12471/Aunt May Offers Breakfast and Asks No Questions

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Aunt May Offers Breakfast and Asks No Questions
Date of Scene: 17 August 2022
Location: Basement - 20 Ingram Street - Queens
Synopsis: Aunt May always finds out.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy

Peter Parker has posed:
The soft sound of birds outside the window starts to slowly rouse Peter Parker from a peaceful slumber. His eyes remain closed, the soft pink of his eyelids from the light as he regains consciousness and the reality of the moment begins to sink in. He is resting comfortably in his bed, but he slowly becomes aware that he is not alone as he feels the weight of another body leaning against his chest and resting on his arm. There is but a brief moment of confusion before the memories of the prior night flood back into his brain. Gwen had come over to watch an Oscar Wilde movie, and somehow he could not recall having heard a single word of dialogue. It occurs to him, slowly, that the chapter menu is likely still cycling through on the tv downstairs in the basement.

He does not move, savoring the moment for as long as he can. Enjoy the warmth of Gwen's form curled up next to him. The sheer comfort of it, the sudden ease of feeling her close by. The night had started with a bundle of nerves in both of them, but by the time it ended, there was no denying the reality of the situation.

Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy were more than just friends. And it filled Peter's heart with incredible joy.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
For Gwen it's the small beams of light coming through the window that begin to rouse her up. It's the kind of thing Gwen normally takes care of by reaching out for a webshooter and get the window fully sealed for those extra minutes of sleep. Because if there's anything that Gwen isn't is a morning person. She says something unintelligible against Peter's chest and one arm reaches behind her as if she was reaching for her bedstand and ..., nothing...

Then she remembers. And -feels- the warm body against her. She isn't home, she actually spent the night at Peter's and .., she feels happy. Joyful. She turns her head to place a kiss on his shoulder.

"Hey." A casual greeting that is anything but casual, her voice warm.

Peter Parker has posed:
Just the sound of Gwen's voice, the way that one word is spoken, fills Peter with such happiness. "Hey," he echoes, with nearly the same warmth of intonation. He turns his head down and brushes a kiss against the top of Gwen's head. His does not shift just yet, although he allows his fingers to run against her body as he relaxes again.

He looks down at her, and he can feel the wellspring of emotions pop up again. Gwen had come, and not gone. That means something. She was still there, and he did not want her to go anywhere. "We should stay like this all day," he murmurs softly. And he means it. Even just lying there with her close, feeling her breath against his skin. It calms him, and it just feels right.

Then he realizes that the room is filled with the smell of fresh bacon and pancakes. He looks down at Gwen. "Uh. I think Aunt May might be home."

And then he realizes that all of the clothes that Gwen wore over last night were neatly folded up. In the basement. Because he was wanted to teach her a lesson about cheating at PARKOUR.

Suddenly he feels like maybe he was teaching himself a lesson instead.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
The blonde certainly has that look that she isn't going anywhere. And the temptation of just lying in bed all day is enticing, specially as she bites on her lower lip as if considering the idea. Mulling how it could be a very well spent summer day. Or in this case -another- one. It's all until Peter announces that Aunt May might be home..

It takes her only a few moments to figure out how he discovered Aunt May was home. The nose! "I don't think the bacon and pancakes cooked themselves.." she playfully says even as her cheeks get a glow to them, perhaps embarassed that she will be coming -down- from Peter's room in the morning to greet his aunt...

And then she is starting to stir and get up, her hands on Peter's chest and she pushes herself up to a sitting position. Then a big yawn. Not a morning person, remember?

"Lets get dressed and..." Gwen looks around the room. There's Peter's clothes but .., she doesn't see hers. At all. Her memory goes back to last night. The parkour. She had cheated indeed, and not brought her clothes up and ...

"Where are my clothes, Peter?"

Peter Parker has posed:
"Uhhh..." Peter's cheeks turn bright red. "So, remember when you cheated and ran off to get a head start?" He braces himself for what he is sure is about to be something hitting him somewhere.

"I thought it would be funny to hide them in the basement." He breathes out slowly and reaches up to run his fingers through his hair. "In retrospect, that was probably not the best idea?" He gives her a sheepish look, shrugging slightly. And hoping that flashing those adorable hazel eyes of his at her will somehow make it all ok.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"I didn't cheat, I was seizing the moment." Gwen explains, gesturing about with her arms as if she might be starting to get panicky but then ..., she just lets out a sigh and covers her face with her hands, "It's ok, Gwen. Don't panic. He can't help it.." Gwen! Peter is right there in the room with you!

But she indeed seems resigned to the idea that she is now clothless and there's an Aunt between her and her clothes.

Solutions. They are certified geniuses after all. It's not a big problem to solve, right? "It was not a good idea, Peter." it really wasn't. "But we will get through this. Consider it a first hurdle.." she jokes, because realy she can't be mad with those hazel eyes for long.

"Let's see what you got inside your wardrobe..." and she gets up to stride over to his closet and opens it. Time to improvise with a t-shirt. Maybe some shorts. Hopefully they will fit...

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter Parker says, "You were seizing something alright..." Peter says, because one thing that he has yet to learn is that sometimes it is best to not voice a joke. He reaches over to running a hand against Gwen's side, as if trying to soothe her as she clearly is speaking of panic.

"Listen, _in my defense_, it seemed like a really good idea at the time." He sits up in the bed as she heads over to his closet. "I mean, it had everything going for it! It was funny, it was serve you right for cheating at PARKOUR". He shrinks back a little bit as he realizes that he shouted that last word possibly loud enough for Aunt May to hear him. Not that he had any delusions that she did not think he was home, but... "It was going to lead to you having to wear some of my clothes, and honestly Gwen I was really super looking forward to that." Which it seems he is still going to get.

"You know, I just didn't factor in the..." He takes a breath. "I don't know what I was thinking. It's not like you were going to go home at 2am or something, and I sure didn't want you to, and..."

He just leans back against the bed and sighs. And settles back to watch Gwen go through his closet to find clothes. Because if he was going to pay for the mistake, he should at least enjoy the rewards of it. And the rewards were very, very rewarding..."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
One of Gwen's best friends on her universe was Janet van Dyne. It's the kind of friendship that's translated to this universe too but it also means that Gwen is very .., peculiar about her choice of clothing. It also means there's a -lot- of judgement in her eyes when she is going through Peter's various shirts.

"Nope, nope ..." a pause, "nope.." and she is so quick in dismissing shirts! Zip zip zip. It goes on for a bit until she takes in a breath and perhaps resigns herself to the fact that she's the one with the fashion sense in this relationship. Yet in the wise words of Yoda: Do or do not, there is no try. And indeed Do must happen if she is to come downstairs for breakfast so ...!

Star Wars shirt it is. There's a goofy 'Hello There' embossed in front along with the animated version of Obi-Wan with his arms crossed. It works for her. And she loves Star Wars. Of course that it's a t-shirt that's more like a tunic to her.

"Really?" she looks as it covers half-way down her thighs, almost to her knees. Shorts are easier to find and she just slips them under. Not that anyone can see them with the large shirt on her.

Hands go to her hips. "Well, how do I look anyway?" she does a little spin. Oh yes, she noticed the looks Peter was giving her. And Peter still has to get dressed too.

Peter Parker has posed:
From the way that Peter's jaw hangs half open and the size of his eyes, it is pretty clear what the answer is. "I have waited my entire life to see someone look that good in one of my Star Wars t-shirt," he says, kind of breathlessly. He takes in all of it, and then again a second time.

"You know, I was getting ready to say maybe you should leave an outfit or so here just in case, but now..." His cheeks pink a little bit as he thinks through that he just said. "Because, uh..."

He does need to get dressed, and so he takes his opportunity to leap from the bed, crossing over to the closet. He's decided this is the sort of thing that he wants to be a little closer for, and he reaches out to brush a hand against Gwen's cheek.

"This is a thing now, right? Us?" He looks at Gwen kind of hopefully, maybe last lingering doubts somewhere in the back of his mind just needing to be extinguished. "Not that we need to define or put pressure or anything, but..." He rambles and he stops himself, centering. "I want this to be just the beginning of something that..." He waves his free hand, as if struggling to find the word. "Something that lasts. You know?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Now you are just staring and ...." Gwen makes the gesture of a finger closing the jaw when she sees Peter with that look. She does laugh though apparently appreciating the attention, an embarassed look on her expression before she shoots back. "Well, someone has to look good in them, mmm?" There. Shots fired. She does wink at him after and when she is closer she returns the closeness by placing a kiss on Peter's cheek.

"You could call it a beginning." Gwen says back at Peter, reaching down to hold his hand, "We have known each other for a long time. A lifetime. I felt like I knew all about you but .., I don't think that's true. I want to explore that, find out where it leads us." her blue eyes fixed on Peter's.

"Build something together..." She steps closer to him, bringing the man's hand up and around her shoulder so she is into his embrace. "Something that lasts.." she echoing Peter's last words.

Peter Parker has posed:
"I mean..." Peter waves a hand to indicate her, as if to justify the staring. Then... "WOW...man." He whistles. "I mean, no punches pulled." As she approaches though, he grins. "Does that mean you're the one with the bad taste, then?"

Letting Gwen take his hand, Peter gives it a squeeze. "Yeah, I know. It's strange, but also..." He considers, looking up into her eyes. "It's a beautiful kind of strange, really. And I want to see where it goes, wherever, whenever, as long as it's with you. The journey as much as the destination."

"Together," he echoes, and he wraps his arm around her, sighing contentedly. Nodding in agreement, he leans over to brush his lips against hers. He presses his lips gently, parting hers just slightly, and then...

"Peter? I made breakfast. I didn't know if it was a sleepover so I made enough if Gwen is still here..." Aunt May, calling up from downstairs.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"I can't pull my punches when I don't even know how to throw one." It's true. Gwen is hopeless where it comes to actual martial arts, "Did I ever tell you when I went to meet this dojo master, Colleen Wing, about learning how to punch? Yea, it didn't really work.. But a story for another time..", a beat, "We will have time to share our stories."

Gwen rests one hand against Peter's chest as they stand together in the room, talking quietly, "If there's one thing I have learned is you can't really skip the journey to get to the destination you want. We can make it work." and then she is up on her tiptoes when Peter leans over for a kiss. She returns it, deeply... Her arms are just about to go over Peter's shoulders and ....

There's Aunt May.

"Get dressed, you don't want to make your aunt wait.." She grinning, "I will even refrain from opinionating on what you should wear or not." beat, "... this once." then a gentle elbowing to his chest, "I need to go wash my face, and then we go down."

And off she goes to the bathroom!

Peter Parker has posed:
"I mean, you just kind of ... " Peter puts a fist out and rotates it back and forth, slowly. Danny Rand he is not. Then he laughs. "Fair point. But yeah, story time. I can tell you all about my Spider-fails."

"I wouldn't want to skip the journey at all, not when I'm taking it with you." He wraps his arms around her as she tilts up for the kiss, and as just as he starts to engage in it again...

There's Aunt May.

But you can't possibly get upset at Aunt May. "Coming Aunt May!" he yells down, turning his head so he is not shouting right in Gwen's face or ear. Then he looks back to Gwen. "Oh, I look forward to your opinions. What's the good of having a fashion savvy girlfriend if you don't have her makeover your wardrobe?"

He freezes for a moment as he realizes that the word just sort of spilled out of him. But Aunt May is waiting so there is no time just yet to unpack that one! Gwen dashes to wash off her face, and Peter throws on some clothes. This time with two socks. And heads downstairs to join Aunt May.

Taking the stairs calmly, heeding her frequent reminders, Peter smiles warmly as he sees Aunt May and a table that is already clearly setup for three people. He gives her a look, and she gives him a look. And bright smile. She knows. There is no way she doesn't know. "Uh, yeah, Gwen will be right down. It was late by the time the movie was over, and we thought it'd be safe for her to stay over than try to get home that late, you know?"

Aunt May fixes him with a knowing expression, and nods. "That's my Peter. Always thoughtful."

There are pancakes and eggs and bacon, and freshly squeezed juices. As usual, Aunt May goes all out for guests.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
That Peter doesn't seem to mind her giving her opinions on his clothing? And then on making a revolution on his wardrobe? That has those blue eyes glint dangerously. "Carefully what you wish for, Peter Parker." so ominous too. But no more time to talk further. Not now at least. Because it's go time on meeting Aunt May. Which Gwen isn't too sure she is ready for, perhaps why she dashed over to the bathroom..

Take in a big breath, Gwen. Then exhale. Yes, she practices it in front of the mirror.

It doesn't take Gwen long to come downstairs, and if May didn't know before she certainly does now considering how Gwen is dressed in some of Peter's clothes. She reaches to bring a loose strand of blond hair away from her face. "Good morning, Aunt May." she offers a tentative smile at her and then grins at the sweet smell coming from all the cooking.

"Next time you will have to let me know you were cooking so I can help and..." next time? Gwen seems to realize what she just said and stays silent for a few moments. Mouth opens, closes. Then eventually she speaks up again, "It all looks great." she wanders over to take a seat, again running fingertips through her hair.

Peter Parker has posed:
If there was any hope of somehow pulling off that nothing happened between the two of them, Peter's total lack of chill ruins that as his face explodes into a broad grin as Gwen comes down the stairs. "Good morning, Gwen. Did you sleep well?" he asks, in one of the worst performances of a cover-up line ever. MAYBE it would have been plausible if he had come from the basement, but there was literally no other place Gwen could have slept overnight.

Aunt May watches on with a smile. "Good morning, Gwen. So nice to see you. Peter is always so much happier when you have visited."

If Gwen hadn't seen it before, she sees it now. Peter is not exactly sitting calmly in his seat, even as he prepares to try to put some food on his plate. "Want some pancakes?" he asks of Gwen, moving to try to serve her.

Aunt May does not miss that word. Not in the slightest. She looks at Gwen, and she smiles warmly, walking over to put her hand on Gwen's shoulder. "You're welcome here any time, dear." She pats her on the shoulder and then turns to grab something else.

Peter looks over at Gwen and mouths, "I think she knows."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Seeing Peter being a bad actor is the kind of thing that would Gwen laughing out loud. But she is making her own blunders. And she's nervous too yet there's an amujsed glint to her eye when Peter asks if she slept well. "It was very peaceful.." she feeds the lie by answering Peter. Or maybe she is just wickedly waiting for more blunders. Because she can't be alone in doing them!

A smile is then given to Aunt May, "I am glad I got the chance to visit." a radiant smile to her lips, "It had been too long since we had talked." again the hand up on her hair, "Peter was telling me you had this game night going? I think we were already asleep when you came home.." either that or they couldn't hear her through their own noise. It makes her cheeks flush briefly but then Peter comes to the rescue by offering pancakes so she does just that. "Thank you.." getting a good serving of them.

Of course that it's all for show. They know, Aunt May knows. They know that Aunt May knows. But sometimes it's better to not explicitly say things. Sometimes it's not needed. And Aunt May does it perfectly by just welcoming her and resting that hand on her shoulder, "Thank you. I ...," a pause, "I think we are happy."

She can barely suppress rolling her eyes at Peter mouthing that last part. So she mouths back. "You are such a Sherlock."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter is able to hold it together. Sort of. He doesn't break character or laugh, but he does look at Gwen with a bit of a grin at the peaceful comment. He tries to move some food around on the plate to cover it up, and then shoves some food into his mouth.

"Why yes, you know, it's funny, I had been thinking about going over to see Anna and then when Peter mentioned you were coming over I just realized it seemed the perfect night." Aunt May shrugs, and gives Gwen a squeeze on her shoulder. "It makes me happy to know that Peter has a friend like you, Gwen. You both deserve that, and all the happiness that you bring to each other." She smiles at the two of them, and then walks over to retrieve some pastries from the counter.

Peter looks over at Gwen, and then at May, and then at Gwen. He mouths, "Do you think she heard us?"

From the counter, Aunt May glances over her shoulder. "Oh, and Peter dear, please call the pest company on Monday. I think we've got squirrels in the attic again, and they were at it _all night_."

Peter's face turns beet red.