17084/What can I do to you, I mean for you.

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What can I do to you, I mean for you.
Date of Scene: 02 February 2024
Location: Spiral's Body Shop
Synopsis: Spiral invites Tigra into her Body Shop after some attackers try and get the better of the Avenger. Within Spiral's sanctum, spells are woven upon her guest. What starts as a game of mirror-mirror becomes more literal. The results are Tigra gaining some extra limbs to experiment with, courtesy of magic. That the changes were so well received speaks of a deeper mystery that demands more experimentation.
Cast of Characters: Spiral, Greer Grant

Spiral has posed:
The portal from the alleys, so filled with the game of Predator and Prey, brings Tigra and Spiral into a vastly different environment. It's a harsh change of vista, though the Body Shop is far easier on the senses than the urban left behind.

Instead of asphalt and concrete (and refuse) underfoot, a warm carpet. A thirsty carpet apparently, as the shag pile starts to suckle at the undersides of the feet or boot to the arrivals. Spiral's dance of teleportation winds down, and she tip-toes to a state of less gyration. "Welcome, brave warrior." she says sweetly, the mucky bootprints she leaves, imprints muddy and mucky writhing until even the stains are being absorbed.

Spiral turns and a pair of hands reach up to left off her iconic helm to let her hair spill free. "An icky business for you tonight. Let me get you something to drink before we ponder the cruel monster who set those beasts upon you. What can I...do for you to make you more comfortable, oh primal and powerful one? A tour, a place to lounge and lick your paws? I might even have a small morsel scampering around the place..."

Greer Grant has posed:
A downside of going barefoot like Tigra does is that, even with tougher, feline feet, she's still, well, barefoot, often in New York. She marvels at the carpet after a brief squirming dance on it, not realizing what's messing with her feet, and then is quite grateful for it as it works its cleaning magic. Her tail sweeps back and forth as she glances around, trying to take everything in at one go, and then offers Spiral a slight smirk at her wordiness.

"Something to drink would be nice," she says, just a touch dryly. "As for morsels, despite appearances, I don't usually hunt my own meals, nor eat them quite so...uncooked?" Another quick glance around. "Definitely am up for a tour. This place is fascinating. I mean, what the hell is this carpet?"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral gestures vaguely with one hand as those occupied with the helmet heft and then give it a rotation, sending it spinning off towards a coatrack festooned with other articles of clothing and equipment. She really needs a bit of help keeping the place straightened up and less similar to a teenager with a short attention span. Small motes of magical energy help negate gravity so that things don't clang and clonk while they're tossed.

A finger beckons Tigra as she walks around a sweeping corner, the colour of which skews through a few different complimentary colours as it senses the presence of body heat. "It's a little something I repurposed from the gladitorial pits on Battleworld. Do you like it? It took some time to properly train..." she trails off. "...I find it relaxing after a long day to just streeeetch out sometimes. I gather it now prefers this duty rather than disposing of fallen gladiators. Symbiotic apparently. I'll bet you're quite the treat for it. Now where did I put the kitchen. Oh yeah..."

Placing three palms on the panel, just down the hall from a veritable riot of mirrors in a myriad of frames (some quite eager to act much like modern smartphone filters), she presses just so, and the wall swings away to reveal a kitchen that has a clinical quality to to. There are banks of refrigeration cabinets, tables, elevated chairs and a counter of ranges running on gas, electric and other.

Spiral bites her lip, taking a second to consider and then moves towards chrome fridge which she hauls open and starts rifling through pitchers and bottles. She brings out five varying containers of different coloured drinks. "Ice Tea, Demi-Galactic Gurgle-burster, apple juice, blue milk and..." She considers. "You know what they say, it must be Happy Hour someplace? Would you like something with more kick? We'll get you hydrated and I'll show you the pool, the Panopticon, the cells, the gauntlet, the ~room~ and everything else, if today is not Sunday. Sunday I'm afraid the cleaning crew comes through."

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra watches the play of the hands at work, the one gesturing, the others with the helmet, and then the bits of magic easing it to its rest. She pads along, her steps silent thanks to the 'carpet,' and hearing that it has been -trained- makes her wish she could fly. Her fur briefly ripples at the thought she's walking on an organism, but she makes herself stay calm, or try to at least, and not get squicked out. "A treat, huh? Not quite sure what to make of it. I'm used to people liking carpet, not carpet liking people." And she is very definitely not thinking about gladiator disposal.

She looks more closely at the mirrors, pausing here and there at various filter like effects, briefly sticking her tongue out at one that gives her a sweeping moustache. "Blue milk? Almost afraid about what makes it blue." Don't think about blue... "How about some tea to start with and then something with a little kick, sure. Do I want to know what you have cells for? Or this...'room?'"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral sets down the various liquids on the counter, doing a little shell-game of sweeping and repositioning them at first by height and then by suitability towards taste. "Tea to start with then." By the time her display of street magic is finished, the sloshing glass vial does indeed carry an amber quality. A little more rummaging and Spiral produces two tumblers and makes some ice appear hissing from a pull-out shelf. Within this cooling cabinet a few vials reside as well, nestled in cryogenic perfection. Greek symbols denote where frost and ice does not obscure. "I took mixology in..." A pause. "Back in San francisco. The before time. It's so much easier now, but the fundamentals remain the same, no matter what dimension you wind up in."

A little mixing and swirling like this was a cross between a chemistry experiment and a tavern. Two long-island ice teas are produced, which Spiral accepts one for herself. She doesn't sip just yet. "Cheers." She hums the tune to that particular tv-show and pushes her shoulders back. "The milk is quite safe. I've tested it extensively on others. Oh the cells? I should have spoken more flattering of them. Practically they do possess a locked door, and the interior quite safe for the occupant...but they're more recover rooms. Like a hospital! I do some alterations for clients where they need a...very safe place to awaken in and readjust to consciousness. When the anesthetic wears off, you never know how someone will react when they can now see infrared, or through walls, or make holes in them. And I have a room where they can practice afterwards. Much like..." she taps her lip with a finger. "I want to call it a Danger room, but it's really more of a...DoAsYouPlease...Room. Wouldn't want anyone to leave unless they're absolutely satisfied with what the Body Shop can offer. And I can offer ~anything~."

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra leans against the counter to watch the shell-game, eyes flicking about as she instinctively tries to follow the movement. She gives a polite clap in approval after the display. She looks briefly over the vials when they're visible, recognizing the Greek letters, but not what they signify. "Before time?" she asks, curious. "Never got into getting fancy or creative with drinks, myself," she says as she picks up her drink. "Cheers," she toasts before taking a quick sniff of it, and then an experimental sip.

"I can understand that," she says, about waking up with strange new senses. "It took me a while to adjust when in first got my powers, and I had help. Some things can definitely get overwhelming." An eyebrow goes up at the description of the...practice room. "Why do you call it the Body Shop? You say you can offer anything, but what's that mean? I mean, just as an example?"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral licks at her lips, nodding along encouragingly with the discussion. She shoulders aside the collected pitchers and raises her own glass to her lips to take a sip. She hasn't made it overly sweet, allowing a faint bitterness of the tea to sneak in. The ice clinks and shifts as it melts pure water into the mix. She swallows and levels her gaze at Tigra over the rim of her glass. "I guess it's a callback to a place my family used to own. A fantastic place to visit as a curious child. Of course, it was for automobiles, and they're far easier to alter and tweak. And some have Chop Shops, which are more cannabalistic and geared towards simple repackaging and reselling to avoid the ire of ~authorities~. So Body Shop, where things are beautified, boosted beyond their previous abilities, blessed with advantages...I think Body Shop sells what I want to offer better than Clinic or Forge."

Spiral snatches two vials between her knuckles from the cold drawer and displays them. "If I added one of these to our drinks, for example, there are all manner of things we could temporarily enjoy."

Spiral lightly sloshes her drink with centrifugal motion. "Would you like to be able to punch Shehulk through a bank vault? Would you like to be able to claw apart Captain America's shield? Would you like your roar to shatter armored vehicles, and your purr to melt steel?"

Spiral takes another sip. "I'm so very, very helpful. To those that ~want~ or ~need~ an edge or a small augmentation, be it through their own lovely abilities or...whether cybernetics are desired. I am a businesswoman, not a mad scientist, though I am superior. I wield magic where it suits, but I can also bend science to heel. To serve ~us~. Interested?"

Greer Grant has posed:
Another sip and Tigra lets it linger for a bit on her tongue. Taste being connected to smell, drinking and eating can be quite profound experiences for her. She swirls it around her glass while listening, nodding a bit at the description of chop shops. She knows a little about those. She also notices Spiral doesn't address the 'before time' question. An eyebrow goes up in query as Spiral holds up the vials, wondering what the multi-armed woman is suggesting.
    Clawing Cap's shield, well, maybe not that. She certainly wouldn't want to punch She-Hulk, but being that strong? This woman can do that? "Mm. I've known mad scientists," she notes, not commenting on whether she considers Spiral to be similar to them or not. "It certainly does sound fascinating, I have to admit. One question, who's 'us?'"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral allows a wry grin to curl her lips after one more sip of the cool drink. A fair of hands steeple their fingers, and another toys with her silver hair behind one ear. Another traces small little glyphs with the condensation on her glass. She tilts her head. "You and me. And others that have that special something inside themselves. They've maybe been thrust into their situation, maybe not voluntarily, but now that they're what they are, who they are, they're going to ~do~ something with it."

Spiral clears her throat, and her grin slips a little, showing her glistening teeth. "Before, I was something else. A long time ago, I was a woman who took risks and was fine with that. I made a life, I had certain expectations. But then I was changed, taught some things, educated in others, and given things. None of it was my idea." A small sniff and a swallow. "We aren't meant for normal or mundane lives, are we? Thrill seeking, wrong-righting, crime-fighting or justice getting, I'm going to help give that to those I think deserve it." Spiral gestures with a hand. "You definitely deserve it. You've been wronged, but you found a solution! You're someone unique, beautiful and capable of ~doing~ so much, and with such style and fierceness. Can you blame me for wanting to see you do that and ~more~. Yes!"

"Do you know how many Reavers I've had here? Dear Demons and Imps below...What nausea and foul purposes. In the past, I've had such terrible clients, like...a Chop Shop for an pan-dimensional bloated mob boss, right? I need to clear the slate, balance the books, and maybe I should chasing unique gems such as yourself, rather than grubbing for wrinkled wealth, yes? Perhaps it is my Great Purpose."

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra can't help but look over the hands, noticing how easily they're moved, their owner clearly at home with the limbs, none of them getting in the way of the others. She makes a soft 'ahhh' sound at the explanation of 'us,' getting what Spiral was going for now, and sips her drink again. A slow nod at hearing that Spiral was changed. Changed herself, obviously, Tigra doesn't pry. They all have secrets, and some stories are not for sharing. "I don't know if I was meant for this, but it's certainly true I haven't had a normal life in a very long time." There's a hint of wistfulness to that. "I didn't ask for this, but I'm glad I can use my gifts to help others."

There's a flick of her tail in disapproval when Spiral talks about having had Reavers in, and the 'mob boss' sounds like someone she definitely wants to keep clear of. Still, she knows better to judge, or thinks she does at least. "You've obviously got experience with cybernetic augmentation, and other avenues, like magic. I'm curious, any idea who might've been behind those nasties back in the alley?"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral raises her chin and looks towards the ceiling as if searching for the culprit behind the recent alley confrontation. Little searching pauses, like she could see beyond the Body Shop, through the skein of dimensions. Or, stalling for time.

She gives her head a little shake, sending her silver hair over her shoulders for a light feather dusting. "I couldn't say. But, that's not a dead end, not a cul-de-sac, just a delay. I'll...we'll make sure whomever is responsible feels your claws."

Spiral sets down her drink and turns, eyeing you up and down. "You were quite nimble back there. A grace that's beyond many. A thought has occurred to me, that wouldn't with anyone less dextrous and delightful. Come here..." she asks gently. "Put down your drink and face me like a mirror. Like I'm your reflection."

Spiral sets her stance a little wider and shakes out her shoulders. Her three sets of limbs sweep upwards, fingers pointed up and palms coming together. Like one was about to dive into a pool or do the ~A~ in YMCA.

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra's tail swings back and forth slightly, not quite a lazy sway but not quite one of agitation. She's still not sure what to make of this woman, she's not sure the other woman is entirely in the same reality as anyone else. She lifts an eyebrow at Spiral's request, and then sets down her drink. She shakes out her fur a bit and steps over. "Comes with being part cat," she says of her dexterity. And perhaps her delightfulness. She stands in front of Spiral, and after a moment, moves to copy her pose, spreading legs a bit, and lifting her arms to mimic Spiral's upper set. "Like this?"

Spiral has posed:
The smile that manifests on Spiral's face spreads wider and wider. Perhaps she thinks it looks encouraging, but it's got a kind of zeal that's a bit beyond the pale. And this close, her eyes have a quality that speaks of seeing farther than what's in the room. "Perfect."

"Marvelous! Oh, and that tail. I mustn't forget the tail." Spiral's hips move, copying the movement of the tail, starting to dance in place with her feet rooted. To sway, the action moving up her spine until she's a branch in the wind. "Just like me. Just like me. I promise you'll see why soon. Don't be alarmed." she cooes.

A magical nimbus surrounds Spiral like she was backlit by orange, and a mirroring phenomena echoes around Tigra, though this one is purple. "You may feel a tingle, a tremor, a tickle. Like you're hearing your favourite song for the first time and get the shivers, or someone has run their finger along your instep." And there ~is~ a sensation. And there ~is~ something swaying behind Spiral now. A white tail, which by degrees, attempts to move in sync with the Avenger.

Greer Grant has posed:
It's the sort of smile that Tigra thinks a fish sees, just before the shark comes for dinner. There's an intensity and focus behind it that sets her fur rippling lightly. "Trust me, I don't forget the tail. Not after the first time I sat on it." Unpleasant experience, that. Hesitantly, reluctantly even, Tigra lets herself start to move and copy Spiral's, at least accounting for their physical differences. Her tail settles into a slightly more rhythmic pattern as the dance seems to settle to a beat. "Don't be alarmed is what people say when you should, very much, be alarmed." She looks around as the orange and purple lights come into view, and the tail gets a bit irregular in its movements again. She shivers at that queer sensation, and then her eyes go wide at the sight of Spiral's new tail. "Well now," she murmurs, and makes an effort to settle her own tail down, into a less hectic set of movements.

Spiral has posed:
"I'll have to remember that." Spiral huffs in a raspy, gleeful voice. Just on the verge of a laugh or giggle. She seems to be feeling a tingle herself, and goosebumps break out over her exposed flesh, rather than bristling of fur. Her nostrils flare and she very slowly reaches up high and then elaborately brings her arms down in succession. But not all at once. First the lower set, followed by the middle and followed by the upper. Like she was a PSA for why you should/shouldn't smoke Pot, her arms flowing downwards, sweeping magical auras. Her eyes, while not clearly defined as having pupils, do reflect a more feline slant. Her breathing undergoes a more rapid respiration of in and out, in and out. And her arms fold all the way down...and then spring back so she's the Vitruvian ()wo)man by Da Vinci.

"The universe can use more than one Kali." she whispers. "How do they feeeeeel?"

Why would she be saying this? Because now Tigra sports more arms to better mirror Spiral. Fully under the owner's command, colour and texture changing to better match the Avenger, becoming more real by the second. Sensation entering the limbs as if they've just been asleep all this time.

Greer Grant has posed:
A slight smirk at Spiral's reaction to Tigra's quip, or perhaps warning about being alarmed. The cat woman's eyes flick about, noticing the rising goose bumps that break out over all of those arms. She tries to take in all of the auras, aware that there's likely things happening well beyond even her enhanced perceptions. In her mind she lowers arms to mirror Spiral's, before lowering her actual arms. And then brings them back up...and brings them up and brings them up! She freezes and then stares down at herself, holding out six hands in front of her. "Holy shit," she murmurs softly, wriggling fingers on each hand in turn.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral nods with enthusiasm. A mumble-mouthed phrase issues from between gritted teeth, chased by a tongue-twister and flicks her upper palate. She closes her teeth on the tip of her tongue hard to seal the deal on the magical spell. Doing it fast, so as to avoid Tigra thinking she must mirror this as well. The white soft tail swaying behind Spiral bristles, unfamiliar with itself and subject to its owners emotions and quirks. It lashes almost angrily, full of too many signals. "You can control them. They are ~you~. A dolt won't be able to get used to the signal to noise ratio, the conflicts and the challenge. Someone like ~you~ can do it, who is physical and is agile and full of potential. They are you, just extensions, no crude cybernetics these."

Spiral licks at her chops and steps closer and splays her fingers and palms and offers to touch tips, fingers and thumbs with Tigra. "Touch. With all of them. Sign your name by this gesture and enjoys them. Call it a test drive."

Spiral quirks the corners of her mouth.

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra continues to stare at the hands, her tail twitching with conflicting emotions. Her eyes flick from hands to Spiral's tail briefly and then back to her hands. She curls her fingers, making a fist, and then another and another and so on. She releases them slowly, trying to do so all at once, and then looks up as Spiral approaches. "This is...what did you do?" she asks quietly, pinching one of her biceps with an original set of fingers, confirm that yep, it sure feels real. At Spiral's invitation she lifts her hands and arms and has a look of concentration on her face as she moves to mimic the other woman and touch fingers to fingers, thumbs to thumbs.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral leans closer to Tigra and helps complete the gesture. While they may not be the same height, differences in build, a mirror-image is completed. There is a slight jolt when each woman's digits make contact and commit slight pressure. Spiral pushes her shoulders back and allows a surge of arcane energy to flow from her. A moment of fatigue from the Dancing Sorceress, and an energizing of Tigra as she's given a substantial boost of potential. "To make it stick." she whispers, husky again. A small grunt and flexing, moving her fingers to thread between Tigra's briefly. Spiral offers a small giggle and then releases.

A little woozy, a little light-headed and tipsy, she rotates slowly, spinning before coming to a stop. Gossamer strands of the magical auras intertwine and mingle, the purple and orange making cat's eyes swirls in the air before spinning and dissipating into nothing. "I just gave you your first dose for free is all." Her head tilts to the side and she reaches behind herself to gather up a length of her tail. Petting it with a hand. "They're yours for now. If you find they compliment you, you come back and we play patty-cake again."

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra's got the advantage in muscle on Spiral, though Spiral's got a litheness that even Tigra's felinity doesn't mimic. She laces fingers with the other woman reflexively, and then takes a step back, marveling at the sensations and the flow of energy that's passing through her. "First dose?" she asks, looking up, almost reluctantly. She lowers her arms, well tries to. They're a bit awkward, getting in the way of each other. "Wait, does this wear off? I think this might be a little awkward to.." to deal with, to control, to not play with herself with, "..to explain. Is this what you do?"

Spiral has posed:
"It does wear off. You've been bequeathed a little of this and a little of that." Spiral raises the tip of her tail up to her nose and experimentally tickle-flicks it. It nearly brings tears to her eyes, making her twitch and flinch. "I didn't expect it to be this sensitive. No wonder it shouldn't be sat upon..."

Spiral saunters up to Tigra and slides behind, lightly kneading at those shoulders. Touching and squeezing to observe the solidity and reality of it. "First dose, Tigra. And I was happy to do it. If this was to become permanent, it would take more than pitstop hocus-pocus. It would involve a ritual, and cybernetic augmentation. Perhaps a little bit of both. This will last a week, less if you're...taxed. But I can extend this if..."

Spiral's eyes widen and she cooes. "Your body...it's...remarkable. It's taken to the magic so well. Better than anyone I can recall."

Spiral steps up close so she's practically whispering in an ear. "This must be investigated. A mystery, but a potentially wonderful one. It could help you be a better hero. You should know yourself. Don't you agree?"

Greer Grant has posed:
There's a bit of relaxed tension in Tigra's form on hearing that it wears off. That means she can enjoy it. It's not the same as when Circe turned her into a man, this isn't a change for the rest of her life. She murrs softly at the kneading, enjoying a massage on shoulders she never had before. There's a flick of disapproval from her tail at cybernetic talk, not something the cat is keen on.
    Oh yes, it's very sensitive. don't sit on it, be careful around doors. Be careful who you let touch it, and don't play poker if you haven't learned to control it quite well." She rolls her various shoulders, feeling the play of muscles and bone. "That sounds...like something I need to know about, definitely. I need to know if it's something that could cause problems for me." A glance down at herself again. "Maybe just the one extra set?" she suggests. "I think six may be a bit much for me, even for only a week."

Spiral has posed:
Spiral listens, and she's staying close enough to be uncomfortable if someone isn't keen on a bird-like attentiveness. Personal space seems to be low on her priorities. "Good...good."

"Hold still, but stay pliable. Hold your arms just so, and stare forward. Do not look down, just straight ahead, to the future...to the idea...something hopeful and good." You can feel Spiral helping to arrange your six limbs, keeping your originals in the middle, the higher and lower being those newly acquired. "Measure twice, cut once...the Witches and Warlocks said. It's been true through the ages and through the shades." Her own hands place themselves on the backs of Tigra's. Like the mirror game, but no longer a reflection, more like spoons in a drawer. Spiral helps those limbs move, like a game of cups played by conmen in the park. But she most definitely does not want eyes on what's being moved.

It's like a dance once more, and like before, movement is as important as before. It doesn't last long, and in that span of time, what was six is no more. Now six is four.

Spiral steps back to give Tigra room to adjust. "You really are remarkable. Terribly, confusingly...troubling to my curiosity. There's a phrase about that and kittens, isn't there?"

Greer Grant has posed:
Personal space is something Tigra forgot about when she first became feline. Spiral's closeness is almost taken in stride. Given that Tigra's got more arms at the moment, that definitely has her attention focused rather more than the closeness of the strange woman. "Considering I'm the one being measured and cut, I definitely approve of your getting it right the first time," she says dryly. Getting things cut definitely could be unpleasant. She's not able to pay attention to what's being moved, cups or balls or limbs, though she's trying to feel along with it. But before she knows it, now she's got the one extra set of arms. It's still strange and alien, but it's easier for her to get her mind around. "Troubling, am I? How so? And the saying goes that curiosity killed the cat, but people usually forget that it continues, that satisfaction brought her back."

Spiral has posed:
"Perhaps I shouldn't have used that word. Tempting would be better. I have had so few urges for personal investigation. Always busy busy busy with clients that always want the same thing. The same boring run-of-the-mill thing. I would not say you are clay for a sculpter. Something more like harmonics to a composer. Something is at play in you, or wants to sing, and I want to get it ~out~."

A few muscles in Spiral's face twitch, and she smiles to reacquire and control them. "I am good at what I do, but you seem very good at...going with the flow. Whether that's because you are unique, or there is something going on between our two potentials...or both, it should be delved into. ~Know thyself~."

Spiral crooks a finger and beckons Tigra to follow. "Let's get some satisfaction then. I have a rumpus room to give those arms a workout and see what they can do." Spiral's tail lashes energetically, and she eyes it over her shoulders with a quizzical grin.

Greer Grant has posed:
"I have to wonder what the same boring run-of-the-mill thing is for someone like you, for someone who can do this," she says gesturing at herself with four hands. She stretches her arms out, reaching up and out and down and out, leaning backwards to feel her spine drawing against the shoulders. "Mmmf, that's nice. And yeah. Whatever it is you found, I think we need to know more about it." An amused eyebrow goes up and she follows with a jaunty sway of her tail. "Sounds stimulating."