11152/Dwelling in the Depths with Deviants, Discussing Deterents

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Dwelling in the Depths with Deviants, Discussing Deterents
Date of Scene: 14 May 2022
Location: Ivana's Secret Lair
Synopsis: Ivana has a 'personal session' with Rachel Goldman and Nicole Callahan and twists her fingers into them.

WARNING: This scene contains sadism of an abusive and torturous nature done for the purpose of humiliation. It is disturbing. Do not read this if you find these events in roleplay uncomfortable.

Cast of Characters: Ivana Baiul, Rachel Goldman

Ivana Baiul has posed:
Ivana Baiul was many, many things. Eternally psychotic. Eternally sadistic. Currently she was engaging over in something to press her satisfaction. Two heavily drugged teenagers were propped up in chairs, full in restraints. An IV bag was hooked up to each of them, various holographic lenses flaring over their heads. To the side, Nicole Callahan, aka Bliss, had some fresh cruises over her face and tears on her outfit. The seemingly permanent smugness on her face was gone.

Rachel Goldman has posed:
    It's never a good thing when Baiul orders a member of DV8 to attend her. The best they can hope for is new orders, the worst is that she's either bored or believes they've done something worth of punishment. But it can't be avoided.

That only makes it worse.

    Which is why Rachel Goldman, aka Sublime, knocks on the door, then enters the room, schooling her expression into neutrality. "you wanted to see me, Director?" she says quietly.

Ivana Baiul has posed:
    There's a moment further where there's some sounds of knuckles being rapped a few times. As the doors open, showing the tendril-like 'whips' that Ivana had implanted in her skin to lash over at Nicole's face, leaving sizzling streaks on it. "STand up straight. No movement." Nicole only able to stand up straight as Ivana gave another casual lash over Nicole's body, the welts sizzling up from the neurowhip.
    In the chairs, two drooling other Gen-Actives were undergoing reprogramming. A drug cocktail that synced with the Gen-Active gene, a highly effective neurological brainwashing perfected over the years..
    "I must say, I'm very disappointed in your recent performance. Very, very.."
    Her applying one of her long nails, it lengthening over into a claw along one of the reprogrammed captives. "Very, very disappointed." Blade finger casually slashing over flesh.

Rachel Goldman has posed:
    Rachel swallows, standing stiffly, though where she's put Nicole slightly closer to Ivana than herself. "I will be better ma'am." she says steadily, her voice only trembling slightly. She doesn't try to make excuses. Baiul doesn't like that generally. It just makes her more annoyed. It's one of the reasons Rachel tries to avoid being put in charge of a mission, and why she's stressed when she is.

Ivana Baiul has posed:
Survival experience. The person closest to Ivana is likeliest to earn her abuse as they're the easiest target. "I -expect- better. All thsoe hours I've spent on you. All this time. All these -years-. I've been patient, I've been pleasant.." Two of her claws would scythe down Nicole's body, leaving tattered bits of attire in their wake. Nicole trying to edge away from the slashes. "Still." Ivana would casually order, and the control phrase would kick in, Nicole going immediately upright as the claws went over her.
    "The influx of new recruits is getting me to thinking."

Rachel Goldman has posed:
    "...what about, ma'am?" Rachels says obediently after a moment, her eyes only flicking to Nicole briefly before returning to Ivana. The most dangerous person in the room.

    Besides, she doesn't like Bliss much to begin with, as much as the psycho has messed with her and other DV8 members.

Ivana Baiul has posed:
    Ivana goes to continue to casually work a claw over the completely stilled body of Nicole. "It's a chance to start over fresh. Get some new perspective. Use new techniques. You lot have failed me enough despite all the effort I've put in."
    A claw would go up along Nicole's body in a twistedly intimite and horrifying fashion. No one liked Nicole. Barely anyone in DV8 likely liked one another at all.
    She would go on, "But I'm loathe to dispose of assets.. At least, ones that are functional. Unlike this.." She would speak in an obscene word, "Here and her equally as useless brother."

Rachel Goldman has posed:
    Rachel trembles just a bit, trying to remain perfectly still to be less obvious to the predator nearby. She doesn't respond as of yet, as she wasn't asked a question. And speaking up might draw Ivana's attention.

Ivana Baiul has posed:
Ivana Baiul would sadistically continue, "But you at least tried. You were creative. You were effective. Moreso than hte rest of these useless things." Claw finally leaving Nicole's exposed body. "As of now, I'm putting you in charge of the team in the field. Maybe some fresh perspectives on things will help them work together better."

Rachel Goldman has posed:
    Rachel swallows. Fuck. She's in charge?!? Which means she's responsible for any future fuckups or failures. And there are a lot of fuckups on the team, in her opinion. "Yes ma'am." is all she says, her thoughts a whirl of dread and stress as she tries hard to not look at the blood dripping down over Bliss's skin from the many claw marks.

Ivana Baiul has posed:
Bliss lets out a sob over and a whimper, "Please.. Please stop." Ivana would take a clawed hand up to Bliss lips, "What did I say you had to do?"
    Nicole would whimper, "Mommy, please.. Mommy, please stop."
    Yet another humiliation on top of a lifetime full of them since the group had fallen into Ivana's twisted little games. "One of the new techniques I'm working with involves flash uploading of memories. Skills. At some point I might even be able to upload a full mindscape to someone's consciousness. But I need to stress test it first. See how well a new mind and memories integrate." She would seem to tangent.

Rachel Goldman has posed:
    Rachel can feel hear heart beating rapidly, fear gripping against it in her chest. Again, she doesn't speak up. She hasn't been asked a question yet. And offering opinions can be dangerous around Ivana when she's in a mood like this.

Ivana Baiul has posed:
    Like she was talking about reformatting a computer, the casual and uncaring voice of someone in technical support, she would continue, "And what better way to stress test it than on someone already damaged? You'll do a good job for me, Rachel. Do a good job for me and I'll find someone else to test it on." The 'personality' and 'someone already damaged' no doubt making it clear to -who-..

Rachel Goldman has posed:
    Her breath catches for a moment, before Rachel forces herself to breath out. "Yes ma'am. I won't fail you." she says, her voice only trembling slightly as her fingers curl and uncurl nervously into fists.

Ivana Baiul has posed:
Ivana would smile sadistically, "Good Rachel, good. You're a go getter. I appreciate that. Soon those ever so annoying peppy heroes are going to come here. I've already released the first batch of finished candidates to our corporate backers. When the heroes come here, you will fight and you will drive them off. I expect you to be at your best." Ivana would finally, finally go to take out the neurowhip. "Stay still." A command phrase to lock Rachel out of her powers. Neurwhip slashing down with focused electricity.
    Being given no more commands or pain, Nicole would collapse on the ground, covering herself and sobbing.