11408/I'm Going To Need Some ID

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I'm Going To Need Some ID
Date of Scene: 31 May 2022
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Tony meets Sprite at the club. She's bitter, and he eventually believes she's immortal. Maybe.
Cast of Characters: Sprite, Tony Masters

Sprite has posed:
    The Hellfire Club is a vortex of decadence, hedonism and power. The place is full of power brokers, where morality isn't even a secondary consideration, it's almost actively scorned. Sprite loves it. It's a callback to earlier times that she remembers well. These days, people hold themselves to moral and ethical standards that were impractical or impossible in earlier days of humanity. It's like a theme park for her, like visiting a renaissance festival.

    Of course, if you go to something like that, you have to go in costume. So, for Sprite today, that's a red corset, red miniskirt, and a deeper, blood-red pair of fishnets, leading down to red heels that tack on a whopping five inches to her height. She is swanning about the place like she /owns/ it, heedless of any concerns. THIS, more than anywhere, is a place she doesn't mind cutting loose.

Tony Masters has posed:
     For Tony, who lacked that millennia of experience with debauchery, it was a fun place to visit, and also a nice paycheck. He's not technically part of the security, he trained the security. But he still keeps an eye out for odd things. Currently out of costume, he's wearing a rather nice bespoke gray suit. Tailored in such a way that the various weapons he has under it don't show. He blends in quite a bit more, being handsome but not enough to stand out, and seemingly age appropriate for the place. He's moving through the crowd, a drink in his hand. Observing the VIP members mingling and admiring some of the ladies present. It's been a pleasant but not memorable evening for him.

     And then he spots Sprite. Seeing a seemingly mid-teens or so girl dressed like that, all by herself, causes the mercenaries brows to raise slightly. He glances around, trying to determine if anybody that might be a parent is keeping an eye on her. Seeing nothing, he lets out a silent sigh. Then he begins to deftly weave through the crowd to intercept her. Stepping into her path and looking her in the eye. "Evening. So, who're you here with, kid?" It's a situation she's doubtless familiar with. Somebody, once again, takes a look at her and assumes she snuck in. Because why would they let some child into the Hellfire Club?

Sprite has posed:
    She smiles, looking over to him. "I'm here by myself. Seriously you're here in a place called the Hellfire Club, and you're worried about policing people's ethics?" It annoys her. It always does. But she's learned to sublimate it; people who do that to her are just giving her carte blanche to mess with them. She considers his suit. Bespoke implies SOME money. But being concerned about a "kid" bring here...she isn't sure how to read that yet. And sure, she could cheat and read his mind. But that just spoils the game.

Tony Masters has posed:
     The mans lips twitched slightly at her words. He takes a sip of his drink. "Look. I'm not a hundred precent clear on the rules about age here, but I suspect they don't want a child hanging around. I figure I should give you some warning before the security notices you." He looks her over again. That outfit really is a bit much. But, that part he's not going to comment on. He's seen people let their kids dress in worse at even younger before. He seems relaxed overall. He's clearly not here to make a serious effort to shoo her out. Probably too much effort. He also holds himself like he knows how to handle himself. "What's your name, kid?"

Sprite has posed:
    "I'm not worried about security." Sprite says, honestly. "I don't think many people would be, here. They can either buy their way out of trouble, or they have talents that get themselves out of trouble. And in my case, it's both." She looks to him. "You can call me Robin. What do I call you?" she asks. "Other than tall, dark, and muscly?" She seems amused at that. "And I'd guess you're here more on ability than bank account. You've got enough to pay for that suit, but you're not as soft as some of these."

Tony Masters has posed:
     He smiles faintly. "Don't underestimate the security here. From what I know, they're pretty well trained. And they expect people with...'talents', as you put it." He glances down at his fit frame. "You can call me Tony. And you might be surprised. I'd like to think I have plenty of both. You seem pretty confident in your own skills. I'm going to just hazard a guess that it's not fighting." He reaches out a hand casually, and lightly beeps her on the nose. Or at least tries to. "No offense, but you don't really look like that sort."

Sprite has posed:
    "Tony. I like that. A little like Stark, but you're more muscly." She appreciates that. She lets him boop her nose, mostly because...well, why not. "I have lots of talents. Fighting isn't my first go-to, but it's not that I can't do it." She reaches out a hand in the classic handshake. "Take my hand." She suggests. "Or pass me a knife. I'm sure you have at least one on you." He's too much a warrior not to, in her opinion.

Tony Masters has posed:
     Tony just looks at the hand for a moment, and then reaches out to take it. Shaking in a casual sort of way. His hand is definitely callused in the way a warrior would be. "A knife?" He glances around the room. "Mm. Sure, why not." He produces one from... somewhere. It's hard to follow the motions, even for somebody like her. A blade suddenly pointed at her throat. Then he flips it around, and lowers it to offer the handle.

Sprite has posed:
    She smiles and takes it. And then proceeds to flip it around several times, twirling it about, and dropping into a fighting stance. Knives have ALWAYS been her weapon of choice, and she's been using them since the Stone Age. She's REALLY good with them (+ski sprite/warrior), and anyone who knows weapons, as Tony does, is going to recognize very quickly that she's WAY better with that than a sixteen year old ought to be.

Tony Masters has posed:
     At first his expression is still relaxed and mostly amused, not taking the girl seriously. His eyes following it as she spins the blade in her hand and takes her stance. Then his brows slowly draw together as he considers her, and he looks her over again. It's not like he's never seen a kid her age who's skilled at fighting. But those are usually the sort that were raised from birth to do nothing BUT fight. And those generally aren't this... comfortable, in social settings. "Hmmm. Well, you didn't cut yourself at least. That's something." Not that he's going to indulge her by acknowledging anything! "So... Robin, was it? What's your story?" He starts to head towards one of the quieter corners of the room as he asks that, intending to sit at a table or the like where they can talk a little more discretely.

Sprite has posed:
    She takes the knife. Hands it back to him. Except...it's still in her hand? And then she hands him that one. Two knives. Indistinguishable in EVERY regard. Each identical in weight, feel, density, EVERYTHING. "Robin is what you can call me. And my story is that I'm old. I am very, very old." She smiles to him as she looks to the two knives. "You know those stories about children who get turned into vampires, and they're children forever? You can think of me as that. The Eternal Child." It has double meaning, since she is an Eternal, but that's just an in-joke for her.

Tony Masters has posed:
     Tony frowns when she hands him the second knife, and reflexively checks that the rest of his are where they should be. They all are, which makes his brow raise. He makes them disappear somewhere. "So your name isn't Robin then." He crosses his arms as he considers the girl. "A kid vampire, are you? It always seems a shame when that happens. But I suppose you don't get to pick when you stop aging in those situations." He doesn't sound entirely convinced, even with her tricks. "So you know, I actually am named Tony."

Sprite has posed:
    "My name isn't Robin." She admits. "I have had more names than I can count, over more centuries than I care to count. And I'm not /actually/ a vampire. That was an analogy. But I am an immortal. I've been kicking around your planet a long, long time." She lets the second, illusory knife disappear, once he puts it away. Sure, she could have actually created one, but illusion is her specialty. All Eternals have one.

    "But you're right. I most certainly wouldn't have chosen to spend eternity as a young teenager." She sounds bitter about that, and it shows in her voice. "Get a girl a drink." she suggests.

Tony Masters has posed:
Settling into his seat, Tony just looks at her for a time. "Mmhmm. I see." Yeah. That sounds a bit far-fetched, even for the circles he runs in. Still, he genuinely isn't part of security. And he's not her parent. So it's not his business if she wants to drink. He flags a waitress over, getting a refill on his own bourbon. "And what does the girl like to drink?" After she places her own order, he'll settle back in his seat. "Assuming you're not trying to pull one over on me, I imagine that would make dating a little... awkward." He swirls his drink, and considers. "Well. At least these days." He tried to imagine spending eternity in his mid-teens, and suppresses a shudder. Talk about a living hell.

Sprite has posed:
    "It makes dating an absolute nightmare." She says, annoyed. "All the more so, lately. I mean, sure, I can LOOK older, which is a perk..." And just like that, her form seems to sprout upwards in height. Tall, leggy, hair down to her backside, and a body that would put Power Girl to shame. "...but it isn't real. And the /lady/ will take a whiskey. It's a good drink for being angry, and I got a taste for it in the Old West."

Tony Masters has posed:
     Tony smirks and says, "Don't get snippy with me, kid. You said girl first." The waitress gives them a somewhat confused look as they talk before retreating with the order. Just in time to miss Sprite's sudden age-up. He glances over her new look. "Well, I guess you're at least telling me the truth about your tricks. Nice look." He's really not sure what to think of her. The whole centuries and centuries of life thing is pretty hard to swallow. Buttt she she does seem experienced. And she has powers. So he supposes she could be a really old mutant or something. "So lets say you are however many years old. What is it you do?"

Sprite has posed:
    She lets the illusion dissolve, and in sparkling light, she's her teenage self again. "For a lot of history? Tried to steer humanity. Sometimes good. Sometimes bad. For the last century or so? Being increasingly bitter. There's never been a time in this planet's history that pampers and coddles children as much as this one does. A hundred years ago, I was still treated as an adult, looking like this. A young adult, but still an adult. Four hundred years ago, people would have wondered why I wasn't married and cranking out babies. These days? The authorities wander around and want to wonder why I'm not at school." She slams the whiskey down in a shot, clicking the glass down. "It's enough to make someone want to watch the world burn."

Tony Masters has posed:
     Hmm. That level of bitterness is pretty hard to fake. It's slowly becoming more believable she might be as old as she claims. He considers her thoughtfully, then calls the waitress over. "I think you might want to keep them coming for a while. Or just leave a bottle." Then he turns back to Sprite. "Well, that's... hard to wrap my head around. I mean, conceptually I know that society has changed a lot, but..." He shakes his head. "I know it's bad for you personally, but is that change really a bad thing?" He reaches over the table, and gives one of her tiny hands a pat. "So, is that your end goal then? Burning down the world?" It's not like there weren't tons of supervillains who hung out at the Hellfire Clujb. "If so, maybe give it another century or so. I'm sure I'll be dead by then."

Sprite has posed:
    "It's bad for /me/. I'll be the first one to admit that teens and children have had a really shitty deal most of history. Children's labor in the Industrial Revolution. The Children's Crusade. Infant mortality in general. But I'm NOT a child, I'm NOT a teenager, and I'm getting pretty pissy at being treated like one." She nods to the waitress as regards the bottle. She smiles a little at the hand-pat. It's physical contact, at least. "Probably not. I mean, I've put too much damn work into this world to really want to destroy it. Hell, I've had the chance SO many times. I'm just being sullen." And then she can't keep her trademark mischevious grin off her face. "Or petulant, if we want to play up the teenager thing. I'm feeling a bit of immortal ennui, along with societal annoyance. I have enough money at this point I probably couldn't spend it all if I tried. I'm immortal, so death isn't a concern. I'm personally powerful enough that I can pretty much do what I want and get away with what I want. And yet, society itself makes my day to day more and more annoying. That, and there's not exactly a lot of people who can really relate to what I've been through. There's only a few like me...less than two dozen. And I haven't spoken with most of them in longer than this country's existed. It's kind of shitty." The waitress returns with the bottle, and Sprite gives her a faint smile.

Tony Masters has posed:
     Tony nods again. He briefly wonders how he ended up playing confidant to some millennia old teen at the Hellfire Club of all places. But whatever. He notes her reaction to the hand pat, and reaches out again. Curling his fingers around her hand and just holding it in a comforting sort of way. Not like it costs him anything. "Petulant probably works. No offense, but you do look like a brat at first glance." He pauses for a moment. "So you're that rich, huh? What DO you spend it on?" He could realistically retire himself with the money he has. Though that would be boring. Which is why he's still doing his thing. "I'm a.... teacher, myself. And dabble in private security work. I'm sure I'd get tired of it eventually though. And I get bored like anybody else. I'm trying to picture multiplying that by centuries and... off. I understand why you wanted the whiskey."

Sprite has posed:
    She squeezes his hand back. "I'm a total brat." She admits. "I can get away with it, so I do. And of course I'm rich. Even if we just count the last couple hundred years; be around for the Gold Rush, put the money in a bank, and collect a hundred fifty years of interest. And I've been around a lot longer than a couple hundred years. So I spend it on anything that entertains me. A lot of custom clothes, especially since trying to dress like a modern adult when you look like I do is harder than you'd think." She moves to lace her fingers with his. "And you're starting to get it. Boredom plus frustration multiplied by centuries. Well, technically, millennia." She looks back to him, with a smile. "This right here makes you more open-minded than 95 percent of modern humanity." She nods to their hands. "I appreciate it. I'd offer to rock your world, but I know I'm taboo for a lot of modern guys. Doesn't matter that I'm older than their grandmothers, all they see is "jailbait"."

Tony Masters has posed:
     Tony can't help but laugh. "Open-minded isn't something I'm called often. I guess I'll take it." He doesn't stop the lacing, giving her hand a little squeeze. Though the last bit makes his brows shoot up. "I mean, yeah. That makes sense. They're probably worried about being arrested. And that's not something you want to be arrested for." His lips twitch. "I'm not gonna talk about the guys that would actually be disappointed you're older than you look." He rests his other hand over hers as well. "There's not gonna be any rocking going on tonight, but if you get sad enough I can offer a hug." A pause. "As long as you tell me what your name actually is."

Sprite has posed:
    "Sprite." She tells him, after a moment's hesitation. "My real name, yes. I know it sounds like a soda these days." She keeps her fingers laced with his. "Yeah, the only interest I get these days is from pedophiles. Again, it sucks ass. I'm NOT a child." She smiles a little. "Not sad right now. Bitter. Annoyed. If I drink enough whiskey, we can even upgrade that to "maudlin", but not yet."

Tony Masters has posed:
     He considers that. "Sprite. Sounds more like a codename than a name, yeah. But sure." He smiles at her. "Nice to meet you. I've never chatted with an immortal before that I can remember." Hah. You see, that's funny because he gets spontaneous amnesia about various things. He picks up his own drink and drains it down. Then he produces a card from somewhere. It just has his number on it. He slides it over to her. "In case you get too drunk to remember this tomorrow." He still isn't sure how much of what she's telling him he believes. But it seems interesting enough to look into.

Sprite has posed:
    "And here I'd think that would be something that you would remember." She takes the card, looking at the number. "I don't think I'll get likely to forget this. I'd have to drink A LOT. That whole immortality thing comes with one hell of a metabolism." She flips the card about a couple times, and it disappears in sparkles. "So what's YOUR last name, Tony? After all, you know my name, I only know part of yours." she says.

Tony Masters has posed:
     More tricks he sees. He looks at her for a time, considering. Finally he says, "Masters. So that's your full name, huh." He stretches. "Well, if you call me and /I/ don't remember this conversation, just tell me about it and I'm sure it'll pop back eventually." He glances at his watch. "I am enjoying this conversation, kid. But I have a prior engagement coming up soon. I should start heading there."

Sprite has posed:
    She lets go his hand, finally. Then rattles off a number. "That's my number. Call me. If you want." She lifts her whiskey bottle. "Have fun. I'm going to find the bottom of this." And with that, she'll start into it. This one's almost worse than usual. Because she actually almost connected with someone. And then gets to remember how hard that is.

Tony Masters has posed:
     Tony rises to his feet. He looks at her for a few moments, then reaches over and ruffles her hair. "Don't get too down. We'll talk again soon, I'm sure." He raises a hand, then turns and heads towards the exit. You really never know who you're going to meet.