6059/It Ain't No Big Thing

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It Ain't No Big Thing
Date of Scene: 27 April 2021
Location: Kitchens - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Ben Grimm comes to Wayne Manor to look at a vintage airplane that Dick bought. Alfred makes pizza for everyone.
Cast of Characters: Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown, Ben Grimm, Tim Drake

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick has recently gotten back into aviation, and as a result has purchased a plane. It's currently out front of the Manor on a large trailer with the wings off and stored beside it. He's got a basic head for mechanics, but he's no expert on planes, so he's given a call to someone he knows who is, Ben Grimm.

He's currently in the kitchen with Stephanie when Alfred shows Ben in with a slight bow. Dick looks over and gives a wave, "Hey there Ben, how's it going? Thanks for swinging by, I appreciate it."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown can't help but do a somewhat excited fangirl bounce from one foot to the other. While she's been around the Richards a few times, she has never met Ben Grimm before. And there's little doubt that Stephanie would gravitate towards the team member whose slogan is, "It's Clobberin' Time!" In fact she spent a good three days when she was fifteen debating if using it would be seen as flattery, or disrespectful.

She doesn't say anything yet, the now-nineteen year old blond having a big smile as she shifts her weight back and forth excitedly. She's got a tray set out with two glass cups and one very big plastic one. Each filled with ice cubes, and some iced tea on the tray in a pitcher.

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm drove the front of the flying bath tub, otherwise known as the fantasticar over, and parked it out front next to the trailer. As Ben comes inside, his normal gruff mannerisms are reserved a bit, and he looks to Alfred "Thanks for showing me in Alfy." And though it may rile the brittish butler, it is said with sincerity. He looks over to Dick, and says "Well, been a while Dicky Boy, how you doing? Suzie told me, you had called and had a plane you wanted me to set my peepers on." He notices the girl, and her excitement. He puts on the public smile for her, and says "And hello Miss, a pleasure to meet you." He again puts on his best behavior for the girl he figures is some rich socialite Dick is trying to impress.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick waves at a rather large, solid looking chair standing next to the table that the iced tea tray is on, "Grab a seat if you like, Bruce had that one specially made for any more solid folks who might swing by to visit. Grab some tea, and we can go look at the plane in a little bit." He looks to Steph with a smile, then back to Ben, "Ben, this is my girlfriend Stephanie. She's a college student majoring in forensics."

Looking back to Ben, he asks, "So how have things been, any excitement on the Fantastic front? Things have been kind of quiet around here."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie gives Ben a huge grin as he introduces himself. "Very nice to meet you. Really big fan," she tells him excitedly. "I had your poster, the one where you're bashing a giant monster with a bus, when I was younger," she tells him with a grin.

She moves over to pour the beverages, the glass for Ben being large, and sturdier than one made of glass. She passes it over, then pours iced tea for herself and Dick. "Were you at that museum thing in New York?" she asks him. "Costumes coming to life I heard. Including Joker apparently."

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm will check the chair for a moment more from habit than anything else. He takes the cup, and says "Thank you "Steph" He seems to have a habit of shorten names or nick names for people. He looks to the two, and says "Na, I missed that one, I just got back into town a bit ago, I was out helping my sweet aunt Petunia. She was having some issues with her place, and needed someone to come have a look and make sure things were ok." He smirks a bit at Steph "That was the Bx13, Washington Heights bus, if I remember right." He comments on the poster. He has a seat in the chair, and says "Forensics Science? Nice, I majored in Football, with minoring in looking after Stretch." He comments about his college days many years ago.

Dick Grayson has posed:
With a grin, Dick comments "You would know the very bus involved that long ago. Did they make you pay for it or something? I thought there was insurance or something for that kind of damage." He takes a sip of his tea.

"Everything good with your aunt? Always willing to lend a hand if you want anything looked into. I may not be Bruce, but I'm a pretty good detective if it's anything that requires investigation."

With a smile, he adds, "I know between you and Reed, you have most stuff covered, but I don't remember Reed going too deep into the detective work."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
That Ben Grimm remembers the bus he used to clobber the monster in her poster brings a grin to Stephanie's face. "I wish I still had it, would get you to sign it," she tells him. "Afraid I lost it to the years."

Stephanie takes a sip of her iced tea and leans against a counter. "Yes, hope that she's alright," Stephanie says of Ben's aunt, adding her well wishes to those of Dick. After she turns to the conversation about college. "It took me awhile to decide on a major. I was considering linguistics, but really I want to learn languages so I can use them. I don't want to sit around a job all day translating for businessmen or anyone else," she says with a grin.

"I think I'll be happy doing forensics though. It's interesting enough. And I don't have to do stakeouts into the wee hours of the morning, drinking bad coffee and stale doughnuts," she adds. Then her face gets a perplexed look, remembering staking out one of the Falcone family locations last night. The donuts were not that good either.

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm looks to the two, and says "I got it handles, but I appreciate, and they have insurance, now." He stresses the last word. "I have to give the Match stick credit, he was the one who came up with the idea for the poster, a lot of our original merch was used to pay for repairs to places, but when Reed's patents started bringing in the cash, we put the merch money into charities around the world." He says this, not seeming to be bragging but just commenting on the past. I will keep the offer in mind Dick, it is always good to call the right man for the right job." He says and sips his tea.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick nods, "Sounds good. And that's the same reason I called you, right man for the job. You probably saw my new toy on your way in, she's a classic, an F8F from the late fourties. I gave it a quick look over, but I was wondering if you could take a little closer look, make sure all the systems were working correctly."

He takes another sip of the tea, then grins at Steph's opinion of stakeouts. "You get used to the coffee. And donuts are the lifeblood of stakeouts. I don't know that I could have made it through the last year without them."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie picks up the pitcher of iced tea and tops off their glasses before replacing it. "Shall we go out and take a look then?" she asks. The younger woman looks over to Ben to stage whisper, "And maybe you can help decide if it's a death trap waiting to plummet out of the skies with Dick aboard, before he goes up?" Her blue eyes flash a look over to Dick, the young woman grinning. She has been joking about it, but Dick knows her enough by now to know it is a matter of some concern for her, using humor to cover that part.

Alfred steps back into the kitchen. "Shall I prepare a meal for the three of you while you are outside?" the Englishman asks. Stephanie looks over to Ben. "Hungry, Mr. Grimm?"

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm looks over and shrugs a moment "I could eat, it aint my night to cook, so no telling what new think Val is wanting us all to try." He grins a bit though as he mentions his "niece". "Sure, I can take a look at her, not sure if I can wedge myself in there to actually fly her, so if you got a lift about that would hold me might be helpful." He tells the two. To Steph he says "If it gets the Ben Grimm seal of approval, it will be worthy of getting into a dogfight and winning, well winning as long as he aint up against me." He teases Dick, and slams his tea back, and gives Dick a nudge to let him know he is joking, luckily Ben has had years of practice so is only like a great dane bumping into Dick not a rhino.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick nods to Alfred, "Yeah, do up a good meal, if you would? Least we can do is give Mr. Grimm a good homecooked meal for his troubles. After all, I dragged him all the way over here to do me a favor." He looks to Ben, "Let's go take a look at the plane then, that'll give Alfred a little time to work with us out of his way."

He stands from the table and leads them outside. "I don't have a lift here, I'm afraid, but as you can see, it's in a cradle on the trailer, not on it's landing gear, so it's not as high up as normal. Hop up on the trailer and take a look, all the panels should be accessable except the ones on the very bottom."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie grins as they start to head outside. She moves over to Alfred and whispers something into his ear. "Certainly, Miss Stephanie," he tells her, and then goes over to begin getting things out of the pantry.

The young woman takes her glass with her and heads outside with the two men. She pulls out her phone and taps something into it. She's looking at her phone more than the plane as she follows behind them, reading, "The Grumman F8F Bearcat is an American single-engine carrier-based fighter aircraft introduced in late World War II." She looks back up, putting the phone away as she joins them at the plane. "No carrier, but we could make a little landing strip on the roof of my apartment building," she tells Dick with a grin.

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm smirks and says "Yea, she is a bit before my time, but I did fly one or two in some private shows back in the day." He will walk over to the trailer, and climbs aboard. While Ben is not known for his agility, he takes his time, and is truly careful around the plane, be it because it belongs to another person or maybe just from respect of the plane itself. He leans into the cock pit looking around it, reaching his arm in to move the stick, and pulls a pencil from his jacket pocket and taps the instruments with the eraser end of it "Hmmm" He says seem to be thinking a moment, and then he moves to the wings and actually picks them up looking down the line of them like a normal person would a pool cue.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick watches as his new toy gets the once over, grinning at the wing maneuver. He comments to Steph, "See, that's why you want a super strong mechanic. It's not everybody who can check a wing that way." He slips his arm around her waist, then continues to watch Ben at work, saying quietly, "It'll be fine, you'll see. They built things right back in those days. Besides, I'm not big on flying untested equipment. Not about to take chances falling out of the sky if I can avoid it." He raises his voice slightly, "If you don't mind, take a look at the hydraulic pump specifically? It sounded a little weird to me, but that could just be from the age."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown was already drifting over towards Dick as Ben Grimm moves over to take a look at the World War II vintage aircraft. She settles into the arm that wraps her waist, leaning against him and smiling. "Ok, as long as you wear a parachute. Or, you know. Something equivalent," she tells him.

Stepahnie looks at the plane there on the trailer, her head tilting a bit. "Did they give you the ammunition for the machine guns?" she asks. It's kind of hard to tell from her tone of voice whether she's kidding, or excited at the possibility that they did. Her own arm goes around Dick's back as she leans her head against her shoulder, watching the orange, rocky superhero give the plane the inspection.

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm will check both wings, and then moves over, and thanks to comic book physics, he will lift the plane up on his shoulder, and reaches over to gently work the hydraulics, by hand "It is a bit stiff, probably be best to strip it down and rebuild the pumps, may have never been rebuilt, just topped off over the years to make sure it was full." He will lift the plane up looking at the underbelly, and the insides from this angle "It looks like all the cables and such have been replaces, not surprising with the age, but to be on the safe side, I would replace them again. I mean it aint going to ruin anything since they have already been done at least once." He looks over to Steph and says "Normally I would say it would not have the guns, but considering who bought it and how much he may have paid, they maybe there." He chuckles and looks.

Tim Drake has posed:
Out from the Manor House comes the Batling they call...Tim? Yes, it is Tim, approaching the group and the plane with a fresh made sandwich in one hand and a can of Soder Cola in the other. "Hey, guys," he greats the crowd cheerfully after swallowing a bite. "And hello, Ben. What are you doing here?" While Tim was mostly stuck in the lab durring his internship with Reed Richards, he did get to know the other members of the Fantastic Four. Tim glances over at the plane, taking a thoughtful sip of cola. "Someone ask for your help in getting this rustbucket back into flying condition?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick laughs, "No, no guns, I bought it off a classic plane dealer, not the black market. And I don't have a problem replacing the lines, it's not one hundred percent original, so a few little things like that won't ruin anything. I'm more worried about it working right."

Once Ben finishes looking over the plane, he grins and waves him down off the trailer, "Comon, let's go see what Alfred has cooking up. I guarantee it'll match up to anything you've ever paid for. Bruce really should pay him a ton more than he does."

Looking over as Tim comes out, he raises a brow, "Rustbucket? I'll have you know this beauty is in prime shape. I'm just having Ben give her a quick once over to make sure I didn't miss anything."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
"No -guns-?" Stephanie repeats. "Isn't that kind of the whole point of getting a fighter plane? How else are you going to shoot down other people in their fighter planes?" she asks, pretending a serious quizzical expression for Dick, like none of this is making sense.

She looks up as motion catches her eye, spotting Tim heading out towards them. "Hey Tim," she says, flashing a bright smile over to him. "Yes, figured he'd be a good one to look over the plane," she confirms to Tim as to Ben Grimm's presence there. "We were just heading back in to see what Alfred whipped up," she says. "Want to join us?"

Tim might have noticed Stephanie's arm around Dick, and his around her waist. That's new.

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm will gently place the plane back on it's yoke, and says "You put a bit of work in it, and should be a decent bird, it is worth putting the work into." He looks over to Steph and says "I just fly around in that and punch them out of the air." He is probably joking as he points to the fantasticar. Probably. Tim, gets a nod, and says "Ah hey Timmy, looks like you did not catch the lab bug from Reed, your outside with out someone pulling ya out kicking and screaming." He chuckles a bit at his own jokes. "Alfy is supposed to be cooking up something pretty good, not sure what yet, but these two have been pumping up his cooking, gotta admit I am curious."

Tim Drake has posed:
"They're not wrong," Tim confirms to Ben with a chuckle. "Alfred is one of the best at...well...everything it seems. Anywyas, it's good to see you too." The takes another bite of his sandwich and cews while looking over the plane. "So, what did you get the plane for, Dick?" He looksat the man who's been like an older brother for years. If he noticed the new intimacy between Dick and Stephanie, Tim doesn't comment on it.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick doesn't let Steph go as he leads them all back into the Manor and down the hallways to the kitchen, where Alfred is busily at work by the oven and counters. Dick returns to the table and grabs a seat with Steph beside him, and asks, "So Alfred, what magic have you whipped up for us today?"

Alfred checks a timer and then answers, "It will be ready in just a minute, Master Grayson. As I understand it is a favorite of Mr. Grimm, I put together several New York style pizzas while you were outside." While he's talking, the timer dings. Alfred picks up a large wooden paddle and opens the pizza oven (Of course Wayne Manor has pizza ovens!) and pulls out a pizza, which goes onto the counter. The process is repeated twice, leaving a total of three pizzas on the counter. He grabs a half moon slicer and rocks it across each pizza four times, divinding them into equal slices. "Mr. Grimm, I didn't know your preferred toppings, so this pizza is what most might term a 'meat lover's' pizza, made for you."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie walks back in with the others. Her eyes do flit to Tim for a moment, and she gives him a bashful smile about something which he can surely deduce what it refers to. When they get to the kitchen and the pizzas come out, Stephanie inhales deeply. "Oh that smells so good," she says with a smile towards Alfred. "I don't think I've ever had your pizza before," she comments to the English butler.

The young woman moves to help Alfred by getting more iced tea from the fridge. She and Dick have glasses, Ben has a suitably big plastic glass that is more hardy and easier for him to handle. "Tim, want some iced tea?" she asks, bringing the pitcher over to fill glasses.

Stephanie will get Tim a glass if he wishes one and fill it, before moving to take the seat at the table then. "Appreciate you taking a look at the plane," she tells Ben Grimm again. "Dick I'd offer to help you change the lines. But I've got enough to do learning the bike's engine before I start getting into aircraft engines."

She takes a sip of her tea and asks Tim, "So how are you doing? Been up to anything exciting recently?"

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm looks over to Alfred, and puts a hand to his chest, and says "For me, alfy you didn't have to, I would eat about anything, but Ah must admit it smells delightful" He compliment the other. He does stand and says "Can I give you a hand dishing it out?" He offers, yea Ben comes from a more family dinner type place, only time food is brought out to them semi regular is when Reed is tinkering with his robots.

Tim Drake has posed:
"Awww, Alfred...you should have made deep dish pizzas. That's Ben's favorite..." Tim gives a mischevious wink and chuckle to the strongman. Of course, he waits in line to grabe a slice himself after the guest is served.

Noticing Steph's glance and slight blush, Tim gives her a smile and a quick nod/shrug to indicate he's fine with the relationship change.

"I've still got enough soda, Steph but thanks," he replies to the offer of tea. "Nothing really exciting," he responds to the other question. "Mostly just doing the R&D thingby day and then the usual night job. Nothing exciting on either end, really. Although there's some word out that Carmine Falcone is getting ready to push back. Not anytime soon, maybe next month. Just somethnig we should keep our eyes and ears on."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick chuckles as Ben offers to help, "We've tried that before, it never seems to work. He does insist on delivering the food, no matter what we say." He looks to Alfred, ready to see if this time he will accept the help.

Alfred, true to form, answers Ben with "Thank you, Mr. Grimm, but you are our guest today. Please have a seat and I will be happy to bring the pizza over to the table." He actually makes a platter out of several slices of each pizza so there's a selection, then brings it and several plates to the table. At Tim's comment, he ahs, and says, "I do apologize, Mr. Grimm, I was told New York style was your favorite. Next time you visit, I will make deep dish instead."

Dick looks over to Tim, "Ah, so Falcone's getting ready to move again? We'll have to keep an eye out, don't need things getting out of hand."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie inhales again as the pizza's aroma wafts across the table. She waits for the boys to get what they want and then gets a slice for herself. "Good, been a few days since I got to clobber someone," she says, flashing a grin over to Ben Grimm as if her choice of wording was in his honor.

She takes a tiny nibble from the end of the pizza where it had a chance to cool off the most, keeping it small so she doesn't burn her mouth if it's still too hot. "I've been keeping an eye on a property of theirs. A few known figures have visited it so far, so pretty sure it's being used for something illegal, but haven't been able to figure out what yet," she tells the others.

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm takes up one of the bigger pieces folding it like a proper New Yorker taking a bite, of it the heat not seeming to bother him. He shakes his head a bit at Tim. Chicago makes a fine casserole, but this is Pizza." He holds up the piece of pizza. He looks over, and says "Well if your going to try to get someone in, Ah would suggest Timmy here." He motions towards the younger man. "Someone your age Dicky boy would have a name by now, or be lacking respect, and if they like the goombas back home, girls are not taken into things as easily. " He looks to Steph "No offence Kiddo, but alot of the old timers, are stuck in the old times."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim laughs good naturedly as he picks up a slice of peperoni. "Sorry, Alfred. It was just a joke on Ben. New Yorkers are particularly passionate about their pizza." He smiles apologetically at Alfred then takes a bite out of his slice. "Oh, you'd be surprised how many fake identities we have, Ben. We've all got some with criminal reps tha could get us in. But they're more useful outside of organizations like Falcone's. Instead, we'll set up sureveilance and montoring. Hi-Tech. If he's ready to make a move, we'll know days in advance."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick nods, "Exactly, we don't need to be inside to find out what they're doing. We've probably got three quarters of this town wired up at this point. Plus I have my contacts in the police department to work with as well, so we'll be able to keep on this." He looks over to Tim, "Keep me updated, would you? I'll leave things in your hands since you seem to be on it already, but let me know if you need any other resources."

Alfred looks relieved, saying, "Ah, good, I'm glad this is the correct type then. Do let me know if you need anything else." He heads back over to the kitchen where he was cooking and starts cleaning things up.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie says in a wry tone, "So I have to add 'sexist' to all the other character flaws they have? Figures!" She takes a bite of her pizza now she knows it isn't too hot and sighs happily. "Oh Alfred, this is soooo good," she tells him. Always show appreciation to the cook when you want them to keep cooking for you. That's Stephanie's motto.

"I'm ok with them not letting me into their extortion, smuggling, drug-dealing, human trafficking ring," she says. "Just hope they are ok with spending a lot of years behind bars when we get them with the evidence," she says.

Stephanie takes another bite of her pizza. "The stuff we deal with must seem like such a different world than you, Mr. Grimm. And I suppose that's literal. Literally different worlds."

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm makes a so-so motion with his hand, and says "More like a world ago." He admits. "You got to remember, I grew up in Queens, and had a bit of a rough life before my uncle got me on the straight and narrow. If not for him, well things would have been a lot different, I would probably have ended up dead or in prison" He does not voice the thought wondering if that would have been better than in the prison of his body. "But I know that life at least a little mind you not today with your bit coins, and doggy penny. " He smiles a bit hiding the pain and takes a bite of pizza.

Tim Drake has posed:
"Well, that's part of why we do what we do, Ben," Tim says. "We've alll been on the bad end of crime. And we want to mke sure others don't have to go through the kinds of things we've gone through." He takes another bite of his pizza slice. "The world needs al kinds of help. From the big things that the Fantastic Four do, to the quiet snaky things that we do. We all do what we can to make things better."

Dick Grayson has posed:
With a chuckle, Dick eats about half of a slice before adding, "Hey, it's not always quiet. It's just not usually quite as world threatening as the stuff the Four do. But I've blown up a good number of things in my day. Sneaky and quiet all the time gets boring. But yeah, it's all got the same goal, improving things for the regular people who have to deal with the stuff the bad guys do."