15662/Wayward Banner...sort of.
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Wayward Banner...sort of. | |
Date of Scene: | 20 August 2023 |
Location: | Chinatown |
Synopsis: | Bruce slipped out of the Mansion and SHIELD sent someone to find him. Fortunately for everyone it was Agent Houston. They had a good conversation as she escorted him back to Avenger's Mansion. |
Cast of Characters: | Bruce Banner, Stefani Houston
- Bruce Banner has posed:
The authorities get a little up tight when Banner isn't right where they left him. Tonight is one of those nights. Someone went to check on his cell...err lab and there was no sign of the brilliant and yet devastatingly destructive doctor.
While there weren't any A.P.B.'s put out, S.H.I.E.L.D. gets a little...worried when they don't have an eye on him and the Avengers probably aren't comfortable with it either. At any rate, despite having facilities at his disposal, Dr. Banner is walking out of the Chatham Square Library. What he could find there that he couldn't find at the mansion is anybody's guess.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Stefani 'Quiet' Houston was one of the more agile SHIELD agents on the entire agency's roster. What she was capable of doing was, to say simply, rare.
She was a good tracker, and an even faster navigator of terrain. The modern day Manhattan had a lot of cameras too, and a lot of eyes in the sky meant faces would get seen, and reported quite quickly.
When Banner's potential location came up, Stefani was sent to make positive ID on him... She knew the basics of who he was, and what his alter-ego had done around the world, and though she knew he was an Avenger, she was told to find out what he was doing all the same.
It's like a ghost, where there wasn't a woman one second, now there suddenly is. She's dressed in a sleeveless black top, a pair of form-fit black trousers, and a pair of laced-up combat boots black with dark grey laces. She's just suddenly there, when Banner had looked one direction then back again, and she just smiles at him, her right hand coming up to wave simply once in his direction.
- Bruce Banner has posed:
He is not the most aware on the planet when he is working on things. He has two books under his arm and he is looking at a paper in his other hand. Sure enough he looks away and finds his gaze back on the suddenly there girl.
He doesn't scare easy, but the sudden appearance from nowhere does surprise him a little. He raises a brow after studying her for a moment. A little doubt enters his features and then he relaxes a little and he returns the wave, walking in her direction.
He gives her a once over again as he draws near her,"So they have discerned that I left the mansion." He looks at his watch and mutters,"Only took and hour and a half. They are getting sloppy."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
The young woman gives him a sympathetic expression before she nods her head two small times toward what he says. Her right hand produces a smart phone device seemingly from no where, and she lifts it up to display to him a profile of which contains her photo, name and Agent Level within the agency. She places the phone back down on to a little clip on her belt in front of her stomach, then... of all things.. starts to sign toward him.
Her sign language comes out quick and well practiced, and within a second of beginning, her phone starts to speak to translate for him...
"I was asked to just check on you, to make sure you're okay." The voice from the phone says, speaking in a simulated female voice that is actually quite pleasant to the ears, most ears anyway.
"You are okay, then, right?" She has to ask. "I am sorry, I have to ask it." She confirms, her expressive facial features showing a look of apology toward him.
- Bruce Banner has posed:
He watches her curiously. He is at ease despite the fact SHIELD and the Avengers might be looking for him. It isn't arrogance, it just takes a special sort of stupid to try to forcefully engage him and he hasn't done anything that far out of line.
He watches her sign and then raises a brow as the phone starts to talk to him. He nods a little and replies,"I am fine Agent Houston. I just needed a reference book that most people don't consider worth having around and I thought I would find it at the library over there. It was nice to not be stared at constanly due to the presence of agents like yourself at either side of me."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Stefani slowly nods her head to what he says, even tilting it a little to the right. She shows a small frown for a second, or two, before she draws in a little breath through her pert nose. Once more her hands begin to sign out a response, the fingerless gloves she's wearing likely feeding the information to her phone, since Banner is quite smart enough to realize such a tech could exist.
"I understand. I think I would feel the same way. I don't want to bother you either, I was just told to check and make sure you were safe." She huffs out a little breath, then continues, her facial expressions aiding a bit to show the tone of how she's talking, or so she hopes.
"I won't bother you any longer, either. But I was asked to stay relatively close by, just in case. If that is too uncomfortable though... I will vanish, and you won't see me again."
- Bruce Banner has posed:
He shrugs a little as he watches her responses and then hears what she tells him,"You can follow me. There is no reason to hide. That might make him more anxious than seeing you." he suggests.
He chuckles softly, humorlessly, and he admits,"I hope you never have to find out what it's like to have everyone in the world watching you or looking for you. I would give up a lot to not be famous to the world."
He starts to walk in the general direction of the Avenger's Mansion,"So tell me agent, are you fairly new to the team or have I just never met you?" For all the stories, he can be friendly-ish. He's not overtly rude, though a little short. That might just be his way though."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
The response that she gets from him does garner a little smile, a sincere one, from Stefani. She nods two quick, and small, times to him before she'll fall in to line on his left to follow him should he start to walk again. She looks over at him as he speaks, staring at him with confident eye contact. The comments he makes, the questions he asks, and soon she's signing again for him.
"I am far from famous, by design. My line of work is best if I am not known. I am a ghost, Mister Banner. Barely even real at all."
She smirks at her own melodrama before she continues.
"Of all of the agents on the SHIELD roster, I was chosen because it's believed that I could best stand a chance of not being eliminated by your." She pauses, thinking of the right word, before she signs it out, and her smart phone reads it off.
"Your friend." It says, which has Stef smirking again.
"Though I would hope not to find out the answer to that, based on what I've seen of your friend."
- Bruce Banner has posed:
When some people do it, it seems really stuck up. It's for her to decide what she feels as he replies out of reflex,"Dr. Banner." It isn't mean or rude, just stating the facts. He worked really hard for that and so far nobody has managed to take it from him yet. He holds it like a treasure almost.
"In your line, it's better to not be famous I think." he admits,"Not that I know, but I would enjoy the anonymity if I could get it back."
He considers what she says and admits,"Let's you and I make sure you never havve to find out about the other guy." he muses and shakes his head,"Friend is a stretch and still in ways he is a friend. The one that helps when I can't, but it is still a nightmare for him to escape."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
"I am sorry." Comes her response with regard to his title. "I have never been very good with doctors." She admits, showing a restrained embarrassed expression toward him.
Stefani gently nods her head a second later, trying to understand his plight. "I think I can somewhat relate to you in some ways. I isolated myself from people for ten years, believing that it was safer for everyone if I wasn't around them. It might still be safer if I'm not, but I've chosen to take a chance, and believe in my ability to know if something bad is about to happen, and to flee if needs be."
Why would she need to do that though? She looks relatively harmless, as much as Natasha does though, and Bruce likely knows looks can be deceiving.
"Have you considered an Image Inducer, Doctor Banner? I saw them being used at the Triskelion. I know they are rather rare technology, but you have a rather rare need for one, I would say, Doctor Banner." She signs, her phone continuing its melodic translation, and her soft smile accompanying her words for him.
- Bruce Banner has posed:
"It is OK. Just a reflex among doctors, medical or not." he assures her and continues to walk towards the mansion,"Some doctors are worse than others though. I just have...other things to worry about that they do not."
A soft chuckle again and he admits,"If you can relate to anything I deal with Agent Houston, you have my sympathies." He looks her way and considers a long moment,"Like Natasha, I suspect there is more to you than meets the eye. Your sudden appearance tells me that much."
He smiles and nods as he admits,"Oh I have considered one many times." he admits,"SHIELD and the Avengers both objected. They wouldn't be able to recognize me either. If I got my hands on one of those I would fall off the Earth and live somewhere third world and be left in peace."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Stefani is right there walking alongside him on his left side, as they stroll back toward the direction of the Avengers mansion. She'd never been to it before, but she was aware of its location all the same. Her attention, however, is on that of Bruce as he talks, the young looking woman quite fascinated by what he's saying.
"I know this may look like I am contradicting myself," she starts to sign out for him. but I feel that if you want that for your life, you should be allowed it. You are not a slave to the Avengers, you deserve your own life, and your freedom."
The Agent inhales between her pink hued lips, then exhales, as she quickly signs something else to add on.
"I sadly do not call the shots within the agency though." Which she offers him another expressive frown then, as the wind rolling through the city street casts her loose-ponytail over her left shoulder and down her bare bicep.
"What is your book about?" She then questions through her hands, and through her smart phone.
- Bruce Banner has posed:
"I would like nothing better. To be able to work in peace, away from everything, but while they fear the other guy they also know he is a weapon. SHIELD and the Avengers aren't going to let that weapon get away." he explains,"I appreciate the sentiment though."
Another soft laugh and the building comes into view in the distance,"Nick Fury. I don't think anyone can change that mind even if it is a superior officer." He sighs and shakes his head.
He glances at he book and replies,"Nuclear quantum theory. It's trite, but there are a few pages that have value. I need to make copies of them so I can add them to my own information. I spend a long time trying to make sure my notes are complete."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
"I would think that Captain America could fight for your freedom, as much as he does for others." Stefani responds, her hands skillfully working the words out, even if this is a somewhat awkard, arguably cumbersome way to communicate with someone. "I do not think he would like to know that you have these feelings, but I suppose that I only know him from afar, and you would know much better."
She pauses then, her fingers lacing together to bend them backward to stretch them lightly within those black leather fingerless gloves.
She looks up at the Mansion, then back to him as he speaks of the book. Slowly a grin glides its way gracefully across her lips again. "That seems like a book I would have trouble with." She states through her phone's assistant, and then with a grin taking control of her expression she adds...
"Was it too boring to even be available online?"
- Bruce Banner has posed:
"Steve is a good man." he comments about Captain America,"He knows my situation and treats me better than most. I don't think he likes it either, but to be honest I think he wants to know where I am too. It's difficult to not want to know where the walking nuclear fallout is."
"As for the internet. It can be changed to suit whoever wrote the page.' he explains."If someone doesn't like what they see, they change the story to suit their view." He thumps the books soundly,"These remain as they were when they were printed. If anyone tries to change them, it's obvious."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
"Well. I still listen to cassette tapes, and my record player, so I am not one to judge you, Doctor." Stefani responds through her unusual means. She does keep her smile up for him though, and it comes across as honest and true to her nature. She looks away toward a pair of people walking in the opposite direction of them, they of course eyeing Banner with that 'We know who you are, but we're not sure we should say anything.' look.
This gets a little frown from Agent Houston, who can see a small glimpse in to Bruce's life. When the pair pass them by, Stefani looks back to him. She softly signs out again.
"If ever you need a Agent to escort you, and you want one who won't hassle you too much, feel free to reach out to me. But, I entirely understand if you hope we all blow away in the wind."
- Bruce Banner has posed:
As the duo pass him, he smiles at them. Sometimes things can be more terrifying than the sceaming angry man and apparently they don't care for that smile and they keep on. He shakes his head and stops at the door,"So you see." he offers the obvious.
Considering what she says he finally nods and tells her,"I will reach out for you Agent Houston. Thank you for not being an overbearing pain. You are good company."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
When they reach the gate to the mansion grounds, Stef just posts up there to smile at him as he offers that light compliment to her. Once more she moves her hands to produce something, but this time it is a small troll doll in army fatigues. It has green flowy hair, and a black eye patch over its left eye. Along with it, Stef offers a sharpie.
Bruce might see on the troll doll's jacket lapel is 'THOR' signed by the Asgardian himself, the signature unmistakable.
Should Bruce take it, she'll sign to him again too. "I am a fan of your work, Doctor. You and the other guy too. I hope you can find peace together some day."
- Bruce Banner has posed:
He watches her, curious as she starts to dig into her pockets. When the troll appears, he raises a brow curiously. Taking the marker, he finds a place to sign it: Dr. Banner and the other guy. He caps the marker and hands it back to her with a sad little smile.
"It isn't often that someone says that they are a fan of either of us. Thank you for giving me a little hope Agent Houston." He pauses thoughtfully and tells her,"You can call me Bruce if you want. If anyone doesn't like that, tell them to take it up with me."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
The eccentric Agent, dressed all in black, accepts the troll doll back with a gleeful expression touching her face as she reviews the signature. It is tucked away in to a pouch on the back of her hips, before she smiles once more at his words. A little casual salute is sent to him then at his offered words.
"Have a good night, Bruce." She signs one last time before her finger-less gloved hands go to pluck her phone up off of her belt. She turns then, and begins to stroll onward down the sidewalk to some unknown destination, her long loose ponytail fluttering in the wind behind her shoulders as she goes.
- Bruce Banner has posed:
It isn't often that someone gets a smile on his grim visage, but the glee in her eyes warms the lonely man's heart a little. The casual salute is returned with a simple nod of his head.
"Good night Agent Houston. If I go missing again you are fine to come looking. Always be mindful and if I look even a little angry, get far away because once he gets out..."
He leaves the last unspoken and turns to go into the Mansion and back to being babysat at all hours.