17442/Girls' Night In

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Girls' Night In
Date of Scene: 18 March 2024
Location: Grant's Gym - Amusement Mile
Synopsis: Clara comes over to spend time at Ted's place. She is lucky to meet Blue there and they share a meal, some movies, and become family along the way.
Cast of Characters: Clara Jennings, Blue GhostEyes

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Clara has come and gone a few times since her return from temporarily being cast out. Tonight, though, she shows up earlier. There is the sound of a key in the lock. But though the door is unlocked, it is not opened. Clara feels a bit odd about barging in these days.

    So there is some hesitation. If Blue could see through doors, she would see some remarkable fidgeting. Clara's wringing her hands and picking at her rings and even manages to drop the keys. She picks these up.

    After some time in her crisis, she finally raises a hand to knock on the door. Two timid taps. Followed a moment later by two more timid taps.

    "It's umm.. it's me!" A pause and she adds, "It's Clara." Granted, her voice isn't terribly loud, so that whole practice may achieve nothing at all.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue listens from her spot in Ted's bed. Aw jeeze. This is the last thing she wants. The Shoshone women scrambles her feet and dresses herself in a purple flannel shirt and pair of denim shorts rather than Ted's overly large t-shirt. Instead of buttoning up the flannel, she just ties it tight underneath her chest and darts out of the room to the door. "Honey you don't have to knock or nothin'. Just come on in when you're here, okay?" Blue smiles after opening the door and moving aside for Clara to enter.

She checks the young woman over and waits for her to enter before closing and relocking the door. "There's still that extra room here if you need it too. Never worry about that. You mean the world to Ted which means you're very important to me too."

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Clara is a bit surprised. Not that Blue is here, but, well, a friendly invitation is, these days, a bit odd to her. Still, she is able to get used to it.

    She's wearing another of her new outfits. It's her not working looking. Pink sweatpants with black text (she apparently hit Victoria's Secret) and a black sweater top with pink text. If not for her fidgeting and uncertain posture, she'd look like she stepped out of a catalog.

    "Oh, hi! Um, thank you!" She steps in quickly. She is holding her usual briefcase of paper. For... well, reasons!

    "Thank you. I am happy you are here!" Deep breath, smile. For a moment she clutches her sweatshirt tightly, trying to still her hands. Then she relaxes. They continue their restless work, but she pointedly does not look down at them.

    "You umm, are you having a good day? Would you like me to cook some dinner?" She smiles more confidently. Her hands calm down at the very idea of having something to keep them busy.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
There is one visible change in Blue since Clara last saw her, a two inch wide dyed streak of, well, blue color in her hair at her right temple. She also appears pretty relaxed and happy to see Clara. "You look great. How are you doing?" She asks.

Blue tilts her head and considers the question, for a moment the woman looks embarrased. "I know I should be asking you that question but I can't cook. If you don't want charred bits or food poisoning or both.. well, it'd be great if you felt like cooking. Or I can go grab some takeout from down the street."

Then Blue smiles and the ever present piercing stare from her unusual eyes softens. "I am having a good day. Can't remember the last time I just sat around lazing about and relaxing like this."

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Clara does notice. She has a remarkable memory. She tries not to stare, though. She is of course fascinated by this color. Her eyes focus on Blue's carefully. Not staring.

    "I am doing pretty well, Blue. Work has been good. I am told I am doing my job well. And I have the right to stay in the country now. I am happy about that. My mother and I made up. I had a night terror and, well, she was there just as she always has been. I don't want to push her away. I, umm, I love her and yes she hid things from me. But she kept me close. I want to focus on that."

    A pause follows. "I really like your hair. Blue is one of my favorite colors." She laughs softly. "And it truly suits you."

    She will look over towards the kitchen. "I'd love to cook! I'm not sure what Ted has, but I brought.." She pauses and looks down. "Oh."

    She has to open the door again and fetch a bag of groceries. "Sorry! I bought some rib eyes. And Japanese sweet potatos. They are my favorite. Plus some cole slaw. The creamy kind. I like it. I'd usually make it, but I figured we could keep things simple! Oh. Is that good?"

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue has mixed feelings about that. Ted filled her in on the situation with Clara's mother. "Thanks." Blue smiles and tocuhes her hair with a slightly blush of pleasure coloring her cheeks. "I figured it would go good with the eyes and Teddy likes it." She's made up her mind that it's none of her business for now so she just nods at Clara. "I'm glad things are going well for you there. It was a tough situation. If you need Ted or even me, we're here for you." Gods help that woman if she hurts Clara further because Blue surely will not.

The woman's eyes widen as Clara describes what she brought. "That sounds amazing." She looks pretty impressed. "The last time I tried to nuke a potato, it ended with Morgan chasing me for three blocks, throwing out the microwave and making me swear I wouldn't touch the new one without supervision." Blue says sheepishly.

Clara Jennings has posed:
    "It's a very pretty choice. The blue, that is! I'm sure he will like it a lot." Clara is already heading to the kitchen. There's a kind of silent desperation to keep her hands busy. She's doing okay so far. Blue has been very kind to ignore Clara's fidgeting. If only Clara was so good at ignoring it herself.

    "Things are going well. I did umm, well I slapped her a few times. I was very angry. But she also told me the story. I am afraid for her. The director may try to harm her. I... will not allow that." It is rare for Clara's tone to sound so dangerous, but it does. The paper receipt in the bag of groceries reacts as well, stretching to a form like a dagger. It lasts only a moment, though.

    "Oh! Oops. Sorry! I just, umm... trouble with the old job, you know." Nervous laugh. She focuses on gathering what she needs. A good frying pan, salt, pepper, etc.

    "It will take a little while," she admits. "The potatos are best if baked. I figure we add a little butter and cinnamon and they will be perfect. Oh, and no problem at all with cooking. If you want to learn, I'd be happy to help. And microwaves... well they are bad things anyway! Very loud and beepy things. I don't like them very much."

    She does /not/ fidget when cooking. In fact, she's relaxed. "So you mentioned not being used to relaxing. I hope you can do that more often. It's good to take a break."

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
She's good at reading people, Blue is. Clara doesn't want her fidgeting noticed and so it won't be. "Hehe." Blue chortles when Clara mentions slapping her mother. She listens quietly otherwise, nodding her head in understanding when Clara's tone turns dangerous. "That one will be in for a surprise if they come for you or her." She promises and then smiles, ignoring the paper dagger as well. "No worries, honey."

"Its less a matter of wanting to learn and more.. I really don't enjoy cooking. It takes patience which I have a limited supply of and which is better focused on the things that do interest me. I get bored and wander off far to often to be any good at it anyway.. but thank you."

Coyotes don't cook their food afterall and neither does Blue. She either hunts and eats as her otherself or relies on takeout, ready made meals and snacks or other people to feed her. She isn't picky about what she eats either.

"It's nice. I just tend to keep busy most of the time. It works out better that way. Bored me gets into extra trouble. For some reason it's easier to relax here." Despite the fact Gotham isn't her favorite place. Being surrounded by Ted's things and his scent, it comforts her on a level she isn't used to being on.

Clara Jennings has posed:
    "I appreciate it. I may need help. It is hard to feel safe. I just take comfort in the ocean that separates us from London. I was born there, but, well. Out of sight, hopefully out of mind. For now." She does have the London accent to go with that.

    "Oh, and that is quite good. I am happy to cook for you whenever I am around. I enjoy it. I feel happy doing things for others. And I can relax when I'm busy."

    Her stammering even fades away. When Blue talks about extra trouble, Clara giggles! "I do a lot of that, too. Fortunately Mr. Kord keeps me very busy with fun things to do. Like setting up a knowledge library!" Her ideas of fun are very unusual, clearly. "And I have good friends there. His robots are very nice." She probably has met people, too. Maybe.

    She is incredibly efficient in the kitchen. Everything is precide. She has set the steak out to rest while the potatos bake away. These are good steaks. She is paid well, so might as well enjoy it!

    "Should we watch a movie?" she asks suddenly. "Or play a game?" Does Ted even have games? She has no idea.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
"Thank you, Clara. I enjoy having good cooked meals." Blue smiles. Despite how long often she's been staying here and how many times Ted's cooked for her, the Native women doesn't even reliably remember where the glasses are. He caught her drinking straight from the tap just this morning, which led to some teasing, which led to some fake fighting and then making up and then..." Blue grins in satisfaction. Yeah, it was a very good morning indeed.

"Uhh." Blue looks around. "A movie I think. I know where those are at least." She laughs softly. Besides, she can get competitive at games if they are interesting enough to play and if they aren't then she comes up with ways to cheat to amuse herself and.. yeah a movie would be best.

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Clara probably would get confused by cheating and not even understand what was happening. So movie it is! She is staying busy with the kitchen, but for now, at least, she can only wait. No use in heating up steak when other things are not ready.

    "And any movie is fine, really. I will probably just talk to you anyway! I like the sound. It helps me relax." She is fetching glasses. So there will be no drinking from the tap.

    "What kind of work do you do, Blue? Is it fun for you, I hope?"

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue sorts through Ted's movies and finally just picks one at random and pops it on. Something with John Wayne. "I work as a bartender and bouncer some weekends. Just to keep an ear for interesting news and have contact with people. Now that I'm seeing Ted, that is less important. Most of my contacts for my other job know me well enough to meet wherever now. My real job is as a private investigator. I take cases where people can't or won't go to the authorities or those authorities have failed them in some way. It's good work that lets me use my instincts and skills to help people." Something she takes a fair amount of pride in.

"It's not easy but it's challenging and that's important for something like me." Blue admits. "Parts of it are certainly fun. Others, not so much but I love what I'm doing right now."

Clara Jennings has posed:
    "So... you are good at finding people, then?" asks Clara. She will settle down to watch. Of course it is John Wayne! Ted would like the Duke. Her eyes do not stay on the screen long. She focuses more on Blue.

    "That sounds like an interesting job. Is it pretty dangerous, too?" She is fidgeting, but less than before. It takes time for Clara to be confident that her hands are mot bothering someone. Blue has her at that point. It lets her relax and just, quite simply, let her hands do all the weird, distracting stuff they always do. Getting in trouble, like Blue had said.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
"Yes. I'm very good at finding people. Always have been." There are a few things that remain the same throughout all her lives thus far and her natural and native instincts and skills are one of them. "It can be dangerous but then so can I." Blue grins sharply. "It makes it more fun for me."

She loves the thrill of the hunt, the stalking of her prey and then the catching and battle to follow. The sweet taste of victory if she wins. The bitter taste of loss and potential pain of death if she doesn't. Blue is definitely a predator at heart, in both her forms. Hunting is what she was born to do. At least in part. A rather large part. That she's managed to turn that into something that does more good than harm might be surprising. Especially to anyone out there who might have known her through the centuries. She is like many, more than the sum of all her parts.

"I'm an adrenaline junky sometimes." Blue laughs softly. Mild way to put it that, but perhaps the easiest way to explain. "When you're as old as I am you gotta get your jollies where ya can, y'know?" She grins.

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Clara nods thoughtfully. She understand the joy of going things well. She probably has no idea just how Blue works, though! For that matter, Clara is unsure how much Ted has talked about what she can do.

    "I think Corben is like that. I mean to say he craves excitement. I try to keep things interesting at home for him." She pauses and blushes brightly. There is a long pause, and her hands fumble rather wildly.

    "Old as you are?" asks the young woman. "You do not seem all that old to me! But regardless, I think you are very kind."

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue manages not to chuckle aloud at Clara's blush. The girl is adorable. "I know I look like a woman in her twenties or maybe just reaching thirty but my soul is much older. I'm at least a thousand years old or near it, as far as I can tell. When I take a fatal wound, I fall into a death-like coma until I regenerate from it. If the wound is catastrophic then I come back in an entirely new body. Sometimes a woman, sometimes a man, always from one of the First Nations. I have some bits of knowledge and memories that are far older than that even. It's all mixed up in bits and pieces of hundreds of different lives though."

Blue sighs a bit. "My mind is very.. fractured. There's so much I don't remember, or that I might have made up to fill in the holes. I know I've been in this body for ten years. I know my life before this one I worked as an assassin that hunted the very worst of humanity for money. I know that in WW2 I was a man named Johnny Pale Eyes and that is where I first met Ted. Beyond that.. things are very confusing and for the most part I try to just live in the moment." Lately she's actually started to maybe consider planning for a future even.

"It was such a surprise to find Ted again after all this time. A good surprise though, one that's working out very well for the both of us. We were kind of lost, two exact sides of the same coin but now we're together and the coin is balanced."

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Clara is still struggling a bit with blushing. The problem with embarrassing thoughts is they tend to linger. But perhaps she can ask for some tips later?

    "So you have seen so many things you cannot even keep track, then." That she just accepts this is, well, how she is. "So you and Ted were together before." A pause, "Were you like you are now back then, too? It is like star-crossed lovers."

    She is a romantic at heart. "I have never seen him so happy. I think you are softening him a bit. Making him more gentle." Clara grins nervously. "He kinda threw me out for a while. Cause I was a bad person."

    She looks to the movie again, tilting her head. "That gun is not from the proper time period." She then looks back. "My work caused problems. So I quit. But I thought Daddy Ted would never let me come home again."

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue smiles sadly. "No. We were friends back then. Brothers in arms. I woulda died for him and he for me but we weren't lovers. He's not drawn to men and in that time and that place, it was a very forbidden and dangerous thing to love another man or woman if you were of the same sex. So I would never have told him how I felt. He only recently realized. We talked about it some."

She's made a lot of preparations in case of her death, if she comes back as a man. She intends to find her reason for being so, accomplish her, or rather his goal and then kill herself so she can return as a woman rather than subject Ted to trying to accept something he wasn't made for. Blue only hinted at that though, not wanting to worry Ted.

"I suppose it could be something like that though, star crossed lovers, eh? A new friend of mind was wondering about reincarnation. He suggested that perhaps Ted and I were always meant to be and I just kept going along until I finally found a time and place where we fit together. I'm not so sure.. I don't know I want to believe in fate like that. What I do know is I love him, very much and without that new friend's perspective I'dve never opened myself up to the possiblity of being with someone again. I'm happier than I've been in decades."

Blue frowns. Ted hasn't mentioned to her what happened with Clara. "What do you mean, a bad person?" She can't guess what might have happened. "Parents, good ones, they always love their children Clara. They might get angry or disappointed and need a moment but when it counts they will always be there for you." And she has no doubt that given the chance, and perhaps a bit of guidance, Ted would make an excellent father.

"Movies rarely get things like that right.. but he makes me softer too. I think we have a good effect on each other."

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Clara listens closely, forgetting the movie entirely. But not the meal. Her mind is telling her it's time to cook steak very soon. It has to all be /perfect/.

    "I think it is really important that you are happy together. It is easy to over-think things." She knows that, even as young as she is. "I am happy you found your way to each other. Daddy is just... he is special. He is important to me. I like seeing him smile."

    "Oh, yes, I um. I had a mission to get some books. But they were his, in some place from his past. He caught me. And left me a note. I hurt him."

    She... does not handle this topic well. She just starts to cry. But she goes on. "There are things wrong with me, Blue." She sees her hands then, flapping together like a wounded bird. It makes her more anxious, which just makes it all the worse. "I was so sad. So I ran away then. Ted was so hurt. He told me he... I was not his daughter."

    The young woman struggles to continue, but she tries to. To get it over with. "I did not have much paper, and there was some rain. I crashed in New York. It took me three days to reach Mr. Kord's business. I was a bit lost. But I survived." She will not explain how she stayed warm or what she ate. Blue can probably imagine.

    "Then I got my new job, and then Daddy Ted came to find me. And he said I could come back. That it was okay."

    Clearly she is not quite okay, though. The tears are worse. But she does not sob. In fact, other than sniffling, she is eerily steady in her crying.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
"Hey, hey." Blue is more than a little bewildered by this revelation. It doesn't track with her knowledge of Ted but she doesn't know the whole story. It's definitely something she'll be questioning him about. "Shh c'mere. I'm sorry I asked. I didn't realize.." Blue scoots close and wraps an arm around Clara. "I'm glad things worked out and I'm sorry for bringing it up."

It takes some effort on the Shoshone woman's part not to growl at Clara's distress. She really wants to bite someone or something. True loyalty can be hard to win, especially from someone with such a trickster's nature and such a not quite human set of morals. Once her loyalty is given though, Blue is loyal to a fault.

"I know you don't know me well enough to take it as a truth or even understand it but.. I will always be here for you. Whatever you need Clara. I promise." She doesn't believe that she's ever born a human child in any of her female incarnations but that doesn't mean she's never had children and her mothering instincts are strong. Her desire to have some true family in her life now is nearly just so.

Clara Jennings has posed:
    "I am very sorry that I hurt him, Blue. And I know he said it is okay, and that he's my Daddy again, but I feel like I need to do something to make it right."

    Clara is not great at most social skills, but when it comes to accepting comfort? That she can do. She simply hugs Blue. As Ted found out, she kind of imprints quickly on people who are kind to her. Even just a bit kind. Blue is showing far more than just a bit of kindness.

    "He has tried so hard to help me become strong. I hope he is not disappointed. Because umm, there are things I just cannot seem to fix. I cannot be normal."

    At least in the hug her hands finally grow still again. They have a place to belong. And honestly, she has a place to belong, too. Motherly instincts work very well with her.

    "Thank you, Blue." Inwardly, she wonders at something, but she will keep it hidden for now. If Ted is Daddy, and Blue and Ted are together... having two moms would be nice.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue kisses the tops of Clara's head. "Normal is over-rated. Normal people don't have the most fun, they aren't interesting, they have plain and boring, average lives. It's much better to be different, to be interesting, don't you think? And if people don't like that then they can go blow themselves and you are better off without them in your life." She informs Clara rather bluntly.

"I think you are a very special young woman and I am very much looking forward to seeing what you do with your life. I think you are amazing just the way you are." That being said, if ever Blue has the chance to wreak havoc on the people who made Clara... well, one gets creative over centuries of life and these days with all the things out there to help her know who her enemies are and what exactly they did to draw her ire if she dies.. she can just keep coming for them until she's satisfied.

Probably a good thing Clara can't read minds at the moment or see the predatory nature of Blue's gaze as she pretends to watch the movie. "If you think of something special you want to do for him, I'll help if I can."

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Blue's words calm her down quickly. Honestly just being held and having her head kissed does a lot of the work. Real affection is what she so desperately needs. Life stresses her out.

    "I... thank you, Blue. Truly. I umm, I struggle finding people who just accept me." She holds that hug out longer. It calms her down.

    "Oh, drat. I need to cook the food." She really hates to leave a hug, though. "Can we umm.. can we do this more after we eat?" It's a nervous, honest question.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
'Oh this poor dear sweet child.' Blue thinks. She understands more than most how desperately one can need physical affection, how badly one craves it when unable to receive it. Were it not for new adoptive nephew, the last few years of her life would have been very bleak indeed.

"Dinner is smelling great already and you haven't even put the meat on!" Blue attempts to lighten the mood. "And yes, of course we can. Never worry about that." Blue will move to sit in the kitchen while Clara cooks but its for the best she doesn't try to help and end up messing something up. "Too many people live tiny, narrow-minded lives.. so full of themselves and nothing and no one else. You won't ever need to worry about me accepting you, Clara."

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Clara laughs at the playful mention of food already smelling good. She does not quite realize that Blue would probably enjoy the raw meat. She will, however, get the food out of the oven and set it aside to cool down. Then it's time for the steak!

    "Oh, is medium okay, or do you like them a bit on the rare side?" She will not even mention well done. If someone wants to eat leather, she is quite sure Ted has some old boxing gloves around somewhere. Whatever the request, she is really getting good at it. And again, she can relax.

    "I really appreciate all this. Honestly. I ride the loop here, and the bus. It is not a long ride, but everyone stares at me. My hands, I mean. It makes me so nervous." Nervous Clara is kind of the common thing!

    "I will feel better now, though, even if they stare. This place is even better for me now. I have four places to be safe. Work, Corben's place, here, and with my birth mother." The 'birth' part is a curious addition. In her mind she is already trying to find ways to explain two mothers to herself.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
"Rare is good." Blue smiles. She frowns a little at Clara's mention of people staring at her. "Well. Those people just don't have any manners. There's nothing wrong with your hands." She attempts to reassure Clara but truly doesn't find a problem with the fidgeting.

"I'm glad you'll feel better. That shouldn't be something you have to worry about." It takes Blue a few moments but she's good at reading people and it isn't all that hard to guess where Clara's thoughts are going when the young woman says 'birth mother.' Well. Blue has zero intentions of leaving Ted. Like, she's wondering how soon is too soon to pop the question, ya know? So..

After considering the matter just a minute more, Blue nods to herself. "I haven't really told Ted about him yet, there hasn't been time but my nephew sort of adopted me. He was adopted by a man that lived on my street before he died. When Morgan lost his father, he lost his mother too. She was and is still too wound up in her own grief to remember she has a son and I think he reminded her too much of how important and special he was to her husband. I think she blamed Morgan partly for his father's death, no matter how wrongly."

Blue sighs before continuing.."So he and I have been taking care of each other the past seven years. If you want to adopt me too, I'd really like that. I miss being a mom and I know you have one already but I could be.. I dunno, your back-up mom. Maybe one day, your stepmom." She winks at Clara and grins. "That part is a secret for now though. I'm not sure Ted is ready for that or if he'd even want to get married."

Clara Jennings has posed:
    "I try not to, but I do not like disturbing others, and then I worry, and I have problems with worrying." Clara's anxiety has a few ways to get the best of her. This place, though, is a safe house for her. She can just be who and what she is. That is the most important thing.

    She works neatly. "I think next time I will bring more vegetables. And maybe some fruit. I really wish I had brought dessert. Lately I have developed a sweet tooth." Her birth mother, having now told the director to go to hell, is so much less strict. "I like key lime pie. And strawberries with whipped cream. Corben likes those, too." And there is that blush again. She is definitely not little miss innocent over there.

    When the offer is made to be adopted, though? She very carefully sets aside the steak to rest, turns off the gas, and hugs Blue tight.

    "Welcome home, Mommy," she says softly. Ted is Daddy, Blue is Mommy, Megan is mum, mother, birth mother, governess. The world is starting to make sense. And it is wonderful. "I do want it. I um, I get attached really fast."

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Oh. Oh. Blue swallows hard, those unusual two-toned eyes moistening with unshed tears. She works overtime to keep them from falling. "Me too, kiddo. Me too." Blue husks softly. She will do anything for Clara now. "Don't worry about the food." She finally manages a few moments later when she is sure her voice will be steady. "I will eat almost anything though I do like meat and I think there's a box of different tiny little bundt cakes from a bakery over there."

Blue frowns as she looks at the very end of the counter. "Uh." She removes a pair of jeans and unearths the box, tossing the jeans aside with an amused glance. No wonder she couldn't find them in the bedroom earlier. "Yeah here we go. Different little cakes. I have a sweet tooth too."

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Clara is emotional in her own way. Not crying yet, but close. Her voice grows a little softer. She sounds more like a child. Her posture is more relaxed. The fidget of her right hand seems to leave the left to play with her hair from time to time.

    But for now, she has work to do. And the food is set. She does not have a lot for the plates, admittedly, but she makes it look quite good. The cole slaw, though. She puts that in a separate bowl for each of them. She does not like it when cold things touch hot things. Unless hot fudge is involved. But that's magical.

    The pants are not noticed much. She is always cleaning up after Teddy! The cakes, though, these she likes. "I wonder if Daddy would get mad if we ate by the television." She grins playfully. "I usually do a lot of cleaning, so I think it is okay, right?" Plus, well, mommy's permission lets her do whatever, right?

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
"I think it's just fine." Blue easily juggles the plates and glasses and then cakes into the living room and sets them in front of the tv. "We can have our dinner while we finish the movie and then maybe you can pick the next one." She smiles at Clara.

"Thank you again, honey. This smells wonderful. Much better than the place I was going to order in from. I'm 99 percent certain there was actual cat in the last batch of food from there." She did not mention that to Ted and he's probably still wondering why she wouldn't let him eat that box of rice. This is shaping up to be a wonderful end to a good day and Blue can't wait to tell Ted all about it. "I'm very glad you came over Clara." Blue settles back with her plate on her lap and one arm around Clara, her attention divided between the meal, the company and the movie. Yum!

Clara Jennings has posed:
    They do finish the meal and the movie. After the dishes are cleaned, Clara will pick her favorite. It's not one of Ted's. She likes Breakfast at Tiffany's. Audry Hepburn is a favorite of hers, it seems.

    She brings more than the movie out of her room, though. She brings her blanket and pillows. This has become a 'crash on the couch' kind of night, it seems. Complete with her ridiculously cute pajamas with the pink axolotls and the big red panda slippers.

    Clara does not last through the whole movie. She feels too safe, too relaxed. Soon she's asleep with her head on Blue's shoulder. In rest is one of the few times her face looks completely at peace, but tonight? She already had that peaceful expression before she dozed off.