6144/Preparing for a Class is work too.

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Preparing for a Class is work too.
Date of Scene: 06 May 2021
Location: Shop Classroom - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Nazo is directed to class, and taught a little bit of the area.
Cast of Characters: Albert Rothstein, Nazo Sarwani

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein is in the shop class this evening. He has worked on finding a new car for the kids to work on during summer classes. The big man has some metal music playing loud enough to be heard since the shop door is open, but not to obnoxious levels. The sound of metal bending can be heard now and again.

Nazo Sarwani has posed:
There's a ghost haunting the halls outside shop class. A confused ghost who seems to be in the wrong location for her assigned task of rattling chains or whatever it is ghosts do these days. I mean it has to be a ghost, right? Amorphous black figure with a red sash, face a blank black except for a pair of eyes peering out?

OK, it's not a ghost. It's a woman. But she DOES tread very softly. And the music is playing pretty loudly. So when she appears behind Albert, waiting for him to notice...

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will take a moment, to notice. The big man is looking at the rear quarter panel of the car. He places a hand on it, and with what seems little effort, puts a dent in the car there. He will then seem to notice the woman, maybe it is the whole being watched, maybe he saw her in a reflective surface. He will turn, and offers a "Hello, Miss can I help you with something?"

Nazo Sarwani has posed:
Noza was fascinated as she waited, watching someone dent a car. She'd always wondered how cars got that way and now she knew. People in schools make them.

Chalk up another learning point.

"Oh, sorry," she says, flustered, when Albert notices her. "I meant to say something, but ..." She gestures to the freshly-dented car. "... that was very intriguing and I." She puts a lid on it. "I'm a student. Night courses here? GED? I can't find my classroom. 17A-201-77565?" She holds up a piece of paper. Which does have that string of alphanumerical soup on it, yes. That's the class number, though, not the classROOM number...

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will look at her, and says "No need to be Sorry, I'm Albert Rothstein. I teach classes here." He looks at the paper as she holds it out "Oh the GED classes, they are down and around the corner. I think you have a little bit of time before your class." He smirks a bit and says "Yea, I teach shop class here, and plan on working with them on body work, and while this car was donated, needed a little bit more body damage if I was going to teach them how to fix it."

Nazo Sarwani has posed:
Another learning point. Thankfully she'd not mentioned the previous one and thus doesn't look like an idiot. Yet.

"Thank you," she says, relaxing somewhat. "This school is very complicated and I got lost." In a small voice she adds, "It's the second time I did. First time was registration." Her facial expression can't be seen and nothing she's doing is shaping her eyes, so reading her is proving difficult.

Her gaze looks over at the car. "So you actually need broken cars to teach? she asks, touching the panel that was bent. "That's very interesting."

Ha ha. Nobody else here can damage cars beyond repair. Nosireebob! Ha ha!

"Do you just collect cars from the streets for this or how...?"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein shakes his head and says "Na, cars on the street, usually belong to someone. Mind you there are an occasional abandoned one on the highway, but that would be a lot more paper work than needed." He will hmms and walks over to his desk leaning over and one finger types something on the computer, and soon the printer is heard printing something up. "We get cars donated to the school, or spend some of the budget for the class on going out to a junk yard and finding something that looks like it can be fixed for a reasonable price. I prefer muscle cars, but this one was donated so am working with what I got."

Nazo Sarwani has posed:
"Muscle... cars." Internal sigh. More things to learn. It never ends. "Oh, how rude of me. I'm Noza Sarwani." She pauses. "I'm not from here." Captain Obvious, call for you on the white courtesy phone. What would be the clue? The garb? The visible skin? The heavy accent? The inability to distinguish between class number and classroom number? It's a mystery.

"How did you bend it so easily?" she asks, revealing that she had, in fact, been standing there long enough to see Albert exercise his strength. "When I tried ..." So that's what touching it was about. "... it seemed I would have to put a lot of effort into bending it."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks to her, and offers a smile and says "Some of the teachers here like some of the students have abilities beyond the normal. I am stronger than your average person. " He walks over to the printer, and gets a few sheets from where it was printed. He takes a pen, and makes a few marks on it, to mark a couple classes and landmarks. He then offers her the papers "This should help, it is a map."

Nazo Sarwani has posed:
While Albert fiddles with the paper, Nazo looks at the dent again and tries, visibly, to bend it. Putting a very small dent in it. Nothing, given this is a modern car deliberately made to crumple, that a person with very strong fingers couldn't manage. Then she runs her finger along the panel, leaving a trail of sand-blasted metal, bare of paint or primer, behind.

"I'd figured that out," she says quietly as she accepts the paper. "Thank you for the map, Mr. Rothstein," she says.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein smiles and says "No problem, I marked a few of the places you might come across to help you find your way." He looks over to the car a brow raised a bit as he looks at the mark, but does not ask.

Nazo Sarwani has posed:
Nazo peers at the map curiously, orienting it quickly to match surroundings--an experienced map user it seems--looking out the door to get a feel for the immediate layout and nods. "I think I can find my way, yes," she says. "This is a good map." Her eyes look up at Albert shortly before her head inclines. "Thank you for the assistance, Mr. Rothstein."

Her head then turns to the car without looking back at Albert. "If you need help destroying cars later on, I think there's some machines outside the school that can turn one into a cube. That would be good work material for mending."

Of course the grin can't be seen under the niqab. But the scrunched eyes can be. As can the coughing sounds of someone suppressing laughter.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein grins and says "Well think that maybe a bit beyond this classes abilities, but I will keep that in mind." He motions towards the car, and says "This one will keep them busy for a semester or so." He moves to lean against his desk. "The map should help out some, anything else I can help you with?"

Nazo Sarwani has posed:
"No, I don't think so," Nazo says, seemingly slightly disappointed at the conclusion she reached. "I ... have to go off to my class now. Could I come back later to see how they fixed that scar?" She meant car probably, right? "I don't know much about this. I know about rugs. And the Qur'an. And English. And I have to learn more so I can have this GED thing they say is so important to me."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein hmms and says "Well, I have been thinking about working on a night class for basic mechanics, " He will write down his phone number and name as well as a time. "This is my number if they don't put the class up for people call me, thats when I will try to do the class." He hmms, and says "If you need anything else let me know will help how ever I can."

Nazo Sarwani has posed:
Nazo takes the paper, looks it over, and disappears it inside her abaya. "It sounds like it could be interesting," she says. "I have clever fingers. Maybe this could be a hobby."

Something in the way she says that suggests she doesn't actually seem to know what a hobby is.
    "I have some evenings free still, after all, and not much to do."

She heads to the door, pausing before exiting to say, "You're a very kind mand. Thank you."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods his head and says "No problem miss, have a good day." He will walk over looking at the car. He leans in scratching at the place that is missing paint "Odd." He says to himself, and shrugs going back to making sure the car is ready for the class.