16994/No Sleep 'Til...
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No Sleep 'Til... | |
Date of Scene: | 23 January 2024 |
Location: | Brooklyn |
Synopsis: | No description |
Cast of Characters: | Jaime Reyes, Miles Morales
- Jaime Reyes has posed:
//Jaime. You seem to be wandering directionlessly. Have you become disoriented? If you don't wish to check your phone, I can access a GPS and provide you directions to anywhere you wish to go.//
'No', Jaime thinks, 'Wandering around is part of the POINT, Khaji Da. I'm exploring! If you just go from point A to point B, how many cool things do you miss? Check out all the restaurants we found, all the awesome stores. I know you like gelato.' Jaime stops and perches on a bench, sitting on the back of it, the wind ruffling his hair. "This city's got *twenty times* the population of El Paso... this is wild."
//I'm concerned about the green slime leaking from the walls of the subway. I know the sewer authority says that it's just water with green dye in it for tracing leaks, but do you trust them?//
- Miles Morales has posed:
The sudden noise and following hoops and hollars comes from a black-clad figure, adorned with red web-like design that leads to a spider-emblem on the chest and covers a good deal of his mask in a red, web-like pattern. This could be no one else but the (second) Spider-Man! He swings through the tall skyscrapers of New York City! But, he has to get changed! He has people to see!
His phone buzzes.
"Hola! Como Estas?"
What comes next is a series of apologies, though it's delivered in Spanglish. "Si, Si, I'll be there soon! Just...okay, I mean, I'm just....okay. Si...Okay, love you too. Byyyye." He hangs up his phone, his mother chewing him out for forgetting one of his many tasks in the day. "Oi Vey..."
- Jaime Reyes has posed:
Aha! The elusive call of the East Side Spider-Man. Jaime looks up as Scarab-Enhanced hearing picks up that phone call, and then he rubs his chin. "Well." He says to himself, "Why not. Might as well meet another local."
He finds a place out of sight - such places exist, even in Brooklyn- and transforms into EL ESCARABAJO AZUL!
//That's not a thing, Jaime.//
"It's not a thing *yet*, Khaji Da." Then, with a snap hum of gossamer energy-construct wings, the blue battler takes to the air, and, rounding a few buildings, catches up to the swinging Spider-Man. "Buenas tardes, Spider-Man!" Because 'Hombre Arana' never will be a thing, ever. "Que pasa?" He's... blue and black. And armored. And smiling.
- Miles Morales has posed:
The elusive call goes out like a rallying cry to all New Yorkers everywhere! Well, at least the New Yorkers in Brooklyn. Okay, everyone who doesn't listen to J. Jonah Jameson's podcast. Just...you know, try to understand! But, suddenly, as Spider-Man is swinging, trying to figure out the details of his personal life, there's suddenly a beetle-themed superhero sharing the skies with him!
Spider-Man suddenly falls from his web, but he quickly THWIPS to get himself back up.
"Whew. That was close." But he looks at the Blue Beetle, a little smile coming to his face when he speaks Spanish. "Oh, ya sabes, simplemente columpiandose. Y tu? What's happening my guy? Cool suit!" Spanglish is the new cool. Accept it.
"Uh....is this an alien invasion? Because man, I gotta get a taco before the stand closes."
- Jaime Reyes has posed:
"Whoops! Well, don't worry man, I would've caught you." The Blue Beetle has great maneuverability; he keeps up with Jaime as he swings through the city, taking hairpin turns, decelerating, accelerating, descending and climing without really thinking about it. "Oh, ya sabes como es, buscar un trozo." He grins. "Same! I like the inverted Spider-Man colors."
Jaime quirks his mouth to the side, and then he says "All of the Mexican places I've seen so far in town are... Son elegantes, sabes? I would KILL for elotes from a street vendor right now." In the distance, there's the sound of fire trucks, and Jaime suddenly looks up, sharply. "Uh-oh."
About twenty blocks to the north, there's a building fire going; someone decided they'd try a rooftop BBQ. ...On a tar roof. Now there's an early-stage inferno underway.