18289/It happened on the Way to the Safehouse
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It happened on the Way to the Safehouse | |
Date of Scene: | 12 June 2024 |
Location: | Somewhere in New York City |
Synopsis: | Mary comes to see her latest Vampire and encourages her to go for her first meal. |
Cast of Characters: | Candace Hill, Mary Seward
- Candace Hill has posed:
The call had ended about two hours ago. The sun had set and the cool of the evening was settling in. The moon glowed bright in the sky. It felt like something that was new to the newly made Vampire. Candace is flying through the air with the greatest of ease. Its one of the powers she had before becoming a vampire. She happily sails through the air weaving between buildings. Part of her wants to stop at the Kord Enterprises building and pick up her suit but that would mean answering questions. Questions she isn't ready to explain.
So she just starts flying toward the safehouse. Its times like this she is thankful for her driving experience. She can identify the streets below her by their shape though it is a bit awkward. She knows the city from the bottom up, not the top down. So she takes it slow, making certain not to get lost.
- Mary Seward has posed:
From beside Candace, the sound of wings flapping goes off. Very loudly flapping. Not like birds wings. Like something else.
A look to the side would show just what. Bat wings. Big ones. One look to the side, and she'd see a familiar, and very pale face.
"...What's up?"
- Candace Hill has posed:
Candace eeps! She quickly comes to a stop mid air. She looks at the woman with the bat wings. "You! What did you do to me! I... I'm a Vampire!"
The girl is panicked. She is definitely pale and her stomach is growling. "I don't want to suck blood!" She whines as she tries to piece together what in the world she is supposed to do. "How did this happen to you?" She asks curiously as she just hovers there. "I umm don't need wings to fly..." She blushes a little bit which is very difficult since she doesn't exactly have a lot of blood in her system still.
- Mary Seward has posed:
"My boyfriend did it to me, believe it or not." She sighs. "...Well, ex-boyfriend, but you know."
She smiles. "...Blood's pretty good. You should try it. You probably haven't tried it yet haven't you?" She raises an eyebrow.
"...Right. I knew something was up with you. No offense. Tasted it in your blood...Are you a mutant? Cause I'm not supposed to drink mutants, I've got a thing with the brotherhood."
- Candace Hill has posed:
"I see. I understand. Nice of him." Candace comments as she continues floating. "Did you take him out or was it someone else?" She asks curiously.
She shutters at the thought. "No. I've not tried blood yet. I don't really want to. Nothing against you or anything. I just am worried about hurting people."
She shakes her head, "I'm not a mutant. I'm something else. I don't know what. I was tested for the X gene and the meta gene. I don't have either. I'm pretty sure I'm not an alien either but the jury is still out on that." She laughs nervously.
- Mary Seward has posed:
"Oh, man, I wish. I wish he got taken out, but no. He's probably just somewhere angsting over me. What a jackass." She flies a little closer to Candace.
"Hurting people? People suck though.I'm sure there are plenty people who'd want to take a swing at you if they find out you've got powers."
- Candace Hill has posed:
Candace laughs, "Maybe we should track him down and take care of him?" She confidently states. "Right now I can't use much in the way of my normal powers cause I can't be in the sunlight. Kind of a problem if you ask me."
"I have taken great care not to hurt people because of what I am capable of. Even my flight can cause serious problems. That alone got a fine for my boss when we were testing how fast I can go." She laughs. "Sonic boom over Manhattan is a bad idea!" She laughs. "Honestly though, I know people can suck but they are often misguided and often taught to be like that. I want to show people that powered people aren't as dangerous as they think."
- Mary Seward has posed:
"That is the lamest thing I've ever heard." She laughs.
"They don't care if you're actually dangerous or not. They just care that you're different at all. Showing them that you're peaceful just means they've got a fighting chance...."
"...Come on, you must be starving right now. It's your right to eat. Go ahead and at least try some blood."
- Candace Hill has posed:
Candace winces and frowns. "Why is it so lame? I was dangerous before... this. Now I'm even more dangerous."
She frowns, "I get that. And even if they attacked I would be careful not to use my powers on them because I have no idea what they would do. I've only ever used them on some drones. They got exploded." She shrugs. "It was an adventure to be sure."
And then there is the temptation. She was hungry, without a doubt. God was she hungry. Her will however was holding strong, stronger than her stomach at least. "I don't want to. I really don't want to right now. I want to wait." She states hoping she doesn't get pressured further.
- Mary Seward has posed:
"To wait is to starve." She smirks.
"Just once. Just try it...then decide fi you don't want to do it again...That can be an adventure of its own."
She waves her hands.
- Candace Hill has posed:
"It takes longer than one day to starve. Its only been a day. I can hold out longer than this." She is showing a lot of strength surprisingly but even that is wavering.
"Just once couldn't be that bad..." She looks longingly down at a few pedestrians that happen to be walking along. "No... I can't do it. Don't you understand that I really can't?" She frowns.
- Mary Seward has posed:
"You can. You just don't want to admit it. Clinging too much to this all lives are precious shit..." She scoffs.
"How many of them down there do you think would regard you the same way?...You're an activist, right? You know the worst of mankind..."
- Candace Hill has posed:
"Life is precious. All life is. Even unlife or undeath I guess." Candace comments as she tries to defend her position.
"Yes. Yes I am. I have spent many days fighting this very fight. I have seen the worst of people but I've also seen some of the best. I gotta hope for the best otherwise I will go mad!"
- Mary Seward has posed:
"Denying what you are, is mad." She shakes her head.
"...You can say all this cause you haven't lived over four hundred years...You haven't seen these pigs get worse and worse....You don't want to believe it cause you want to think you're one of them. But you never were. You never will be...You're just better instead. Flaunt it. Live it. Trust me."
- Candace Hill has posed:
"I may be a Vampire but I am still Human." She pauses and looks at Mary. "I think? I don't know if I am human or what I was before I became a vampire. So I just gotta say I am humanish?" She shrugs.
"Give me a few days. Please I am not ready to do this. I can't imagine taking another life just to feed myself. You are right, I haven't lived for four hundred years. I've only lived for twenty years and for those years I've seen a lot of good and a lot of bad. It hasn't all been bad. There are good people out there. I know it. I have seen them and protested beside them."
- Mary Seward has posed:
"Well, if you like those guys so much, then don't eat em."
"...Is this what you fight for? Hiding your true self? Denial? I gave you a gift cause I thought you got it. That you got me...Was I wrong? Are you not a real freedom fighter? Are you not worthy of the cause?"
- Candace Hill has posed:
"Thats fair. I don't want to think about it like eating people." She shutters at the thought.
"Look, its been four hundred years for you but only twenty four hours for me. The idea of taking a life is still very wrong in my mind. I fight to make the world a better place. That is my goal." She blinks a few times and looks at Mary. "Give me 24 hours to adjust to this and then I will give you my answer."
- Mary Seward has posed:
"..So do I. So do I..." She sighs.
"You'll see it my way soon...Go for a night on the town, and see for yourself.." She smiles.
"You'll agree with me. I'll know...we're connected now. I'll be watching you."