17135/An Alien In Bushwick
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An Alien In Bushwick | |
Date of Scene: | 08 February 2024 |
Location: | West Bushwick (Mutant Town) |
Synopsis: | No description |
Cast of Characters: | Xiomara Rojas, Evan Sabahnur
- Xiomara Rojas has posed:
There were a very few places on Earth that Crush could go and actually feel, however briefly, like she might actually fit in. Bushwick, also known as Mutant Town, was one of those places. The number of mutants per capita living there, some with obvious mutations, was so large that a massive walking white skinned female with black markings on there face might even be seen as normal.
On this particular Saturday afternoon the Czarnian was following up on a job for O'Connail Construction, her actual 'we pay you' employer, then planning to get a milkshake from what had been lauded as the best shakes in New York.
Normally she would be wearing her more comfortable attire, which some called a throwback to emo punk rock of the eighties, but today she was in her work clothes. A pair of tan work pants with what was supposed to be a long sleeved work shirt, but she'd taken the sleeves off, and steel toed work boots. The company logo was stitched into the space of the right chest, with her name, "Crush", stiched below it. She thought she looked all official, really she looked like a mutant with a job.
Pausing outside Mootant Milkshakes, she was just about to head inside when she heard a commotion. A couple of guys yelling, a woman screaming, a child crying, all in the direction of the alley that ran between two of the run down apartment buildings. A year ago, she would have continued on her way, today however she was a Titan... so naturally, she headed that way to poke her nose into it.
- Evan Sabahnur has posed:
Evan was headed to Mootant Milkshakes for lunch, having finished unloading the latest truck of supplies for Hope House. He's in his usual jeans, boots and tee shirt since that's comfortable enough for moving stuff around the storage rooms.
The same tumult that caught Crush's attention also gets his, and his comfortable walk turns into a sprint as he throws himself into possible danger head-first. It's probably not great as a survival trait, but it's definitely him. Evan simply can't seem to call something someone else's problem and walk in the other direction.
He'll probably reach the alley about the same time as Crush, which could turn into a bit of jockeying for position as they both try to head down one of Mutant Town's narrow alleys.
- Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush and this young grey skinned mutant jockey for a moment because her brain was telling her she should go first, she's the Titan after all, but she knew that around here the mutants tended to take care of themselves. It wasn't always in the best way, sometimes the fall out spread out of Mutant Town and reached clear to Happy Harbor, she'd seen that first hand, but she would still do her best and let the him go first.
Truth was, Crush was a few inches taller than the guy so she could see well enough and if push came to shove, she could jump right over his head into the action if needed.
Down the alley were four guys, none of which were obvious mutants. By them was a grandmother aged woman with horns on her head, and hooved feet, and she was holding a child no more then five years old who also had horns on his head, up against her body and screaming at one of the guys who was trying to take the child out of her arms. In an amongst the yelling, screaming, crying, kicking, biting, etc. the information gleaned was that the guy doing the child grabbing believed the boy in the old ladies arms to be his little mutant freak child. The grandmother was insistent that the boy did not belong to this man, or any of his friends, and that they should all bugger off, leave her grandson alone before the Golem or the Brotherhood came.
Whether the kid was his or not didn't matter to Crush, the fact that he was calling the kid a little mutant freak did. "Hey, butt munch," she called out over the ruckus, more than loud enough to be heard and deafen Evan in the process. "Back off the lady."
- Evan Sabahnur has posed:
Once Crush lets him get into the alley first, Evan undergoes a couple changes. His skin goes from it's normal grey to the reflective grey of metal, and he bulks up and out, gaining several inches in height. He doesn't immediately attack the men, but adds his voice to Crush's, saying "Ok, everybody calm down. We can work this out without violence, but nobody is taking that child right now."
He reaches the knot of people and simply extends one arm... literally. His arm stretches out, forming a barrier between the men and the woman and child. "One chance. Calm the hell down and we can talk about this. Otherwise there's going to be trouble." He glances back at Crush, sizing her up before adding "And I think that it would only take one of us to deal with this, so with both of us here you're badly outnumbered."
- Xiomara Rojas has posed:
The man who had been doing all the grabbing looked up from his yanking on the boys arm just in time to watch Evan change. "This isn't your busines..." is what he started to say but that's when the eyes landed on the now larger man and the already large woman behind him.
There was pure calculation in his expression, he was seriously sizing up the situation in full even as the arm slid between him and the woman. The other three guys were a little less what one might call 'thinkers', they were reactors and their reaction to this changing situation was to start to back away up the alley toward the other end and freedom.
Crush knew little about the Golem, and less about the Brotherhood, but what she did know was that child abduction was a crime and if someone played a part it in, they were going to pay. Without a word she built up the energy her legs and jumped up and forward, right over Evan's head, over the men and woman, and landed on the other side of the alley to block the escape route.
"Now, now," she warned with a dark grin. "You don't get to do the crime and run just as we're all gettin to be friends."
The thinker took one step back from the woman as he said, "My wife took off to this rat infested part of town to have my kid," he stated, no love in his town. "Don't matter if that boys a mutant or no, he's my son and I'm taking him home."
The old woman, now free of the man's grabby hand, takes several steps back before blurting out, "Boy ain't yours, he belongs to my son!"
- Evan Sabahnur has posed:
Evan shakes his head. "You're not taking that child without proof you're his father. And honestly, given what you were calling him, I don't know why you're so keen to take him even if he is yours. If he is a 'mutant freak', you should probably leave him here with people who will actually care for him, instead of belittling him from the start."
He looks to the older woman and then adds, "And I kind of doubt this lady would be standing up to four guys in an alley if that wasn't her grandson. So why don't we calm down and figure this out." Looking over to Crush, he shakes his head, "There's nothing to gain by trapping them and making them desperate. If they want to leave without the child, I'd ask you to let them. You know how much trouble we have here even without looking for it, why make things worse?" He's pretty obviously thinking she's a mutant, which isn't much of a leap given where they are.