17363/Snack time, meal time, or time time at the Mansion

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Snack time, meal time, or time time at the Mansion
Date of Scene: 07 March 2024
Location: Avengers Mansion - Kitchen
Synopsis: Bacon and eggs having been consumed, Nat and Tigra go on their separate ways.
Cast of Characters: Greer Grant, Natasha Romanoff

Greer Grant has posed:
It's early evening at the Mansion, where the Earth's Mightiest Heroes keep their own schedule. Some of them do so because they're from foreign lands. Some do so because they keep a busy, globe trotting schedule. Some do so because they're from otherworldly realms. And then there's Tigra, who's a cat, and so does her own thing anyway. It's around dinner for some people, and food is being cooked in the kitchen, but rather than something more dinnerly smelling, Tigra is finishing up cooking some bacon and eggs. Quite a fair bit of both, actually, humming softly to herself as she does so, tail swinging counterpoint to the rhythm of her tune.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha has spent most of her last few days busy with reports, SHIELD assignments, patrols, and reviewing data from the security breach brought on by the djinn that had infiltrated the Mansion. This has her consistently alert and otherwise not particularly chatty (even by Nat standards). For now, she's in the kitchen and working on some sort of nutrient bar while skimming through an old file folder.

Greer Grant has posed:
The sizzling of bacon fades as Tigra turns off the heat, moving the meat candy to a plate with paper towel, and some bacon already there. A little more attention is given to the eggs before the heat is cut off there, and the thoroughly scrambled eggs are transferred to another plate. Pans are set to soak for cleaning later, and then Tigra takes the plates, along with a third with two possibly boiled or possibly uncooked eggs thereupon, over to Nat's table, sliding into a seat. The plate with the two is pushed towards the Widow, and the bacon placed strategically between them.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would turn her head over to Greer, "Greer, I hope that you've been well. Have you been on the active roster?" Some members of the team came and went on field duty as they were available or were needed. Some were full time Mansion residents. "And have your own pursuits been fruitful?" She got too caught up in team reports and SHIELD ones sometimes to pay attention to the individuals. Which is what spontaneous things like this were good for. She would go to finish off her nutrient bar and then go to take the plate towards herself. " Thank you."

Greer Grant has posed:
"Well enough, at least," Tigra says, before chomping on some of the bacon. "I haven't been on the active roster lately, but I'm going to do something about that. Need to be doing more, I think. Just more in general, I mean." Bacon is chewed upon before she continues. "You doing alright? Any particularly bad news you're allowed to talk about?" she asks, pointing at the files with the stub of her bacon before making it disappear.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would nod, "Ultimately that is your decision if you feel you want to do so. Trust your own initiative. You are always welcome." They all had divergent obligations. "And I am normal." Not good or bad, just normal. "There are always threats and potential hostiles that need monitored and neutralized." Moving to work on her egg.

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra scoops up some of her eggs with a fork. She pauses with it halfway to her mouth, and tilts her head as she looks at Natasha. "'Normal.' You know, I could say something like 'are you ever normal?' Or something like that." She eats her eggs. "I'm a cat woman, you're a spy, we know gods and super-soldiers. Given all that, I do think it's fair to ask, 'what's normal for you?' Doing well, at least?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova's lips would twitch upwards some. "Adequately. I don't think that our profession ever gives us the room to be more than that. So I'll accept it for now and appreciate it for what it is." Better doing adequately than treading water with constant crisises. Taking another quick bite of her eggs. That was a pragmatic way to look at it.

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra considers this while working her way through more eggs. "Well, I suppose there's some truth to that. Me, I'll take joy when I find it and savor it, let it balance the darker times." She grows quiet for a moment, briefly reminded of a darker times. She snorts lightly, scolding herself and then goes for bacon, finding joy there.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would nod, "A mature way of looking at it." Natasha was a realist. And was too old to learn how to do things like being an idealist. Cynicism was virtually hardcoded into her DNA. "So what are you doing in your times not spent with the team?"

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra leans back in her chair, stretching indulgently for a moment. She can tell Natasha is humoring her, or at least, acknowledging the words and no more. "Patrols here and there, some exploring here and there. Been doing some reading, thought about maybe trying to go back to college. Oh, met a supermodel a little while ago, that was fun. She even bought me a dress, believe it or not."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would nod, "That's one way to go about and explore the world." Well, with a supermodel. "Classes can be.. Difficult to keep up with for some." As any teenage hero could wax on about. "I hope that you've not had anything excessively confrontational when it comes to field encounters." No one liked running into heavy hitters, with the rest of the team or without.

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra continues to hold her stretch for a moment before relaxing out of it, giving herself a brief shake to settle muscles back into place. "Oh I know that," she says, about classes. "One reason I've only thought about it for a while, and nothing more than that. And haven't faced anything I couldn't walk away from, at least," she flashes a quick grin. She stands up and starts gathering up unused dishes. "I'll leave you to your files, but nice to see you, Natasha," she says with a flash of a grin.