13406/Meeting Mystique

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Meeting Mystique
Date of Scene: 21 November 2022
Location: Back Yard
Synopsis: Mystique shares a little advice with a new student at Xavier's
Cast of Characters: Evan Sabahnur, Raven Darkholme

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    Evan is sitting with his back to one of the tables, leaned back with his legs stretched out in front of him. He's wearing jeans and a T-shirt with the Broncos insignia on it. The picture of the typical American teenager is ruined slightly by the fact that he's got gray skin and red eyes with black pupils, as well as black lips and lines on his face.

    Further marring the picture is the fact that he's got his hands out in front of himself and is turning them into various tools and weapons. It's about as perfect an example of a young mutant practicing with his powers as you're ever likely to see. With his focus on what he's doing added to that fact that Mystique tends to be rather quiet when moving, he's currently not even aware that anyone is out there near him.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    Although Mystique's heart had taken a very serious beating earlier in the year, the one thing that came from once again having known love and lost it... the ability to reconnect with both of her children. Tonight she had been to visit Rogue, offering up best wishes for the upcoming holiday, as well as merely checking in on her daughter.

    A custom that had risen from visiting either Rogue or Kurt at the school, was the walk in the woods afterward. So far she had managed those walks without running into Logan or James, the groundskeeper's. Tonight however, as she slipped out the back door, instead of heading straight for the trees the young mutant practicing his abilities instantly grabbed her attention.

    Dressed in white jeans and a low cut white linen shirt against her cobalt skin, her feet are perfectly bare which allowed for the silence she was known for. She hadn't really meant to sneak up on the teen, it was merely what happened as she moved closer, watching the unique talent and noting he was one of many mutants who could not hide what he was.

    "That is quite a unique mutation you have there," she says calmly, having made it all the way to standing just out of arms reach from the teen.

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    Evan jumps at the unexpected voice so close to him, turning to look at Mystique. In the moment of surprise and confusion one arm from the elbow down turned into a sword, but turned back as soon as he realized it was just someone talking to him.

    He looks at Mystique for a moment, then drops his eyes and mumbles, "Sorry, didn't know anyone was out here. I can go if you like. Oh, and thanks, I guess it kind of is, least I haven't heard of anyone else like me." Throughout the time he's talking his gaze remains down.

    Mystique can probably dignose this one very easily - She's looking at a young man who is an obvious mutant and unconsciously doing everything he can to make himself invisible. Safe bet says he's been bullied and teased for most of his life. She sees the exact same thing multiple times a day on the Asteroid or in Genosha from new arrivals.

    Finally getting ahold of himself, he kind of peeks up at her, then his eyes widen as he actually looks at her. "Holy crap, you're Mystique!"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    As this talented young mutant attempts to blend into nothingness, as she watches him attempting to become invisible, Mystique has to take that single, deep, calming breath that keeps her from losing her temper. Losing her temper was never a good thing, it solved nothing and often lead to something getting blown up.

    More times than she could count, but every one remembered, the abused mentality of the young mutant before her ripped through her. It was something she had been fighting against her entire life... mutant freedom, mutant rights, mutant safety.

    "Lift your head up," she stated almost as an order, but pulling back on it just enough to keep softness in her tone. "You have nothing to be ashamed of."

    Her yellow eyes search out his eyes when he does look up and a mischievous smile dances to her lips as she adds calmly, "Holy crap, I'm Mystique... and you are?"

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    He does look up when she talks, but his body language still says 'fight or flight'. That's not something that goes away that quickly, though maybe now that he's here at the school with others of his kind he'll manage to work it all out at some point.

    "Oh right, sorry. I'm Evan. I just got here a couple days ago. It's a pretty amazing place, isn't it? It's nice being around other people like me, I don't stick out so much."

    He tilts his head a little, still looking at her and adds, "Are you really supposed to be here? I mean, on the news and all they kinda call you a terrorist."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    Stepping up to beside Evan, Mystique settles herself onto the bench at the end, as far away from him as possible.

    "A pleasure to meet you, Evan," she states as she crosses one leg over the other and smooth the leg of her pants with her hands. "Xavier's school is the perfect place for a young mutant like yourself. A chance to be with children your own age, who are like you and have been through the nightmares you have faced."

    For a moment her yellow eyes shift to the back of the mansion. It was rare for her to admit that the school had a use, but she finally saw it. Children needed to be children, to learn about the world in a safe place. Once they were adults, they could be offered the choices of the real world, so long as Charles' version of brain washing hadn't fully set in.

    "Some news outlets still call the Brotherhood terrorists," she then admits as she looks back to him with a smile. "That's old news however, as we have been firmly moving in a less violent direction for well over a year now. I even went to jail for my crimes."

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    Nodding, Evan exclaims "Yeah, I saw that! You did that whole thing with Wonder Woman and the lasso and everything. I guess if they let you come here, you really must have been telling the truth."

    "I dunno about nightmares, but I did get teased an awful lot. I don't exactly look like everyone else, you know? I've read a bunch of studies about bullying, and bullies usually have stuff like depression, bad home lives and that kinda thing. I feel a little sad for them, but it didn't really make it feel any better while it was happening. It didn't help that I always got really good grades either. So I got lumped in with the weird kids and the brainy kids both. Guess I made a pretty easy target."

    Now that he's gotten the idea that she actually wanted to talk to him, he seems to be relaxing a bit.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    Mystique listened to each and every word, even how the teenager felt sad for the bullies, but his words were the description of human to human bullies. Those who tormented and abused obvious mutants, most had completely different reasons for doing it. It had nothing to do with his brains, nerdiness, or even being weird, and everything to do with him not looking human. She wasn't going to tell him that, oh hells no, that would be a cruelty given he was finally in a safe place.

    "There are hundreds of mutants who look human enough to get away with concealing what they are," she began, choosing her words carefully. "That seems to be the accepted norm, to 'fit in' with humans. I'm often asked why, if I can look like anyone I want, I would choose to remain..." she gestures as herself, at the blue skin, red hair and yellow eyes.

    "I stay as I am, a mutant, because I shouldn't have to hide who we are," she offered him a smile before folding her hands back in her lap. "You be you Evan. Don't let the world abuse you any more, and if you ever feel that you need a helping hand from someone who knows the path you've had to walk..." the card seems to come from no where, when really it was in a pocket of her jeans, and it is offered to him. "... call me. I know you have the teachers here, and they will protect you from the world outside the school, but it never hurts to have one more advocate."

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    He takes the offered card, trying very hard not to totally geek out ("Mystique gave me her phone number!") and embarrass himself. Instead he puts it in his pocket, saying "Thanks, and yeah, it's pretty cool here. There's mutants like you and me who can't hide, and they're fine with it. I wanna be more like that, but it's hard, you know?"

    Evan sighs a little and continues, "I can quote you a dozen studies and psychological texts about how you're supposed to let these things go, how the bullies are the ones who have a problem, but when you live it for years, it's not that easy to put behind yourself."

    "I didn't even have any powers or anything like that to make it better, just looked like this. I thought I got the really short end of the stick until last summer."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    There was something in his eyes for the briefest of moments that Mystique could read as the 'not geeking out', but that talent came from years upon years of studying people and learning to read body language. He did great in covering it.

    "It takes time to find your footing, but with those here at the school, you'll get there." she offered with an almost motherly tone to her voice. Damn it, she was getting soft around all these kids. "Take your time getting from point A to point B, rushing makes it far more difficult than it needs to be."

    Glancing back to the mansion, she noticed the number of windows that no longer had lights on. "I think it might be getting close to lights out," she said gesturing toward the mansion as she looked back to Evan. "I don't want to get you in trouble during your first week here."

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    Evan nods, "Yeah, probably should see if I can make it back to my room.. this place is huge! It was really nice meeting you, you're way nicer than that make you out to be." He smiles at her and stands up from the bench, offering her his hand. "Have a good night, Mystique. Thanks for reminding me that I don't have to hide any more. My parents always told me I shouldn't be ashamed or anything about how I looked, but it's hard to really believe that when you're reminded day after day."

    He looks around the open space behind the school to the trees and then turns with a smile. "I think I'm gonna like it here."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    Accepting his hand to shake as she stood up, another smile played over Mystique's lips as she said, "We're all in this together, Evan, but you're parents sound like they have it right." then let his hand go.

    "Tell Rogue her mother said to get you a map," she then adds with a chuckle. "She'll love that. Sleep well when you do find your room."