16404/The Charms of Madripoor

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The Charms of Madripoor
Date of Scene: 24 November 2023
Location: Domino and Cable's Safehouse
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Cable, Neena Thurman

Cable has posed:
The mileage that any one person is going to get out of a visit to Madripoor will vary. Considerably.

For those looking for shady backroom deals? It is definitely a high spot. Looking to purchase something illicit, illegal just about anywhere else in the world? Chances are you can find it in Madripoor. Want to bet on virtually anything under the sun? The more questionable the better? Madripoor has got that covered. Don't mind visiting the most outlangish, decadent nightclubs only blocks away from the barest, abject poverty? The corrupt city is definitely the right place to visit.

And then there are those who just come here for the work. Admittedly Cable and Domino are not exactly your run of the mill mercenaries and their reasons for being here are far more potentially disruptive to the current power structure then most. Not that it will probably make a long term difference mind. The city is like a cockroach. Step on one and another will be scurrying under foot in no time at all.

But they can't fix all the world's problems. Nor even all the problems on this troubled little island. They can't even work all the time. Sometimes you just have to take a step back and let the situation... percolate.

So why not take advantage and do that over the holidays.

For those without a huge interest in everything the darker side of the city can offer, the island does have one other saving grace. The weather.

Back home -- or at least the closest thing that most of X-Force might have to one -- it might be increasingly chilly, with short days and overcast skies more often then not. But not here. The sun shines, the breeze is warm and the ocean -- at least when one gets away from the traffic of Buccaneer's Bay -- is clear, clean and so very blue.

Sounds like a recipe for the beach, right?

Neena Thurman has posed:
It is true; even with the ability and firepower at hand, Madripoor is resistant to change. Something might make one day different than the other, but it is an island country despite itself. It keeps on turning; businesses open and close, food is harvested and brought to table, there are imports and exports. Just different day, different dollar, different leader.

Is it frustrating? Yes and no. Does it seem as if any push to change is akin to the Myth of Sisyphus? Abxolutely. Does any member of X-Force take it personally?

Absolutely not.

This being Madripoor, there is always the possibility of a gun fight, of a high speed chase, even on 'down days'. That, and company, makes living here worthwhile.

But, beach day! That means margueritas, that means daqueries, that means picking sand out of hot dogs and/or cheeseburgers!

Never think for a moment that Domino can't and won't relax on a beach. She absolutely will and does! With a black bikini top that allows for some spillage, and a bikini bottom with darkly colored lightweight short sarong over it, she's got her newly acquired floral straw hat with the wide brim. A straw carrying bag with the necessities of life, that is booze, food and weaponry, (and towels!) hangs upon an elbow.

Of course, the search for the //perfect// spot is like choosing a place in every other beach in the world. Not too many shells, where are the crabs, what's the water line look like as in, high tide or low...?

Cable has posed:
Look, Cable didn't choose the beach as the getaway from the usually oppressive vibes of Lowtown just because of that bikini. Honest.

But it certainly didn't hurt either. He's not going to lie.

There is another plus to Madripoor. The reputation that it has built up over the years pretty much insures that it is no haven for the everyday, average tourist. Even the weather can't do a whole lot to change that. And while that might be unfortunate for the local economy, it's definitely a boon to the environment.

At for making sure that the beachs remain relatively quiet. Most of the visitors to Madripoor aren't coming for the natural beauty. They're far more interested in what Hightown has to offer with it's decadent pursuits.

Never let it be said that Cable isn't willing to pull his weight, laden down with important supplies -- likely more alcohol, food and towels, the ballcap he wears giving some shade. He is entirely unself-conscious in just a pair of swim trunks, that arm and upper portion of his chest gleaming under the sun, that metal reflecting back the bright light as he squints at the sun-dappled ocean nearby.

The broad-chested future soldier also follows close in Domino's wake, unphased by the warm sand underfoot. "So, what do you think? Where we going to park ourselves?"

He's seen her abilities in action. Of course he's going to let her pick. It's always nice to have luck on one's side.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Coupled with that reputation for not being overly friendly to the average tourist is the reputation that the pair have should they be spotted walking across the warm sand. It's not hard to miss them, really; albino skin only made brighter by the warm, tropical sun, and the metal's gleaming? Absolutely targets, but there'd be no one so stupid as to try and take them on.

Cable's physique certainly is easy on the eyes, and the sunglasses to keep those blue eyes from getting too sore with the sun's rays manages to hide (if only partially) the appreciative looks that she gives to her partner. Of course, Nate's a telepath, and some of the thoughts really don't have to be pulled from her brain.


Beach day!

Domino picks her way, seemingly looking at one spot, then opting for a different direction randomly. Finally, there's a spot chosen, and she sets her things down on the sand before turning around, "Look good?" There's that black-lipped lopsided grin in the loaded question before she bobs her head in a nod. Some days, she doesn't have to be a mind reader. "Good vantage, good access to water, shade, and that burm," Neena points to a rise in the sand just beyond, "I think should do." For a little extra cover.

"Come on.. let's get that blanket down."

Cable has posed:
While the beach might not be crowded -- at least in comparison to tourist hotspots -- it's not exactly deserted either. And as far as eye-catching goes, well, they both certainly qualify in their own unique ways.

Under most circumstances Cable doesn't go anywhere without a gun. Usually a big, imposing plasma cannon at the very least. Walk softly and carry a big stick, right? Except he normally skips the walking quietly part and the stick he carries can blow a hole through most buildings.

But those particular accessories have been put aside for today at least. Oh, it is almost a given that at least one of their packs have a few more discrete weapons within them. But then it hardly seems to matter one way or another.

When it comes to weapons, they both certainly qualify all on their own, regardless of whether they are armed or not.

Cable flashes a tight grin her way, though whether that's because of those less then concealed thoughts or because he keeps a couple of paces behind her for reasons beside just letting her pick their ultimate destiantion. They might not be in Madripoor for the beach weather, but the future soldier is growing to appreciate the fringe benefits of it none the less.

Such a loaded question. Indeed, the corners of Cable's mouth twitch and his head snaps back up from where he has been staring, glancing towards the chosen spot. "Very good," he agrees, without clarifying exactly what he's talking about. "Trust me, I know better then to question your judgement on these kinds of things," he notes wryly.

It doesn't exactly take long of that blanket to be laid down over the warm sands, laying claim to their little part of the beach. Stretched out under the bright sun above.

Neena Thurman has posed:
There's that grin; it's a hard-fought expression, and Neena does appreciate it when it arrives. It bypasses the worry and concern that usually lines his face, and brings him into that category of 'younger, handsome days'. It's a rarity, certainly, and the fact that it creases his face brings that grin of hers to the fore. It's followed by a wink, and once the blanket is set up, she's settling down on it, just off of center to leave room.

"And this is why you're my favorite." The words are a drawl, the underlying humor set in its place. Love, war, he's one person she doesn't have to argue with. The others? Well... they can be a handful, and not always in a good way. "You know what to say to a girl." Soon after, the off-duty merc is patting the spot beside her. "C'mere and sit down, big guy.."

Just beyond, the water gently laps at the shoreline with people dotting the shoreline as they take in the day. White fluffy clouds are puffs in the blue sky, and it's almost easy to forget where they are. This could be Monaco, or Alcapulco, or any of the larger resorts... but the softly played sirens in the distance away is a stark reminder that this island is for the adventurous, the brave, the stupid, and the foolhardy. Oh, and for X-Force, who may be all of those or none of them, given the day.

"I brought suntan lotion. You're almost as pale as I am." Twisting around, Neena starts to rifle through her bag to find said lotion.. and with a soft noise of victory, brings it up. "Got it."

Cable has posed:
In many ways X-Force is more like his real family then his blood relations.

At the very least he sees a whole lot more of them and tends to share more then he might with his real family. Of course that does mean that they tend to come with all those extra little complications that come right along with being a part of a family. Perhaps just amplified a little when said family is also a highly trained group that has to depend upon one another to stay alive out in the field. Under fire. While making some truly high stakes decisions.

You know, no pressure or anything.

Together they have to be the parent, teacher, mentor and Captain. It's no small job. Which might be why they are just better at handling it together as a team.

"Fortunately for me," Cable agrees wryly, sinking down onto that blanket next to her, the sands beneath it shifting a little, giving way as he makes himself comfortable. "I think I'd be hard pressed to find anyone else who'd want to put up with me. Nevermind me finding someone that could keep up," he points out with a lazy drawl before flashing a self-depricating smirk. "Or vice versa."

"Look at that. One more thing we have in common," the grizzled veteran soldier points out glibly. "Too many missions indoors I suppose," he allows. Hey, it's not his choice. He goes where the missions take him. And it's usually easier to blow things up from the inside then from without. Though he's always up for trying both ways.

"Hanging out 'round here should fix that up soon enough. Let's hear it for chaos and confusion," he suggests drily. "Madripoor. Never leaves us bored."

Which is definitely saying something.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Almost inseparable, these two. It is a strength and a weakness; where one goes, more than likely the other isn't far behind, or far out of communication. It's something that can easily be used as leverage, and when they are honestly separated, their poker faces are like no others for bluffing.

As Nate lowers himself, Domino's wielding the SPF 3 million. The cap is screwed off quickly and a proper dollop is set into hand. "Okay. Next few missions, you're outside. Now," she shifts so she can get on her knees, "Let's get this on you so you're not dying by the time lunch hits." Though, at that thought, the second squeeze is made, doubling the amount on her hands and she puts some on her own shoulders quickly before getting ready to offer up ministrations.

"I'm a patient girl. After all, I still put up with Wade." They both do! "We both have the patience of saints." Leaning forward, there is that quirked grin that so easily rises, "You're easy to put up with. Couple of big guns, some car chases, and I am not complaining about our downtime, or the occasional stress release." Going back to readiness to set some of the sunblock, "Nice thing about Madripoor is that it almost never disappoints for chaos and confusion." Her tones reach a more conversational tone. "Surprises all over. Like, the appearance of your sister. What is that all about, and is she seriously your sister?"

Cable has posed:
They each have enemies that certainly wouldn't mind a little leverage over either one of them and given their history, their ties, their closeness, it would be naturally to look at the pair and seek to utilize that to some advantage. And while many things might draw Cable and Domino together, at least one of them is likely to be the fact that each of them can definitely take care of themselves.

And woe betide anyone who takes it into their head to go after the other. They'll most likely fail. And if not at best they'll likely only delay the unholy retribution that they are practically inviting down upon their heads.

"I think I can cope with a little sunburn," he counters with that grin, an expression that comes much easier, much more freely in her presence. "But I get to do you next." For her uhh, protection. Yeah, that's it. The sun can be such a fiend.

"Simple man, simple pleasures," he agrees wryly. Which is certainly an exaggeration. Neither one of them is likely to qualify as 'simple' in any way shape or form. "But all things considered, I'd agree. There are a few perks to this particular mission," he admits with a quiet laugh. A little bit of downtime seems to be a part of that.

The question about his sister makes those lips quirk once more, even as he sits up, making it a little easier to apply that sunscreen. "A little bit of a surprise," he agrees. "But then the Summers-Grey bloodline seems to attract a fair bit of that," he points out. "From one perspective no. I didn't grow up knowing any sister. I didn't really know any family -- though that gets complicated too." Time travel shennanigans. "And technically my mother was only a clone of Jean Grey, though obviously genetically that doesn't make much of a difference. So in that sense Rachel and I share parents."

He gives a short, sharp snort of laughter finally and a little shake of his head. "Time travel. Considering her a sister just simplifies things even if it might not be exactly accurate."

Neena Thurman has posed:
"I don't want sunburn," Dom returns as she makes sure she's got a good coverage, "call it enlightened self-interest." The grin shared is a grin returned as she takes the few heartbeats to quietly slather on the goods. "Perks aren't the word. I almost want this as a winter home. Set up a secondary house. Winter is the worst." Ah, the missions when she had to be tucked into a white parka, black lips almost blue with the cold. After all, she IS originally from Florida! "Just go back for the holidays and the parties." And the work as it tends to be more than a little lucrative; moreso, actually, than the island, but money does go farther on the Southeast Asian island.

"And before you even //think// it, I'm not getting soft," is growled softly. "So no happy homemaker looking for the domestic life, tucked into the tropics." Domino's tones remain amused and playful.

Domino gets those spots that would be normally difficult, but on him, virtually impossible, thanks to the muscles that have their own muscles. She nods, actually understanding most of what is explained; she's learned to toss out 'logical' when it comes to time travel, because it really is more than that. So many timelines, so many possibilities. Who knows who and what she'd be in other lines? "Well, she knew you. I wonder if some .. you was there with her. Or.." She shakes her head and pats his shoulder to indicate that she's done with her ministrations for the time being, and closes up what's left in the tube. "Or, if a Summers knows their own." She's not all that worried, mind. Just curious; after all, the woman HUGGED her! And him! "Always nice to have another ally." That about sums it up, at least for her. Not an enemy, not a disinterested acquaintance, but an actual ally.