18300/Picnic by the Lake
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Picnic by the Lake | |
Date of Scene: | 20 June 2024 |
Location: | Breakstone Lake |
Synopsis: | A date by the lake takes a summery turn! |
Cast of Characters: | Amara Aquilla, Kurt Wagner
- Amara Aquilla has posed:
After their midnight meeting in the garden, Amara gets to planning out their date for the picnic by the lake! She's putting together foods they can both enjoy, including some from his native Germany (with the help of Google and cookbooks), and even some that are the modern equivalent to foods her people would eat. It becomes quickly apparent that the Roman's took food recipes and types from many of the other cultures they conquered at the time. There's flatbreads with goat cheese and peppers, fritattas, meatballs in sauce, fried anchovies, hazelnut custard with multiple types of bread. There's also rouladen, kartffelpuffer, sauerbraten, and a schwarzwalder kirschtorte. She's included a bottle of wine and a carafe of water, along with the needed dishware and utensils.
The day of the picnic, she dresses with care, a nice sundress in a light yellow with little white ruffles along the hem and straps with cute little sandals that have leather straps that wind around her calves. She leaves her hair down and just sweeps her bangs to the side, no makeup for the occasion, just freshly scrubbed tanned skin.
Making her way down to the lake to meet him, she spreads out a blanket and sets the admittedly large basket on it before taking a seat with the skirts spread around her as she gazes out over the lake. And that's precisely how Kurt will find her!
- Kurt Wagner has posed:
The height of summer might not yet have arrived. But the day is a lovely one. Not too hot, not too cold. The sun, high in a nearly cloudless sky, adds a touch of warmth and an exceeding pleasant glow to the afternoon. Certainly the nearby lake helps to contribute to that overall sense of pleasantness and warmth, the rippling waters seeming to catch every last sunbeam and reflect them back, turning that serene blue surface into something closer to a shining sea of silver, lapping up gently against the shore with that soothing melody.
In his defense, Kurt certainly offered to help with the food preparations. While perhaps not a gourmet cook he has been taking care of himself for quite some time and has become at least passingly handy in the kitchen. It probably helps a little that he has three functional limbs when one includes that oh so agile tail. Quite the advantage when it is time to prepare food.
It should come as no surprise that he is quite punctual in arriving for this little rendezvous given that for him it is just a matter of stepping between his room and their chosen spot at one end of the lake. A blink of an eye and *bamf*, he is suddenly there, just as she busies herself rolling out that blanket across the grass, just a little wild and on the long side. But all the more charming for it.
Clothes can be a little more tricky for the fuzzy blue elf but pants of a brilliant blue hue -- considerably lighter then the indigo fur that covers him -- and a red-button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up casually drape his athletic form. As he appears, he pauses for a moment to take her in there and sweeps a bow -- and grin her way before starting over. "Ahhh, even with my speedy transport it seems that you have beaten me to the punch!" he says, voice rich with warmth and humor. "At least I gain the benefit of having such a lovely sight upon my arrival."
- Amara Aquilla has posed:
Rising up at the 'bamf', Amara has a warm smile on her lips as she steps towards him. "Hello!" She curls one arm around his shoulders for a hug, but also brings one up to his cheek so she can place a soft kiss on his lips. At least intending to keep the greeting chaste, depending on if or how Kurt chooses to accept it, of course. When she pulls back, the warm smile remains as she murmurs, "I cheated. I showed up early to set up."
Taking his hand in hers, she draws him over to the blanket and moves to sit so they can enjoy a little bit of quiet gazing and chat. Canting her head to the side to glance sidelong at him, she smiles, "I'm glad that we get to have this time together. It always seems like there's something big and important going on, that we have to rush around and save this or that." She glances to the basket, then to him and her smile brightens a touch, "Would you like to see what I've come up with?"
- Kurt Wagner has posed:
Flashing that grin, teeth so very white against the backdrop of all that indigo fur, Kurt slips forward to meet her, those steps on his two-toed feet light as the longer strands of grass play up near where those pants meet his ankles. Barefoot, of course. Shoes and boots really aren't much of an option for the fuzzy blue elf all things considered, not that he seems to mind in the least. As she rises to meet him, moving to the edge of that blanket laid out in front of the shining lake, he is only too happy to slip an arm around her waist, to draw her in a little closer for a moment, lips grazing softly across her own. While their surely must be the temptation to let that fleeting kiss linger, but for now at least the big Bamf instead draws back and slips his hand into her own.
"So I see," Kurt says with that low laugh, sweeping that golden-eyed gaze over the blanket and basket, some of her preparations poking out of the wicker container. "And it looks like you went to quite a bit of trouble too," he adds appreciatively, giving her hand a squeeze before sinking down onto his knees, settling back on his heels as he peeks inside. "I would have been happy to help, just so you know," he adds wryly. "Though, I suppose it does give me a built in excuse to insist that you let me prepare dinner for you sometime soon, ja?" he suggests, yellow eyes glinting merrily under the afternoon sun.
Ever the opportunist, this particular fuzzy blue elf.
- Amara Aquilla has posed:
The temptation is indeed there, but they have the whole summer spread out before them for kisses and right now she wants to just spend time with him. Turning slightly as he goes through the basket, Amara smiles at him, "I know. But I wanted to surprise you this time. A little something from your home, and a little something from mine. I was unsure of an appropriate beer, there are so many to choose from, so I stuck to wine and water for ease of choice." There's an expression on her face that says she hopes he likes what she made, though she acknowledges that she's only really a middling cook.
"Oh, if you wish to surprise me with a dinner, I will absolutely be delighted. I do love the more modern sensibilities towards relationships here." Amara's smile brightens at his suggestion, then softens as she watches him. Leaning in, she brushes her lips across his cheek, then moves to withdraw the bottle of wine and carafe of water to better show all the foods within the basket. Setting them aside as she watches him, then busying herself with setting up the plates and utensils and glasses.
- Kurt Wagner has posed:
The slightly fuzzy blanket along with all that thick grass beneath makes for a suitably comfortable ground cushioning and Kurt continues to peek at the number of selections packed into the basket with growing appreciation. That she went to such trouble is rather touching and the when she rises up to brush that kiss across his cheek he finally pulls his gaze back from the basket and the treats within, to the much more tempting one so close by. Again that easy grin slides over Kurt's expression and when she moves to start laying out the various selections, he settles back onto the blanket, watching with an undeniable fondness.
"And surprise me you have. In the very best of ways," the fuzzy blue elf says with a grin. "I thnk, under the circumstances, wine and water are far more appropriate for our little afternoon together," he asserts, stretching out a little more and helping to arrange the dishes between them as she slips each out of that wicker case.
that agreement to dinner draws a sly smile from Kurt, and he claims one of her hands just long enough to brush those lips across the backs of her knuckles before letting it slip free. "Excellent! Our first true outting together has barely begun and I've already managed to get the promise of a second from you. This seems to be most promising," he teases with a low laugh, his tail snaking over to snag that bottle of wine, popping the corck and starting to pour each of them a glass.
- Amara Aquilla has posed:
She makes sure to settle the carafe carefully so it won't tip and spill, then carefully sets out plates and silverware. Glancing up with a smile, Amara is caught for a moment by the fondness on his face, returning it with the budding affection in her own. Blushing lightly, she turns to pull a few of the dishes out of the basket, things that may go well together, leaving the desserts for after, if only because savory before sweet tends to set up the palate a little better for the dessert course.
Glancing up at him, Amara grins back at him, then gives a nod. "I've found a glass of wine on a warm summer afternoon can be quite delightful. And it can turn a delightful afternoon into a wonderful evening." There seems to be a hint of offer in there, if he wants to extend the time together a little longer. She's made sure to clear her calendar completely for the date, not that she had many demands, but she did decline a few offers to go into town or into the city, stating she already had plans but that she would catch them the next time.
"What can I say? I've fallen under the spell of your charm.. I enjoy your company, and would definitely like to enjoy it again," Amara drops a quick wink at him, then smiles as he pours them each a glass of wine, holding hers up towards his and murmuring, "To a long, enjoyable companionship."
- Kurt Wagner has posed:
Between her care in laying out the various selections and in choosing the spot for their little rendezvous, everything is rather nearly arranged in moments. Kurt might even help speed things along a little with the extra help that darting tail provides, flicking about without any seeming attention paid on his part until only the sweet selections remain within the basket proper. When she glances his way and those cheeks brighten for a moment, the fuzzy blue elf's look of fondness only grows and he reaches out to slide a finger over the pinkened flesh of her cheek.
The afternoon breeze stirs -- not enough to disturb anything on the blanket, but just enough to make the logner grasses nearby to sway, to send the leaves on the trees closest to their vantage point fluttering, playing their own unique song as that light wind rises and falls. As far as a place to pass a pleasant afternoon? It seems just about perfect. Given the company present, well, it certainly enhances that particular sense. "You will find no argument from me," Kurt agrees, scooping up his own glass and shuffling into a more seated position as he casts a playful grin her way. "And I do not think we should have that much trouble rationing our wine to insure that we can stretch the day and evening out every bit as long as we wish," he adds confidently.
Then he gives that warm, rich laugh again, lightly clinking his glass against her own as those brilliant, golden eyes glint mischeviously under the golden midafternoon sun. "Well then, it seems that everything is going according to my carefully laid plans to dazzle you utterly," the indigo elf pronounces, taking a sip from that glass, smile on his lips and eyes fixed on her own.
- Amara Aquilla has posed:
The blush brightens another shade at his look, but Amara tilts her face towards his touch, nuzzling against the finger briefly. She's had such incredibly bad luck with men, not just here but in Nova Roma as well. But this has the feel of something better. A corner turned, a new page, a new chapter. Watching Kurt, there's that spark of hope for a life beyond her home. A life she can share with someone. Not that it's the core of her being, but its nice to share the ups and downs of life with others.
Enjoying the feel of the breeze on her face, stirring the hair around her face as she smiles at Kurt, reaching a hand out to lay overtop of his as they enjoy the peace and quiet of this moment before digging into the meal she's prepared. Leaning in, she curves a smile at him, "I can think of nothing I would like better.. and if we do find the bottle growing low, I do have a very nice bottle from Nova Roma that we could share."
They toast glasses, her gaze meeting his as she smiles warmly at him. Enchanted, albeit not by a spell, Amara murmurs, "Is that the plan? Well, allow me to congratulate you on a plan very well excuted. I am finding myself quite dazzled, and enjoying it greatly."
- Kurt Wagner has posed:
Given that they live at a school that, at it's peek during the autumn, winter and spring has dozens of people about, students, teachers and everything inbetween, it is a little odd to think that anyone could find thesemlves a little lonely, a little devoid of companionship with so many about. But then it is not always about the sheer number of people people about. Sometimes it is more about finding the right one. Certainly the way those fingers linger against her cheek, cradling the warmth of her skin between them even as she tilts her head there suggests that perhaps their luck has changed for the better on that particular score.
His own indigo fur might be short compared to her own hair, but it is never the less stirred by that same breeze and Kurt lets his eyes slip shut for just a moment, a little half-smile curving over his lips. Enjoying that caress of wind, the sun warming that soft fuzzy covering. Enjoying the feel of her hand covering his own. "Is that so?" he asks archly, eyes opening, dancing with that golden gleam once more. "Now that would be a treat indeed. Don't tempt me to top us both up to hastily," he teases.
Glasses clink and he takes a sip of that wine before setting it down carefully at the fringe of the blanket, claiming one of her hands and planting a little kiss against each of her finger tips before flashing that grin once more. "Well then. To many more dazzling occasions and every moment stolen inbetween," he murmurs, giving a low laugh and claiming a grape from the small bunch laid out on one plate, offering it up to her.
- Amara Aquilla has posed:
"Aren't I supposed to be tempting you?" She glances sidelong at him and curves a saucy little half smile towards Kurt. In profile, one eye drops into a wink at him as she lifts her glass to sip at her wine, savoring the taste of it before murmuring, "I have... not always had the greatest taste in companions. As such, I find myself.. eager.. to explore more of what this, us, could be. A picnic by the lake that extends into perhaps an intimate dinner..." She lifts a small shrug and curves a warm smile.
Turning towards him as he's kissing each fingertip, her features softening as she watches him, then brightening again to match his grin. Leaning forward, she curls her tongue around the grape, plucking it from his fingers with a wink. Chewing on it slowly, she smiles at him, swallowing it down before murmuring, "To all the moments we have together. Now.. lets take a look at some of this food, hm?"
Amara turns to the foods pulled form the basket, starting to plate up a few things for them to nibble on. Most everything can be eaten with fingers, a few things that need a fork or spoon. She sets a place down in front of him with a smile, "I hope that I got the recipes right, but please tell me if I missed something."
- Kurt Wagner has posed:
That draws a low laugh from him, answering wicked not in that sound as he flashes that increasingly familiar grin her way. "And what makes you think that you don't already tempt me, hmmm?" he asks archly before giving a low laugh again, reclaiming his glass for the moment to steal another sip of the wine, swirling that rich liquid around the bowl of his glass for a moment. "I have perhaps had better luck then you," he concedes with a brief smile, fingers lingering on hers a moment longer before falling away. "But that makes me no less eager to see just where this might lead," he freely admits.
The playful swipe of that grape brings another warm smile to his face, that merry glint in his golden eyes not dying though he turns his attention to the many selections she has already laid out between the both of them, nodding approvingly over dishes both familiar and new. As in motion, dance, or romance, the fuzzy blue elf seems to approach things with an open mind and a free spirt.
Fun as it is to lounge - and as likely as it is that he'll return to the position before too long - Kurt still does sit up as he claims one of the plates, picking out a few choice morsels, leaning in to take in the aroma of each in turn and making a quiet, pleased sound deep in his throat. "Anything you made will be wonderful, simply because you cared to make the effort," he asserts before winking her way. "But if I can provide any suggestions I promise to do so," he assures her lightly. "As I trust you'll do for me when I cook for you."
- Amara Aquilla has posed:
Laughing in delight at his response, Amara slants him a look and a sly smile as she leans in over their plates, moving in closer to Kurt. Her fingers walk up along his chest to teast at the hollow of his throat, close enough he can feel the warmth of her breath against his lips as she whispers, "Apparently not enough, so perhaps I need to try harder, hm?" Winking at him, the barest brush of her lips against his, she slowly withdraws until she's seated once more. "I do believe everyone has had better luck than me. I'm not usre how much worse you can do than 'I dated the Devil'."
Resuming the more playful nature they had started with, she offers up a strawberry drizzled with honey and dusted lightly with powdered mint. She flashes Kurt a warm and playful smile, pulling the berry away from his lips just before he bites down, once, twice, then letting him have the bite.
"I do appreciate that, Kurt, but I also want to know if I got anything wrong so I can do better the next time. So please, don't hesitate to let me know if I've left anything out or if there's something I forgot to add," Amara smiles warmly towards him, lifting up a bite of something savory and rich, a touch a salt on the back end. Flushing lightly, however, suggests that she is truly pleased with the compliment. "And you can be sure that I will reciprocate in kind when you cook. I am nothing if not fair, and I adore that you've already planned to do so."
- Kurt Wagner has posed:
Those yellow eyes glint merrily under the warm sun above, golden pools that perhaps heat at least a triffle at her teasing, the corners of his mouth quirking in lively fashion. "Be still my beating heart," he murmurs lowly before he gives a little shake of his head, that ready, easy grin flashing across his dark, devilish features and a warm, rich laugh bubbling up out of him. "Mmmm, I fear if you get much more tempting your wonderful efforts at preparing such a lovely meal will go for naught," he says.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander, hmmm? That glazed strawberry does look more then a little tempting and when the lazy bite misses first once, and then again, Kurt flashes a grin her way, brow arching before capturing her wrist with those long fingers, long enough to keep her own near enough to playfully lick at the tip of one. Only then does he surrender that grasp, and begin loading his plate in earnest.
"I will," he assures her earnestly, warm smile still resting curved on his expression. "Or better yet, I can show you. Cooking does not need to be a solitary sort of activity afteralll," he points out archly, beginning to nibble at his own selections, an approving rumble escaping him as he dips his head in appreciation. "And I am certain we could have a most excellent time in the kitchen together," he teases. "And I would certainly appreciate a few friendly pointers," he assures her warmly.
- Amara Aquilla has posed:
Resting lightly on one hip and one hand, she reaches out with that hand on the blanket, reaching across just enough to tangle the tips of her fingers with his, giving a gentle, teasing squeeze. One lid drops into a wink as she murmurs in a tone that's verging on sultry, "Oh no, I don't want to *stop* your heart.. I want it racing." She continues to nibble at the foods on her plate, enjoying them, savoring the ones she hasn't had before. "These are all foods that are eminently reheatable. Just in case that was a concern that was holding you back..."
Laughing softly as they play around with the strawberry, she sucks in a swift breath as his tongue swipes across the tip of her finger, that flush brightening even as the heat in her eyes spikes in watching him. There's something that's just so intensely intimate about that brief contact that it seems to affect her.
Her smile warms a few degrees at his suggestion, and she gives a quick nod, "I would love that. I wanted to surprise you this time, but I would adore being able to share a kitchen with you." Pausing, she adds softly, "And if it meant getting a little closer, well, I'm certainly all for that." Amara winks at him as she lifts her glass to sip from the wine. "Oh, somehow I have a feeling that you've the greater experience than I.. but I would certainly not mind both of us learning from each other."
- Kurt Wagner has posed:
The possibilities positively abound to be sure. "And I certainly appreciate all the trouble that you have gone to, just to make sure that our picnic is such a roaring success," Kurt agrees without hesitation. "I can completely understand. It is the same reason that I look forward to the chance to cook for you as well," he concedes before that rakish grin slips back over his features like a glove. "That admittedly, the appeal of having you there making it with me is rather tempting too, no matter the distraction you might pose," he admits with a low laugh.
He samples another of her efforts, alternating between the more familiar German dishes he grew up with along with the others that she has prepared, that smile seeming a permanent fixture on his lips and a little sound of pleasurable approval rumbling from him at each taste.
But soon enough fingers are inching across that blanket to find hers once more, to graze lightly across sun-warmed skin -- and that own natural heat with in -- before slipping between them, letting them curl comforatably there. "Ahhh, but how can it fail to stop at such sweet beauty as your own, hmmm?" he asks archly, lips curled into a grin once more and despite the selection of dishes between them he all but coils around them with that easy grace he seems to do virtually everything, planting that free hand between dishes and leaning in closer. "BUt I have no doubt that you will always find a way to get it beating again. Yes, even racing," he adds, yellow eyes glinting brightly as they fasten on hers. "Eminently reheatable, you say..."
- Amara Aquilla has posed:
Amara watches him for long moments before suddenly swooping in to kiss him. It's brief but fraught with passion and heat, there's even a small wisp of steam that curls up from between her lips as she withdraws, smiling as she drops a wink at Kurt. "I will look forward to cooking together with you.. and I will try to only distract you when it won't potentially burn the food." A pause and then a slow smile towards him, "I make no promises about starting a fire in the kitchen with you."
Watching him enjoy the food she's made, Amara continues to enjoy it as well. The German foods more than her native dishes are on her plate, trying to enjoy a new experience with someone she's super digging into.
Once fingers are touching, tangling, Amara lifts her face towards the sun, letting her eyes close for a brief moment to savor the light breeze across her face, stirring her hair, the rays warming her skin before she looks back to Kurt with an open, affectionate smile. "Eminently. I would be happy, delighted even, to get your heart racing." She tilts her head in towards him, nuzzling lightly against his cheek and murmuring, "One of my favorite things about being moved to the college dorms from the high school? I get my own room..."
- Kurt Wagner has posed:
It really is a lovely day for a picnic. Not too hot, not too cold. Just enough of a breeze to make it pleasant without windy, to stir up the waters of the nearby lake, sending a rippling dance across those waters, each one catching the light of the sun. The stirring leaves, the lap of the water against the nearby shore, even the sunwarmed grass being devoid of even a hint of the morning dew. It would be hard for them to have found a better afternoon to enjoy the outdoors. And each ohter's company.
Then there is the food. The wine. While the fuzzy blue elf might not have indulged enough to come anywhere close to sampling everything available, the treats tried -- both sweet and savory -- have been more then up to the task of adding to the day, at least as far as he is concerned.
That thumb strokes lightly along the back of her hand, those golden eyes fastened on hers. "I have a confession to make," he says in a conspiratorial whisper, leaning in closer and closer to be heard. "You already do that," he murmurs lightly, grin briefly flickering across his expression, pure devilish delight. That oh so agile tail of his coils around her waist, drawing her in closer and KUrt is quick to steal a kiss, lips lingering longer this time before he draws back. "That is a most handy thing to have. Especially since I suspect that our enjoyment of the lovely weather may end up cut short..."
- Amara Aquilla has posed:
It's an absolutely gorgeous summer day. The lake is still but for the occasional light ripple across the surface from the gentle breeze. The grass stirs and waves, tickling and teasing in the warm afternoon. THe sun shines brightly, leaving the airea filled with the scent of warm earth and fresh grass. The breeze carrying faint sounds of summer fun and enjoyment from back towards the mansion. It's a perfect day, and Amara can't think of a better way to spend it, or a better person to spend it with.
Well... okay, maybe one way to make it better.
Amara leans into that kiss as he steals in, more than happy to linger in the sensations before he draws back with that devilishly handsome smile and the gleam in those golden eyes. She chuckles at his comments, leaning in against him and stealing another of those warm, lingering kisses. This time the one to pull away as she murmurs, "I have to admit, the food tastes good.. but you taste much better." Her fingers stroke against his as she glances over her shoulder briefly, then back to him to whisper conspiratorially, "We could always set up the picnic in my room, too. I have larger windows to help vent more heat..."
- Kurt Wagner has posed:
As much as Kurt might be enjoying the warm weather and that fair breeze, he hasn't really made much of a secret that it is her company that is much more of a draw here. The snacks - both familiar and new - the wine, all of it has been lovely to be sure, but it would seem that they have only whet his appetite for treats not so easily packed away in a picnic basket and as the sounds of voices, of play carry across those grasssy lawns that surround the mansion, across the grounds and down to the lake he grins once more.
"Mmmm, my sentiments exactly," he murmurs when that kiss finally breaks again, that teasing tail uncoiling from her at last, slipping aside, back to it's place. Shifting, carefully, so as not to disturb any of the laid out picnic he settles in at her side, tilting his head towards those playful whispers. "That does strike me as a remarkably good idea," he murmurs in return, already reaching for some of those plates, beginning to repack that basket with a certain undenidable enthusasim. And if it is not quite as near going back as it was arriving, he suspects that she will understand.
"As lovely as you are here in the sun, I suspect you will be at least as much so spread on the floor before those windows. Let us adjurn, my lady," he says, hopping to his feet agilely, flashing her a grin and offering a hand.