18846/The new girl in town, er, planet

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The new girl in town, er, planet
Date of Scene: 15 August 2024
Location: Meeting Room - GIRL Headquarters
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Noa, Natasha Romanoff

Noa has posed:
Noa was given an invitation to come here, and come here she does. In fact she transports right into the room. When she materializes in she is holding a disc, projected from which is a small blue hologram of a humanoid. "Hello?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha is there, currently working over reviewing data showing evacuation routes from various planets that had gone quiet - known and suspected targets of Galactus, with what the refugees had spoken of in their debrief. As Noa enters, Natasha glances over at her and then speaks in primary Shi'Ar, "Hello, welcome to the GIRL Headquarters."

Noa has posed:
Noa is taken aback. Her hand goes to her head, where she has a very mild illusion going to make her head feathers look more hair-like. And responsd in the same language. <<Thank you. I met one of your members who suggested we might have common interests. Vivian Vision. I understand this is a place about learning and building and self improvement."

She walks over toward Natasha. "Wait. What's going on, why are planets evacuating?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would gesture over at NOa, "More like ones already evacuated. I know that an.. Approach is being made to the Oans to ask for aid and information.." BUbbles flash up, showing planets destroyed or with large refugee populations, the largest one centered around Tamaran.

"I am looking for points in common to see if there is a greater pattern behind the operations of the Entity. I am Agent Romanova of SHIELD, and I handle security for GIRL."

Noa has posed:
Noa lifts a hand. "Noa. An independent trader of the Empire." Given that she's speaking High Shi'ar, which empire is ASSUMED. The only one that matters.

"What could possibly be causing so many evacuations? Wait... no.... not THAT."

"What could it be but a war, which I would have heard of, or Galactus? Where is he going?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would cross her arms, "Galactus is an unknown entity, presumably of a cosmic nature that empowers lesser beings that act as.. Heralds of his. He seems to destroy planets for reasons yet unknown. Much of the recent refugee crisis in this general sector of space is those fleeing his assaults."

An image flashes up of Tamaran, and the terrifyingly small percentage of the population that escaped before the planet was consumed. "The refugees are currently seeking another planet to resettle on. It is.. Logical that many of those also that have come through Earth's spaceport in the last year have done so for similar reasons."

Noa has posed:
Noa raises a finger. "He's not unknown to us. He's a menace, and a terrible threat." Then seeing the image, she goes wide-eyed. "Oh no. Is... is there anything I can do? I have a ship. Far Horizon is not large, but is very fast."