12195/Work in the Modern World

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Work in the Modern World
Date of Scene: 28 July 2022
Location: The Forge
Synopsis: Kora's horizons broaden at Colborn's forge.
Cast of Characters: Colborn, Kora Ikassis

Colborn has posed:
    It's not like Colborn needs to eat as much as normal people do. But when he goes without food, he uses his reserves of energy to sustain himself. It's actually draining on him to do so. The fact that he can in emergencies can be -quite- useful.

    But what that means is that today, he had someone deliver food for him while he worked. He did not want to take time off from his project to go looking for food. So he asked Motherbox to do one of the most inane things ever. To place an order for Uber-Eats on his behalf. He ordered a midwest style BBQ dinner. Pulled pork -and- beef brisket. Plus potato salad and coleslaw. In general, he just wanted to have enough food that he would have extra for later. But also, he was expecint his new... um... apprentice we'll say, to come by soon.

    He's been working on his filament laden saber all day, and he is just about a tenth of the way done plying those filaments into the steel billet he has been working.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Finally Kora had to consult with Diana's longtime secretary about what to wear to work. She smiles to herself whenever she thinks of the word and what it means. Employment. Getting pay. So much of what people outside the Embassy take for granted is out of her experience.

The young Amazon has been introduced to computers and the Internet which is tantamount to using a magic mirror (something that exists in some Greek myths) and typing on it. And after hunting and pecking a query landed on some images.

Kora shows up in jeans and black sneakers (another explanation ensued about sneaking and shoes) and a plain black t-shirt under a loose linen jacket. The secretary explained that she shouldn't be formal on her first day.

Colborn has posed:
    CLANG!.... CLANG!.... it seems Colborn is not holding back today. He's working on a -real- project. Not just some theatrical prop. Not even a mundane weapon. This one is requiring his actual specialization of manipulating the molecular structure of metal.

    But when the bell rings, he pauses and focuses on the steel... concentrating to maintain its structure at its current state. It -is- at a critical state where he is working those New God / Celestial tech energy transfer filaments through the metal into the right positions. Either way, he comes out from the back in his own Metallica tee shirt and jeans... with that heavy leather apron over his chest.

    A smile spreads over his face as he spies his newest employee. "Welcome Kora. Are you well this fine day?" he asks as he gestures to a collection of items on the counter. "Are you hungry? I procured some local cuisine if you would like to try it." (The aforementioned BBQ... which smells divine by the way)

Kora Ikassis has posed:
"Good day to you Mr. Guftason. I am very well," she replies politely, standing in the middle of the shop, unsure of where to go.

With a gesture to the forge area. "You are working? Do I interrupt?"

Politely she ignores the food. Hungry? Her stomach gurgles loudly. The Embassy feeds them well but it has been hours since her last meal and a two-hour sparring session with the others. The training, a strong link to her past, keeps her grounded and in fighting trim.

Licking her lips, Kora realizes that her mouth is watering. "Are you having food?"

Colborn has posed:
    "Indeed I am. That is why I ordered the food. But since I also knew that you were going to be here soon, I decided to wait until you arrived." says Colborn.

    He turns and walks towards the food causing the olfactory bliss. "By the way. You don't need to call me Mister Gustafson. Just Colborn, or even Col. Whatever is easier for you. I want you to be comfortable here. For your time to feel less like work, and more like spending time with a friend."

    He reaches and opens a bag before pulling out platters of meat and setting them out for consuming. Then he selects a paper plate and piles meat, potato salad and such on his plate. "Please. Try some. I wager you have never had American Barbecue before."

Kora Ikassis has posed:
There is nothing timid about Kora. Though, the young woman has an ingrained sense of hierarchy, learned from the military order the Amazons maintain among themselves. Her eyes widen slightly at his invitation though she nods and tests, "Colborn."

The whole operation, paper bags, paper plates and plastic spoons fascinate her. "No, never. This is something people often eat here? Barb-ee-que." After a biting the tines of her fork, she accepts a plate from him and takes a bite of the meat with sauce on it.

Her expression transforms from 'serious new employee doing her best to fit in' to a look of pleased surprise. "This," she says around a mouthful. "This is very good. Huh. Salad of potatoes."

Colborn has posed:
    The meat has been smoked for hours and the sauce is sweet and smoky. Colborn smiles as he watches the Amazon digging in. He is enjoying the flavor of his own food.

    He observes carefully, trying to gauge how much she enjoys her first taste of the food. He grins as he takes a bite of his own before he gestures.. causing a stool to slide towards Kora on its own. It's nice that he doesn't need to hide who he is in front of her. "I can't say how pleased I am that you like that. Also that you chose to come work for me. It is so good to have the one person I share this place with already know that I am not merely a human."

Kora Ikassis has posed:
The stool moving by itself or rather impelled by Colborn merits watching but no comment. Having been raised by a minor god of the ocean, she is habituated to the unusual or what others might call the magical. Around another mouthful of food, "Mmmm, mmm, it is very good."

Serious discussion requires attention. Kora places her plate back on the counter and turns to face him, arms at her side.

"I am also glad that you chose me, Mr...Ah, Colborn. We are both not from here." She sketches a gesture meant to include New York and its people, "I understand. Some things are best kept to ourselves."

Colborn has posed:
    Nodding his head, Colborn leans against the nearby counter. "So, I understand that Amazons are stronger, faster, and more durable than humans. I would love to learn more about you and your people. In exchange, I will teach you about mine."

    He takes a moment, with a flicker of his eyes towards the back room, to verify that he is maintaining the metal back there properly. . . good news is, it's fine. But he can't hold that forever. So he grins and gestures towards the back, "I have a project going on right now. Would you care to talk while I work? Perhaps you could assist?"

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Kora casts a longing look at her plate and decides that it won't be bad manners to finish it. Food is something to be revered. She slides it on her hand, saying, "These white leaves are clever. Smoother than grape leaves." With the efficiency of a soldier, she dispatches the rest of the plate.

"Yes. If I can help. I liked watching the smith on Themyscira working though I didn't often have the chance. We also had a small smithy near my home where I grew up."

Colborn has posed:
    "Bring your meal." suggests Colborn. He wasn't all that hungry. He is more of a nibbler. He'd rather eat half a dozen small meals every day. But he smiles and reaches to fold up the leftovers and put them in their bags before hefting them over to the mini-fridge in the shop and placing them inside.

    "There. For the next day or two, you should have good food while here. Warning, as you might expect.." he gestures to the forge. "It will be hot back there. I might suggest leaving your jacket here."

    And then he strides into the back, where a billet of glowing hot steel is sitting on an anvil that just so happens to -not- be heating up. While Colborn does not manipulate the molecules of most of his work, he -has- treated the anvil to be able to handle damned near anything. "Right now, I am making a special project. A customer wishes to be able to conduct extreme heat from their hand, through the grip, down into the blade... where it will heat up like something out of science fiction, and be able to inflict more damage. So I am running energy transmitters through the steel. Thread sized filaments that will conduct that heat. I will need to treat the steel to be able to withstand such heat without losing its temper. This is -quite- the challenge." And yeah... as he describes all of this, he has a look on his face. The sort of look Kora may have seen on the face of a hunter getting to go after some new and rare prey, or a warrior finally finding an opponent that might challenge them. A combination of anticipation, with just a tiny amount of fear.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Walking into the room, Kora touches her face at the unexpected heat despite being warned. Her eyes flit over the neat shelves around the periphery of the room and return to the forge. It is familiar and unfamiliar. The room is much neater than her home island smithy, reminding her more of Themyscira.

The young woman recognizes the inner fire of someone in love with what they are doing on Colborn's face. Many of the words he uses tumble over her head but she notes them, thirsty to understand her new world both in her new "work" and outside. Energy transmitters. Science fiction. What she does understand is heat and challenge and the enthusiasm of a craftsman.

Colborn has posed:
    And so, Colborn would normally wear gloves as he was working on things. At least if he was doing so with normal people around. Using his bare hands now however, he reaches for the yellow-orange glowing steel and grips it with both hands. Apparently, he can handle such heat. Because his thumbs begin working almost like they are massaging the metal.

    "I understand that you have questions. This is steel heated up to the point that it becomes malleable. But I am working the thread-like filaments through the material so that they are integral to it. So that when I work the metal into a blade shape, they will be spread throughout it." he explains. "Now. My real question is, do you wish to know enough about smithing to sell weapons... or do you wish to learn enough that you might be able to make your own someday?"

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Knowledge of someone's power often does not equal seeing it. Kora's mouth opens aghast and she nearly protests when he grasps the steel aglow with heat. With a deep breath, she swallows her shout and watches those impossible hands begin to manipulate the metal molding it to his design.

A few steps bring her closer, but the radiant heat keeps her farther away than Colborn.

"I see," she nods to his explanation of the filaments - in her mind she equates them to spider webs. Guileless, her face flickers with emotion, surprise, doubt and then settles into thoughtfulness. "I...I...don't know. Were you searching for an apprentice? I could never work the steel as you do but could perhaps make small things like handles or prepare the metal for you. I will learn to sell the weapons, if you don't mind and consider learning with you."

Colborn has posed:
    With a chuckle, Colborn shakes his head, "I was not expecting to teach you how to do -this-. But... the more traditional forging methods would be able to be learned. And.. I was not -seeking- an apprentice. But I would not be against the idea. The choice is yours, and it is not one that you must make right here and now." And as he is speaking, he is still working the metal. It is slow slow progress that he is making. He is keeping the metal at the right temperature -and- working the filaments through it at a microscopic pace. That is really the only way to do it that doesn't cause problems with the material.

    He looks up to see Kora's face, and he smiles. "There is no pressure either way. I merely wish to know.. eventually, what you prefer to learn so that I can teach you what you want to know. So tell me..."

    His thumbs are working without really needing to have his eyes staring down at them, "Tell me what it was like growing up on Themyscira?"

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Something of the soldier drops away from Kora's bearing as she smiles and spreads her hand. The heat reddens the already healthy flush on her cheeks and her green eyes dance. Attention still fixed on Colborn's hands, she answers in a low voice.

"I want to know it all. And I will discuss it with the Princess, surely. I have so much to learn! And begin college in..." she pauses, "...twenty-two days."

His second question requires more reflection. "Well, I did not grow up on Themyscira. I lived there eight seasons with my mother. I was born on Ithika which is some days away by sea."

Colborn has posed:
    Oh, but there is so much to learn. About everything." says Colborn with an enigmatic smile. "Be it smithing or anything else that you might learn at the university." He pauses and tilts his head as he thinks. Of course, his hands do not stop working the steel. Apparently it is -not- just some quick thing to massage the filaments into place. Nope.

    But he then asks, "Do you have a chosen focus? I believe they call it a Major." One more pause and he continues, "I hear that it is not required, but some people do know their entire educational goal before ever reaching such a school."

    "Not... okay. So you were born on Ithaka. Suppose you tell me how you happened to only spend eight seasons on the island of the Amazons?"

Kora Ikassis has posed:
"I have much to learn about American society. I have no...focus. Major is it?" She blinks and smiles as she stores the word. "I thought perhaps history would interest me or perhaps...I'm not sure. I have to see how this will go for me as I have never been in a school similar to this. If I don't need to make a decision then I will wait," said with the simplicity of someone who doesn't know the stress of modern life.

"I was not born on Themyscira. My father's home was on Ithaka." She hesitates. It was not until she arrived on Themyscira that she learned how much the life of men was a mystery to other Amazons nor how much they were liked. "I know that is rare but my mother was washed off her ship during a storm and my father saved her."

Colborn has posed:
    Still working, the steel seems to actually grow a bit longer as he goes. Colborn nods, "I see." he remarks, "Again, I think it is wise to wait to declare a major. At least that is what I gathered from speaking to a few students of late." He smiles and nods, "You are a wise young woman."

    Then his eyes focus upon Kora's, and he lifts a brow, "It seems fortunate then, that your father was there, yes?" he asks, having no idea where the story is going.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
"Sailors pray to my father. He is considered a patron of those who work on the sea. Fisherman, mariners and the like." Kora smiles, faintly uncomfortable, knowing enough about the world to not tell that story lightly, even among her own people.

Nodding at the sword, "Will it take many hours to finish?" Approaching closer, "Where do the filaments come from?"

Colborn has posed:
    Inclining his head, Colborn grunts, "Huh." see? A grunt. "So he was either a god, or presented himself -as- a god. Either is dangerous." he states.

    But then he turns his eyes down to the steel he is working. It's not even really blade shaped yet. "Oh yes. It will take at least a week. More likely two weeks to finish. But this is to be a -very- special blade." He adds that with a grin. "And I am learning techniques that will help me to make my own special blade too."

Kora Ikassis has posed:
"Oh, he wasn't always a god but a fisherman, given his powers by Poseidon himself." She stops, more interested in the crafting of the sword than the story of her father's godhood. "It was very lucky for my mother though she is a wonderful swimmer. She was starting to fail after using her shield to float her in the water for nearly two days."

Colborn has posed:
    Nodding his head to show he is following the story, Colborn just listens. He doesn't interrupt. His hands seem to be working of their own accord without any direct input from his mind. His dark eyes just seem to be absorbing the story. Okay, so maybe his ears are too. But that's beside the point.

    Two days. He whistles softly, "I do not know many who could swim so long." he says after Kora takes a break.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
"Our people are very strong," she agrees, nodding at what she finds matter-of-fact and quite ordinary. "That is also another story of the gods, we received the blessing of Aphrodite after serving them in the wars. They gave us many things, among them trength and immortality though we can die and many have," she adds more solemnly. Then more brightly, "Mother could have lasted longer, she swims really well."

Colborn has posed:
    "Aphrodite. Huh. That explains a -lot- about the Amazons. But I am just glad that your mother survived. After all, I imagine this was before you came along. Without her, there would be no you." Colborn says. After doing that, he sets down his steel billet and says, "Okay. That is as done as it is going to be at this time at least. I should work on some of the other aspects now."

    HE looks up and smiles. "If you would be so kind as you take that handle there and turn it slowly. It will add air flow to the coal forge and help keep it hot enough."

Kora Ikassis has posed:
    Smiling wistfully, "It's odd to think about it, isn't it? What if she had drowned? What if she had returned to Themyscira immediately?"
    Kora waves a hand, dismissing the conjecture, saying,"Well, she and father did fall in love and the rest is history! I didn't know how quiet my life had been."
    Silently she watches him continue to work the molten metal with his fingers before asking, "I think where you come from might be much more interesting than a girl from a tiny village in the Aegean Sea. Especially with your talents. Where were you born?"

Colborn has posed:
    "I was born in a city named Titanos. It is not a city that the world at large is even aware of. I cannot explain to you -wher- it is... mostly because it is spatially concealed." offers Colborn. As he does that however, he grins and reaches for a hammer. "Now it is time to draw out the metal into the shape required." And he begins hammering rhytmically as he continues speaking. "My people were once human. Sometime before seventy five thousand years ago, we were selected by a hyper-advanced race of powerful beings. They are called Celestials. And no, they are not deities. They are something... different. Not more, not less, different."

    He shakes his head, his attention to his job not waning as he speaks. "We were altered to be stronger, more durable... immortal. We channel energy through the very cells of our bodies. I myself am of the youngest generation. I was only born roughly fifteen hundred years ago."

    Grinning, he shrugs his shoulders, "I can tell you more, but I really should focus more on this task..." It's going to take time to make the metal reach the right shape. Plus, he can't -finish- it without its intended wielder present.