17374/Riches and Spots

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Riches and Spots
Date of Scene: 07 March 2024
Location: The Victorian Restaurant - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Emma Frost talks to Neena about hiring her for a job.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Neena Thurman

Emma Frost has posed:
It's not often (likely) that Neena is invited somewhere swanky. Much less on someone else's budget or not being expected to rob or case the place. But, Emma Frost has given an invitation to the mercenary to join her, promised to cover the costs of the meal.. And even for an outfit if Neena wants to wear something more appropriate to the club. Free food, booze tab covered, and even a discretionary budget for shoping is hopefully enough to make the lucky girl join

Neena Thurman has posed:
It's true. 'Swank' is NOT Neena Thurman's middle name. She's a simple girl with simple tastes; beer, hot wings, pizza and the occasional cheeseburger- the kind that is still mooing with the grease just dripping off the bun. But, there is that occasion where she really wouldn't mind seeing how the 'other half lives', that is, the riche version of 'slumming it'.

Private jet? Heh.. a flight that landed at Laguardia and a fancy black taxi to bring her into the city? (She's not cheap, or easy, it seems!)

With a dress that seems to fit in all the right places, and in some places, not at all present in all the wrong places, the albino even had her hair cut for the evening! And earrings! (Is she armed? Is there any place to even HIDE a weapon in THAT dress? Only her artists know...)

"I can't say I've ever been on //this// side of the street," Domino murmurs softly to her friend. "Usually I'm either guarding them, or hunt- hey. I'm not guarding you, am I?"

Emma Frost has posed:
And it's all covered. It's basically a tax writeoff by Emma's purposes (actually it is, thanks tos ome lovely accountants finding a subcontractor can be covered as a business expense). So when Neena arrives, Emma gives her a wave of greeting. "Hello darling, I'm glad that you could make it. It's a pleasure." Gesturing with her fingers over at her. Emma has a table by herself, and several tables around her are empty to give some privacy.

Emma's not used her telepathy to drive people away (that's considered rude for the bottom line of the club). But rather she's just simply paid for the tables, looked up waht the restaurant could expect to make around this time of day, and then simply paid double for it along with an expected tip.

"I thought that you might appreciate it darling. And I have some possible business to discuss."

Neena Thurman has posed:
Oh look! Domino can actually //walk// in heels without teetering. Toe-heel-toe-heel, to the table, and as she sits down, she's making sure that everything is where it should be. (It wouldn't do for anything to be out of place or misplaced...)

"So, a business dinner." There's that lopsided, quirked smile fashioned with black lips, as she settles in. "I don't mind this at all. And I do. I don't get out much." There's a pause before, "Okay, don't get out much like this."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Well, a pleasure to have your time for this. Of course, this is purely optional and if you don't enjoy it then there's no reason to take it further." Emma is not the type that's going to show up somewhere to get bar pizza and beer by her reputation after all."

Her gesturing over at the menu. "Please, choose what you'd like."

Neena Thurman has posed:
"Well, this is one way to show a girl a good time," Neena begins, "Dinner with a friend. And a job?" The grin hasn't left her face, and it's easily reached those clear blue eyes. "What's not to like?"

Once she's properly settled, Neena leans forward a little, removing one of the napkins from the setting and placing it onto her lap in a small bunch. There isn't a lot on the menu, but what there is? Delectable!

"I guess a red, or a rose for the chateau briande?" She considers a moment, her expression turning towards the quizzical, "Right?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile over, "Lovely, so I'm considered a friend now? Or are you just being polite for a potential employer?" She's being rather relaxed, and letting Domino define how things are to go. Emma's definitely got possible jobs in mind, but she's leaving it to Neena for how to professional or relaxed to be with this dynamic. This is how Emma operates.. At lesat with those she respects.

"And yes, those are all appropriate. The simplest way is to just decide for yourself with a few tries to what you enjoy the most." Rather than going with what the snobbiest bit is

Neena Thurman has posed:
"Well, considering we've been through a few.." Domino pauses before finishing with, "..scrapes. Scraps. Stuff." She offers up a single-shouldered shrug, but only a slight one so as not to disturb her dress. "Politeness isn't my strong suit, so-" There's another pause before she nods, "Good acquaintance?" Truthfully, however, any mutant can easily fall under the 'friend' category, unless proven otherwise.

"So, rose then. Something light, and fruity. I feel like 'sweet'." With that, the order is settled in her mind, and when appropriate, given to the lucky waiter assigned to their table. Once placed and the departure is followed (huh...!), Neena finds her attention swinging back around. Resting forearms on the edge of the table, she folds her hands, fingers entwined. "Okay. I'm all ears."