13607/Legends and Thunderbirds

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Legends and Thunderbirds
Date of Scene: 20 December 2022
Location: Library
Synopsis: James and Emma have a quick run in at the mansion's library. They briefly discuss the latest sentinel concern, the merits of letting the government do the dirty work, and Emma offers to keep an ear out for a shaman for James' raining.
Cast of Characters: James Proudstar, Emma Frost

James Proudstar has posed:
James has roosted on the second story carefully leaning his thigh against a banister as he holds a book on the occult practices of the indigenous peoples of north and central America. The text almost looks like a pocket addition in his broad hands.

The tower of a man is dressed casually today, a pair of blue jeans from the big and tall, and a black t-shirt the fits snuggly to his muscular torso. His black hair is tied back in a brain to keep it out of his eyes as he scans the book in his grip.

He mumbles to himself, "Where does magic and mutant really start? Are many of our legends really just the work of mutants? No... magic is real, but how do you... separate the two for certain."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is having one of her occasional forays to the Mansion, a book held over underneath an arm as she would glance inwards. Hearing bits of the conversation, Emma would muse. "I wouldn't be the one to answer. However, you do have a number of specialists you could consult. Mrs. Rasputina-Strange or however she prefers to be called.. Or if you don't want to risk having your soul eaten for the conversation, I might suggest Ms. Gwynn. OR if you feel up to traveling to Genosha, then Ms. Maximoff." Emma would muse over while glancing about.

"I think there's a thin line between understanding something and not needing to, merely that it works."

James Proudstar has posed:
James gazes up from his book and rests his eyes on Emma silently. A moment passes in contemplation as if he's pulling himself mentally out of the text. He frowns, "It's not as easy as just asking. I've spoken to Illyana on the subject before... but everyone is grounded in their own myths and legends. I haven't really found someone who I'd call.. a shaman. Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock... plenty of other flavors, but not a honest shaman."

He closes the book, "Thank you for the advice, regardless. And... maybe Genosha is a worthwhile lead. Ms. Maximoff likely at least knows a shaman to point me toward."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at James, "I'm sorry I can't help more. There are always numerous local traditions.. I'm however not the person to look for advise. My experience with the occult comes from a rather narrow, and hostile range." Of which Emma would be very happy to burn the body of said practictioner so thoroughly that they couldn't come back this time.

"There's a number of separate magical specialists as well. WAND.. I believe that the Justice League has an aegis.."

James Proudstar has posed:
"As if being a mutant wasn't enough, huh?" James quips and then carefully shelves the book back into its vacant slot.

"Thanks for the leads." He approaches, closing some of the distance but keeping enough gap between them so he doesn't loom. Its a careful balance for someone of his height. "What brings you to the mansion today, Ms. Frost?"

He grins, "Maybe a little training? The adaptive sentinel program is... a pain in the ass."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at James, "Oh? I'm more worried on the particulars. I know at least that Shaw has some connection tow hatever is going on. I just have to get enough so I can slowly take the man apart piece by piece. He knows what those things can do." Emma would muse distantly.

"And I'll leave those things to you that are beter at handling them. What's the particular term.. Rip and tear?"

James Proudstar has posed:
"More like stab, rend, and pry. I've been questioned more than once for bothering with carrying knives. The questions stopped the first time someone watched me engage a sentinel." James half-smirks then frowns, "Shaw's involved, eh?"

He shakes his head, "If I recall, you are no slouch in a fight, but... I imagine robotic minds are not your preferred prey, huh?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smirk, "Alas, for those of us that don't have your particular brand of enhancements.. We don't quite have the same effect, no." At least she was willing to admit it. "I'm more worried as to whot he manfucaturer of them is. Hopefully we can track that down and obliterate it."

James Proudstar has posed:
He nods for a moment, "That's a piece of intel I'd kill for."

The phrase was meant literally, his eyes narrowing. "You'd think the world would get tired of giant human killing machines, yet here we are again. I hope this tragedy ends one of these days."

Sitting on the edge of the rail for the library balcony, he hangs his leg. "You run across any leads?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shake ehr head, "Not so far. Merely noting that one of them tried to assassinate our dear president and that he put the military on alert. So we might have some competition. I'm more than happy to let someone else deal with the problem if at all."

James Proudstar has posed:
"I'm not quick to trust the United States military to do anything right or honorable." James mutters in mild irritation. "But this time they'll get something right. Not going to hold my breath."

"Maybe I should start my own investigation instead of sitting around and waiting for a fight." He shrugs and then walks toward the spiral stair case to be his descent.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shake her head, "Oh, I hardly doubt that they'll be of any use. But.. THey have a rather big stick. In shaking it htey'll make a great deal more noise and attract attention. Which makes our investigation easier. And also means that whomever is making them has a much higher priority of whom to be alert for rather than us."

James Proudstar has posed:
"That's a fair point. A good distraction isn't something to balk at. I just wish I knew where I should be trying to infiltrate and who's ribs I should slip a knife into." He shrugs, ducking to avoid hitting his head while descending the spiral stair case.

"This is one of those moments where being to consultant my ancestors would be useful. Shaman-envy." He grins.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would sigh, "Unfortunately, the military industrial complex has left so many random superweapons lying around these last few decades. It's like squirrels hiding away nuts for the winter. Stash so many of them, you forget what ones you buried and where they're at."

Is.. Emma making a joke?

James Proudstar has posed:
James blinks at Emma, a little surprised by the joke. He cracks a laugh and nods, "That's about right. Sad, but true."

He seems a little taken back, having had a very distinct impression of Emma Frost. That impression being that her last name was very apt. He squints at her and grins, "Guess you are human after all."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would pssh, "I'm better than human. I'm homo sapiens superior. I'm a diamond in the rough." Emma would mime going to take a bite of an apple to complete the picture. "For now, there's not much information to go on. I'm sure that an active military or intelligence agency search will shake a few things loose that we can pursue."

James Proudstar has posed:
"Followed by a good pun. Homo Sapiens Superior, indeed." James muses and watches her take a bite out of the imaginary apple.

He rests a hand on his stomach and considers, "An apple sounds like a good idea right about now."

His head tilting to the side, he side-eyes Emma, "Is that your plan then? Wait for the government to do the work and then pull the results out of their minds? Just wait and harvest?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at James, "If posible, that would be my preferred method, yes. Failing that I'm sure that they'll make quite a great amount of noise that will get whomever is behind things giong fully active. I doubt the government and ourselves will remotely see things eye to eye.. But, still, if the president starts yelling at SHIELD or the Avengers then something's going to get done."

Emma would grin sadistically. "Then we'll be there to sweep up anything left over."

James Proudstar has posed:
"Well, that's a plan. Not my favorite plan. As it involves a considerable amount of waiting, but it is a plan. Also nice to think about the Avengers handling sentinels instead of.. supporting them. It's nice not to be on the wrong side of he law in a conflict." James nods to accentuate the point as he starts to leave the library, heading in the direction of the kitchen.

"If you get a lead, let me know. I good for more then just rip and tear." James promises.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost woulod shrug, "I prefer to think of it moreso as if we're going to have some allies in this we might as well take advantage of them and let them do the heavy lifting. It makes things easier and we're not having to bear the entire burden on our own. And it's nice to remind them that yes, we do exist." Pragmatic.

"You'll likely find out something before I will, James. Good hunting. I'll let you know if I hear anything of a shaman and pass it along to you."