16740/Post New Year's Eve

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Post New Year's Eve
Date of Scene: 01 January 2024
Location: Daily Planet Building - New Troy
Synopsis: Lois and Clark and New Years...
Cast of Characters: Clark Kent, Lois Lane

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark Kent was maneuvering around the post New Year's Eve Zombies that were wandering around the streets surrounding the Daily Planet. The early evening was brisk, cool, and damp, but otherwise a nice evening.

The Daily Planet New Year's Evening party had been epic, even if the Man of Steel had been quiet, staying in the background, and ensuring the safety of his fellow employees of the Newpaper and Social Media Empire.

"WHoa...!" Clark sidesteps what could have been an accident, considering he was holding two large cups of coffee from the local establishment.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois likes to be somenear the center of the party. She isn't exactly the life of the party herself, but she can at least act as a life-adjacent. The evening was truly epic with lots of champagne being drank, breaking more than a few 2024 glasses, and then the pictures.

One would almost think she was a young 20 something with all the pictures she took with coworkers either as selfies or as group photos at the makeshift photobooth.

Still with a feather boa around her shoulders and a paper hat on her head, she wanders about, before she runs into Clark on the way to somewhere.

"Oh God! I... I'm so sorry!" That definitely wakes her up a little as she looks around to see if anything spilled; hopefully not on her.

Clark Kent has posed:
"Oh! Lois!" Clark says, with hesitation in his voice. "Hi! I...um...brought you coffee! Just how you like it!" He offers the large coffee in his left hand, and waits for her to take it...or not.

Clark side-steps Mitch, from Accounting, and then turns to look back at Lois.

"So. Happy New Years!" He says, maybe a bit too loud. Grimiacing slightly, he pushes his glasses back up on his nose, and shakes his head with a sheepish smile. "Sorry..."

Lois Lane has posed:
Phew! Nothing was spilled, and her eyes widen at the gesture. With her cheeks turning a slight tinge of pink, she readily accepts the cup of coffee and takes a sip. "You're always so sweet, Clark." Lois says before moving to the side as Mitch starts to slip through as if he was the main character instead of the two of them.

"Happy New Years to you too." she replies before asking. "Did you get a midnight kiss?" That's said with a teasing waggle of her brows, and before he gets a heart attack, she gives the question a dismissive wave. "Don't answer that. I don't want to be liable for some HR fiasco."

Clark Kent has posed:
"I try Lois! I know you work very hard, and I want to try and help take some of that burden!" Clark almost blushes, but still smiles and takes a sip of his coffee, which was very hot.

Nodding at the "Happy New Years" Clark stands beside Lois, and looks sheepish again. "No. No kiss. I was of course saving it for you, but I know you were busy." That was...HR worthy. "I mean, I know that it was a busy party..." He tries to extricate himself from his faux pas, but it was all in vain.

Clark laughs. "Well. So..."

Lois Lane has posed:
What harm could there be in a chaste kiss on the cheek? Surely, their colleagues won't report them to HR.

As she hears that he was saving the kiss for her, she pshaws and play punches him in that rock solid bicep. She winces a little, before she then moves closer, and hops up for a quick peck on the cheek.

Lois grins, "Don't tell HR."

Clark Kent has posed:
"Oofff." Clark flinches with a laugh when she play punches him. "Wow Lois. Have you been working out? That was quite the punch." Clark's voice was serious, and not a hint of deception could be found. Then, she kisses him on the cheek. Now that causes him to blush.

"Um. Thank you Lois! That was...nice!" He grins, like a college schoolboy. "I promise not to tell HR." A laugh, and shake of his head.

Lois Lane has posed:
"I've been watching Superman. He can throw a punch." she says, just making something up at this point, as it was the most clever thing she could think of.

"So there's /my/ midnight kiss." And she looks up at him almost expectantly. "What about /your/ midnight kiss." a beat. "It still counts as long as it's not tomorrow." she explains, once again just making something up on the fly.

Clark Kent has posed:
"Superman can indeed throw a punch." Clark's eyes look at Lois amused. "But you have him in a contest. I'd hate to be a bad guy and have you as their nemesis!" Clark laughs, and looks at the others present, trying to avoid what came next.

Clark's eyes finds Lois'. "My...midnight...kiss. Well." Clark considers. A few heartbeats later he leans over, looks Lois Lane in her eyes, and kisses her lips. Lightly. Warmly. Lingering for a moment, he takes a breath, and says, in a low voice, "Happy New Year Lois."

Lois Lane has posed:
Now /that/ was unexpected. She figured it would be a simple kiss on the cheek, much like hers was on his. You know, something that didn't need to be reported to HR.

And then he kisses her lips. Sweetly. Tenderly.Caught up in the moment, she reaches up and cups his cheeks with one hand, brushing the pad of her thumb gently over him until the kiss is broken.

For a moment or two she's speechless, her cheeks burning a bright tinge of red. "Happy New Year to you too, Clark."