11753/Turtles On A Cool Cement Roof

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Turtles On A Cool Cement Roof
Date of Scene: 25 June 2022
Location: Landmark Mall Roof
Synopsis: Leo and Mikey bond over pizza, gaming, and lame patrolling!
Cast of Characters: Leonardo, Michelangelo

Leonardo has posed:
Ample cloud cover lends itself to a dark night, the shadows broken more by the ambient light of the city beyond than the stars or moon overhead across the expansive structure and parking space of the ostensibly abandoned Landmark Mall. A soft breeze blows only intermittently, providing subtle cooling to a warm, muggy eve. Around the mall, only a few streetlights are lit, less and less consistent the closer one gets to the derelict building, only maintained with the most minimal of efforts; it suits some just fine.

Looters, vandals, ne'er-do-wells have learned via hushed whispers, broken bones, and unnatural sightings that just CAN'T be true to steer clear of this place, especially at night-- even as a small camp of homeless set up safely in a small loading dock, often finding offerings of pizza and essentials migrating outwards from some mysterious source inside the mall. They're all just squatters here, whatever SHIELD says.

Safer, quieter or no-- it's kept that way with diligence, with discipline, and one more shadow stalks the night along the perimeter of the multi-height rooftops, slipping from darkness to darkness, his burly form aligned to blend with the signage and access points along those rooftops. Leonardo's blue bandana is blown by a particularly fervent brush of breeze, as the turtle surveys their demesne, lost in his own thoughts-- or his absolute focus. He is ninja. His kung-fu is strong.

Michelangelo has posed:
"Everybody was kung fu fighting! HIYAH!"

Oh god.

"Those turtles were fast as lightning! KIYAH!"

Oh no.

Michelangelo bops his way out onto the rooftop with his boombox in hand and a couple of boxes of freshly ordered pizza balanced on the other. The music playing from the boombox because of course he'd be playing music in this time of peace and tranquility on the rooftop of their abandoned mall home base lair thing? Kung Fu Fighting by the Funk Fu Master himself: Carl Douglas. It's all just a rocking good time for the turtle in the orange bandana.

The boombox gets set down on some crates that Mikey keeps up here and he grabs his orange flavored lawn chair, popping it open and taking a nice comfy seat while dropping the pizza boxes down on the rooftop next to him. He doesn't say anything to his brother. Not yet. Instead, he just flips open the top of the pizza box and starts swinging one of his nunchucks like a fan to send that send off in the direction of said brother. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, it's...


Leonardo has posed:
Michelangelo doesn't immediately greet Leonardo-- but does the party dude even //notice// that his brother's up there on the roof? Leo's turtle brow furrows, his head drops into one palm, and he lets out a deep, but nigh silent sigh. It is, indeed, a little bit frightening, sometimes.

It's a theory Leo decides to test, creeping outside the periphery of Mikey's vision on silently padding mutant feet, one blade coming free from its saya with smoothly oiled, soundless reflex. Creep, creep... closer, closer... then when he's within striking range, steel flashes!!! ... not for Mikey, but for the pizza box, using the flat of the blade like a spatula, and flipping a piece upwards to catch it deftly in his other hand, counterbalancing to save all the cheese and toppings-- and then cheating a bit by shoving it into his mouth.

Sure, Michelangelo baited him out... but some traps are delicious to spring. "All quiet tonight." Leo notes, only after he's chewed that first chomp, and as if Mikey particularly cares, barring imminent danger.

Michelangelo has posed:
"Wrong, bro. It /was/ quiet. Now it's a party!"

Michelangelo must've already scarfed down a slice because he's got another slice in hand and he's bringing it up to his mouth with some glossed over look in his eyes. He's never happiest than when he's got a slice of pizza in his hands. "A pizza party." Oh the happiness that follows as he gets to shoving the rest of the pizza slice into his mouth for some chomping. So good.

Mikey reaches over to turn down the volume on the Kung Fu Fighting. Just a bit. "It's always quiet. Which is fine by me because I got some new games I wanna' check out later anyway." Mikey grins and motions towards the pizza boxes. "Thus the carbing up."

It's only because it's Leo that Mikey's up here trying to justify ordering pizza as some sort of prep for gaming. It's like talking to Splinter, Jr. sometimes.

Leonardo has posed:
"You don't need to carb up or pack protein for video games." Leonardo notes matter-of-factly, like it's a thing Mikey doesn't know. Like the Dude Turtle isn't already just spouting bull to pre-emptively appease his more serious-minded brother. Fission Mailed, there.

"We made a pact of honor to keep this place secure in exchange for its protection and the cooperation of the authorities." Leo notes, still entirely seriously. "You could at least put in the effort to patrol more often to get //real// exercise." Yes, okay. One of them takes after Splinter more than the others. That's why he's the LEADER. Still, there's not much edge to the swordmaster's words, accurate though they may be.

Instead, he delves that other box of pizza to compare toppings, and snags one of those to test after quickly polishing off the first. Unlike SOME turtles, he does work out, bro. "Those refurb cabinets are... pretty tubular, though." Leo admits, just a tad wistfully. Not like Michelangelo is going to judge; he's more likely to CELEBRATE the admission.

Michelangelo has posed:
"Do skate sessions count? Because if they do, I've clocked more patrol time than you, Raph, and Donnie combined." Michelangelo throws his hands behind his head and kicks his feet out in front of himself with a proud smirk. "Just sayin'."

The moment of realization that crosses Mikey's face, though, is one of a proud parent. Just hearing such choice words come from the mouth of his brother is something that can't be just glossed over. Mikey actually has to get out of his smug comfortable seating arrangement by sitting up and just gawking in Leo's direction. For a long moment. And then? Then he finally speaks.

"I KNEW IT!" Mikey fistpumps in victory. "I knew you loved my games! YES! Score another one for the orange one!" Mikey proceeds to do some weirdly funny but cool victory dance from his seat that looks kind of like he's doing a bad rendition of the funky chicken. It's fun though because Mikey's happy. "Don't worry, I won't tell the others..."

There's a condition coming.

"If you let me beat your high score on BurgerTime." With the gauntlet thrown out there, Mikey grabs another slice of pizza.

Leonardo has posed:
"You spend more than half that time grinding rails and the seats in the old theaters." Leo notes dubiously. "Skating counts as patrol //when it's a patrol//." Beat. "And of more than a half-pipe worth of space." So demanding, the Most Serious Ninja Turtle is. Michelangelo, meanwhile, stares. Gawks. RAVES. Leonardo calmly eats his pizza, staring off towards the nighttime horizon and decidedly -not- looking at Mikey.

"It's like Sensei says, balance in all things." Games are fine-- as long as they don't become vices. Leo is quite happy to unhesitantly justify this, and again... Michelangelo isn't one to question that part. "/Everyone/ here likes video games." Leo notes, somewhat deflating the looming threat made. After all, it's a truth prominently displayed on several scoreboards. Still, Raph would definitely give him shit for it anyway.

"But alright." Leonardo agrees, too easily, chewing this piece of pizza a tad more slowly than the one that broke his late patrol hungers initially. "You can absolutely claim the high score." Just that easy. Another beat. "And then I can take it back again." That's the proper form and process of these things.

Michelangelo has posed:
The over-animated Michelangelo somehow manages to look deflated as he puddles into his seat in some weird flexibility way that probably only ninjas can do. "HOW do you even know how to make burgers like that?! HOW?!" Once again, Mikey's love for video games maybe doesn't actually translate to skill level when it comes to particular ones. BurgerTime doesn't have enough pew-pewing to be one of Mikey's best ones. "It's either insanity or superpowers. It has to be." Michelangelo just shakes his head. "I will find out. Mark my words. I will."

With his dramatic flairness all done, Mikey sits back up in his chair in a more normal manner. "I'll do some more actual patrols. I've been meaning to skate a little farther out anyway. There's some spots I've been meaning to check out." That's right, Mikey's the one that wants to be part of everyone's world so bad that he's willing to think about risking it all just to get a glimpse or two. And thus why he immediately follows up those words...

"I'll be super careful. I promise. No one will ever even know I'm there." Mikey holds up his hand. "Turtle's Honor."

Leonardo has posed:
"It's art." Leonardo clarifies and corrects, and manages to sound entirely serious doing so. "Like pizza is art." It's more truth, if not any iota of actual usable information, in this case. Leo snares a third piece after careful consideration of both boxes. Some decisions in life are rough.

"All it takes is dedication and discipline to hone your art to sufficient levels." This time, there is a bit of mirth to the fearless leader; just for a moment. It might be the way Mikey goes all slack and secret of the ooze in his own shell. "I know you will." Be careful. It's a lie. The rest of what Leo says tends to betray this fact, even if he's cool and smooth about it.

"After all, it's not just me you'll answer to if you aren't." Chomp. Chew. Gulp. "And not just yourself you'd endanger if you messed that part up." It's a world full of marvelous and strange things-- maybe everyone would love giant martial arts terrapins... and maybe not. It's a hell of a gamble, and one Sensei has strongly urged against, and so Leonardo upholds that burden of caution.

"Isn't that Time Crisis cabinet up and running now?" Leo asks a question he knows the answer to, and consciously shifts away from the heavier warnings. "Want to see if you can beat me at that?" Color Leonardo unconvinced.

Michelangelo has posed:
Message received. Mikey looks like he's still unsure about his next move on the patrol but at least he didn't get a full on 'no' or something else like that. He looks like he understands what Leo was putting down and there's a quick moment of flashing back to the last time he got punished for doing something. He does not want to go through those backflips again.

"Art. Hah! Yeah, right." Mikey still doesn't have a good answer and thus is more content to just let Leo have that one. But then the gauntlet has been thrown down.

"Shell yeah, it is!" Mikey hops up to his feet and points at Leo. "Oh, it is so on. You are going down bro! I'm talkin' all the way down. You gonna' be a Turtle in Time when I'm done with you." Mikey makes some light shadowboxing motions like they are about to actually get into it.

"Prepare for war, Leonardo!"