17327/Ted's Blue Period

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Ted's Blue Period
Date of Scene: 03 March 2024
Location: Big Belly Burger - Amusement Mile
Synopsis: Ted takes Blue out for coffee, and she steals fries!
Cast of Characters: Ted Grant, Blue GhostEyes

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant learned a while back that Big Belly Burgers had really good coffee. Better than that presh corporate joe. Coffee was essential in the Winter months when you often wore a skin tight costume. As matter of fact he learned to love coffee during World War Two and felt it was as essential as other strategic materials.

So Johnny or Blue, might have thought he was lowballing , bringing her to a burger joint but the first sip would change her mind.

Sips his coffee and grins. "We drank plenty of mud back inna day huh buddy?" He tries to ignore the fact that his old buddy, comrade in arms (who he was pretty sure he had picture of peeing in the Rhine somewhere) smelled really nice.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue enjoys coffee too. A lot more than the chicory of old. This is some good coffee but truth be told, she's pretty easy. He could have took her to one of those gas stations with a freezing outdoor patio and burnt three day old coffee and she'dve been happy simply to have the company.

It's true that she smells good. When you have senses as keen as she does it only makes sense to do so when you can. So today she smells faintly of rose hips, mint, and honey. Being able to make your own bath products is always a useful skill.

"We sure did. Some of that stuff.. actual mud woulda tasted better. This is great Ted!" Blue smiles at her old friend. Never would she have thought to run into someone from way back then. Unless perhaps, their ghost. It's strange, strange but good. "It's really great to be here with you. You have no idea." She grins.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant gives his head a slight shake. Stop smelling! But he grins back. "It's a relief to have someone who knowns what I'm talking about: Beeman's Gum, Lucky Strike cigarettes, a typewriter, K-rations... nylons worth their weight in tail." He chuckles. Ya saw him peeing in the Rhine, ya moron. And he was standing up!!!

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
For her part, Blue is very amused by Ted's struggle to adjust to his old friend's new body. She can read a bit of what he's feeling from his heart and breathing rates, his scent and microexpressions. It's funny but in a sweet kind of way and she's really glad he doesn't think she's some kind of freak or totally turned off by the fact that she is, well, a she now instead of a he. Not for the first time does Blue wish she had control over that aspect of her power.

A moments thought and she just can't resist messing with Ted. "Y'know, I can still pee standing up.. just on three or four legs instead of two." She says with a nochalant grin. "And I got me a nice old typewriter but the kid that does my office stuff just looked at it and me and then went out and brought his own computer stuff over." She shrugs. "I don't even know how to turn that junk on."

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant says, "Tony helps me with that shit. I mean I turn it on and do the google. But, you look I dunno twenties thirties? Didn't you grow up with this crap? Or do you just return a full grown... woman, or whatever." He wonders if his friend can read minds or just hit on the same thought.

"Do you ever use the wrong restroom by mistake? For my part, I'm happy I come back as Ted. No offense... this... looks good on you. But I like waking up in the morning and checking the goods so to speak?" He drains the last of his coffee. Ahhh.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
"I return fully grown whenever I take a catastropic injury that a regenerative coma can't heal. I was only ever a kid the once and that was way before technology, or farming even. I couldn't tell you what year exactly. From what I've been able to piece together I think.. I think I'm at least a thousand years old." Blue admits and no she can't read minds, but she is good at reading people usually.

She laughs. "I do, especially when I first wake up as the opposite sex. It takes a few weeks to get back into the groove." She chuckles at his comment. "It's something I got used to a long time ago. I know the pros and cons of each and deal accordingly. Among my kind, a really long time ago before it was shamed out of us our holy men and sometimes women, those that usually became Shamans.. we had more than two sexes, more than just male and female. In my first life I was known as "tainna wa'ippe" which is Man-Woman. Two-souled. I had no idea just how true that was til the first time I had a hard death and lost my body and came back as a guy. That first time was something else."

So very long ago but it's one of the few distinct memories from that time she's retained. "I can age, if I want, it's happened before but my lifestyle isn't usually condusive to old age."

Blue glances down at her chest and then gives Ted a cheeky grin. "I can still check the goods, they just aren't the same as yours."

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant turns back to Blue. He was distracted by a couple guys ogling her and gave them his patented stare of death. "Yeah you ain't the only one checking them it seems." He's a little guilty of that himself at the moment, since he followed her stare. Then he locks eyes with her and says deadpan, "You're enjoying this ain't ya? Ya know I won't pop a girl. I could probably beat ya at wrestling at this point. Worse, I won't share french fries with you!"

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Her laugh is genuine and full of joy. "I am. It's my trickster nature. I just can't help it. Might be fun to see who comes out on top wrestling." She pauses and considers. "That maybe came out far more sexual than I mean it." Or maybe not.. She's glad of his patented stare. Better than her having to wipe the floor with a bunch of idiots that don't understand the word "No." Which is why she doesn't come to Gotham a lot. Though it happens in her city too.. ah well. Some people just need to be taught a lesson.

"Not sharing the fries?? Harsh." Blue grins. "Unless you're up in Canada.. I've found a lot of Americans don't care for poutine." She herself will eat just about anything edible. Coyotes aren't picky and she might spend more time as human but she's just as much her otherself even then.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant then he has a serious moment. "I'm sorry I never looked you up after the War, buddy. But I told you what them senators did yo me and my friends and... I kind wanted to forget everything." He unconsciously puts his hand on hers, and moves a little closer. Those guys are annoying. "I swear on the soul of Jack Dempsey... if those bastards don't stop making kissy face and sketching out curves with their hands... I'm gonna go over there and make them pee themselves." He pounds table.

"Or ya wanna make them eat it, I'll put an arm around ya and look smug..." He laughs at that image. then he puts his arm around her, giving the gawkers the finger.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
"It's okay, Ted." Blue smiles gently. "It was a long time before I was even able to remember the war, or you and what we did. By then I figured you were long gone." She settles against his side when he puts his arm around her and laughs softly too. "That'll show 'em. Stupid kids."

"I don't blame ya for wanting to forget one bit. We don't have to talk about that time. I'm just glad we ran into each other now. It's pretty cool, isn't it?" She doesn't know what force is behind her random instincts and desires to go to certain places at certain times but has learned its better not to ignore those moments and let them pass her by. Sometimes something truly terrible happens but it's always necessary. This time, it was a really good thing.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant is settled against and it feels right. But... weird. "Imma get us some more coffee. Okay, buddy" he gets up quickly. Then his ears catch a single word from the gawkers, "Kemosabe."


Johnny was a fucking vet.

He starts walking towards them and teens realize just how big he is, and that you can see his biceps through his leather jacket. They're gone.

He returns with the coffee triumphant and plops down in their booth. He also got a plate of fries.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue's ears catch that word and she's able to pick up on the fact it's likely derogatory but tv shows aren't something she has much familiarity with. She's touched by Ted's reaction and a little amused by the kids disappearing act once they get a good look at her old friend. She can take care of herself and yet.. that made her feel pretty good. She actually blushes when she smiles at Ted's triumphant return.

"Thanks." She murmurs softly and takes a sip of the fresh coffee, then steals a fry. "I would never have pegged this place as having such good coffee." She looks at Ted with renewed interest. "So.. you got anyone? A woman or kids or something?"

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant shrugs. "Remember how I had friends with benefits all the time. That hasn't changed. I never met a lady I could click with. The average woman my age has been dead twenty plus years. I feel like I robbing the cradle with dames that get pensions. So no one permanent, no. I mean I don't mislead and I like everyone of them and they are my friends but it's hard. As for kids I had a couple. None of them want me around. I got a sweet little girl who wants me to be her dad. She never knew hers. Clara."

He smirks at Blue snitching a frie and resumes his sort of lean against her. He seems to be waging a struggle when he finally wins and says, "Why, ya got something in mind?"

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
"Yeah. I get that. It's hard. It took me a long time to get over the difference in ages thing. I finally decided if a person is at least twenty one then.." She trails off and shrugs. "I know I've had periods of stability with people but I only remember bits and pieces. Enough that it made me wary of trying to start anything real with anyone for a long time now."

Blue frowns. "That sucks. I think you'd be a great dad. I'm glad you got Clara. I've had plenty of coyote kids when running the wilds but I.. don't know if I ever had human ones. I know Johnny was gonna be a dad before his lady was taken from him." She clenches the coffee mug tightly enough the handle snaps off. "Oops shit." Blue glances around with a chagrined grimace.

Realizing Ted is relaxing a bit, getting used to the idea of her and also wanting to leave Johnny and his memories in the past, she leans into him and just sighs softly. "You smell good too. Maybe we could try this again. Like an actual date." The last date she had was.. well it's just embarrassing to even bother remembering how long it's been. "If you want to, I mean. I get it if this is too weird."

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant makes vague motions with his hands for a moment. Great, he caught the fidget bug from Clara. Then he puts an arm around Blue and gets very close to whisper, "You are not weird. Nothing about ya is weird. You're... special I guess. I am too. We're different from most people. That's all. I guess it's okay to try a date. I mean... you're all woman. I like women. You smell nice. I... think I'd like a date. Maybe dinner and a movie, or some dancing?" He hugs her close. She's a tall woman. She might like being hugged like a petite little thing. He did catch that blush.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
"Aw." Ted's words cause that little blush to linger. "I'd like that." Blue nods in agreement. "We are different. Maybe that's a good thing. We both know what we are getting into before we start." And if it doesn't work out then well, they are both adults and then some. She's sure they can remain friends.

"Yeah. It sounds good to me." Blue leans her head against Ted's and smiles, her arm slipping around him as she leans back. "The last dancing I did was in a club with the assistance of some.. uhm.. tea.. with medicinal properties. I woke up in a bush without one shoe and wearing someone elses coat. Lost my wallet and phone too." She laughs. "I think anything with you would turn out more fun than that."

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant head nuzzles her. "Is a kiss out of line; or are you gonna slap a headlock on me like the old days?" the blush is very cute on the beautiful and seemingly familiar woman he just met. "I mean... it seems very fast, even for me. But then again, we know each other a long time and been friends, shot at, all that..." He's rambling, because he really is on new ground here.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue laughs. He's cute. How long has it been since she let herself feel anything like this? Far, far too long. "No. A kiss isn't out of line." She replies softly. "You're sweet when ya wanna be, you know that, right?" Then she winks at him and almost whispers "If we're gonna start wrestling it ain't gonna be in the middle of a burger joint. Even if I wouldn't mind a bathtub full of this here coffee." She jokes.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant chuckles. "I make pretty good coffee myself, with a real pot, none of these coffee machines for me. It's a lot of fun to watch when these kids try to use it. Oh... wrestling hunh? I think you're getting a little hopped up on coffee. Ya think I'm easy? A little sweet talk and it's right to caffeine baths and wrestling? I could deal with that actually."

"Seriously, if you want to come back to my place we can watch some boxing or something?"

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
"I'll tell you a secret." Blue whisperlaughs. "You may or may not be, but *I* am pretty easy." She grins. "Boxing or a movie or something sounds great. I'd like that." Since they are in Gotham, his place would definitely be closer. Good thing she didn't ride her bike. Wouldn't want to leave it out overnight in this city but maybe Ted's place is safe enough. Admitedlly she's only seen some of the worst parts of the city since she usually only comes here for work.

"I don't suppose I can get away with paying for this huh?" Blue asks as she sneaks another handful of fries. For once she's eating them carefully, almost daintily, instead of usual snarf fest quest to down as much food in as little time as possible.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant grabs a french frie. "Mmmm. Nope. Lean into being the girl. Kidding but I'll get this. We'll go somewhere nice next time. I might have a couple places in mind. Here finish the fries. I hear shape shifting leaves you hungry." He nudges her a little.

He stands and offers his arm to Blue. Johnny is resting in peace apparently.