6216/The Framework: A Full Home and Happy Heart

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The Framework: A Full Home and Happy Heart
Date of Scene: 15 May 2021
Location: The Framework: Family Townhouse, Washington D.C.
Synopsis: The Framework: Daniel and Peggy have a quiet night at home after he was out doing a resistance drop. Melinda stops by to check on things, but also to catch up with her little niece and nephew. Lily Sousa makes several demands but doesn't spill her soup. Michael mainly sleeps, but he's darn cute.
Cast of Characters: Daniel Sousa, Peggy Carter, Melinda May
Tinyplot: The Framework

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Since Peggy and Daniel had 'retired' Daniel had taken up running again since they let him keep the new leg SHIELD had crafted for him. Besides it made for a good opportunity to recover his burner from where he stashed it and make a few calls to the resistance before he made his way back around to the townhouse in the evening. This time he picked up some Chinese food, a sure sign of guilt, from their favourite place nearby, not as good as Quons in New York, but still decent.

Coming through the door Daniel calls out, "Peg, girls, I'm home!" he says kicking off his shoes and heading towards the kitchen with the heavy paper bag full of take out boxes.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A new baby is always hard, but with a toddler in the house? Even more of a challenge. Peggy wouldn't say she's savoring the maternity leave she's been on, but she's certainly needed it, by evidence of the fact she's currently passed out asleep on the couch, baby Michael resting on her chest, open mouthed and puffy cheeked with his deep baby breaths. They look positively idyllic there, her one hand against his diaper puffy rear end and her other arm slumped down to the floor.

Of course, not *everyone* can nap. Three year old Lily hears the door open and immediately dashes little feet down the hall to greet him at the door. A slightly too dramatic, and definitely loud, "Shhhhh!!" Is given by her, though she's horribly curious about the bags, little hands reaching for the paper already. "Mum's sleeping. I put the colors on again..." From her room, the sound of her favorite coloring video on the internet echos quietly, abandoned for the far more interesting presense of her father.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel's path to the kitchen halt suddenly when he sees Peggy and Michael laying asleep together. He shifts the bag to his other arm and pulls out his phone, before Lily arrives. He gives his daughter a smile. "Hey there Lil," he greets warmly. He passes her his phone, and bends down dropping his voice to a whisper. "Can you snap a picture of mum and Michael, I need proof that she's adorable," he says with a grin, before kissing Lily on the head and carrying on to the kitchen. "Mel around tonight?" he asks Lily still keeping his voice down, trying to decide how many bowls to take down.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Being trusted with a phone is a Big Deal and she really only learned how to take photos a week or two ago. Of course, she's been trying to steal his phone to take photos all the time since then, much to his annoyance. So, being given the phone? That makes her big, dark eyes go a little wider and she nods eagerly, grabbing it and taking more than one photo. Most of them will probably be a little blurry, but she's probably got one good one in there before giggling a little and dashing back into the kitchen with him. "Mum is ... a-door-bill? What's that? Here... and no, Mel said she's coming *Friday*... not today. But we could call her! You got the good soup. I can smell." She smiles wide at the kiss, practically on his coat tails in the kitchen.

A small sound comes from the living room, Peggy finally starting to rouse at the sounds in the other room. "Mm... Daniel?" She asks softly, not daring to move from the couch while the baby's asleep.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Smiling at Lily's enthusiasm even as he realizes he's likely just opened Pandora's box when it came to future attempts to 'borrow' his phone, "It's what your mum is, you can ask her when she wakes up," he grins at his daughter a bit of mischief in his eyes. "Friday huh?" he says of his eldest. "Yeah, we can StarkTime her after dinner," he says before grabbing down the bowls and nodding to Lily. "Yep got the good soup, just for you," he gives her a wink.
5rPeg's voice has him turning his head. "Yeah, it's me, brought dinner if you can escape the clutches of our son for a bit."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A small hint of a laugh escapes her throat, but Peggy is incredibly hesitant to move right now. "If I sit up, he's going to wake up, you know this..." Peggy considers the physics of it all. "Maybe I can just sort of... slip him off to the side. He can have the couch. We can sit on the floor." She's keepin her voice mostly quiet, not wanting to rouse the child, but he's been fairly good about sleeping through talking. It's moving positions he hates.

So, ever so carefully, she reaches arms up to gently try and shift Michael to the side and onto the couch on his stomach, instead of her chest. It doesn't have the familiar warmth of mom and reassuring sound of her heart, but hopefully he's deep enough out to remain so. Peggy moves like she's pulling a core out of a nuke, she's being so gentle.

Meanwhile, Lily's standing with open hands, very eager for her bowl of the good soup and he KNOWS that's what she wants. It's what she always wants when they order from there. She's staring as impatient as a 3 year old gets. "...Mum, dad said you're a-door-bill. What's that mean? And he's not giving me the good soup!" There is a huffing sound from the living room.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel grins "I know, tell you what, if he wakes up I'll take him and you can dole out the food," he offers still keeping his voice low so as not to rouse his son.

He coughs and grins though when Lily spills the beans about the adorable business. He opens the soup and puts a portion and a little extra in for Lily with a smile, grabbing a spoon from the drawer. "Here you go, you get to start with the soup tonight for helping out your old man," he offers her the bowl giving her another wink.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The Good Soup has been a big learning mountain for Lily. She loves it so much but also is still at the stage where she's learning coordination and some fine motor skills, so there were many spills early on. Now, the fact she's earned her own bowl AND spoon? It's a big deal. She very carefully carries the bowl between both her hands, balancing it, arms straight out in front of her, like she too was disarming a nuclear bomb. She gets so many things from her mother, and in little moments like this the similiarities are heartachingly clear. "THANK YOU. Good soup!" She crows happily, headed towards the living room. He's made her night already.

Peggy has managed the impossible, which is getting Michael down to sleep on the spot that is still warmed by her body. She stands up, staring down at him for a few moments, almost holding her breath as she braces for the cries, but they don't come. Lily gets a good smirk about the 'adorable thing and a gentle ruffle of her hair, "I'll tell you when you are older, but you should tell your father we don't use *words like that* in this house. Alright?" She leans over to kiss her forehead. "Eat your soup. No spills." And then Peggy is finally free to step into the kitchen and properly kiss her husband. And kiss him she does. Long. Deeper than a simple peck. It's the kiss of someone relieved to have him home. Someone who loves him madly.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel watches with amusement as Lily makes off so carefully with her soup. The mannerisms are unmistakably Peggy, which only makes him smile more. Surely in a few more years she'll be fighting dragons in the backyard like her mother before her.

Peggy's arrival is met with a pleased look and a return of that kiss now that Lily is occupied with her soup. "Missed you too," he tells her meeting her eyes with that same adoring look. Though the look soon turns mischievous. "She is right you know, you are adorable," he teases before drawing back in a half-hearted attempt to escape swatting range.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Of course, he doesn't entirely escape swatting range. She smacks his arm gently, though she's still smiling and can't quite bring any actual anger to her eyes, though she's doing her best to be offended. "Teaching our daughter such words. You are a horrible influence. How am I supposed to keep *any* discipline over these children with you in the house?" The tone of her voice is all love and teasing. Her exasperation is tired warmth, if nothing else.

She then settles back against his side, eyes perusing over the spread of food that he's brought home. Her head tilts a bit, "I see you... cooked again tonight, the way I cook. Had to stay late with work?" She asks, her eyes narrowing just a bit as she looks across his face, "And you ordered from the good Chinese place..." He only does that when he's feeling guilty about something. Just what that something is, however, she's trying to put together.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Stayed late talking shop at the office then got caught up with my run at the Mall, figured since I left you with Michael and Lily I ought to take care of dinner for us nice and quick," he says with a grin. At least his work out gear seems to suggest he had been out running, as does the scent of sweat about him.

"Now what can I get you? The usual?" he asks grabbing a bowl and nodding to the containers.

Melinda May has posed:
The light from the bike grows in the window as it approaches in the dark, the engine a familiar whine. And, shortly after both fade, there's a light rap at the door, in a rhythm a certain 3 year old will doubtlessly immediately recognize. When Melinda enters, only a few moments later, she's carrying a large paper bag that she is handling carefully. "Hope I'm not interrupting," she calls out lightly, heading up into the kitchen. "I know I'm a day early, but... I didn't think you'd mind."

Peggy Carter has posed:
While Peggy hasn't been in the field in over a year now, and really not an active agent since SHIELD fell, she still has the sharpest instincts around. Especially about her husband. Dark eyes narrow on him a bit more as her head tilts and she comes up behind his sweat scented body, wrapping her arms around him from behind and pressing a quiet, thoughtful kiss against his neck. "You usually bring this home when you feel guilty about something. Did you get crab rangoon? I know you're feeling guilty if you got that. It's awful for us..." But so delicious. Peggy will never bring herself to order it, especially not for the kids. It had been Melinda's favourite naughty treat.

Then he's stepping away to get the bowls and Peggy rests her arms across her chest, folding them quiet as she watches him. "The usual sounds good." She's still trying to piece together what she's missing. "And Michael's not been so bad. Once he fell asleep... God, we were probably both out half an hour. Lily is being so good." There is genuine pride in her voice about the fact that the 3 year old is managing to mind herself. Well, she is nearly four...

Speaking of, the dark haired little girl springs up from where she's been eating soup, carefully watching the sleeping Michael on the couch. The good soup sloshes a bit, over excited and not totally in control of her limbs, but she's immediately at the door, practically velcroing herself to May's leg as the woman comes in. "Aunt Mel! You CAME! They said to WAIT but I KNEW... I KNEW you'd be here! I had FEELING about it." There is the faint sound of fussing and hiccuping from the couch, a bit too much activity to keep the infant sleeping much longer.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel was never the best at hiding things from Peggy, he could lie on the job no problems, the people he cared about, not so much. Even if it was for their own sake. "Might have," he says about the crab rangoon which means he did.

He starts dishing things out he picks his phone up and hands it to Peggy as he hears the motorcycle coming. "I figured you were both out for a bit, Lily took pictures." Though it's anyone's guess what she actually caught. "Needed proof of your adorableness."

As Lily attaches herself to May and Michael wakes up, Daniel waves to May on thee way to the front room to try and calm his son. "Hey Melinda, Lily, let go of your auntie alright? Let her at least get upstairs."

Moving to the couch he picks up Michael, grinning as his son squirms in his arms. "Hey, easy there Mike, I got you," he says pulling him close and rocking him gently. "It's all alright."

Melinda May has posed:
Melinda actually lets out a soft chuckle. Indeed, the way she responds to the child is so very different than how she responds to any adult. Setting the bag out of the way, so the little girl can't knock it around, she crouches down to give her a warm hug and a kiss on the top of her head. "You don't think I'd miss a chance to see you, now, do you, pretty girl?" Her dark eyes sparkle. "Never."

She rises, once the hug is exchanged, and catches up her bag. "Go on," she tells her. "Up the stairs. I smell crab rangoon. That means someone bought Chinese food for dinner -- and yours is getting cold."

Shooing the child ahead of her, Melinda sets the bag on the counter when she finally makes it into the kitchen. "Hello, Daniel. Peg. I brought dessert, though I wasn't actually expecting to interrupt dinner." That just means Daniel was 'working' late again. She files that piece of information silently away. She's seen these signs before, after all. This is not a new dance.

Inside the bag, however, are two boxes. A small white baker's box with half a dozen lemon-filled canoli shells, and a silver pie plate concealing a coconut cream pie from an old bakery in New York. Which means she's likely just in from the Big Apple.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Lily is practically beaming as her Aunt gives her that hug and kisses her head. Skinny arms, getting onto the lanky stage compared to even last year, return the hug tightly and the kiss gets an even wider smile. "I *got* my dinner. The Good Soup! And I carried it out all by myself. No spills. But you're *adoor-bill*. Just like my mum." Seems she's learning new words. Once she's let go, she actually scrambles back to her bowl, intent on finishing her dinner before it gets cold. It gives them all a bit of breathing room, when Lily's caught up with her favorite hot and sour soup.

Michael's fussy, but not completely wailing yet. He's just fussing in the way of an infant waking up in a world that is still a little too much for him. Daniel's gentle cooing is enough to hold off the worst of the cries, fat little fists reaching for the collar of his shirt before settling in with a few more hiccups against his father's shoulder.

Peggy's content on putting out the bits of food, though she pulls another plate down as she hears May coming in. Her eyes follow Daniel out of the kitchen as he goes for their son, but she doesn't press more about where he's been. Not with guests in the house. Maybe it was best to let it rest. "You *did* get crab rangoon." She calls after him, as close to 'we'll talk about this later' as she'll get with company. Then she's turning back to May, her smile widening just a bit more to see the woman. "Daniel just got home. I... just woke up, I'm sorry, everything's a bit of a... Mess. But please, eat. You brought cannoli AND pie? You've been in the city, haven't you?" Peggy has the slightly scattered look of a woman who hasn't gotten a full night's sleep in about two months, but is trying to keep it together.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel smiles at his son as chubby hands grab his collar. "Hey," he grins at the child before settling him against his shoulder and rubbing Michael's back. "Nice and easy," he sooths. "We didn't mean to wake you."

Daniel doesn't answer about the crab rangoon, especially since May is here, but he does wander over to glance down at the bag she brought. "You're not interrupting, especially with canoli and pie," he says. "You're welcome to join is if you want Melinda, got plenty for everyone."

Melinda May has posed:
Melinda gives an easy nod. "Yes. And I'm off again tomorrow. So, I figured I'd grab the chance to stop by while I can." She never specifies where she's going or why. It's safer for all of them that she not. She's even more circumspect about what she says in front of the children.

She moves to inspect the dishes in their disposable containers. "You got the good stuff," she notes. "Perhaps I will stay." There's light humour in her tone as she says it. Indeed... this family, these people, are the only ones in the world who ever see Melinda May so relaxed. Whether by design or not, it doesn't matter. There's always a shadow clinging to her, it's true. She has never shaken the haunting from the Cambridge Incident. But here, in this house, it's almost forgotten. At least, for a little while.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Lily toddles back into the kitchen, her bowl of soup nearly empty but she's still carrying it arms straight out, like she's juggling a very dangerous weapon she can't even jiggle once without it exploding. It's still a hilariously Peggy gesture, though she has Daniel's slightly darker skin tone and nose. She's got her mother's hair, chin, and attitude. "Was lonely." She gingerly sets her dish on the kitchen table before scrambling up into a chair. She mainly wants to watch her Aunt, but finish her soup in the company of family. Over all, Lily's an incredibly good child. Inquisitive. Talkative. But whip smart and already getting a wit like her parents.

Michael's mostly settling, though his big dark eyes are now wide open, following Melinda around the room as he stares over his father's shoulder. He's also gently gumming against Daniel's collar now, but it's stopping him from fussing. Peggy starts putting out three big plates, noodles, beef and beans, a few pieces of crab rangoon. It's the best sort of cooking she knows how to do. "God. Between the way they are running you and Daniel down with the DC project... I'm going to be alone in this house for weeks on end, aren't I?" It's not an angry statement, but it is a bit of a lonely one. Part of Peggy misses work desperately. The rest of her is mainly worried about both of them. "Neither of you ever stop."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel moves to sit at the table back to May so Michael can continue to follow her with his eyes. Settling he gives Lily a smile, chuckling as her attention is focused on her soup now that she's settled. It's clear he adores his middle child.

"Did they say how long they think we'll be?" he asks Melinda. "Either way if I get time Peg you know I'll come back and help you out," he says looking over his shoulder. "Unfair to leave you outnumbered."

Melinda May has posed:
May gives an apologetic smile. "I like to keep busy. You know that." She gestures to Daniel with her fork as she picks it up. "I don't know what his excuse is. *I* don't have a family to come home to at night, like he does." If she's jealous of his family, she doesn't show it. Likely because she's an accepted part of it.

She watches Lily toddle so carefully with her bowl, and smiles at her fondly again. The absence of their eldest daughter, however, is something she notices. She simply doesn't comment upon it. There's no point.

"Tell me, pretty girl," she says to Lily, "do you want pie for dessert or lemon canoli?"

Glancing Daniel briefly after Lily has answered, she shakes her head. "No. But I don't see any reason you should be gone long. Really, if you ask me, you should stay home. I can probably arrange a transfer for you, to something with more regular hours."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peg is used to the juggling of baby and food, so she's certain that Daniel only has pieces of food big enough he doesn't need to cut, passing the plate and fork over for him to manage one handed so he can get some late dinner into him. Beneath the table, her foot reaches out to rest her toes against the side of his ankle. She's worried about him. Happy he's home. Still clearly madly in love with her husband, three children, a change of jobs, two moves, and a lot of life later. There's a weight behind her eyes that goes a little deeper than regular worry, but it's subtle enough that most would miss it -- most who aren't the expert profilers and once agents the other two people in the room are. "I know you will, darling. I just... I wish they'd given you more time. I thought this is why we went to contracting, so... we had a bit more time." Then she looks to the one empty chair at the table. She doesn't bring it up, but she's missing the young Melinda's presence. Even a pre-teen was more help around the house than she ever realized.

Lily's still young enough that she's mostly missing the tension, especially when May asks her about what she wants for desert. Her eyes go wide, "...Lemons for desert? That's...silly. Lemons hurt! I want pie." She likely has no real clue what a canoli is, but is ever her mother's daughter. "...unless you like lemons. I want what you want." She's at that stage.

Now mostly settled against his father's shoulder, and without May moving around quite so much, Michael's little body is slowly going slack again, his cheek smushing in against his father's collarbone, little lips open in that deep belly baby breathing that comes with a good sleep. Daniel's going to end up with a numb arm and drool all over his shoulder, but the baby is quiet at least.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel looks up, "Family tradition to overwork," he says with a smile. "Plus the contracts have been keeping me hopping lately," he says before looking thoughtful for a moment. "But sure, we can talk about that transfer sometime," he tells May before looking over to Peggy apologetically. "And I'll try to be home earlier, even if it means less chinese food dinners," he says with a smile.

Michael's gumming of his collar is taken without so much as a batted eye, he's been through this phase twice before, it doesn't phase him. Though he does laugh at Lily's reply, "Up to you Lil," he coaxes with a smile.

Melinda May has posed:
"Lemons don't hurt," Melinda replies to Lily, chucking as she does. "You like lemonade, don't you? That's made with lemons." She reaches out to 'beep' the child's nose, winking at her briefly. "But, I know you like the pie best." A sidelong look to Peggy. "Just like your mother. So, you have the pie. We'll save you a piece of canoli to try later."

She gives Daniel a brief nod, as he suggests they'll talk about a transfer 'sometime'. 'Sometime', she knows, never comes. But she swallows her concern as easily as she swallows a piece of shrimp. "I should be back by the end of the weekend, I think," she tells Peggy. "Don't worry."

Peggy Carter has posed:
As May tells her not to worry, and Daniel promises her that he'll be home earlier, Peggy just stares flatly at both of them. She can't even keep up the guise for a moment. "The day I start holding you both to these things you say, you're going to be in so much trouble, you know?" Peggy states flatly, but it's with so much love behind her voice. She wouldn't be upset about it if she didn't care so damn much.

Then Lily is having none of it. She looks up from her empty soup bowl, brow furrowed as she stares between the three adults. "No. More. Work. Stop being sad. It's desert time. PIE. Now." Her hand comes out, as if May would scoop the pie right into her palm, but then a slightly sheepish look is given in Daniel's direction. She knows the look he's giving her without even really seeing it and quickly adds a more quiet, "... Please?" Along with her sweetest of smiles. She does know how to get what she wants.

And when Lily Sousa says work talk is done for the night, she wins. The rest of the dinner is spent passing Michael around the table gently so everyone can have a few free hands to eat, Peggy explaining some of Lily's latest exploits, and the baby waking up enough that it's feeding time for him as well. It's not a dramatically action filled or busy night, but it's home. It's a small community raising a family. And it's the very careful lacking mention of a certain young Melinda Sousa which leaves a faintly quiet hole in everything.