18055/Sharing is Caring
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Sharing is Caring | |
Date of Scene: | 25 May 2024 |
Location: | Hot Dumpling Restaurant |
Synopsis: | Sara takes a trip to Gotham to warn Dick Grayson about the vampire queen in Gotham and get permission for the JLD to investigate her. |
Cast of Characters: | Sara Pezzini, Dick Grayson
- Sara Pezzini has posed:
Gotham wasn't Sara's usual scene, in fact she tended to avoid it entirely due to a warning from Batman a couple of years ago. However, for once she had a damn good reason for calling Dick Grayson and asking him to meet her at the Dumpling place.
Arriving early, she got a table and a cup of tea, and settled in to wait for Dick to arrive. She perused the menu, listened to DPD's radio, and acted like she belonged there.
- Dick Grayson has posed:
Not too long after Sara's arrival, Dick steps inside, eyes scanning across the room, almost unconsciously looking for threats before heading over to Sara's table. He waves to the old lady at the counter who smiles and breaks into a torrent of Mandarin, to which he replies in the same language. He sits down at Sara's table.
"Hey there, been a while. You picked a good meeting place, my whole family loves the dumplings here." He relaxes back into his seat as the waiter brings over a cup of tea for him as well. He thanks the waiter in Mandarin, then turns back to Sars. "So, how's the Big Apple been treating you?"
- Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sliding the menu across the table toward the empty chair he will claim, a smile spreads across Sara's face. It had been a while since she saw him... the one that got away.
"You're looking good Dick," she comments, tapping the menu. "I heard about this place from a friend, figured I would give it a try and by a friend dinner."
She glances around the room, getting a feel for who was close and how low her voice would need to be.
"Once you order, for both of us, I have something I need to tell you," she states just quiet enough so as not to be over heard.
- Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick raises an eyebrow, but nods and motions to the waiter. A quick order in Mandarin and the man heads for the kitchen. "Ok, foods on the way. From your manner, I take it this is something we don't want overheard? Should we perhaps have met someone more private then?" He looks around, gauging the distance to other inhabited tables.
"I think we'll be ok here as long as we keep our voices down. These folks tend to not stick their noses in other people's business, a result I fear of far too many criminals on the streets despite our best efforts."
- Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara chuckles softly, taking a sip of her tea before she says, "I considered somewhere more private, but... I was hungry." She shrugs slightly, still keeping her voice low.
"Most people who might overhear us would think we're insane," she continues, leaning forward slightly. "The Justice League Dark has confirmed that there is a Queen Vampire in Gotham, attacking and turning your citizens. At least one of our members has encountered her already, and for reasons we don't know, let him go."
- Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick nods, keeping his voice low. "Ok, yeah, that's fairly important. Was your person able to describe her, any details that would help us pick her out. I mean, when she's not latched on to somebody's neck, that sort of thing is a dead giveaway." He doesn't seem to be questioning the possibility at all. Of course, this is also the man who dealt with a den of werewolves a couple years ago, so vampires aren't that much of a stretch.
"Any info you can share will be greatly appreciated, this is obviously something that needs to be dealt with as quickly as possible." He pauses as the waiter comes over with a platter of dumplings, two plates and chopsticks. With everything put down neatly, he heads off to care for other tables.
- Sara Pezzini has posed:
Reaching into her jacket, Sara pulls out a leather bound notebook, nothing special about it really. Opening it, he can see a hand drawn picture on the first page, it's not perfect but it's more than enough to get the idea. She tears the page out and slides it to him.
"This is his sketch, and right now all we have," she turns the page over and on the back are written her height, hair color, guess at weight, eye color and the various attacks she used on or near him.
"Dick, this is something the Justice League Dark needs to handle," she then says bluntly. "This is what we do, this is /our/ area of expertise. I can tell you UV lights work, holy water will do damage, but the truth? Keep away from her if you can, and keep your family away."
- Dick Grayson has posed:
Taking up the page, he glances at it, nods and folds it neatly, tucking it into an inside pocket of his jacket. "Thanks Sara. And while I don't think we'd be quite as overwhelmed by the situation as you think, it's always better to let the experts deal with such things." He takes a moment to pick up a dumpling, dip it in one of the sauces and eat it. "Sorry, didn't have time for food yet today."
"Anyway, I'll make it official - The JLD is hereby invited to operate in Gotham in the search for this vampire. I'll square it with Batman, this isn't something in our normal wheelhouse. He might not like it, but the fact that you're part of the League will make it a little easier on him."
- Sara Pezzini has posed:
One of the dumplings disappears into Sara's mouth while Dick is talking, and she nods right along with his comment about not getting to eat. She hadn't either, which is why she'd decided to talk over food.
"Some vampires can be overwhelmingly powerful," she says once she has swallowed. "And since this one is making her own army, my gut is telling me that your family needs to stand back on this one. I'm just worried because of the warning I was given by Batman, but if you'll square that, we should be good."
- Dick Grayson has posed:
"I'll put the word out among the family to be a little more careful than normal, but we can't stay home just because something like this is going on. Cause the criminals don't take breaks when something dangerous is around." He shrugs, "If I can handle Circe and the Greek underworld, I think I can manage to at least stay unbitten here. Though I will be stocking up on some holy water and stakes. Maybe I can convince Alfred to go heavy on the garlic for the next couple weeks, kind of do a built in vampire repellant kind of thing."
- Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara stares at Dick for a moment, imagining him in costume with stakes, vials of holy water and now a wreath of garlic around his neck. This makes her chuckle, a lot.
"If I learn anything more about her, I'll send you a text message," she chuckles out. "But don't rely on all the legends for ways to harm her, she could be made of different stuff... now, eat up. I still have paperwork to do, and have to send out the call to the JLD."
- Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick nods, "Thanks, I appreciate the warning. Given how the family tends to stay spread out, we're usually pretty isolated which sounds like a bad idea on the streets at night with this kind of thing going around. Ok, think that's about all we can do for now so what says we finish off our dinner and catch up a little before we have to return to our respective mean streets?"
He takes up another dumpling, and for the next half hour or so the two eat and share recent stories of the strangeness they've dealt with in the past year.