12578/Velvet Room Relaxing

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Velvet Room Relaxing
Date of Scene: 26 August 2022
Location: The Velvet Room - Sitting Room
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Balder

Gabby Kinney has posed:
These days it seemed the sitting room was used more for research or confronting issues than simply relaxing. At least when it came to many of the members of the JLD. Gabby wasn't one that had been betrayed or stabbed in the back, though she had been tricked by the Stranger that had temporarily taken the place of Rien. It was a busy month to say the least.

Gabby is currently seated on one of the couches dressed in part of her 'work' suit. A bodysuit with boots, and a bodyarmor chest peice. It was taken off and placed to the side in favor of trying to relax a bit. Her head's rolled back on the couch staring at the ceiling thoughtfully with an empty glass of some drink or another beside her.

Balder has posed:
The Sitting Room suddenly experiences a feeling of intense heat.

It lasts for only a moment...but the man who steps into the room after appears like the brightest of stars...until the light starts to dim and lessen, until it reveals the shape of an armored Asgardian.


His axe is in his hand, his armor is sleek and bares his arms, a fur cloak descending from his shoulders and his hair long enough to be braided in certain areas. He looks around a moment, until he sees Gabby sitting and relaxing on one of the couches in the sitting room!

"Friend Gabby."

His smile is like the rising sun as he approaches. "I trust I do not disturb you."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney blinks out of her thoughts at that intense surge of light that forms and then fades in the room. Her eyes dialate in response until the point she has to breifly raise a hand to cover over her eyes to ensure she doesn't go blind. The heat is taken in stride not feeling as if it were painful at least, even if it does border on uncomfortably hot.

When it fades revealing the familiar form of Balder she drops her hand away with a grin. "Balder! Good to see you. And of course not, I come here when I want to see people to begin with. That, and to get away from crowds," she admits with a tap to her nose. "Still getting used to some of my senses."

Pushing up to her feet with a little hop she tips her head toward the bar as she scoops up her emptied glass. "Want a drink? There's mead in there though I doubt it's the strength your used to. Or coffee, rootbeer. Lots of things." Of course he already knew this. "How are you?" The armor and axe are eyed a moment in thought. "Been fighting?"

Balder has posed:
Balder smiles when Gabby acknowledges his presence, though he comes to a stop when she offers a drink. "I don't believe I will have a beverage today, but thank you. I may only be just visiting. Vanaheim requires protection.' He nods softly. "A minor uprising by some trolls that needed some intervention. No doubt there will be more fighting left...I'm off to Alfheim soon to mediate the disagreements between the Light and Dark Elves."

He sighs softly. "Never a dull moment.'

But he leans his axe against the bar as he takes a seat. "Some of your senses? Are they already heightened?" He's heard of people who can track others for miles...to such an extent that once they have a scent? It's impossible to lose it.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Ah... That's fair. Sounds like you're pretty busy, then," Gabby has to agree with a solemn nod. "I'd offer to help if I could." Who knows? Maybe she could.

The question earns a smile as she moves to at least grab herself another bottle of rootbeer from behind the counter. No drinking for her tonight, either. "Yeah. It's a family trait, but mine took longer to kick in. I've gotten better at tracking people, but on occasion it's nice to take a break. Just a lot going on otherwise, especially in a city." Her eyes scan around looking for the bottle opener a moment or two with a small frown. Realizing it wasn't there (likely lost between the cushions from earlier), she shrugs and pops a claw out of the back of her hand to flick the top off with a quick slice.

"The other trait being the claws and ability to heal almost anything. Those are easy enough to get used to though," she adds with a grin.

Balder has posed:
"Too busy." Balder frowns, but he chuckles a little bit. "I sense you are more needed here, with the Justice League Dark." He informs her. "I can tell they need you." Like they don't need Balder? Or rather, he doesn't believe they do nearly as much as they need Gabby. She's the heart of the team! Or...one of them. Something or other.

"Interesting." He smiles. "I wish I had that kind of nose, to be able to feel like I could smell so much." He chuckles. "I could mimic it with magic, but magic is less than the real, genuine article I feel like, to be born with such a thing."

He hums.

"Indeed, and more common for me to see." He grins. "Tyr has a nose that could scent out a frost giant in musphelheim." He laughs.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney hesitates at the mention of her being needed here. That thought was something she'd been debating for awhile. "I do what I can," she finally decides. The smile she usually wore had faded a bit, though she still tries. "Things are very difficult lately with everyone. These nightmares have been really trying for all involved," she explains with a small shrug. At least she thought he knew about what had been going on.

"I was able to track one of them after it was chased out and injured. It's been feeding on people." A little crinkle of her nose comes as she shares this information. "Trust me you will not miss having to smell that. It's even worse when it's amplified. I'm glad I was able to locate it though. It'll be dealt with soon."

Grinning more at-ease and amused she adds, perhaps jokingly, "And don't worry, you don't smell bad. More like... Flames or a really sunny day."