5680/Models and Ninjas and Apaches, oh my!

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Models and Ninjas and Apaches, oh my!
Date of Scene: 22 March 2021
Location: Training Gym
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Betsy Braddock, James Proudstar

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy is on a set of uneven bars, running through a gymnastic routine. She's not in workout clothes today - down here, she's in her uniform, which means a form fitting lightly armored bodysuit, elbow length gloves and thigh high soft boots. Despite it seeming like a somewhat impractical outfit, it doesn't bind her up or slow her down at all as she swings between the bars, spinning and twirling through her routine. Spotting Warpath enter as she swings around the bar, she modifies the move into a double flipping dismount, landing on her feet in front of the bars.

"Ah, there you are. I was wondering when you'd wander in, I feel like challenging myself today, and well... you're a challenge, aren't you?" She smiles, chuckling quietly. "Ready to play a little, see if I can affect you in any way?"

James Proudstar has posed:
The big Apache moves easily in his natural environment. He is tying his hair back in a ponytail. He's wearing a stylized variant on the X-uniform, this one a black body suit with a yellow X emblazoned on the torso. These things never fit him right and in typical fashion this one is pleasantly snug. "Oh, Hey, M- Betsy." He smiles and looks a little chagrinned, it's less an age thing than experience, she's a model, entrepreneur, nobility?, it's a lot to take in. James eyes linger on her form just a moment, and the he shrugs, "I've been called worse. Definitely worse." He tilts his head as he walks over to the sparring mat. "Can you remember a man turning down an offer to play with you?" James laughs, "See if you can effect me, got it."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy puts a finger to her lips and assumes a thoughtful expression, "You know, I don't believe I can, no. Apparently I must be persuasive or something." She tilts her head, considering James for a minute, then shakes her head, "There's just no getting around it... you are huge. So, you're strong, you're durable, you're fast. I'm not going to get anywhere trying the basics, so how do we handle Warpath?"

She crosses her arms, drumming her fingers on her bicep as she considers him, "Have they been working with you to resist telepathic powers? I mean, as best you can, at least? You can't really stop it entirely unless you have that sort of thing to shield with, but there is some basic resistance training."

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar watches you and smiles at the thoughtful expression, "I imagine you can be extremely persuasive and that's not even involving your telepathy. He blushes at the description and shifts just a little uneasily in the tight workout uniform. He nods along as she lists his litany of powers, "super senses, and healing factor." He sighs, with a frown, "I've had the training, but yeah, I'm no psi, no magician. If we go that route I know you can drop me. My only hope is to close the distance and take you out first, which is hard in sparring." He smiles, "I'd love to hear any tips in resisting, and I can show show you some Aikido, Judo and Apache throws, I picked up. The key is going to be the timing, a lot of throws are meant to go into holds and you don't want to do that with someone in my weight class. Evade and get to distance, shut me down or run." James nods, those the smile doesn't quite reach his eyes which are intense.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy smiles, "Yes, putting you off balance and on the ground is about my best bet, I'm not about to go in close with someone like you. Same as I wouldn't try and wrestle Piotr, there's just no point to it. So, yes, let's spar a bit. I just want to see how long I can keep myself out of your reach, and if I can manage to get you down once or twice. Because you're probably right, using my mental powers I could just drop you where you stand, and that's not good practice for either of us."

She swings her arms to loosen them up, saying, "I do reserve the right to use my powers a little, at least, given that yours are built in. Hopefully I can find a couple interesting applications that don't involve unconciousness, but give you a bit of a challenge."

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar smiles and moves his head from side to side, cracking his neck loudly, "Yeah, I only try and wrestle Peter when I have to." He shakes his head and says 'Russians and wrestling' in passable Russian. James listens and nods, "Sounds fair, I will pull my punches and only go at half speed to start, let you build up a rhythm.. <<psychics and their tricks>> "Oh really? This should be interesting." James frowns , "Stay away from fear and anger, it can get messy quick. You ready?" James closes with you, his half speed is a little slower than a normal fighter's top speed.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy drops into a martial stance, low and balanced. She looks completely composed, focused on the fight at hand. As the big man comes in, she dodges smoothly to the side, and attempts to redirect his movement and strength into a fall, one foot hooking his ankle for a second while giving him a push from the side, a classic and perfectly executed ninjutsu takedown, though as mentioned, she doesn't attempt to follow it up if he goes down, instead rolling out of range so he can't get hold of her no matter if he's on the ground or still standing.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar goes with the throw and rolls back to his feet easily, he's up and back on you momentarily, moving a little faster, he throws a series of punches and kicks, designed to keep you moving and making it difficult to focus passed to reacting, he is not trying to land them nor can you afford to ignore the threat they represent. He's trying to move you around the mat, at first you think he's looking for a hand holds, for a grip and then you realize, "Endurance as well."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
She smiles as James starts to press her a little, dodging and avoiding, even sometimes redirecting his attacks with well placed blocks. After a few moments, it becomes clear that her skills are exemplary. In fact, she isn't just avoiding, she's putting in little moves of her own, constantly working on redirecting him, tripping him, using all of her skill to keep him going down to the mat. And given that she's ranked grandmaster in ninjutsu and a couple other martial arts, there's a lot of skill there. He'll also notice - she hasn't yet broken a sweat. She looks great, curves in the right places, but as she moves it becomes clear that she's in quite amazing shape. She's enjoying this a lot, it seems, as not many people actually can challenge her.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar smiles and takes a bit moment too long admiring those curves, catching a foot and going down. He's back up a moment later and moving even faster. James is a natural fighter and he's been fighting since the day he came out, as his Mother always said. He learned to brawl from the first leader of the X-Men but five years at the mansion has hewn off the rough edges. You're the more skilled combatant but James physicality is off the charts. He's settling into the fight now, countering your footwork, throwing combination that are actually aimed at your body, and using off speed punches slowing some down to through off you defense. He also starts to takes advantage of his mass and strength, you catch his foot and move into the throw to find solid mass of warm muscle resisting. HIs blows are the same the force they've alway been, actually softer to counter the speed but his strength has now entered the fight.