10239/Smells of the kitchen

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Smells of the kitchen
Date of Scene: 22 February 2022
Location: Avengers Mansion - Kitchen
Synopsis: A gathering that begins with the sound of a coffee grinder ends with work talk, of course. How could it be any different in the Avengers' Mansion?
Cast of Characters: Pepper Potts, Carol Danvers, Natasha Romanoff, Pietro Maximoff, T'Challa

Pepper Potts has posed:
Perhaps the groundhog lied. He does that, you know; being stuck in the ground, he could have easily predicted 6 more weeks of winter out of sheer spite. The fact is, it's warming in the NorthEast, after the storms, the Nor'Easters that blew. In the middle of these storms, it's hit balmy weather, which brings people out from their caves and have them moving around again,

Life begins anew.

Mid-afternoon, sunny day without a cloud in the sky, there's work being done on the Avengers' Mansion. No, it's not masonry, or carpentry; it's something a great deal more Avenger specific, and a good hint of who and what is happening can be deduced rather easily by the person who is upstairs in the kitchen, grinding coffee beans. The sound of the *whrrrrrrrrr* is loud in the kitchen, and with a practiced hand, the redhead in a business suit is pouring the grounds into a cup for the full pot. With a quick push of the button, Pepper has the coffee pot starting its cycle, and, because she'll probably be there for more than a little while, begins to pace the kitchen, bringing her phone to her ear.

"Yes, I understand it's a little out of your delivery area, Xiou.." She pauses, listening to the other end before she smiles, "Perfect, yes. Thank you.."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Sunny day, sweeping the, clouds away. The song was a stray thought that hit Carol earlier and now she can't get it out of her head. The woman is wearing coveralls and a t-shirt that has a few grease stains on it. As do her cheeks and hands as she hefts the heavy cowling of a quinjet engine, holding it in place as she begins fastening screws to hold it tight again. The job that would normally take three technicians is done, and Carol walks around to the front of the plane, giving a thumbs up to the technician in the cockpit.

The engine comes to life, Carol already able to tell just from listening to the sound that the repair is likely successful. The man in the pilot's chair gives a thumbs up back to her, readings are good. <<Alright, I leave the rest in your capable hands," she radios to him. <Thanks, Carol,>> he sends back as he begins the full diagnostics.

Carol heads back downstairs from the hangar, taking the steps two at a time. "I could kill for a cup of coffee," she says to herself, heading to the kitchen both for that, and to clean up.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Sunny day. Some time flying out back from the west coast. Encountering something out there that was nasty with Clint. A new round of bruises that will heal in a day or so already mostly faded. Having dropped off some biological materials samples taken from said nasty thing, Natasha Romanoff is entering into the kitchen. She's moving in steady strides, as if..

As the beans are prepared, she's almost directly parallel to the position of Carol and equal distance from the coffee machine. As if she were.. Debating as to which of them would be at the front of the line.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Sometimes, it's easy enough to hear a person arrive - especially when they are decelerating from just above the speed of sound. Pietro slows to a more safe speed once on the grouds of the Avengers complex. It'd been some time since he'd been about the place, but he had no qualms about making himself at home. The speedster zips into the kitchen, hearing the conversations occuring there. People. Even the crankiest of mutants needs to have contact with others - the alternative would drive one mad.

Even at his more human speed, his motions seem so ... quick. He offers a nod to those present. "I am assuming, by the fact that my identification still works, I've not been banned from the compound? Or the team? I've been rather lax in paying my membership fees." It's his attempt at humor, sarcastic as it may be.

T'Challa has posed:
A King might claim the right to jump the line for a cup of coffee, but it is not a matter of such great importance that T'Challa would do such a thing. Besides, when have the Avengers ever really seen him claim a benefit simply by way of being royalty?

He has been in the hangar to help oversee the touching up of the Quinjet engine, offering assistance and tips only if wished. After all, the Quinjet design was one of his own, used now by both the Avengers and SHIELD. How many are aware of that?

He moves along at his own pace, overhearing Carol well enough to say, "I trust you will not need to resort to such measures." The man continues along until a few of the others are noted, at which point he offers a dip of the chin in acknowledgment. "My friends. A coincidence, or is there a scheduled coffee break I was unaware of?" He wears a set of casual clothing, capped off with a leather jacket and slacks of a comfortable weave, feet snugly fitting into a pair of Wakandan-made cross-trainers in black, purple, and gold.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper Potts, purveyor of the caffeine is closing the connection to a much loved Chinese restaurant as the coffee begins to burble. The arrival of one, two.. three.. four Avengers, perhaps summoned by the sound of the coffee grinder (who knows? Maybe!) gains a quick, unexpected laugh, and she moves away from the pot.

"I was just making a pot-" Of course, does she have to continue to say who it's for? No. "It's almost done."

She gets to greet them, if not by name, at least by the smile left behind from the laugh, "I think I should ask JARVIS if we can figure out a way he can get the coffee pot on board. I'll talk to Tony about one of the cleaner bots priming the grinder, because you all look like you need that coffee." Pepper's joking, mostly. In a room with Supers, and it makes a girl feel a little bit insignificant, but she's tall and proud of her own mark.

And the coffee.

And soon enough, the chinese food to feed the army.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers greets each person in turn as she encounters them. "Nat. Pietro. T'Challa," she offers to each, and finally, "Pepper. Great timing, either on your part, or ours," she says with a soft laugh. "Just a coincidence, I think," she tells T'Challa before making a gesture that seems a general invitation to everyone else to go ahead of her.

For Carol has something else to do first. She goes over to the sink, grabbing the soap and beginning a thorough hand and face washing. She gets herself clean of the engine grease, using some paper towel to pat her face dry while the others have a chance to get their coffee. "Pietro, I think the penalty is covering my turn on monitor duty," she tells him. There's always an Avenger on duty, there to make decisions or respond if needed, though JARVIS can handle so much of the monitoring on his own.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
there's food, there's caffeine, and there might even be camraderie. Natasha Romanoff would give a small nod of thanks to Pepper. Nodding at the rest of the team and shaking her head lightly. "I'm sure you could build a better one if you wished." She is still however in line to get her coffee properly. At Pietro's entrance there would be a passive look of evaluation. Natasha is making no moves for food now. Maybe she ate before she came down?

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Quicksilver's eyebrow arches, nodding to Pepper. "The warmth and flavor, of course. The caffiene is lost on me." Blessing and curse, is his absurdly fast metabolism. "Thank you, for making the coffee - even if we may not have been the intended recipients." A slight bow of Pietro's head to the impromptu hostess of the gathering.

Carol's suggestion gets a /look/. "Sit in a room for hours on end? That's madness." He harumphs. "I will be glad to do circuits around the compound and do physical checks." He counter offers. The world moves slowly enough already for the Maximoff, no need to sit stagnant in a room.

The others are given first dibs on the coffee, the man waiting his turn for once.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa stands apart from the coffee machine, remarking, "I will have to introduce you to one or two of our traditional drinks at some point. Wakandans are, of course, familiar with coffee, but some have yet to take to it." He turns for the fridge to fill a glass with water, sipping from it afterward.

He takes further note of Pietro, a man has been around before, whether it had to do with Genoshan matters or otherwise. "I would not expect someone who lives life at the speeds you do to be content with staying in one place very long, no. I expect you would have your own ways of keeping watch over things."

As for the rest of them, he remains cordial, if somewhat distanced at the moment. Like most of them, there is always something to focus on. "I hope you are all well."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper makes herself useful once more by pulling mugs from the cabinet, two at once in hand and setting them beside the coffee pot. Once out, she pulls one more and sets it to the side before attending to the sugar and cream on the table, with spoons. "I think a little bit of both," is mused, the humor evident in that ghosted smile that plays so easily, "Just one more skill for my CV."

Pepper is out of the way now, standing near the table, her cup in hand, If she has to make a new pot, then so be it. "We probably could build something, or even modify it. But then, it would have a personality, and might want to give you decaf out of spite because you picked a bean that it didn't like." Of course, the end of that story would be 'and then it'd have to be killed.'

She holds the cup in two hands, one wrapped around the handle, one at the base of the mug. "Mr Maximoff, I.. would completely believe that. So, I hope it's to your liking." Ever the hostess!

"I would love to have some of the coffee from Wakanda, T'Challa. When Tony and I were your guests, it was lovely. And the food. I still would love to get a few of those recipes." Obviously, can't find anything like that in New York!

Carol Danvers has posed:
After she's finished cleaning up, Carol goes over to a fridge. There are chefs on duty all the time to whip up whatever, though that doesn't stop the team from getting or making things on their own. Plus a few have their own kitchenettes in their suites. But Carol is happy picking something out of the fridge, ending up with an apple which she grabs a dish towel to polish up.

"I'm game, Your Majesty," Carol replies to trying the Wakandan beverages. "Doing pretty well. Keeping busy though," she comments. "Helped demolish some buildings. Which, is every bit as fun as it sounds. Albeit, maybe not under the circumstances." She lets out a soft sigh at the last part, before taking a bite of the apple.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Small iota of information on interpersonal interactions filed away and archived if ever needed. "Thank you Pepper." Natasha would say appreciatively. Then at the 'horror story' she would lightly smile. "And that would extend to everyone who helped design such an abomination." She would take another sip of her own looking contemplative.

Ruminative. On events, operations.. The Black Widow's focus was clearly elsewhere, even while she would relax and listen to the back and forth. As T'Challa would inquire, she would state, "I'm fine." Bruises from a 'fight' with Red She-Hulk already fading (as much as one could call something with any Hulk a 'fight').

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Pietro does seem to relax a bit - ever so slightly - at T'Challa's comment. Clearly, the King understands! The speedster reaches up, rubbing across his brow. "Sorry. Just... habit. Things happen so slowly. I will, of course, keep an eye on the grounds. I just may to laps inbetween monitor viewings." Again, he offers a wan smile.

Once he's up to get coffee, he offers a nod of thanks to Pepper again.

"I am certain it will be well-received, Pepper."

Looking then to Carol, T'Challa and Natasha - he zips over to a place to settle to drink the coffee. Bruises are noted, the man curious. "Did I miss a mission?"

T'Challa has posed:
"And it keeps you good form. You would not expect a panther to be in bad shape, would you?" T'Challa adds, with a passing smile. Yes, he is prone to finding ways to remain active as well.

To Carol, he adds, "You would come in handy with some of the rebuilding projects I have in the works in the Bronx, and I have a feeling some of the people there would enjoy meeting you."

There are a few more seconds where he is left looking thoughtful and seemingly uncertain of something at the same moment, then he says, "As to that, I am still at work on various details, but many of you may find yourselves invited to visit sooner rather than later, should you be interested. I may even be able to provide a recipe or two." As isolationist as Wakanda has traditionally been, even to the point that most of the Avengers have yet to even set foot on its soil, this is a sign of further progress. Being King, he could decide what he wants and that would be that, but there are more delicate ways to handle the important things his people will soon face.

"I believe I saw that report, but I have not had the chance to look more closely at it. Natasha, what brought it about, if you do not mind repeating yourself?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
"There's Chinese food on its way, Carol," Pepper offers up as the woman wanders to the refrigerator, just in case it was missed. "Enough to feed everyone, which is a tall order, considering who 'everyone' is. But, it's the only way I know to make sure Tony actually eats." Order it, put it in front of him, "Though he's getting better about it."

The threat, unintended though it may be, gives Pepper pause before she smiles tightly, her lips forming that thin line, "Then it looks as if it will remain unplugged from the system." Because, let's face it, it'd be Tony designing it, and she's nothing if not extremely protective, in her own ways.

Once the others gain their coffee, Pepper's able to pour her cup and moves back over to the table, eschewing the milk and suger. It'll be going downstairs. "I highly recommend getting involved, Carol. They could use more friendly faces. It's a great program that T'Challa has in place. Definitely worth the investment, even if it is just time."

The topic, as it shifts potentially towards Avenger business, has Pepper pulling out her phone, tracking the food order. She's not an Avenger, but obviously completely understands the need for silence for whatever happens in this building. After all, she carries secrets that can cost Stark Industries millions if not billions. She is the keeper of trade secrets, technology secrets, prototype secrets, and in all? One might never realize it, so .. unassuming she is in comparison to the company she keeps.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would take a sip of her coffee, glancing at the rest of the team. "SHIELD was tracking reports of raids on equipment used in research on gamma radiation. A number of dummy convoys were sent out purportedly carrying equipment. The one myeslf and Agent Barton were on was attacked by a Hulk. Red. Female. At the point she figured out that there was nothing useful to seize she disengaged." Point of fact.

"Some biological samples were taken for analysis." By 'biological samples' she meant blood.

Another sip of coffee as Natasha would speak ever so casually about this sort of thing in the air one might talk about the weather.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"A red... female hulk?" Pietro looks quite concerned over that. "I had only ever heard of the green ones. Are there other colors?" Joking or not, it's hard to tell. "And this one was cognizent of items of value in a convoy?" That doesn't bode well.

Perhaps some scouting was in order. The coffee is quickly quaffed down, the mug deposited in a blur of motion in the sink. "I should look into such things. Perhaps I can ask my sister if she has word of a Scarlet Hulk." A chuckle. "Thank you all for the conversation, coffee, and welcome back. I will be more present in the future, I hope." With little more to say, he dashes out of the compound - making certain to keep below Mach 1 to avoid causing people to replace windows.

T'Challa has posed:
There is a grimace to T'Challa's expression now, following Natasha's information. "That is concerning. I will see what I can find out about it. Do let us know if anyone learns more, as well as what the results of the tests reveal."

Finishing off the water, he notes the food as it arrives and a blip comes over through the Kimoyo Beads at his left wrist. A message he checks, then addresses those who remain. "I must attend to a visitor at the embassy. You will understand if I take some of this to go?" He indicates the Chinese food with a hand, then gets a container he can carry off with him. "I will speak with you again soon."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"There's Chinese food on its way, Carol," Pepper offers up as the woman wanders to the refrigerator, just in case it was missed. "Enough to feed everyone, which is a tall order, considering who 'everyone' is. But, it's the only way I know to make sure Tony actually eats." Order it, put it in front of him, "Though he's getting better about it."

The food does indeed arrive, and set out on the table. The coffee that's been put aside is cooling, and a plate is set up with a little bit of everything.

"Oh dear," Pepper murmurs. "Clint is okay, yes?" There hadn't been word regarding the archer, and he's currently not present to partake of the food. He'll probably be down later, but now? She nods after, her lips still tensed, the humor completely gone from her features, her expression concerned.

"Good night, T'Challa. Mr Maximoff," she doesn't know the speedster quite so well. "Carol."

It's back to Natasha, then, that she turns, and her voice lowers, "If there's anything we can do. Satellites, we can put HOMER on channels that perhaps SHIELD hasn't been able to access, or wouldn't think to." She's learned, now, since Tony's kidnapping and subsequent return that //communication channels// are very, very, VERY important.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod at T'Challa, "I'm sure someone will. The matter will be resolved." Taking another sip of her coffee. "Excellent brew, Pepper. My thanks." Natasha would go to finish her mug and then take it over to the sink to pop it into the dishwasher ever so calmly. Giving a farewell nod to Pietro and T'Challa.

"Appreciated, Pepper. I'm not sure if this is more of an Avengers problem or more of a SHIELD problem. It will get itself sorted out sooner or later. I'm sure that some of the specialists will have something to offer." Her tone is thoughtful and analytical. "And probably best to talk to the specialists on staff before deciding on how to commit resources."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Tony is a contractor with SHIELD," Pepper reminds softly. "I think it's genetic, though." There is that other reminder, and it's a gentle one, "SHIELD's resources and Stark Industries' are two different creatures. Believe me when I say that I wouldn't doubt that Tony's used his satellite to get a good picture of models on yachts in San Diego Bay years ago." Possibly with a phone call to follow up, and then another private party. "Allocation has never been a concern on our end. And since he's become Iron Man?" She shakes her head; the concern is there again, etched on the strawberry blonde's face.

"Anyway, just let me know if you need anything." Pepper exhales with a sigh and leans against a cabinet, her arms folding in front of her. "Don't forget that at the end of the day, you have some amazing people around you. I know you know it, here," and she points to her head, "but it's here, too." She finishes off just above her heart. "Don't ever think they won't help."

Gesturing towards the still warm food, Pepper's tones get a touch lighter, even if some of the weight doesn't. She pushes herself off from her lean on the cabinet, "Please, eat something."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would give a nod at Pepper, "Understood and appreciated." Her tone was thoughtful. "I haven't had much time to think on it beyond writing up my report. If I'm going to be more tasked with this then I might very well take you up on the offer. Thank you." Her tone is ever, ever so thoughtful.

"But one doesn't win a war with weapons. Weapons are just a part of it. Now.. Now our best asset is intelligence. Anything we can confirm on whatever -it- is.. That will be more useful. One has to know thier enemy before they fight, after all." She would look ever so amused at nothing in particular.

"And I ate before I came down. I appreciate the offer though." A wave given to Pepper, and then Natasha is heading out. On to her next assignment and obligation. She had too many decades of life spent on the wrong side of the tracks to lay idle for.