18541/Knocking it Out of the Park

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Knocking it Out of the Park
Date of Scene: 10 July 2024
Location: Track and Field - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Morrigan catches Sam sorting out his thoughts on things, and makes sure his thoughts about her are a home run.
Cast of Characters: Sam Wilson, Morrigan MacIntyre

Sam Wilson has posed:
With the school in the summer session, it usually leaves the baseball field and track open most evenings. And since Sam returned to the school, he's not been a huge profile. He's kept most of his work going and just tended to the students. He's just someone that wanted to get back into the swing of things.

Speaking of swinging. He's currently set up a pitching machine loaded with baseballs at the field, and as it throws a pitch, he takes a mighty swing at the ball and whiffs through with a grunt as the ball bounces to the backstop. "Alright. Been a while. I got this." he grumbles.

He's dressed in a t-shirt with US Air Force on it, grey sweats, and a baseball helmet as he prepares for the next pitch.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan doesn't know what days off are most of the time, but she had finished up some paperwork that she was putting off and now she wasn't sure what to do. She was actually heading for the equestrian center when she had seen someone setting up the pitching machine.

And not just someone, it was Sam Wilson.

That made her change her direction almost immediately and with a very rare smile these days. She's dressed down for the day in well worn jeans, black t-shirt and her riding boots. She stands on the other side of the fence, "Would you like some company?" she asks him with a note of warmth in her voice.

Sam Wilson has posed:
The next pitch saild by, unswung at by Sam. Because he heard that voice. He uses his foot to pat the pedal to stop the pitches for a moment as he turns his attention to Morrigan. And her smile is mirrored, if a little nervous. "I'll never say no to you, Mo." he admits to her as he lowers the bat and taps it against his calf.

"I haven't been ignoring or avoiding you." he finally says after several moments of thought and considers her. "Just seems like every time we see each other, sparks start to form, and then something happens. Usually me. And then I disappear for a while and come back and things start all over again. I just... I want to be as invested in this." he admits to her. "Instead of running away from my feelings, which honestly, if it was a student telling me they were doing this, I'd advise them to either give up or be honest with their feelings."

"So. That's why I didn't show up at your office with flowers. Or ask you out to dinner. I sorted out my feelings. I just was figuring out the right time to know if you felt the same."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan was just expecting to get a yes in answer to her question. Though she does notice that he is nervous and she quickly figures out why he is nervous. She lets him speak though and she reaches up to take off her sunglasses so that her eyes aren't hidden during the conversation.

"You just lost a best friend, I didn't think you were ignoring me or anything. I figured you were grieving Steve is all and I wanted to...well, I wanted you to have your space." she tells him in a gentle tone. She had been on scene when he died, so it was a lot for all of them really.

"I also know that you are sort of a big deal with being an Avenger." she teases him in the gentlest way.

She moves around the fencing that separated them, "I can buy myself flowers and take myself to dinner. What I cannot do is magically conjure a man that would hold a candle to you, Sam Wilson." she admits.

"Which means I've always felt the same. Nothing has changed on my end of things." she gives him a warm smile.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Steve's loss... I'm still working through that, Mo. I don't believe it. Not yet. Not until I see a body." Sam answers in response to the comment about Steve's passing. But that's not the thing he wants to talk about. After all, she's in front of him right now. He draws in his breath. "Yeah, I guess I should have led way back when with that when I first applied to be here, huh?" he asks with a small mote of amusement.

"Nothing's changed on my end either, Mo. Just a matter of me settling back in. And seeing how this plays out. Because yeah. I have feelings for you. And no plans to want to shake them." he admits to her with a little brin.

"Oh man, if you have a spell that summons another me, that'd just be dangerous." he comments with amusement warming his voice before he finally sets down the bat and offers his arms to her. "Next step is all yours, Morrigan."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a soft nod to him, "I know, and no one has to accept anything until a body is provided. So don't feel like you have to. You take as much time as you need on that." she states.

There is a soft laugh, "I was seriously surprised when an Avenger applied to be a counselor here, but honestly it makes a lot of sense." she points out to him. "But it has been one of the best things for the school." she explains.

"And for me." she adds with a look to him.

"Hopefully the glitter hasn't worn off of the feelings and if they do I will do the adult thing and cry over a tub of ice cream." she jokes.

Mo's also very good about not overwhelming people with magic use. "Oh I'm sure there is one out there, but the higher ups get all grumpy faced." she states in an amused tone. When his arms open there is zero hesitation on her end and she hurries over to throw her arms around his shoulders, her forehead touching his gently, "You're still the only one allowed to call me a wizard." she whispers to him.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"I like working with the kids. Not much different than working with veterans." Sam offers to Morrigan when mentions the job. "Sure. Veterans don't talk about their dating habits and all, but they get some of the same feelings that veterans do as well. Fear, unsure of themselves." he sighs. "I'm glad to see them work through their problems though."

"The only interest in ice cream I have is at 2 AM when we're both still awake... together." he ventures towards her. Not that he has to go far as she closes the distance and her arms settle around him.

And he draws in her scent as she presses to him, bringing them close together. When she mentions the fact that he can call her a wizard, his teeth show in his smile. "Is that something that turns you on?" he asks teasingly, his hands around her hips to the small of her back to pull her closer, the helmet knocked off as she presses to him. "...a lot of glitter. And many more sparks, Morrigan." he admits, as he leans in and presses his mouth lightly to hers - but in no rush to pull back.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"They've missed having you around, so that is something that will lift peoples spirits." Morrigan tells him with a smile. "You're very good at what you do." she adds.

She grins at the talk of ice cream, "I've been pulling a lot of all nighters at the hospital recently, but can tone that back for ice cream at home." she mentions to him.

She completely spaced that the baseball helmet was going to be knocked off, but it lulls back in forth in the dust of the baseball diamond. A warm laugh escapes at his question, "Not sure, it does tend to make me smile though." she tells him as she relaxes.

When he leans in, she feels her heart skip a beat, just as it has always done in times like this with him. Her lips press gently to his in turn, warm and inviting.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"I've missed working with them. Not as much as I've missed you, admittedly." Sam admits to her, as he draws in a breath, and reaches up with one hand to brush his fingers though her firey locks. "I don't want you changing your life for me, Morrigan. I just want to make sure I fit in where you want me." he points out as he lowers his hand to hold her again.

"Ice cream at your place sounds amazing. As does you in a wizard's robe and little else." comes his teasing retort as they relax into each other.

The kiss they share is warm and open, deepening by a few degrees to gently taste of her, before he finally breaks the contact with her, his dark eyes opneining up again from where they closed when they first kissed. "So is it too soon to ask to go to your place? I don't want to be along at the Mansion tonight. No pressure to do anything you don't want to do."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan has her eyes closed for a moment, just enjoying it. "I have missed you terribly. I could have reached out just as easily." she tells him quietly. "Compromise and understanding are part of relationships...and I work so much because I felt listless." she admits to him. "I don't want to work myself into an early grave when life is looking much brighter." she adds.

There is a giggle, "I could be persuaded to purchase one of those silly robes from a Halloween shop. Pointy hat included?" she asks him with a brow waggle.

Mo's in no rush to climb him like a tree, but that's because this is a school. When the kiss ends there is a soft sigh of content, "No, it's not too soon to ask that." she tells him in a soft tone as she lets her fingers curl softly at the back of his neck.

"I don't think either of us need to be alone, want me to help you get this packed back up and we can head home? Occam will be happy to see you as well." she comments.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Many hands make short work." Sam quips playfully as she makes her point. "Okay, take what time you need. I don't want you to feel rushed. Even if I really really want to spend the night with you." he admits. "Tonight, and for a lot of nights to come." he admits quietly to her. "But only if that's something you want to have." So she may definetly get the chance to climb him soon?

"I was thinking a shorter robe that showed a lot more." he comments wryly, hands lowering to give her rump a little squeeze before letting go. "Yeah, lets get all this packed up and we can head home - and see what exactly we might be hungry for." he teases her. "And I have missed Occam as well." With that, he's moving to bend down to pick up the bat and helmet to get started policing up his mess so they can leave for her place.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I don't feel rushed at all when it comes to things pertaining to you, Sam." Morrigan tells him with a smile. She was honest on that. "And we're both adults. Pretty sure we can say what we want pretty openly." she winks.

"Alright, so short wizards robe." she winks at him. She gives another little kiss to his lips before she relinquishes her embrace. If she was mopey before she had completely changed her outlook on life in the last few minutes.

She helps him get things packed away and then takes his hand in hers, "Hopefully he won't feel inclined to knock anything off on you if you go to get something from the fridge." she teases him.

Then with that she is happy to head home with him. What a completely unexpected way to end the evening!