14459/Almost Spring Time

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Almost Spring Time
Date of Scene: 19 March 2023
Location: Camilleri Condo
Synopsis: Priscilla asks Henry one of the big questions that come up during a relationship!
Cast of Characters: Priscilla Camilleri, Henry McCoy

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
Priscilla's work has been picking up since the weather is becoming warmer. More people are willing to travel and she's had lots and lots of business meetings through the weeks. That means that her weekend time is precious. She'd texted Henry earlier in the day and asked him if he'd like to join her for dinner and catching up on things. Mainly seeing how he is and how things are going.

Dinner had been finished and plates had been placed in the dish washer for later. The raven haired woman was dressed in a comfortable, but well tailored crimson colored dress and heels. Because she lives in heels most days. "Did you want anything for dessert?" she asks Henry as she gives a grin to him. "I think I have some sweets or I could order something." she offers.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Of course he was happy to enjoy time with her! And dinner, as well? That's a wonderful treat. His project for Victor was working through the lab, systems analyzing the samples he'd been provided. For now, there's nothing to do with it but let the machines do the work. He'd made his way uptown to her place, arriving a bit early with a bottle of wine.

He was dressed nice - a linen shirt and slacks, shiny wide shoes. "I would certainly not say not to such a thing. Did you have a particular sweet in mind?" He asks, relaxing after the main course. "Chocolate covered strawberries or some such?"

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
Priscilla was more than happy to take an order for things. She'd grabbed her phone to make a quick order to the front desk. Because she paid a lot of money for someone to go find chocolate strawberries at this hour. "Done." she tells him as she slips out of her heels.

"I have something that I wanted to ask you, if you are up for a serious discussion." she gives a smile to him.

Once that is said, she collects something from her purse and heads over to find a seat on the couch, "Join me, please." she smiles to him.

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a smile as she agrees with his choice, the man following over to the sofa. Henry lets her sit first, before carefully settling down himself. No need to smoosh any furniture! Once both are settled, he's turned partway to face her properly. "Something to ask? Something serious?" His brow arches, regarding her curiously.

"Hopefully nothing is wrong?" He asks, perhaps a bit concerned. It's his life - he's often waiting for the other shoe to drop, when it comes to his personal life.

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
Priscilla angles herself on the oversized sofa to where she's sitting cross-legged and looking at him. "It is something serious, yes Doctor." she tells him with a red lipped grin. She has whatever it is behind her back, but it is soon revealed and the small black box with a red ribbon is given to him.

"Nothing is wrong, I promise." she assures him. "I know that this might be too soon and that you have not always had the best of luck when it comes to relationships, but...I was wondering if you'd be interested in moving in with me?" she asks him.

If he opens the box, inside is a key to the door and the security badge to get in and out of the building.

Henry McCoy has posed:
It wasn't a bad thing, yay! Henry wasn't expecting her proprosal to move in together, either. "I... I am touched." He says, genuinely. A hand reaches out to stroke at hers, under the box. "I would very much enjoy that, if you are certain. I tend to leave blue fur on furniture..." A slight chuckle at that. "And I get focused on work often, so my general self-care is... a problem." Go figure, obsessed with science.

"I may still need to keep a residence at the school, for events that happen from time to time." He clarifies. "It's where I work, after all."

A sheepish look draws over his face. "Yes, I'd love to." He clarifies.

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
Priscilla watches him with golden eyes, she wasn't sure what he would say really...and that worried her. She gives his hand a gentle touch and there is a smile, "I am very certain of that, yes." she tells him. "I'd rather have your fur on the furniture than not." she admits with a chuckle to him. "Well, maybe living with someone will help with that." she offers.

"Absolutely understandable on the school part. I don't want to interfere with things there and I'd rather you not get in trouble." she tells him. She then leans forward to give him a quick kiss, "I'm glad that you want to. I'm happy to take requests on furniture and anything else that you might need to make yourself more comfortable here as well." she tells him.