11578/Anything Powerful is Dangerous

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Anything Powerful is Dangerous
Date of Scene: 17 June 2022
Location: New Horizons Research Center, Canadian Rockies
Synopsis: A catastrophic lab accident at New Horizons Research Center in the Canadian Rockies brings together Black Widow, Wonder Man, Impulse, and Red Arrow to save the survivors, including Dr. Framklin Hall. Black Widow recovers a data drive with the experimental data that caused the accident.
Cast of Characters: Franklin Hall, Natasha Romanoff, Simon Williams, Bart Allen, Emiko Queen

Franklin Hall has posed:
    Somewhere in the Canadian Rockies, at the New Horizons research center, an experiment is taking place.

    In a football field-sized facility, two large rings have been set up, surrounding by emitters using exotic materials to contain the forces to be unleashed, in search of a quantum leap in transportation - a stable wormhole gateway between points.

Hist the controls of the device is a tall, handsome man with the beginnings of artful grey at his temples, his hair worn long over his lab coat - Dr. Franklin Hall. As assistants finish flipping the remainder of the devices for standby, a group of figures observe in business attire om a viewing window overhead in a covered balcony. As Hall glances up at them, his expression tightens into frustration, remembering their chiding: "The project is too expensive for showing no concrete results." "We can't continue to fund your scientific fantasies, doctor." Or most telling: "We should have gotten Dr. Richards to help with it instead."

    "Clear the room to standby positions." Hall barks as he starts to expertly reconfigure controls. Previously, the worm entrance has formed...but it has never successfully connected from the first ring to the second ring designed to contain it. But Hall is determined that this time...THIS time it WILL work. His career depends on it.

    With a hum the rings power up, the devices around them starting to shine as they focus a protective forcefield around the apparatus, the whine of systems powering up filling the room. A few seconds later there's a flash in the center of the first ring as a shimmering vibration in the air shows the wormhole aperture forming. On the screens before Hall and his assistance, the tunnel starting to form from that entrance is shown flailing rather than successfully reaching the second ring...pushing in and out of a 4th dimension like a serpent breaching through sand.

    "Dr. Hall, the second ring still is not - " one assistant says over the intercome, as Hall slaps at the button for it. "I can SEE that, Collins. It's almost there...." His eyes narrow. "We need more power. If it's stronger, it will reach further and intersect." Collins stammers. "Sir, we're already at the safety protocol level for this lab, we can't..." "I CAN and I WILL." Dr. Hall snaps, reaching out and shoving several controls to their maximums as the snake of energy and space starts to lengthen and expand. Hall's eyes widen in triumph as it begins to curl towards the second ring...

    Then suddenly jerks to the side as it penetrates the field around the systems, punching through a neighboring wall as it flails through the base, intersecting with a neighboring particle accelerator running its own tests.

    The interaction is catastrophic, as the unformed wormhole tunnel absorbs the graviton particles from the neighboring experiments, swelling outwards like a balloon as the entrance snaps the ring holding it in check as it breaks free, drifting as it begins to spin to the horizontal, then loses containment.

    The news is fairly quickly expanded among emergency services...a mysterious catastrophic explosion at a remote lab. Somehow the cable news always knows.

    And in this case, a variety of heroes who just happen to be watching near where a small glowing blue girl also is are given the chance as she intervenes by opening a portal directly to the ruined lab for them to pass through and save lives.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
She hadn't been expecting to go up north, but where there's an emergency, the Avenger has duties. So she's going there no matter what. Survival equipment over in hand, ready to head in to help evacuate people and hopefully stabilize things. Quantum Mechanics are far from her forte, and most of those she would work with on the issue aer otherwise occupied. So all Natasha Romanoff can do upon transit and arrival is to try and help evacuate as many people as possible and minimize damage.
    As she arrives, she's wearing a full environmental suit. Facemask, airtight bodysuit, and oxygen rebreather with her to filter out air. She's not invulnerable. Issues with existence aren't something that her body will handle well.

Simon Williams has posed:
Seemingly incapable of denying a call for help (at least when his agent says he's got some time for heroics), Simon leaps through the young woman's portal, no questions asked.

Appearing on the other side, now somewhere in Canada, Wonder Man's body shifts to and fro, twisting around itself like some sort of Eldritch horror for some time...before he's snapped back to the form that everyone recognizes; Academy Award nominated actor and superhero Simon Williams.

He rubs at his jaw and rolls his neck and shoulders before he's snapping back to attention, those red aviator-covered eyes taking in his surroundings.

"Boom. Big boom."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen was watching the news with Emiko in their Apartment. At the news of the explosion, he looks to her and says "Grab your gear?" His is in his costume in well a flash, and he will wait for her. He takes the time to bring up a satellite image of the area from past day or so, it is good to be part of the Outsiders and the Titans. Once Red Arrow is ready to head out, Impulse kneels down to let her climb onto his back easier, and they are off, heading the most direct path to the facility, mountains ran over, ponds and lakes ran across. Bart does his family proud with making it there quickly maybe not portal quick, but PTQ.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko has been actively following the project, an interest in stable portals and wormholes a particular interest of hers... perhaps no surprise given her boyfriend. When the catastrophe is broadcast, she's already changing and grabbing onto Impuse for the ride out. The pair will be able to make excellent time, a small rebreather attached to one hip to help combat any gasses or smoke.

She glances up at Bart as they arrive and nods towards Natasha and Simon, "We should coordinate. Think you could do a once around and get us number and placement of people that need assistance?" Red Arrow, looks towards where the two portals had been, then starts towards the other two. "Hey!"

Franklin Hall has posed:
    Upon arrival, it's easy to see a good chunk of the damage. All of the outer windows have blown out, and a good chunk of the southernmost wall of the roughly hexagonal structure has rumbled and fallen outwards. Sections of the roof have fallen in in several places, as a groan of straining damaged building supports can be heard from inside.

    There are people evacuating already and evacuation alarms sounding, with varying injuries. Some people are able to walk or limp on their own, others are being dragged or carried out by co-workers. Part of the structure shudders as a sheared through girder inside its support begins to slide to the side, tilting with a groan.

    As the last of the heroes goes through the portal, it closes for a moment. A few seconds later it reopens, this time in a major hospital parking lot.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff lets herself land, and she would go to take up her finger to her Avengers comm <<Williams, go in first in case the facility has any week areas that need stabilized. You're the strongest one present so if need be you'll be available to help brace them.>> It's a simple thing and hopefully one that well suits Simon's powerset. Time to see how he handles himself in the field.
    Natasha herself is going to quick jog on in, switching to a set of ultraviolet goggles with an electric heads up display to hpoefully let her search better for those still in the building.

Simon Williams has posed:
"Ladies and gentlemen, have no fear, Wonder Man is here," Simon says, clenched fists digging into his hips as he looks towards Natasha. <<Good idea, Widow,>> he says with a nod. He then turns his attention to the other two. "I'm gonna see what I can do to keep this thing from falling down around our ears. You two think you can handle escorting these folks out of that and into that?" he asks, gesturing to the building and the new portal respectively.

His body is swathed in an aura of crackling ionic energy and he's lifting off the air to jet into the building.

It only takes a cursory survey of the damage to get him back on comms. <<Romanov, we've got a problem. The nature of the damage is too severe. We've got supports almost entirely sheared through. I can start jury rigging a quick fix, but I can't promise how much time that'll buy us,>> he says, feet touching down as he grabs at a support beam that's nearly cleft in two and rends it back together. Holding the sides close, he shakes the glasses from his face and his unnatural all-red eyes begin to glow brighter for a moment. They explode into beams of energy, sustaining on the support as he begins to spot weld it back together.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to Natasha as he sees her using a com, and will tell her a frequency that he and Emiko have used together. He looks to Emiko, and says "If you can keep anyone who should not be going in, I will start getting people out. " Bart can get folks out quicker than they can get through the portal, and Emiko can help them and make sure none try to exploit the emergency. He calls over his com "Check check." to make sure they can hear him, and he is off, heads inside to start getting people and bringing them out, stopping for the briefest moment anytime he sees a map of the location, to keep himself oriented and make sure he is getting people out the quickest safest way possible.

Franklin Hall has posed:
    Entering the building, it's pretty evident immediately that whatever explosion ripped through this place was odd, in that it appears to have blown out in a perfectly horizontal disk of an explosion, shearing through walls and damaging or cutting completely through building supports. Many of the supports are now starting to settle, either sliding from the shearing or starting to topple from being severely bent. The benefit of this is unlike a normal explosion, it looks like it was high enough on the main floor that it probably missed most of the people inside, and wasn't high enough to have hit people on the upper two stories.

    The down side being that the people on the upper floors are probably trapped in terms of finding a way down easily before the crumbling supports give way without help or some way of slowing down the collapse to get people out.

    The epicenter of the explosion appears to have been from a lab on the south end of the building, as it appears to be where most of the damage is concentrated.

    On the hospital side of the portal, the first wounded from the lab are heading through under prompting from Singularity and Emiko, the latter of which takes over organizing the evacuation outside. The hospital is starting to respond, with hospital personnel starting to scramble to assist. Emergency personnel have also been contact, though it may be a bit until they can arrive.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would go to tap along her comm <<Do so. Please try and evacuate thsoe within as fast as you can. Simon, focus in keeping the area stable to the best of your ability. I trust your judgement. Do the best you can>> Now Natahsa is just going to start to run in and head deeper itno the facility. She's trusting the others to evacuate the area far more effectively than she can. She's heading towards the control room if it's accessible and not dangerous. Seeing if there's any sort of data to be gained.. Or some way to shut down some of the systems that were overloading as the building would continue to have detonations.
    If she could get some idea as to what made it explode or data for later analysis, they might be able to help slow it down to evacuate more people.

Simon Williams has posed:
"No you don't!" Simon calls out to a ceiling support that's begun to buckle above him. He's floating up to him and catching each end in his hands, doing the same as before and bending them back together before blasting them with his eye beams. That settled, he's touching back down to the floor and beginning to walk the halls in search of people to evacuate or minor repairs to do.

"Can't believe I've already lost my damn sunglasses," he laments, hearing the telltale sounds of survivors on the higher floors.

<<Impulse, I need to know if there's a safe way down for the ones trapped on the higher level,>> he comms.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen gets some more people out and says"On it, be right back," And off he goes away from the site, but just a moment later he is back, and there is a blur of movement on the sides of the building, starting on the one that seems to be leaning the most. Bart went to the nearest hardware store, and lumber yards, (titans tower will be getting a bill or three), and now he is doing speed buildings. He builds a scaffolding with a wooden slide, from each floor down to the next one making sure each floors landing lines up with a window. "Ok side's one and sides two have new emergency exits." He does do a quick run through telling people where to go and making signs on the walls with sharpies pointing tot he new emergency exits, before going to work on more exits for the other sides

Franklin Hall has posed:
    Welding the sheared supports is a good tactic...it won't hold forever but it keeps them from sliding further, stabilizing the roof in the process. The best tactic is doing every other support to spread out the stabilization as far as possible...doing each one will take too long. But Simon is able to move from area to area to weld them steadily. Even then, it's probably not going to hold too long.

    As for those inside, they fall into three categories roughly: people who are able to move under their own power and are trying to get out, people who are trapped or pinned by debris, and unfortunately, those who didn't make it in sections that already came down. The stairways to the upper floors and elevators are nonfunctional mostly save for one on the northeast corner that is mostly intact.

    As the slide takes shape, those employees who can quickly start moving towards it on the upper floors, beginning to slide down to where arriving paramedics are helping them at the bottom, starting to do triage with who needs to be carried out and who can make it on their own. As more slides are formed, the stream of survivors start to increase as more and more are able to evacuate.

    Natasha heading down to the center of the explosion requires some acrobatic work, given the damage is concentrated here. There is a hallway that leads down towards the lab area that probably goes there, but there are two issues there as well. One is that she can clearly hear people at the top of a broken stairway yelling for help, that looks like it leads up to where the observation areas for the labs are from the sign by the stairway.

    The other is that small pieces of debris appear to be floating in midair here and there, defying gravity.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff goes to quickly call along hte comm <<I have individuals pined along the stairwell near the labs>> A warning given to the otehrs as she would ehad in that direction at a fast pace. Along the way, she moves to grab a fire extinguisher if one is available, her other hand readying her grapple gun as she would head towards the stairs. Going to call out on her approach
    "I'm here to help! Can anyone hear me? Give me a quick report of your status and how many are with you?" She would dart along towards the broken stairwell and the sounds of yelling.

Simon Williams has posed:
<<I hear you, on my way,>> Simon calls back before a chunk of concrete falls from the ceiling and smashes onto his head, exploding into a shower of debris. Simon grumbles and lifts a hand to run a hand through his hair. It's then that his ears prick up and he's turning to fly down the hallways towards the elevators. He slides the doors back and spies the elevator car itself trapped in the relief at the bottom of the shaft. There's a very slow heartbeat within. <<I've got wounded,>> he comms.

Slowly floating down to the top of the car, he grabs at the edge and peels the roof of it back, spying a young man in his twenties, unconcious and with a bad-looking head wound that he must have sustained when the cables were cut. Simon scoops the poor guy up and makes moves to fly him outside where he can hopefully get some other survivors to carry him through the portal to the hospital.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will reply back, which spot has the most open triage area directing Wonder Man to take his person there. Once he has the slides built, he will take himself to the very top of the building and starts doing something only one of the speedsters should do in a situation like this. A room by room search from the top floor down, he does intentionally put a odd step into his run not wanting to make any weird harmonics in the building and make it fall faster.

Franklin Hall has posed:
    Simon can easily get the young man out to the hospital personnel outside. The first fire unit is pulling up outside along with a police force to blockade and assist as well as more and more first responders arrive. One of the paramedics will take the young man off his hands to start treating him.

    There's another groan from the building, as part of the east wall shudders, cracking along its surface, before the facade starts to topple outwards, baring the inner rooms beyond.

    Bart has his hands full. While he's fast, there's a lot of debris, making it a definite running hazard, especially with section sof the floor having cracked or given way. Still, he's steadily able to find people huddling in their offices or labs to start removing them.

    Some of those labs, unfortunately, included volatile chemicals that have ignited fires, the fire alarms starting to ring as well as sprinklers kick on in different areas to varying effect...in many places where the ceiling has shifted the actual pipes have burst, resulting in water starting to pool or run through the building in small waterfalls.

    "There's eight of us...most of us got caught in the glass and are bleeding. I-I was in the back so it missed me....Dr. Hall and his lab assistants were down on the main floor..." The stairway creaks alarmingly under Natasha's ascent. About a floor up part of it has been broken away from the upper floor, falling across the door to the observation area.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would clal out <<The stairwell over here is unstable. It's not going to hold for long>> She goes to focus over. "All right, how long since any of you took rock climbing?" She would quip, and then go to take out her grapple line and fire it in the stairwell, going to anchor it from the ceiling down to the floor in another hole in the area. "Slide down this and get out o fhere. Someone will try and help you along the way but we have our hands full>" Presuming that it would be stable and work, Natasha would isntruct, "Watch iwth your hands when you go down. Slide quickly. You'll likely bleed some if you don't have something to cover them with. It will heal. J ust get out of here adn head for the exit." Presuming that the people pinned there would be able to make use of it, Natasha would then be going to head away towards the upper area.

Simon Williams has posed:
With his wounded man deposited with the requisite caretakers, Simon's back in the air and heading towards Natasha's location. The bursting pipes are definitely a concern, but not the highest priority. This building's going down, and there's nothing Simon can do to stop it.

Joining Nat in the stairwell with a whoosh of air, Simon's assessing the situation and lifting off the ground once more, situating himself under the collapsed stairs and bracing the broken section with his back.

<<Impulse, people in the building; what's the headcount?>> he asks.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will call back over the comp, "Top floor is clear, am about half finished with the second floor." He can be heard to talk slow to a woman "Ok ma'am just close your eyes and hang on." And he is taking her out to deposit her with the others before heading back in. He frowns a bit and will start pouring on the speed now, running a bit faster than he is comfortable with, but it is what a hero does.

Franklin Hall has posed:
    "Slide down? Are they kidding?!?" an older man's voice says, tinged with pain. "It's not too hard, I've done it for rock walls..." a younger woman says. With Simon pressing up agains tthe broken stairway it shrieks and groans as its lifted up so it's more or less in place for them to slide the half flight or so left. With it no longer blocking the doorway they open the door wand some bloodied people in business attire start making their way out shakily, sliding down the rope to get to the stairs then limping down the stairs. They look a bit like a horrorshow...apparently they caught most of the safety glass as it exploded inward towards them. And it was not as safe as advertised. One woman looks really out of it, and the younger woman (an assistant perhaps?) calls down. "I can't move Gloria, she's got a concussion or something, I don't think she can make it down....

    It's definitely a challenging run for Bart, especially when part of the floor gives way practically under his foot on the way back with one of the survivors! He's got a split second to react as the floor crumbles, exposing some piping and support struts between him and the door.

    The odd phenomena Natasha observed when she got to the hallway seems to subside, pieces of debris starting to drop and clatter along the floor. Along with a more disturbing sound of concrete giving and cracking as the full weight of the building presses down again.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would glance at the others, "It's the fastest way out. I'm sorry." She goes to quickly move to make sure they're sliding down and leaves her rappel line in place. "When they're all out Simon, if you can I'll need the backup. Make sure they're out safe and there's nowhere else that need stabilization that has more people." She's being pragmatic here. They rescue as many people as possible. Anyone in too deep danger or risk..
    Is the lowest priority. They get out as many as they can and leave no one behind that they can manage it.. But they focus on those they can get out the quickest.
    Natasha listens to the group and goes to head towards the laboratory. They're on a tight schedule here. One of the otehrs can help the injured ones out. But she will go back if called.
    <<Try and ensure that we have an off-site log of the data from the experiment and reactor for analysis.>> Oh yes, Nadia will love this.

Simon Williams has posed:
"Of course," Simon says, nodding to Natasha, and letting the stairs hang back down once everyone has descended them. Simon's feet are back on solid ground and he's calling for the freshly-descended survivors to take a step back. Taking a breath and assessing his surroundings, Simon nods to himself and steps towards one of the walls. Energy begins to well up and crackle around him. Steadying his stance, a bolt of purple energy flashes out of his open mouth, punching a sizable hole in the wall he'd been studying. It's now a very accessible exit out into the snow that prevents the small group from having to wander through the collapsing building.

<<On my way to you, Natasha.>>

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will run up the wall, as the floor below him starts to fall away. The thing about speedsters as long as they have something to plant their feet on for less than a picosecond they are pretty much ok. He calls back to them "It is coming down soon, I am going to get the people out, but I don't think I can stop it from coming down. He starts to blur, and he starts running through walls, not as detailed a search as he wants, but he can cover more ground phasing through the walls, till he finds someone to get out of the place.

Franklin Hall has posed:
    As more and more survivors are deposited outside by Bart, the building continues its slowed crumbling, the earlier welding by Simon keeping some places more stable, but the damage is just too extensive. Blowing a hole in the wall near where the latest batch of survivors was found does provide a shorter way out for that side of the building which will speed things up. At the portal, a fire truck inches its way through, trailing a hose linked to a hydrant on the other side as the firemen try to slow down the spread of the fires, a spout of water arcing through the air into the eastern section of the building that's started to smoke. Bart is nearly done..maybe a quarter left to cover, and its in the worst damaged area to the south where Natasha and Simon are.

    Speaking of which, Natasha moving down the hall through the dust and splatter of water will find a football sized lab that apparently took up most of this section...which is probably why it collapsed more than others in addition to being the center of the odd explosion...less support structures to hold it up, but better overall construction.

    Electricity snaps and hisses between broken equipment that's still got power running from it, a broken cable curling and jumping on the floor where it occasionally makes contact with a growing pool of water. The main console for the lab is there, sparking where a piece of metal has literally chopped halfway into it, but there might be a way to remove its data drive still. A man in a lab coat with greying temples is lying near the wall behind it, surrounded by rubble that somehow has managed not to land on him as of yet. Three others are scattered around the room in bunkers whose doors have been wrenched by the explosion to where they're not opening, pounding on them, or trying to pry it open with tools inside.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff is tense as she's going in there, calling out, "Who's here?" She's moving to then simply fire her next grapple gun up and through the air to launch herself across the place towards the next group of people. Her other arm goes to carry the fire extinguisher with her as she geos tow arn, "Get away from the water!" To everyone rpesent as she would go in for a smooth landing and go to run along otwards the individuals. Seeing firs tto them and if they could move. <<I hvae some more survivors here and a data cartridge. I'm not sure I can get them out in time. If it's not safe to come back in, don't risk it. Simon, if you're not pinned down, you'd be the best of us>>

Simon Williams has posed:
Following the sound of Natasha's voice Simon eventually makes it to the testing facility. While he may have a Masters in Electrical Engineering, all of the equipment here is well above his pay grade. Especially since he's hardly used that degree since getting it.

Simon looks to Natasha and offers her a nod before he's floating forward and reaching down to grab the exposed cable. There's a howl of pain as the electricity surges through him, his body shifting and deforming as the power begins mixing with his wholly ionic physiological, sparks of blue and purple crackling out of him here and there. "The...drive..." he says, looking back to Natasha.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will continue his searching. as he gets near the other side, he keeps the phasing up, and says "I am in the areas above you, you guys need me down there?" He will ask, as he realizes again just how handy a utility belt would be things like head lamps, bandages and the such. But Bart does what he does best, run and save people.

Franklin Hall has posed:
    Bart speeds through the remainder of the building, grabbing the last of the survivors who aren't trapped behind a door or such, which are mostly the people where Natasha and Simon are. As Wonder Man grabs the cable, the pool is rendered at least temporarily safe, even if it's painful for him in the process. Natasha can use the fire extinguisher she's got to put out the burning and smoking console long enough to get close enough to pop open a hatch on the side and start removing the hard drive. Still some live current in the console but as long as she's careful should be fine, right?

    On cue the ceiling overhead starts to rumble as a crack appears, running along it from the south side and heading north as pieces of debris start to tumble down from above, smashing into the floor.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff goes to blast down over with the fire extinguisher to try and minimize as much as possible as sh goes to dive along to nab the data drive. Steady hansd go to try and quickly an smoothly tug it out, going to try and cleanly take it out and then rapidly go to insert it over into a stable, vacuum sealed and resistant package to try and minimize data loss and fully insulate it. It will probbly be better protected than she is.
    Whether or not she gets it cleanly, it's time to go. "Everyone out?"

Simon Williams has posed:
Releasing the cable, Wonder Man is driven into the floor by a chunk of the ceiling.

A few moments later and it's shifting as Simon presses it off of himself, gently and carefully setting it off to the side. He drags himself up to his feet and shakes his head, still reeling from the blast of electricity he just tanked. He seems to be fine, though, and he's looking over to Natasha. "Natasha, grab the Doctor," he says, pointing to the incapacitated Hall. "I'll see if I can't pull open these bunkers and grab the others, I'm still hearing vitals."

<<Impulse, we've got four down in the main lab,>> he comms, approaching one of the bunker doors and ripping it off of his hinges.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and heads towards them. He will grab a rolling desk along the way phasing it with him, and continuing down till he is in the room with the others, and has the desk with him "Ok everybody climb on board." He tells those hurt and moves to help them get on if they need help.

Franklin Hall has posed:
    Natasha is able to yank the data drive from the console, as Simon starts ripping the doors off the bunkers, the assistants staggering out, then getting on the desk as Impulse arrives, not arguing. This leaves Dr. Hall on the floor still unconscious.

    And the ceiling, with that alarming crack starting to spread and branch as the supports for the ceiling begin to give way, more of the ceiling beginning to collapse...

Simon Williams has posed:
Helping survivors pile onto Bart's desk, Simon rushes over to the downed Franklin and scoops him up. His eyes turn to the collapsing roof and he shouts, "Bart! Go!"

Simon will also heft up Natasha and aim a blast towards the ceiling, hopefully clearing a path for all of them to fly out through.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will grab the end of the desk, and with concentration gets himself and all those on the desk vibrating and through the walls and up to the ground floor he will take them. This is a bit much for him specially after all the running, he ends up on his but off to the side, where Red Arrow comes over to him, and gives him a couple high calorie energy bars, she has with her specially for him.

Franklin Hall has posed:
    Bart zips through the wall to get clear as the crumbles with a roar of concrete and metal hitting the ground, the whole part of the structure coming down! Simon's blast cuts through the cloud of dust and falling debris, punching a hole as he shoots upwards through the expanding cloud of dust and smoke, hovering above the remaining structure, before setting his cargo down nearby. The survivors are out and under treatment...those who didn't make it can wait for recovery. But overall...this is a win.

    What caused the explosion? That may be something to investigate later....