16517/Interference with Intergang

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Interference with Intergang
Date of Scene: 08 December 2023
Location: Intergang Affiliate
Synopsis: Quiet and Smasher team up to take down an Intergang outpost with Shi'Ar weapons. It goes boomingly.
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Stefani Houston, Isabel Kane

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
In the time since the Shi'Ar invasion of Earth, large amounts of extraterrestrial tech lost upon the planet had been recovered. That however did not mean all of it. Offworld weaponry was a priority for SHIELD to locate - for treaty obligations, and to ensure that such things were not used destructively on Earth. And something the Shi'Ar prioritized as well no doubt.
    Intergang was a very nebulous organization, the structure of which was little understood. Whom was in charge, what thier overall goals were, where they sourced things from.. But, they clearly had a wealth of off-world technology - particularly weaponry.
    An Intergang cell in Metropolis had been using plasma weaponry sourced from the Shi'Ar. A number used for assaults upon some STAR Labs facilities had drawn SHIELD's attention. Recon had tracked a local warehouse that the last raid had come from. A run down place owned by a shell company of a shell company. Abandoned, several stories tall, dilapidated.. Like a walking cliche.
    The team had been inserted by Quinjet a short ways away with the goals of getting in, neutralizing and recovering any tech, with the secondary goals of gathering intelligence.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Agent Houston was prepared for the mission well in advance of it beginning. She'd been there during the planning phase, and had been an asset in choosing where to come in and how to get out.

Upon arrival, she'd exited the Quinjet with a haste in her step, dressed in her black bodysuit, with an assortment of weaponry and equipment hanging from belts and loops upon her form.

Totting a large rifle, Stef ventured out to the exterior of the jet where she began to survey the area, and subsequently advance upon it...

Isabel Kane has posed:
Isabel was tapped for this mission due to her familiarity with Shi'ar weapons and tech.. and because the Imperial Guard wants this taken care of. They aren't known for being overly generous with their tech, so having it show up somewhere 'unauthorized'.. well, they don't like that.

She's in full Shi'ar Imperial Guard kit, the black and white uniform covering her from head to foot, the goggles over her eyes giving her a greater insight. Having flown over in the Quinjet, she takes to the air on her own once they're lnaded.

<<I'll get eyes in the sky. Come in from overhead. Be careful, Shi'ar weapons don't really have a 'stun' setting.>>

Up in the air, she tries to get an idea of any outside guards around the warehouse.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Quiet was on point towards the warehouse. To Isabel up above, her sensors would pick up easily that the walls of the warehouse were incredibly reinforced - the exterior was a facade, and it was quite durable. ALso ther were significant energy readings coming from within. But in a slight irony (intended or not) the coloration of the Imperial Guard uniform made her rather difficult to spot to the naked eye as she flew up above.

Quiet notices that the entryway along the roof of the building is a fake door barred off. So are the windows. Almost like the place simply had bricks and glass put up along the outside for someone making a very dedicated attempt at building a supervillain lair and having it blend in.

There are also an array of guards on the ground. Subtle ones. Some homeless, some beat cops, some workers.. They were easy to spot - just anyone in too good looking shape too much on alert surrounding the area. A few dozen outside.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Once she'd setup, Quiet's eyes were peering through the scope of her rifle as she heard the comm light up with the voice of the flyer on this mission. She did spare a glance skyward, but her goal was solely upon the building itself. Her crosshairs silently move across the targets inside of the compound that she can visibly spy from her vantage point, each one being marked with a signal that would transmit to SHIELD readouts, each one she marks just blinking in to existence on the interconnected SHIELD network.

But she wasn't here to light them up with shots, she was here to mark them for easier infiltration efforts.

After her initial scan was done, she vanished in a puff of dark smoke, advancing upon the facility at a rapid pace, like dust in the wind. Black dust.

When she reforms again, her sniper rifle is upon her back, and her back is pushed up against the wall beside the point of entry. A little 'ding' is heard over SHIELD comms, indicating that Agent Houston was in place, and preparing to enter the complex, as the men she'd marked were still meandering around on their various tasks, so far unaware of the proverbial Smoke Elemental that had just swept in to their compound (and their hearts? Maybe not that part...)

Isabel Kane has posed:
Izzy's codenmae is Smasher for a reason. The Shi'ar Imperial Guard aren't generally known for their infiltration and stealth tactics. They're more like tanks and mortars. So when Quiet pings her readiness to infiltrate, Izzy sets about providing a most excellent distraction to give Quiet as big of a window as possible. Drawing as much attention to herself as she can.

Angling downward, Izzy slams into the ground in the middle of the largest concentration of guards around the building, already marking her targets as she calls out.

"On behalf o' th' Shi'ar Imperial Guard.. lay down yer weapons an' put hands on head.. or suffer th' consequences." She's not quiet, her voice carrying plenty far, drawing as much attention as she can even as she 'powers up' through her Exospex, red energy crackling around her. Here's hoping she can get the ones inside to open the door for Quiet!

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
There's a time and a place for stealth. There's a time and a place for brute force. Both approaches have thier benefits and drawbacks. Many are specialized in one method and not necessarily the other. This is why they have 'teamwork'. And the tactic is as old as super strength and sneaking for a reason. It's very, very effective.
    Smasher is met over with suddenly everyone over on the street (that's not fleeing for cover) going to pull out some form of heavy energy weapon to move to start to open fire on her! There's roughly fiften or so 'mugsies' that are engaging her! The weaponry is standard Shi'Ar tech (with some ergonomics to make it fit in Earthern hands). They're still incredibly dangerous to most things hit by them!

Quiet is left with the front entranceway fully open! In front of her, a series of heavy bulkheads are closing. Which will isolate the men rushing out of the place to fight the Shi'Ar. But also slow down her smashing the front door down while the rest of the place goes to evacuate. Quiet can quickly slip her way in easily if she goes that approach. It's a heavy cargo entrance - where vehicles would go in and out to deliver things. It looks somewhat normal - if not for the pair of heavy machine guns deploying in turrets and a large cargo elevator which clearly leads underground. And up above a hundred feet or so a large isolated unit about the size of a quinjet.

Stefani Houston has posed:
With the distraction coming in, Quiet glances toward the companion she has on this mission. Staring from afar at the impressive woman's ability to cause a lot of chaos in a short amount of time. A small smile even shows on her lips, moments before men rushing out of those heavy doors cause her face to turn toward them, and a glare to cross her expression. Following that, a domino mask of black smoke glides across Quiet's visage as she huffs out an exhale, and lunges forward, starting to dart rapidly toward the doors before they can close.

Before they do, she puffs once more in to her billowing cloud of black dust, rushing in non-corporeal form toward the doors before they can slam shut.

Inside the complex, the black smoke rushes across the floor, headed toward a shadow before she reforms again in to her Human shape.

Her gloved hand moves down to her utility belt, then down to her ICER holstered on her right thigh. With a flip of a thumb across a latch, she frees the stunning gun, and yanks it from her thigh holster. Turning then, the Agent starts marching down the corridor, glancing toward her own wrist device to track any signals of possible energy devices that match Shi'ar tech. She's here to blow it up, afterall. Or capture it, maybe... blowing up is a lot more fun though.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Smasher is living up to the moniker, using that Shi'ar enhanced strength to launch herself at the 'mugsies' that are leveling the stolen weaponry at her! Currently using her enhanced resilience, the weapons don't seem to be doing any true damage to the woman, the plasma either dissipating or absorbed on impact.

True to her name, she smashes right into the first pair, hitting them like a ton of bricks.. if those bricks were being flung at roughly 700 mph. Bones are going to break. People are going to be either hospitalized or being sent to the morgue if they aren't careful.

Grabbing the first pair, she crashes them together before grabbing the weapons and tossing them aside, then turning to start whaling a path through the guards. "Y'all stole from th' *wrong people*. Yer lucky we got a treaty!" Otherwise she might have simply laser-visioned them all. That would be icky. And tricky to explain.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
It's rather easy for Quiet to get the slip in. The defense personnel are too busy focusing over on Smasher applying her nom de guerre's specialty to the exterior, PUMMELING Her way through the heavy metal masonry composing the walls! THe pair of heavy turreted machine guns would go to open fire up at her wtihout paying particular heed over to their own personnel in the firing line.

Apparently Intergang cared about as much for thier employees as the Kree did thier own soldiers as bullets would fly through the room and ricochet everywhere!

Quiet's tracker is effective at locating the energy readings. Some underground.. Most of them rising up in the building even as it would be brawled through. Going up.. Towards the junction above where her senses are also picking up a large cluster of individuals. The lower levels of the facility were flooded with personnel within going to rush out from the cargo elevator to try an engage Smasher.. WHile everyone else above was trying to rapidly load equipment up and over into some sort of aircraft up above a few stories up!

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet moves with a graceful step, a bounce in her feet, a confident stride that hints at a lifetime of infiltration, of being comfortable in this kind of siege of an enemy facility. Taking pauses at junctures, peering around them, waiting for advantageous moments, keeping a watch for security elements such as cameras or laser emplacements... she advances.

Her eyes dart down to her smart watch, viewing the screen leading her to the source of the power readings. When she reaches it, she scans her eyes across what she finds, a glower crossing her partly masked face.

When a hand comes down upon her shoulder, a man appearing behind her! Quiet turns in to smoke, her body passing backward through his own, vanhsingvanishing around him as though she'd gone straight inside his own body through his chest. He panics, only to have the woman appear again behind him, and put a ICER round in to the back of his neck.

Mere moments later, and his body is dumped in to a shadowy corner, before Quiet moves on.

She crouches in a shadowy alcove of her own now, a blinking light appearing on the wall beside her...

Over the SHIELD display an update comes in from Agent Houston. "Explosives being planted. They have way more hardware than we thought. Boom is the only way to be sure."

Isabel Kane has posed:
Turning sharply at the turrets, Isabel gives a grim little smile and launches herself up into the air, barreling through and ripping one turret from it's housing. Flying around in a loop, she smashes it into the second turret, blowing through the explosion to head for the large energy signature of the plane being loaded up.

<<Disabling the plane. Make sure the boom is a big one. Gotta reach several stories high.>>

Crashing through the wall, she shears a wing off the plane on her way through the building, likely taking a few of theminions along for the ride. If they survive smashing through the other wall, they get treated to a multi-story drop to the pavement below! Turning back around, she flips over from the heavy resistance to the flash vision, loosing powerful energy beams to destroy the handheld Shi'ar weapons still scattered around the outside.. and perhaps a few of the hands still holding them in a couple cases.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
This is going to be fun. For Smasher, getting to go through the building and smash the wing of the plane, disabling it, even as she in turn evades fire over from several more technicians and guards that were working on trying to load weaponry into it as shots and blasts streak past her.. And her blasts disintegrate a few limbs along the way - no one will particularly mind in the aftermath. It's messy but effective. Even with the jet disabled they were going to fly out on, there's no mass surrendering of the mooks and minions within as they keep on shooting over at her to no real avail. They are enthusiastic however!

Quiet is able to sneak and slip hr way through handily as she takes out anyone over in her way. The mass of weaponry is all glowing - they're running it off Shi'Ar fuel cells, which are well within her knowledge to make detonate and disable. It will be a very, very fun boom. She'll need a lot of explosives for it. The crates full of it have all been taken up - apparently they were on the verge of abandoning the place and the attack just accelerated it. As Quiet goes to make her stealth placement of the demo charges, there's a large alien.. Tiger (?) wearing a suit and tie that goes to sniff over in the air, whipping around to face in the general direction of the smoke!

Stefani Houston has posed:
Agent Houston moves with silent grace, her form melding seamlessly with the shadows as she stealthily moves around the perimeter of the weapons cache. She navigates the labyrinthine passages, expertly avoiding detection. Methodically, she places small, adhesive explosive charges at strategic points around the Shi'ar weapons cache, ensuring that the impending detonation will cripple the extraterrestrial arsenal without extending beyond the compound's perimeter.

Each movement is deliberate, every action calculated to maintain the cloak of secrecy draped over her clandestine operation. The low hum of electronic devices, the subtle clicks of the charges finding their place, all drown in the ambient sounds of the base around her.

When suddenly that enemy seems to have sniffed her out. She falls silent, her last wrist-computer-transmission reading 'Charges placed.'

As the being hunting her continues to sniff around, Quiet falls silent within one of the shadows, a mixture of darkness and her own form in smoke that lingers in the depths of the dark...

Until that enemy gets too close, which yields Agent Houston appearing from the shadows, and rushing them with a series of kicks toward his chest, and a knife strike across his throat!

Isabel Kane has posed:
This is the most fun Isabel has had 'on mission' in a long time! Zooming through the air, smashing through walls and vehicles, zotting weapons into oblivion, and punching SO MANY punchable faces! All the laser and plasma blasts bursting around her, it's like being the 4th of July!

She does a *great* job of holding attention on her, giving Stefani all the time she needs to place and set the explosives, and to get out again before it all goes boom!

<<If we're set it's time to skedaddle. Beep once if yer good, beep twice if ya need pickup!>>

She ducks another plasma blast and swoops in to yank weapons from bad guys, smashing the weap9ons to pieces against the sides of the building, making sure they can't be reconstructed or reverse-engineered, or otherwise used ever again.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
There's no real need to immediately salvage anything - the priority is neutralizing the weapons, there's nothing to reverse engineer. And ti's unlikely that anyone at the facility would yield useful information. The bad guys tended to get anyone important out of the way first, or the mooks would put up a more organized fight if they were trying to protect someone specific.

Agent Houston goes to engage her furry foe quickly! She goes to drive into him with several kicks, driving him backwards as he goes to try and slash out at her over with his claws! He would miss her quite widely, even as she goes up and over to slash his throat with her knife! It's bleeding out, evne as one hand is going to try and stop the blood flowing out, the other slashing through the air to try and scythe at her!

Now it was time for her to set off the explosives. The explosions. The glorious, hopefully (not) earth shattering kaboom coming up, if she were truly lucky and on her game.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Agent Houston faces off against the tiger-man, both predator and prey locked in a deadly dance. The acrid scent of blood hangs in the air as they engage in a fierce hand-to-hand battle. Despite the mortal wound across his throat, the tiger-man fights with primal ferocity, clawing and lunging at Quiet with an unpredictable rhythm. She moves with calculated precision, dodging and countering each strike. With a quick, fluid motion, she delivers a series of devastating blows, exploiting the vulnerabilities in his guard. She drops him with one last strike, leaving him gurgling on his own blood upon the polished concrete floor...

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Smasher comes in to move to grab at Quiet, even as Quiet's opponent drops down over to the ground, blood dripping from his slashed out neck. As the team is exfiltrating the charges go off, each bit of the alien tech within melting as the building's internals would detonate in a contained reaction that would disintegrate everything within, leaving the walls of it intact.

MIssion accomplished.