6316/The Framework: Uh Oh!

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The Framework: Uh Oh!
Date of Scene: 23 May 2021
Location: Maddison Square Garden, New York City (The Framework)
Synopsis: Daisy Johnson enters the framework and finds her in the middle of performing a concert in Maddison Square garden. Skye Starr is a popstar, not a secret agent. Thankfully the concert crew are professionals and help her get out of doing the rest of the show after she mangles her biggest hit 'Uh oh!'. Desperate to get back to SHIELD at the Triskelion.. Daisy learns that they aren't the residents anymore - HYDRA is.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Daisy Johnson
Tinyplot: The Framework

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    o/^ o/^ o/^ Don't you forget about me / Don't don't don't don't / Don't you forget about me / As I walk on by... / Will you call my name o/^ o/^ o/^

    "Hurry up! the show is about to start. This is the song that plays before Skye comes on!," a young teenage girl says pulling on her friends jacket to stop oogling the food in the food cart. The friend reluctantly relinquishes and replies, "I can't believe you've dragged me to a Starr Concert." Young love.

    The square is utterly packed with people already. Huge speakers are set up, and the light show is shooting rays of colors over the crowd. Some people are dancing to the retro song but many don't know where it's even from.

    o/^ o/^ o/^ Oh will you walk on by? / Will you call my name? / Come on, call my name / Will you call my name? / La.. la la la la... la la la la... o/^ o/^ o/^

    The crowd is hyped. People are starting to call scream out "SKYE! SKYE! SKYE!" The band is ready on stage and the dancers are checking each others cues before they head out there. The lights go down and lasers shoot out across the crowd and the speakers begin to rumble.

    In the darkness Skye Starr, popstar and internet sensation steps out on to the stage in a sparkly blue dress and matching headband. Mic in her hand. The dancers rush out behind her.

    The lights come up and Skye sings "Uh Oh!" and the crowd goes nuts, roaring with delight as she begins to prance across the stage singing o/^ I can't concentrate / while you're messing with my brain / I can't think straight / Make me want to misbehave o/^

    Daisy feels her vision twist and blur and then reform. The lights are bright, hot on her face. The roar of the crowd is incredible. They are singing along to the music of the band. They know every single word. They're cheering for you... or, whoever you are in the Framework.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Linking in to the VR system to go into the Framework was risky. Daisy knew it. They didn't know where they'd end up, and there was something about the whole deal that seemed like there was something more out here than met the eye. Of course that with her friends and family being captive in this strange world it also meant Daisy was thinking more with her heart than her head. So a plan had been devised. Hook in. Emergency hatches, a back door plan.

What could go wrong?

As her vision blurs and Daisy starts to come to her senses she notices it. The dazzling lights, the crowd chanting her .., 'name'? But that's not really it anymore.. She isn't singing anymore. In fact, the artist formerly known as Daisy looks around as if she wasn't really sure on where she is.

Oh no, is she relapsing back onto those drugs again? Newspaper articles are already being written about this! Scandalous!

She opens her mouth as if to say something, then shuts it.. Meanwhile, the music continues all around her, eyes still a touch blind from all the glamor, a glance to her side and noting a dancer going through a rather intricate choreography.

What the heck!

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Ginny's eyes boggle wide as she watches her superstar zone out right there on stage in the middle of her number one hit song! She taps her headset and says quickly to the stage direction, "Dancers move forward, lights away from Skye. Big screen show previous clips of the show. Patch me to Skye!"

    They're a well oiled machine, a stage crew has to be when operating a multimillion dollar entertainment extravaganza. The dances spin and move to block the view of the singer and a previous recording of Skye Starr cuts in to continue singing the song.

    "Starr, honey, are you okay? talk to me what's going on. Did you take one of the no-no drugs before going on stage?," comes the sweet and both concerned yet condescending voice of Ginny Rodberg, Manager to the stars.. or specifically, manager to Starr.

    "Just breathe sweetie, we can get through this. Are you hallucinating again. Just sing the words on the teleprompter and you can get through this. You've done it before, everyone back here believes in you." Off to the side of the stage the lighting is well placed to allow the performers to see stage direction. A half dozen people Daisy has never seen before give big thumbs up and smiles of encouragement.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"No-no drugs..?" Daisy murmurs, still in a bit of daze, hopefully not loud enough to be picked on the mic and spoken out to the crowd as a whole. The dancers do move in front of her, covering her faux-pas and her .., just standing there, eyes falling on the dancing moves they are going through...

What kind of pop weirdness is this?! And why is her outfit barely covering her? Besides, didn't they know leather gets in everywhere?! Ugh...

Sometimes you just need to try and go through this though... Teleprompter? She squints her eyes, looking for it and ..., there!

o/^ When you are standing this close... *pause* I get dizzy... *bigger pause* (. o O What kind of lyrics are these?!) Falling for you baby .. o/^

Not exactly the voice that woooed millions around the world. But autotuner to the rescue. Hopefully!

And she isn't even getting to the choreography yet!

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    "She's back people!," says one of the stage managers and the lights are back on Daisy as the dancers move back out of the way. It's a new vibe. A new way of singing the song. Certainly not the choreography that the team has practiced for months and months and months and boy are there some confused looks getting shot at the backstage crew from the dancers on the stage.

    But dang! those kids out there are cheering for you and singing along with you despite the confused and lackluster performance you're putting on. The DJ is an absolute professional, adjusting the backing tracks to the way you're sort of singing it.

    "This is good, this is different.. it's you're doing great Starr!," comes the encouragement in your ear again. Noting the lack of dancing, one of the crew in all black comes out quickly behind you and places down a stool for you to sit on.. that seems to be the direction they think things are going. Though, those clothes aren't really designed for regular kinds of sitting.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Is Skye stuttering? What is going on? /o^ Uh ... Oh... o/^ If anything she looks mightily confused at this point. The music is weird, and she would even dare call it campy! People do expect her to continue though, and it might be better to not ruin up her 'cover', or whatever this is. Yes, that's it! She must be a super spy agent undercover as a singer. Makes all the sense in the world, doesn't it?

No, it doesn't Daisy.

Show must go on as they say. So singing comes as she gains some ..., confidence. Still, it's hard to figure out to right tone to it, "~Stop, you are killing me / When you look at me like that~" the stool is placed down and she sits on it, one second later recalling she should keep those legs tight together. This stupid dress.

"~I just can't breathe / I start acting all craaazy / You are so hot it's stupid..~" really? But she at least smiles to the crowd gathered. Bit of a nervous one as if she was someone just getting up on stage for the first time in her life.

Not too bad of a voice all in all. If only it didn't sound so raw and unprepared for all this.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    You've probably never had hair this long in your life. There are extensions in your hair, there are big false lashes on your face and makeup for the spotlights so you look ever bit the popstar that your fans adore and expect. This ... experience ... couldn't be farther from the life you've known up until this point. Orphan, tragedy, hacker, Coulsin, May, Bobbi, SHIELD, Inhuman, Matt, Cal, Jia, .... some how popstar? There is no such thing as a SHIELD training exercise to prepare someone for this.

    The onsite audio expert whispers to Ginny that the autotuner is hitings its operating thresholds. Ginny says, "Sweetheart, watch your pitch. We all know you can do this... you've done it a million times before. You can hit these notes."

    Ginny is having a conniption. This concert is going every direction except the one that they planned for. She started off so strong and then ... definitely the drugs. But the crowd loves it regardless. Skye _raw_ on stage.

    And Daisy may never have been much of a singer, but Skye is. Her vocal chords are expert instruments. Never before has it ever been so easy to hit those notes. If ooonly you knew the darn song. At least it's repetitive so you can kind of guess what's coming next. That and the teleprompter presenting you with the lyrics.

    Off stage the crew are trying to figure out if this should be switched to an acoustic guitar mid song like this or not.. someone has gotten one and is holding it up, waiting for a signal to take it out to Skye. No signal is coming from Daisy though, that's a language she's never learnt.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Well, it's not as if Daisy herself is a bad singer. Specially after she found out how to use her powers more properly, using them to adjust her vibrations so that --- Which is a great idea! She will just use the song of the universe to align her pitch and ---

Nothing comes.

Panic shows briefly in her eyes, making her miss part of the song which she catches up further ahead, "~Racing out of control....~" why are her powers not working? Of course, this is a VR, a simulation. Why would it work if this NPC she is incarnating never went through Terrigenesis?

So what are the options here? Gather up, finish the song! It's not as if Daisy ever ran away from a challenge. And this is just like Karaoke night with Jemms, right? Just with a bit more crowd.

Those notes start being hit and she sings it out with her heart. All very raw indeed. Acoustic guitar? Indeed it goes ignored. She knows not of stage signaling! If only it was similar to military or spy signals!

"Ah ah, thank you..." She says when the song is over, still smiling nervously. "Now I really need to go." did she mean pause? Still, she gets up to her feet and begins moving off stage.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    There's a moment of panic and confusion by the stage crew as Skye Starr gets up and walks off of the stage. But the team snaps back together - the show must go on. "Starr honey!," says the short woman in a business suit and headset on. "Sit down, drink some water," she says and offers bottled water to the popstar.

    The crew on the other hand is getting their Skye double ready. She's mostly ready.. just a bit more prep. The lights lower so as not to focus on fake Skye too much as she goes out there and starts to mime to the next song, playing the voice you know so well, singing a song you've never heard before in your life.

    "Tell me what happened," Ginny says and looks you over, "What do you need? back to your personal room? what's going on with you... it was the no-no drugs wasn't it. I told you those are for you and the Mr. Big after the show, not before the show."

    o/^ When we touch I have never known that spark / Never felt like this before / It's a different life / I hold you in my heart o/^

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Finally. Daisy can breathe again. Away from the stage and all the people. She leans against a table, hip supporting her weight and she nearly falls, feeling exhausted and breathing heavy. Now that was an ordeal! Almost as worse as going through a gruesome training session with May or Bobbi. Great.

Eyes turn up to look at her double, the singing starting. Bottle is waved towards the stage. "Why couldn't I be singing -that- song from the start, mmmm?" it's mostly a comment to herself, but loud enough that Ginny hears it.

Must be this spoiled popstar is having a tantrum about the line-up of the songs! But everyone knows what's the popular song...

"And mmm, yes. Hello." A smile to this totally unfamiliar Ginny. "I could go back to my room, yes." a pause, ".. and thank you for your help when I was out there." that Daisy smile. Which isn't Skye-smile! Skye rarely even acknowledges or thanks Ginny! Those no-no drugs must have been really hard...

"Mr. Big..?" She then asks.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    "Oh boy," Ginny says as Skye starts ranting about the song order again. "You signed off on the song order Skye," she says sternly. Whatever Skye is on, she's acting really strong. "Okay.. let's go...," she says with a puzzled expression of concern. She barely lasted a song - just the luck of some to turn up to work and not do anything but still get all the credit and pay.

    "If.. you're done for the evening we can get you changed and in the merc back to the Triskelion. I'm sure Mr. Big will be delighted to see you early," she comments. She stares a moment as she opens the door to the room with the name Skye Starr on it in a big golden glittery star.

    Inside is a comfortable room for a superstar. TV, couch, a bed in a spare room, a bathroom with shower and bath, and a big vanity with lit up mirror. "Is that a real question Skye? Holden.. your man?," she says trying to remind Skye before she pisses off her sugar daddy.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Now that Daisy has had some time to breathe she has her focus back in. Eyes take in her surroundings, the backroom with her glittery name. Skye Starr. Apparently some kind of hotshot singer in this simulation. It's so weird. But it goes towards their theories. Each of them have changes in their lives which made them go very different paths. Still, there's always some kind of connection. Because ..., did she just hear Triskelion?

She tries not to look too excited about it. That will make it easy. Right into SHIELD's headquarters!

"Yes, Holden. Of course. I suppose I miss him too much, I'd like to go back to the Triskelion, yes." she puts on a smile for Ginny.

"I will just get changed and going back. Can you arrange it, please?" 'Please'. Another word the popstar doesn't fling around often.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Ginny gives one of those 'am I talking to an alien' looks followed by a nod, "Sure honey. You get changed and I'll get the car brought around for you." She shuts the door behind her. There's a few papers in the room about the concert and even the contract. You're getting paid $700,000 for this concert. Well, not Skye Starr... but Mary Sue Poots.

    Ginny changes channel and says, "Bring the merc around, Ms. Starr is leaving early tonight. We don't want the reporters or fans to see. Tell Dayna she's doing the whole rest of the set tonight. And yes that's 6x regular bonus pay."

    The back corridors to the garage and the awaiting mercedes benz is a maze, but the car is nice. There's even wine in a cooler in the side door. The driver has the privacy window up so as not to need to talk to a spoilt popstar. He begins the drive back toward the Triskelion from New York City.

    Daisy has done this drive plenty of times before. They get stopped at a checkpoint as they leave the city. The driver presents an ID card and is waved through ahead of other cars. As the Triskelion looms in the distance, a bold green light illuminates one side of the main tower and on it.. the logo of HYDRA, not SHIELD.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
On hindsight Daisy probably should had brought Ginny along, to have her tell her a bit more on who this Skye is. And how she acts. She noted the alien looks though, she's a spy, she can read expressions. So how she was acting isn't the norm...

Her attempts to catch the driver's attention are met with a bit of a cold shoulder too. That gives her some hints. Cold bitch? Spoilt popstar? Most likely. She can find some wiggling room there, maybe find a middle term between the two. It's all about the acting!

But finally, the Triskelion. She takes in a deep breath. All will be fine, SHIELD is SHIELD right? And she has seen Bobbi and May. They are Agents.

And look at that symbol on the side of the building. Inspiring. It brings a smile to her-- Wait, why are there tentacles? Hydra?! Her eyes don't shoot out of her orbits by mere chance. She looks around again. It is the Triskelion!

So what the hell is she walking into....?