14420/Vidya Gamez

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Vidya Gamez
Date of Scene: 15 March 2023
Location: Radical Arcade
Synopsis: Video games
Cast of Characters: Rachel Summers, Rogue

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel is completely engrossed in the flashing lights and electronic sounds of the Radical Arcade, the retro gaming haven nestled in the heart of the Xavier School basement. Once a wine storage area, the space had been transformed into a nostalgic wonderland where students could take a trip back in time to the 1980s and unwind after a long day of classes.

Rachel's red hair dances around her shoulders as she maneuveres the joystick of an old-school 'Donkey Kong' arcade machine with expert precision. The dim lighting casts an otherworldly glow on her face, her green eyes focused and determined as she attempts to best her previous high score.

Around her, fellow students laugh and cheer one another on as they hop between the rows of iconic arcade games like 'Mortal Kombat,' 'Pac-Man,' and 'Ms. Pac-Man.' The pulsating beat of 80s music creates a lively soundtrack to the gaming action, making it nearly impossible not to feel the energy of this bygone era.

Rogue has posed:
As Rogue wanders around the arcade machines inside Xavier's School, she sips a cold soda through a straw and smiles at some of the students having fun on the games. She scans the rows of colorful screens and flashing lights until she reaches Rachel's machine, where the fiery-haired mutant is playing Donkey Kong.

Rogue pauses behind Rachel, watching her every move with a keen eye. She can feel the tension building in the redhead's shoulders and knows that a few words of encouragement would go a long way in boosting her confidence.

"Looks like you're really getting the hang of it," Rogue says, leaning over Rachel's shoulder and taking another sip of her soda.

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel, engrossed in her game of Donkey Kong, doesn't immediately notice Rogue's approach. Her concentration momentarily falters as she registers Rogue's presence, but she quickly refocuses on the screen. A small smile forms on her lips, and she can't help but feel a little more at ease with the Southern Belle's supportive words.

"Thanks," Rachel replies, her voice carrying a hint of gratitude. "It's been a while since I last played, but it's all coming back to me."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just sips her soda and steps around to stand beside the machine, so as not to be a weirdo looming behind the redhead who looks a damn lot like Jean. They didn't know each other well, but for some reason... SOME reason, Rogue feels like they should. She looks between the screen, then back over to Rachel. "This place is pretty wild... I hadn't come down here a whole lot. I figured the kids woulda ruined it all by now." She says with a grin, seeing two of the more notorious rowdy groups of students here tonight, one at the machines, and one sitting together at one of the tables near the bar. "Which is your favorite game so far? I dig Mortal Kombat, myself. Sonya is my jam... With the green costumes, and penchant for punchin' things."

Rachel Summers has posed:
As Rogue steps around to stand beside the machine, Rachel glances over at her, appreciating that she's no longer looming over her shoulder. Their relationship is still relatively new, and there's an unspoken curiosity between them. With her red hair and the uncanny resemblance to Jean Grey, it's no surprise that she piques the collective interest.

As Rogue comments on the Radical Arcade and how it has managed to survive the antics of the rowdy students, Rachel can't help but chuckle. She continues to maneuver her character through the Donkey Kong level, skillfully avoiding obstacles while responding to Rogue's question about her favorite game.

"Honestly, it's hard to pick just one," Rachel admits, her eyes flicking back and forth between the screen and Rogue. "But I think I have a soft spot for 'Pac-Man.' It's a classic - or at least I'm told it's one - and there's something satisfying about navigating those mazes and gobbling up all those dots."

Rogue nods in agreement, mentioning her love for Mortal Kombat and her affinity for Sonya with her green costumes and penchant for punching things. Rachel smiles, understanding the appeal of a strong, powerful character like Sonya.

"I like Liu Kang. Wish I could bicycle kick."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks over to where the Pac-Man machine is and chuckles when Rachel tells her it's her favorite arcade game. "I always thought he was a drug addict, and the white dots were just pills," she jokes back to the redhead, showing a big grin as she takes another sip of her drink. Then, turning her attention back to Rachel, she asks, "But seriously, how have you been? Things been well for you?"

Rogue takes notice of a group of kids running by, laughing and pushing each other around in their excitement to play Contra. "Hey now, settle down y'all," she speaks up, her southern drawl ringing out as she addresses them. The kids immediately respond, quieting down and obediently making their way over to the Contra machine, giving Rogue polite nods as they pass. Rogue can't help but smile to herself, knowing that being the pretty southern belle teacher definitely has its perks.

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel listens to Rogue's lighthearted theory about Pac-Man, and she can't help but let out a laugh. "That's one way to look at it, I guess," she says, still grinning at Rogue's humor. As Rachel continues to play Donkey Kong, she appreciates the camaraderie forming between them.

When Rogue turns her attention back to Rachel, asking how she's been, Rachel takes a moment to think about her response. "Things have been pretty good, actually," she says, her voice thoughtful. "There's always something happening around here, but overall, it's been a positive experience."

As the group of kids runs by, Rogue's attention is momentarily diverted, and she addresses them with her authoritative southern drawl. Rachel watches with amusement as the students quickly quiet down, giving Rogue respectful nods before they head over to the Contra machine.

Turning back to Rachel, Rogue's smile shows a mix of satisfaction and humility. Rachel can't help but smile back, impressed by her friend's ability to command respect from the students while maintaining a warm and approachable demeanor.

With the students back in line, Rachel and Rogue continue their conversation, further strengthening the bond forming between them. In the Radical Arcade, surrounded by the flashing lights and the sounds of the classic games they both love, they're reminded of the importance of these connections in the ever-changing world of the Mansion.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue chuckles softly at something Rachel says before turning her attention to the table behind the redhead. She starts to pick up some of the left-behind drink cups, her gaze still fixed on Rachel. "Hey, by the way, if ya ever need anything, don't hesitate to track me down and let me know," she says, flashing a friendly smile at the younger mutant. "I'm a good friend of Jean's, and I'm always eager to get to know more about the people here at the school." With that, Rogue straightens up, still holding the stack of cups in her hand. "Well, I better go toss these out before they start piling up again. See ya around, Rachel," she says before turning and heading towards the nearest trash can, eyeing those rowdy kids again on her way past them. "Ya'll behave, or else!" She teases them to a round of return-teases.

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel listens to Rogue's offer of help and friendship, her heart warming at the genuine kindness expressed. As the other mutant picks up the discarded drink cups, Rachel pauses her game momentarily to look over at her. "Thank you, Rogue. I appreciate that," she responds sincerely. "I'm always looking to make more friends around here, and it's nice to know I can count on you."

As Rogue prepares to leave, Rachel nods and smiles at her parting words. "See you around, Rogue," she says, her voice carrying a hint of newfound camaraderie. As the southern belle moves away from the arcade machine, Rachel watches her interact with the rowdy kids, her teasing tone eliciting a playful response from the students.

Once Rogue is out of sight, Rachel turns her attention back to her game of Donkey Kong. The brief exchange with Rogue has left her feeling more connected and supported, a reminder of the importance of fostering relationships within the X-Men Mansion. As she continues to play, the sounds of the Radical Arcade filling the room, Rachel can't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to form new friendships and create lasting memories with her fellow mutants.