17034/A Walk In The Dark

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A Walk In The Dark
Date of Scene: 28 January 2024
Location: Upper West Side
Synopsis: Kurt encounters Felicity on the streets of New York and walks her home.
Cast of Characters: Felicity Smoak, Kurt Wagner

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Student concerts at Juilliard are amazing. There was a smattering of classical piano pieces from one of the more renown teachers and her students. Naturally, Felicity had to go since it wasn't too far from the penthouse.

And so it was now that she decided to walk back home this evening. There was a light dusting of snow, and she was wrapped up in a navy long peacoat, keeping her cozy and warm from the cold.

But for some reason, she's walking a bit faster. There's New York walking, and then there's this. Occasionally, she looks back, pursing her lips as she's somewhat of a target.

She's young. She's beautiful. And clearly, from her clothing, she has money to spare.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
While Kurt Wagner might not be a resident of New York City, he is a pretty regular visitor. For one thing, when one can teleport -- even if only about five miles at a time -- it is not a very long trip at all from Westchester to the city proper. There is also the fact that he has a number of friends outside the mutant community at that particular school on Greymalkin Lane.
And occasionally, not that he would ever admit to such a thing, one just needs to get away from a mansion full of hormonal teens. Even for someone as good natured as Kurt there is only so much that he can take.

So he has been wiling away the hours with friends, with wine and pleasant conversations. Far away from the threats that the X-Men are occasionally called upon to deal with. Or the responsibilities of being a teacher at an all mutant school.

Now? Now he's out for a pleasant walk, enjoying the cool, brisl whether, the collars of his coat turned up high to partially obscure his features, though no other means to disguise himself made as he pads along the Upper West Side streets.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Could it just be paranoia or is there something or someone going after her? Felicity isn't exactly going to risk it, so she walks a little faster, a little brisker. And that means she isn't exactly where she's going.

And oh look, there's a Kurt in the way. They just happen to be on the same sidewalk, and she continues to make her way towards him, looking back, every now and then.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
Certainly the streets of New York are better then what they once were and the Upper West Side is a fairly nice district all things considered. But New York is still a big city, and no big city is entirely devoid of crime. Of those that would prey on others. So while it might be paranoia, well, sometimes a little paranoia is a healthy thing all things considered.

With hands stuffed into the pockets of that heavy trenchcoat, Kurt strolls along, even whistles softly to himself as he enjoys the evening. The city might not sleep, but it does become quieter at a certain point. Still, spotting the woman up ahead, hurrying towards him and glancing back over her shoulder, Kurt pauses. The dark is nothing to him, those bright golden eyes piercing it readily and as she nears, he puts on his most reassuring smile, teeth gleaming against those otherwise dark, indigo furred features. "Good evening frauline. Is anything amiss?" he asks courteously.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Miss Smoak has made some enemies through the years, especially working for Oliver Queen. It's not exactly a secret about their relationship which makes her a viable target for anyonewanting to get at Queen Consolidated.

This evening is one of those when a PI was hired to track and trace her every movement, wanting to find something of interest that could be used against her and potentially the company. There's a man in a trenchcoat, hiding in the darkness, shadowing her the entire time.

It's then that she's startled by the German accent. Felicity practically yelps, before letting out a nervous chuckle as she runs her fingers through her blonde locks. "Just trying to get home. I thought I'd enjoy the light dusting of snow but, you ever have that feeling someone's following you?" she asks.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
It is always something of a relief when those he encounters do not instinctively recoil from those vaguely demonic features that he sports, and while he has no end of patience for those that do, it still makes for a nice change.

Either way, Kurt offers a reassuring if somewhat toothy smile, just a hint of fang flashing as he does so, dipping his head in her direction with apparent understanding. "I quite know what you mean," he assures her. As well he should, having been followed a time or two himself. Of course it is fairly easy for him to shake any tail, no matter what. Except maybe his own.

Falling in beside her as if it is the most natural thing in the world, the fuzzy blue elf in his own trenchcoat says quietly and calmly. "In this case your feeling is well founded frauline. There is indeed a man that seems to be trailing you. He is fairly good, but not used to running into those that can see quite clearly even in the dark," he says quietly.

See? It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
It's only when she feels slightly safer in the presence of Kurt does she finally notice his demonic visage. Her eyes widen, clearly surprised, but considering his demeanor, she doesn't exactly move away or scream. She's heard about mutants, mutates, and all sorts of people who might look different. Perhaps she's even met an alien or two!

"I was hoping I wasn't being followed." Felicity admits ruefully, sighing softly as she looks back for a few moments.

"Will you walk me to my building then at least. If you wouldn't mind? And I never got your name."

Extending a hand, she formally introduces herself, "Felicity."

Kurt Wagner has posed:
The surprise is hardly unexpected and doesn't phase Kurt in the least, and he walks steadily beside her, only occasionally shooting discrete glances back over his own shoulder to keep tabs on the man that follows her through those shadowy city streets.

"But of course. I would be only more then happy to play escort," Kurt says with a grin and an exuberant courtly bow, those bright golden eyes dancing merrily under the orange glow of the street lights. Apparently his own walk wasn't taking him anywhere specifically. At least nowhere that he isn't content to put off until such a time as he has got her home safe and sound.

Taking the offered hand in his own, also unique one, he gives it a firm shake before letting it go. "A pleasure Felicity. You may call me Kurt," he says, offering up his own introduction in turn.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
And now she feels a lot better. He's friendly enough and rather chipper, which is something she didn't expect from someone who looks like him.

Felicity smiles and bows her head, again, taking a few moments to notice the structure of his hand. "So, I hope this doesn't offend, but are you... an alien?" she has to ask, as that's where she has most experience. "I've met one before, but she was green."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
And now she feels a lot better. He's friendly enough and rather chipper, which is something she didn't expect from someone who looks like him.

Felicity smiles and bows her head, again, taking a few moments to notice the structure of his hand. "So, I hope this doesn't offend, but are you... an alien?" she has to ask, as that's where she has most experience. "I've met one before, but she was green."

Kurt Wagner has posed:
Again, Kurt seems entirely unphased by the question though he gives an amused shake of his head. "I am afraid your streak is broken then, my fair frauline," he asserts with a quiet laugh. "My origins are much more Earthly, though not of this country as I'm certain my accent gives away," he adds lightly, winking one of those golden eyes in her direction.

"No, I am a mutant, which perhaps would have been your next guess. Nothing alien or sinister about me. I give you my word," he adds with a quiet laugh.