17355/How Many Times Can You Fall for a Mimic

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How Many Times Can You Fall for a Mimic
Date of Scene: 06 March 2024
Location: Family Room - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Charlie comes over to watch anime with Damian. They do a little of that.
Cast of Characters: Damian Wayne, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe

Damian Wayne has posed:
It had been a while since Damian had made plans to watch some anime with Charlie. And frankly, he could use the distraction. So having sent a message to her and gotten a positive response, he suggested that she pick the show, but he'll provide the snacks and venue.

The venue was easy - the Wayne home has one of the best enertainment centers on the planet. The snacks? Popcorn, chips, candy, fizzy drinks. It's totally set up for a couple of teens to hang out and watch TV together. Dressed down in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt with slippers, Damian answers the door when Charlie arrives with a grin. "Hey! I was just finishing setting up."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Hey things have been very busy. For her. For him. They are like, superhero by night and other times. She has college as well somehow. Training. It's pretty distracting.

    She responds with a strong affirmtive ~HECK YEAH~ about the invite to watch anime and not focus on work stuff. Well not just on work stuff. Hard to avoid that topic entirely right.

    She shows up in her civies and on her bike, making sure there isn't some big parrelel wayne party or fundraiser she will be stumbling through. Jeans, boots, wonder woman hoodie (which looks very new) and helmet left on her bike.

    "Cool, I definitely needed a good excuse to not patrol tonight too... let someone else take that shift." amusement as she looks around and then cocks her head. "Where we setting up?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
"The TV in my room would require sitting on the bed, so I figured the family room would work." Damian offers easily when she arrives, totally enthusiastic about things. The distraction is good, and needed. "New hoodie? Looks good on you." he offers to her as he steps aside to let her enter. "Come on in!"

It's a short walk towards the family room, passing by the various common areas. No parties or get togethers tonight, the Manor seems very quiet. Damian might be the only one at home, honestly. Though Alfred is probably around someplace.

The couch in the family room is set up with the snacks and drinks, many of them Japanese themed. "Alright, so what are we watching?" he asks, turning to Charlie with a grin as he moves to settle on the couch, giving her plenty of room.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "I am sure that would prompt a smartass comment from some sibling or another." bemused as she follows and then ooohs at the hoodie question. "Yeah! I helped Troia .. of the Titans... she is very badass... fight embassy demosn."

    She pauses long enough to think about it. "Well I did a while ago.. and not like.. embassy demons like a classification but demons at the Themyscira embassy... so now I am hooked up with Wonder Woman merch whenever I burn through one of my wonder woman hoodies..."

    Which is for the best since she tends to wear them when doing mystic stuff. "Sometimes literally they get burned through... ugn demons..."

    She calls out towards the sound of movement kitchenward "Hi Alfred!" as they pass that way, then settles to plop down on the couch. "Frieran or Delicious in Dungeon... not sure which if either you have seen... ooo Kororo gummy candy..." snagging a packet of grape.

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Psht. As if they assume I date." Damian rolls his eyes at that as he gets settled in, listening to the story of the hoodie. "So you helped her out, and she's using you for free merchandising. Slick." There's a smirk there, before he decides, since she broached it.

"Okay, only work talk we're doing tonight. Phoebe... died. And Jason used the Lazarus Pit to bring her back, and it's all a mess right now, so it's probably good you've not been around." And despite him trying to not broach it and concentrate on something else, that door opened and he stepped through. Because she should know.

"Either one will work. Which one will make me laugh more?" he asks her, because that's what he's looking for, his hands folding together in front of him, unsure what to do with them.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "I mean. I helped out the Amazons and I already had a wonder woman hoodie... but yeah I guess... I'm hoping for a ticket to visit the island without doing any trespassing some day..."

    Okay that. That is. A lot.

    "Holy carp." yes like the fish, she curses weird. It is still as close as a holy fuck you will get out of her the eyes wide.

    "No one told me... well.. you did.. but... crackers... explains why we haven't done any magic mischief lately..."

    Then she blinks at the rdirect. "Uh... Delicious in Dungeon. Frieran makes me cry somtimes... amazing but not laughing a lot... "

Damian Wayne has posed:
"If they haven't invited you to the island by now, then they don't realize how special you are." Damian responds to Charlie's quandry and wish. "Keep showing up at the Embassy. Join their training classes. Get their attention. I still sword practice with Donna." he offers as advice. "Make it know what your wish is. And make it happen."

He's trying his best to keep his attention on doing anything else but to discuss what's happened, but she's making it hard, as she starts to curse and he chuckles softly. It's a little adorable, admittedly.

"Yeah. She's lost her magic. It was taken from her because it's supposed to be generational. So the spark is... somewhere." A sigh and he scrubs his face. "I should have stayed quiet and not dragged you into this. Sorry."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "Oh I let her know. I'll just have to do what you said and pester them on all that. I did promise to not just teleport there to the Island.. and thne Donna is like.. oh you couldn't find it. I betcha I could find it... I can go like anywhere I set my mind to going... I just don't want to actually make Wonder Woman made or get shot at by Amazons with bows.... I told her to stop making it a challenge or I might not be able to help myself..."

    Woops back on the Pheobe thing. "It's okay Damian... that is.. rough. She is one of my oldest friends though so I'll probably hunt her down and talk to her at some point soon about it too." she sighs. "She doesn't have kids though... like does she have younger cousins or something.. siblings?" puzzled.

Damian Wayne has posed:
"None that we know of. And Tim and I checked out where she was born, and Set was there... and I think one of the other Gods has her spark." Damian gives a shake of his head. "Ugh. Sorry." But, back on task. Back on target.

"I mean, yeah, if anyone could find it - it would be you - but I kinda like you in your current condition and not full of amazonian arrow holes, thank you." Another little smirk. "Because the way that they put it, even I would take that up as a challenge! But I don't even think I'd walk away from that unscathed."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "Who is Set... wait like Set the Egyptian God?" she makes that jump pretty quickly, but then she is one of the couple of batfam neck deep in the magic stuff. She considers that. "Why would the Egyptian Gods be involved or have stolen her spark...."

    Why even indeed.

    "Also I never really thought of her light as a spark but I guess that makes sense... does that mean she ended up in the Egyptian whole weigh your heart afterlife briefly?"

    So many questions.

    "Also right... it was like Donna was daring me to try to go there... hecks.. if we knew which god we were hunting I could visit them... like Themyscira is so hard."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"I don't know. There's so many unknowns there." Damian leans back on the couch and scrubs at his face some more. Not the direction he wanted to go with things, but here we are! "Apparently the Spark is one of their things or something. Magic is so not my thing, despite my being my mother's son. And it would be Heka, most likely. Or Set. They were both prevelant."

"But, I will point out, Charlie..." Damian reaches over and lightly pokes her nose, if she allows. "You want to earn points with them - and finding and teleporting there will earn you sooo many negative points."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Crosses her arms and sulks as she sinks into the couch "Which is why I promised not to do it.. even if she kept saying I couldn't find it." she sulks good too. Might as well wave a red cape at a bull. Still she has managed to hold out and not teleport to the island.

    "I suppose I shouldn't just drop in on Set or whoever Heka is either.. " probably for the best there too.


Damian Wayne has posed:
"You're cute when you sulk." Damian comments as he drops back into his place on the couch. "We'll deal with things later. Tonight?" grabbing the remote, he's reaching over to punch up his anime account to pull up Delicious in the Dungeon.

It'll be a good distraction, even if Damian leans a little more on Charlie tonight. Company is good to have.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    She eyes sidelong at the cute when she sulks comment, just a tiny bit of salt in the look as she tries to sus out if he is teasing teasing or means it, but also teasing, or just means it. So many options.

    "Right.. so Delicious in Dungeon. Which funny enough acronyms to DinD I think on purpose. Big Manga... just hit mainstream streaming.. mainstream streaming.. ok that is an odd statement.. lot of streaming... anyhow. Fantasy. Not isakai though... just like.. real fantasy adventuring if kinda silly fun..."

    Of course it opens with the party being nearly wiped by a dragon in the dungeon and losing their hero and nearly disbanding. Funny .. haha?

Damian Wayne has posed:
She'll never know if she doesn't ask, and Damian seems to be playing his cards close to his chest. Though as Charlie seems to be laying out the premise, he settles in to watch -- only for the first scene to start out with the whole party nearly getting wiped out!

Which, if Charlie is paying attention, actually causes Damian to grin a little more naturally. Nothing wrong with a little good old-fashioned violence, right?

"I've seen some Isekai, it seems to be getting weirder and weirder. Though I did watch that Realist anime you suggested. It was pretty good." he admits to her. "I could relate to the protagonist, even though the concept that he was engaged in the first episode... I suppose that was a popular theme."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "Isekai is getting really strange. I mean. See vending machine one. So strange. Oh oh.. did I mention the one where the guy basically has access to online shopping like Amazon and can 'order' the best ingredients and poof there they are .. if he feeds gold into the screen he can see but no one else can... his best buddy is a fox god he won over with his cooking... so odd....."

    She bounces a little and settles in quiet again for the show to spool out. "not that this one isn't odd... I do worry about the Japanese..why so many cooking anime lately..." and yes indeed. Delicious In Dungeon seems to be unfolding around the blond fighters obsession with wanting to cook dungeon monsters to taste them (and allegedly save money) as they quest down to rescue his sister the dragon ate before she is digested so she can be revived by healing magic.

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Oh yeah, I remember that one too, yeah. Not really my cup of tea." Damian admits as he grabs a Blood Orange Ramune to pop the little marble down to take a drink from it. "And then there was the guy that came back as a sword and got carried around by a Cat girl." he responds.

"And as the plot is further and further introduced, tghere's more smiles and chuckles, but at one point, he leans over, closing the distance between the pair as he just seems to be relaxing. Or getting a read on her. "At least this isn't like the one about the group that wanted to rate their experiences in brothels." he grunts. "I saw the first episode of that and didn't even finish that."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "Also... why so many cat girls..." she muses thoughtfully. "Also.. why in real life are all the cat themed poeple nearly all villains or thieves... except maybe Tigra I guess. But like Black Cat, Cat Woman, Cheetah...." she leans reminded that beverage good and snags the strawberry ramune.


    She shoulder bumps into him lightly. "Eeesh.. I never even saw that one. I think Babs might have parental locked my crunchyroll account... though that does sound like all the tiktoks I see about bad bard players in tabletop gaming groups..."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"People find women as cats attractive for some reason." Damian pauses. "I'd have to ask father." He says that with a completely straight face, before Charlie shoulder-bumps him and complains. And that makes him chuckle as he bumps her back, apparently rising to the occassion a little.

"Ha ha, you're parent-locked." he teases her lightly, for a moment, the anime forgotten about to glance over at the redhead. He takes her in, then blushes, before his attention returns to the show.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
"Good idea. Dad. Why cat ladies."

    She almost snorts a tiny laugh. It is cute.

    "parental locked... I mean.. I doubt it... I can't imagine the worlds greatest hacker keeping me out of adult anime themes.. but the Oracle AI might.. or she might do it as a prank. Still... my deduction would be that I just watch too wholesome of an anime for the algo to req anything extreme or trash like that."

    She looks sidelong at Damian and grins. "Seriously. Why did the algo recommend that to you ... hmm?" okay yeah she is teaisng him. "Is your browser history dangerous Damian?" did she catch his look or blush, maybe, is she flirting, also maybe.

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Ah, but she's also taken you under wing." See what Damian did there? "Maybe she just thinks you're a precious cinnamon roll and doesn't want anything to ever ruin that for you." he points out to her in amusement, as he rolls his eyes a little. But, he does sit up a little, considering the question. "I do watch a lot of like... different things to wind down. Mainly military and suspense and horror stuff. I guess the algo decided it fit my fantasy interests or something." There's a small smirk in return to her.

"Why, you going to ask Barbara to look into it?" he asks her, deciding to return the tease in earnest. "There is a lot of trash anime out there. But it's good to find a nice one to watch with someone you like." Flirting is apparently still up in the air on both sides.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    She shifts, tucking one foot under herself so she can easier look sidelong while still watch the show.

    "I'm not about to stoop to your browser history. I'm sure it isn't that interesting." still teasing.

    But is it flirting.

    "Admittedly I do like cinnamon roll animes. Which I guess is odd considering I routinely am neck deep in demon blood or worse..." she wrinkles her nose cutely.

    "So why is it none one would think you wouldn't date?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
Clearly flirting. Damian notices the shift in posture, and he turns his attention to her. Turning so that their knees end up touched together, the young man chuckles. "Oh good, I won't have to worry about rushing upstairs to delete it all before you do." he responds easily.

Though there is more important topics on the table. "I mean, I'm the son of the Demon's Daughter, I would say I should be quite okay with you ended up covered in weird things." he points out to her. And that nose wrinkle was cute, not going to lie.

His hand reaches up, brushing some of the red hair off of her shoulder. "I mean, have you ever seen me date?" he asks her. "There's no proof of it. Like a cryptid, that would be my dating life."

Anime? Forgotten about. Charlie gets unfettered complete attention. "What about you? I'm sure you've had plenty of dates yourself."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "I've met the Demon's Daughter.. a lot.... She stole my utility belt the first time we met then made it a point to try to train me up a bit because I was so incompetent. I think the fact Cass taught me how to do a lot of my fighting had her confused though at the time... lot of league footwork in my style." a light helpless shrug. "I do take the point about being blood spattered not exactly being that out of sort though..." a quirky grin.

    Her eyes flick down to the shoulder and hair brush. "That... is a very good point. If I wasn't witnissing this anime watching sesh myself I would probably be like.. what... no way... naah... pfft..."

    The question at the end does have her scrunch her nose up again. "Honestly. Like almost never, definitely not after the first one the few times. My extracurriculars makes scheduling ... very hard.... and when I managed to find any time to get to know someone. They tend to think I am way... way.... waaaay to strange and manic I guess. Not my fault my blood is amped on chaos magic..."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Mother can be eccentric." Damian agrees easily, a shake of his head at that. "At least she didn't put you through the training she did to me when I was young." he admits to her with a lift of his brow. "League footwork? Maybe I should train with you sometime, see what you can do." There's a playful challenge in his tone, apparently catching onto an earlier hook about her enjoying a challenge.

But, back to the fact that if this is actually a date. "Like I said earlier, there's noting wrong with having someone to enjoy things with. And yeah, this life can be totally... chaotic." to use her word.

"But at the same time?" He leans in close to her, almost to where their noses touch. "Sometimes, someone could use a little chaos..." a pause and a grin. "...or magic? In their life."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie spreads a hand and touches it to her breastbone in a who me gesture. "Cass, Babs, and Steph... and some of the birds all have had turns training me. I would call my training eccentric.. but yeah Cass did a lot of my heavy training." she could do worse than have Orphan be her main trainer after all. But Huntress and Canary did their turns too. "So yeah you're definitely on Damian."

    Part of her is like, whoah, is this real, is he coming in to forehead touch. Nose boop. Kiss. Undeniably he is flirting with her. Even if she had photographic proof no one would believe her. Well other than the fact there are a handful of sorts like Babs she can't seem to ever manage to lie to at all, so Babs might believe her if she brought it up.

    Not that she would likely.

    "I can't believe I don't weird you out Damian." she notes very soft and serious when he leans in and uses the magic nad chaos line like that though. "Then again... you are a little odd too." just... a smidge. Understatement.

    Still. She tilts her head and well he is right there, unless he jerks back she tries a kiss.

Damian Wayne has posed:
A little odd too.

Understatement of the week right there. "Good, we'll definetly have to dance sometime." comes Damian's eager agreement with her response to his challenge, and even though he may end up on his butt because of her crazy portin' power, he'd have fun all the same.

Not that thinking about that is even anywhere in his thought process at the moment. It was a step in their teasing and flirting. It wasn't a sure step, he has half-expected Charlie to be the one to back away.

After all, she seems very much the cinnamon bun that may not have ever dated before.

Instead, she goes in for the kiss. And probably, maybe, she'll be pleased that he doesn't flee or jerk back. Instead, he presses back to her in return, their lips pressed together for several moments, before he breaks the kiss.

"See. That wasn't so bad." he responds to her, his eyes searching hers, giving her a chance to respond, before seeing if she's amicable to do that again.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    She may not have backed down, but she does manage to blush when he pulls back and says see that wasn't so bad. Oh. Smug. But then again she takes it as playful. "Brat." she notes very matter of factly. "But... no not half bad. Definitely what I was expecting."

    She can dish it back.

    "I might have been wrong though in my appraisal. More trials are definitely needed... data and all... since your a dating cryptid..."

    She leans back in.

    The anime about eating monsters plays on in the background.