17292/Blue and Red at a Diner

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Blue and Red at a Diner
Date of Scene: 27 February 2024
Location: Copperpot Diner
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Blue GhostEyes, Bobby Lane

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Having been busier than usual, it's just this evening Blue has had time to place a call and ask to meet Bobby at a diner in the Bronx where she lives. The Native woman hopes it isn't too far from wherever the young man is staying. She arrived early but only so she could stuff herself full of four of the egg sandwiches and satisfy the rough edges of her hunger. When he arrives she has a lone fifth sandwhich and extra large coffe.

Dressed in a simple pair of faded black jeans, cowboy boots and a grey flannel shirt, the only thing remarkable about the woman aside from her two-toned eyes is the bright purple dog collar with tags around her neck. A close inspection would reveal her home/office address and number and the name Blue. Idly she taps the fingers of one hand on the table in a mystery rhythm only she can hear.

Bobby Lane has posed:
Bobby is there by the time the fifth sandwich is on deck." Those short blond locks a give away. He's wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, the same winter coat from before and he moves toward the familiar face. When he makes it to blue, he flahses a smile. Seeing the collar he speaks without thinking, "Fashion statement or something else," Bobby winks. Then he sits without thinking. a few moments later the brain catches up and he goes for a menu. Quickly, he puts it in front of himself and begins to read. "What would you recommend?" he asks just trying to ingore that words like that came out of his mouth for the moment.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Chuckling, Blue admits "Something else. It's loose enough it stays on when I shift. I got tired of people calling animal control on me. Found some sociopath the last time that was gonna put me down instantly. Had to knock his lights out, delete the security footage and then make a break for it. Then I looked into the guy and found out he was only working there for a community service sentence. He'd done a lot of bad stuff he hadn't been caught for yet. It was really satisfying dropping all that info to the cops." She grins.

"Are you hungry? I'm buying and the egg sandwiches are the best but the coffee will put hair on your chest, might need to add a lot to it depending on your tastes. I'm in a bit of a mood to celebrate." While the diner, or this diner at least might be an odd choice for that, the food is good and its cheap and the place is comfortable. "I also want to thank you. So, thank you. Meeting you made me take stock and face some hard truths about myself. Things are going better now. I'd probably have gotten there eventually but our talk in the cemetary really helped."

Bobby Lane has posed:
Bobby metaphorically bites his tongue before saying more. Just him holding back some well-emaning smart assery. "I'm happy you're doing well. And you're aobut." Chuckling as he looks at her, "Makes me happy I'm on the side of the cops. Most of the time," he knows there's some situations he wouldn't be.

"I'll eat, but are you sure?" and then he looks at her for a moment. "Why are celebreating? What trutsh did I make you find?" he asks witha raised brow. "It was just af riendly talk," Bobby doesn't think he deserves -that- much credit. Maybe some, but nothing as big as she makes it out to be. Still, he is curious about Blue's mentality on this one.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
"I'm sure." Blue smiles easily. Then she nods in agreement. "Exactly. A friendly talk. I have plenty of contacts, sources, aquaintances. No friends though, no family. Coyotes are social creatures and I was starving my otherself of those relationships, that kind of contact because I was afraid. You made me realize how close to the edge I was. For me, slipping across that line into the darkness it can be so easy, so.. appealing." She sighs and takes a sip of her coffee. Of course its straight black but she doesn't even wince.

"So I've been working on getting to know some people, make some friends. Find a place where I fit in. I need that. Or at least, a good part of me does. I can't get stuck up on what happened in the past and keep letting it hold me back. I think at least a few of the relationships I'm trying to cultivate are likely to go bad when they learn my true nature but the others, I feel as if I might just belong. Time will tell."

"Without you getting me to realize this though I'd still be in a pretty bad spot. So I definitely owe you."

Bobby Lane has posed:
"Well, how about you pull me from the edge when I get there?" Bobby offers her. It's him just trying to offer some middle ground. "I'm sorry you were at the edge. I'll do anything I can to keep you from it. You can call me whenever you need me. I'll respond. It may be a text as my brain boots up, but I'll respond," hje gives a smile and then looks back at the menu. "I'll grab one of those sandwiches," he says witha smile on his face as he looks back to her.

He knows she'll have questions about his own comments. So, he waits for her to come forward with those questions. His green eyes as on her for a moment. "You can ask," he'll even nudge. bobby does trust her.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
After thinking about it for a few moments, Blue nods. "Same. You call me anytime and I'll come." She remembers him mentioning his foster kid backround and knows he can do something with fire. She also knows he doesn't scent as a mutant to her. She keeps what she can sense and scent about others to herself usually though. Unless they bring it up first.

Thusly given permission Blue does ask some questions. "Well first, do you have a reliable place to stay? I have an extra room I ain't doing anything with. Are there bad people looking for you? I'd have no problem getting rid of them if I can. Have you aged out of the system? I'm not always great with young people's ages these days." And last but not at all least "You.. how can you do what you do? I don't think you are a mutant. Or some sort of fire elemental but I've honestly forgotten more than most people know several times over so it's possible I wouldn't recognize it if I ever came across someone like you before anyway."

She's certainly spent a lot of time since their meeting trying to remember and come up with nothing. People always say curiousity killed the cat.. it's rather true of coyotes too, at least this one. She loves coming across new things, new people, new types of being. Her curiousity can be nearly insatiable.