17760/Blue, White, and Blue
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Blue, White, and Blue | |
Date of Scene: | 24 April 2024 |
Location: | City Center - Metropolis |
Synopsis: | No description |
Cast of Characters: | Courtney Whitmore, Jaime Reyes
- Courtney Whitmore has posed:
The alarm in the jewelry store has been going off for about a minute, and the Metropolis PD are still tied up with a pro and anti-mutant demonstration a few blocks away, meaning that it could be a field day for the crooks raiding the drawers within the shop.
Except it is not quite the field day that they were expecting. The Star Spangled Kid had shown up, and while she was not exactly the most well known or forceful of heroes, she was certainly slowing down the thieves as the alarms seemed destined to someone somewhat more...capable?
- Jaime Reyes has posed:
He may not be more capable but he's certainly nearby and that's BLUE BEETLE. But before that, let's just take a quick glance at before the alarm went off.
"Si, mama. I'll be right there! Just wanna' hit the food truck on the way--" Jaime Reyes is on his phone while skateboarding through some people. He takes a corner and the alarms wail. He's thrown off his skateboard as his body is covered with his BLUE BEETLE costume.
"Khaji did you just hang up on my mom?"
<There is crime.>
"Yes! And there's gonna' be a bigger crime when I get home thanks to you! MURDER!"
<I will protect you.>
"You'll try!"
Anyway, Khaji Da launches Blue Beetle into the air and sends him soaring in the direction of the jewelry store robbery that's in full effect. "Need some back up?" is asked quite quickly as his hands become blaster cannons and he fires off some shots at the thieves.
"... Wait, you're set to stun, right, Khaji?"
<Sadly, yes.>