you watched my back too, in a very compromising situation." His smile gets a little broader. "Anyway, I might need to work with you further to deal with these Alchemax. I figured this was a smart move. Considering I'm not spitting out teeth I think I was right. For what my opinion is worth, you have a nice shop here. For a leg breaker you have a nurturing side." He takes a deep breath and lets her hand go.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance's hand slips free, her gaze never leaving his. Slipping both hands into her back pockets, she tilts her head and the smile becomes coy. "I may have a nurturing side, but don't think I'm the sort to take in strays." Giving a soft chuckle at that, she adds. "And I'll definitely help you with Alchemax; they made it personal for both of us. Just be discreet and I'll do the same." Stepping closer to the counter, then, she switches to her shop voice and asks. "So what can I help you with today? A bouquet, perhaps a planter?"