17940/Laundry Time - Again

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Laundry Time - Again
Date of Scene: 14 May 2024
Location: Laundry Room
Synopsis: Another laundry day and discovering that Paige is moving out of the mansion. Just catching up with life.
Cast of Characters: Alex Summers, Paige Guthrie

Alex Summers has posed:
Alex enters the laundry room with his oversized canvas bag full of dirty laundry slung over his right shoulder. He's currently dressed in jean shorts because he's always teased about wearing them - so he owns them. Even having cargo pockets in the short pant legs. He also wears a flowery hawaiian shirt. On his feet are sneakers of white and blue and short socks covering his feet, barely peeking over the ankles. He turns when he enters the room and plops his bag atop one of the washing machines and will glance around the room to observe if he's alone.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige was already in the laundry room. She finished one of her loads and was folding them when he entered, while her second load was finally drying. Or at least, it had to go through the dryer once more. For her part, she's dressed simply in a pair of jeans and an Xavier's t-shirt as she whistles amerry tune.

When he walks in, her brows raise a little at the jorts as she squints. "You're going for a retro look, huh."

Alex Summers has posed:
Alex smiles as he sees the familiar face and hears the subtle jab. His thick blonde hair is also rocking the 90s muss. He says, "et tu, Paige?" with a broadening grin. Essentially asking if she's jumping on the tease Alex about his 'look' bandwagon. Then adds with a curious tone, "What's new, Paige?" then he glances to her laundry and back to his as he opens the bag and starts dropping items into the machine.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Laundry!" she beams brightly, motioning towards that growing pile of folded clothes. "Since I graduated, I don't want to mooch of Xavier's anymore, so I'm mooching off X-Corp with Ruth. We got a nice apartment in the city, the kind that two broke girls should really not be able to afford. You should come check it out sometime. I'm sure we'll have a housewarming."

Alex Summers has posed:
He closes the lid and moves to the next machine to continue emptying his bag. He queries, "No kidding? I thought the school motto was 'mooch off Xaviers as long as you can'. But really, that's totally cool. For whatever reason I thought you were in one of the teams here. Guess I was thinking wrong. But, X-Corp, huh? It looks promising as a group. Lots of potential outreach there."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"I'm not part of it. I think Ruth is though, and she wanted a roommate so..." It naturally fell into place. "I would probably stay longer if there wasn't the opportunity, but you know, I feel like a bird needs to spread her wings, right?" Paige says matter of factly.

Alex Summers has posed:
"Oh that makes it cooler. It'll give you time to bake cookies and cupcakes to sell in the back window of the base. Make a little extra money on the side. I also imagine that too many Guthries in one place makes it a bit uncomfortable. Too much oversight from brothers." He closes that lid and then pushes the cycles on both machines before turning back to face Paige.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"If only I was a baker. But I could always follow directions of some Dunkin Hines!" Paige says with a silly grin curling onto her lips at the mention of baking. "And Sam has his own place in Mutanttown I think. He might need someone to watch over him since things happened." she says with a bit of a frown.

Alex Summers has posed:
He offers a smile when Dunkin Hines is mentioned and he slightly shakes his head. And he never really keeps up with people and where they live. He's simply at the mansion and teaching here and there between research.

Alex doesn't seem familiar with things happening and he reluctantly asks, "Things? Is he okay?"

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Just had a breakup, so the best way to get over someone is to be under someone else." Paige says rather matter of factly, before her cheeks flush a tinge of pink ."At least, or so they say."

Alex Summers has posed:
There's a second of concern before Alex laughs and shakes his head, "Okay, so I'm totally not denying that. But I'm totally not repeating it. Hang on though. Wasn't he dating that girl from the Shi'ar Imperial Guard?"

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"The key word is /WAS/." she says rather matter of factly. "Something something going back into space versus being a NYPD beat cop." Paige continues with wishy washy hand motions. "I told him it would be cool if he was a space cop but he's still a down home country boy I think."

Alex Summers has posed:
Alex nods knowingly, or at least agreeingly because he can totally imagine the troubles of life. He states, "I'm not sure I could handle being a space cop. Not enough rocks. But anyway.... when you moving and when you having the house warming?"

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"I have to discuss with Ruth when the house warming is, but moving is ASAP. As soon as I'm finished packing. I think Ruth just signed the lease today!" she chirps, sounding rather excited at the fact to finally free her wings away from the shadow of big brother.

Alex Summers has posed:
"Cool, I'll bring you a plant or something." He grins and pushes off the washing machine, glances back at the hour of time it's got left over to finish the cycle and then looks back to Paige. "Text me your address. I know you've got my number in your X-Phone. Lemmie know details." He then moves toward the door as he adds, "Good to see you again, Paige. I'll miss havin you around here. But glad you're doing something aside from hanging out."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Looking up the address she received from Ruth, she forwards the message to Alex on her xPhone. After a few taps of the buttons, she smiles brightly. "I'm sure I'll see you around more. Have a good rest of the day!" she says, as she goes back to finishing folding all that laundry she's had to the side.