18574/Catching Sam Up

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Catching Sam Up
Date of Scene: 11 July 2024
Location: Seaside Victorian House
Synopsis: Morrigan catches Sam up on her death and what else had happened while he'd been gone. It's a lot...
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Sam Wilson

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
With Sam picking up dinner that gave Morrigan time to clean up the table in the kitchen of all of her work papers and laptop before he HAD arrived. Occam was on his usual perch on the top of the fridge and surveying his domain. He'd been good and not knocked anything off on Sam's head, but...it might just be something he does to those he doesn't want in the house.

With dinner unpacked and a few fries eaten there is a look over to Sam, "So where do I start with what's happened?" she asks him with a smile.

Sam Wilson has posed:
After arriving with the bag of burgers, fries, and a pair of old fashioned milkshakes, Sam helped unpack dinner after greeting Morrigan with a kiss. Just to remind her he's going going anywhere. Grabbing the strawberry shake and his burger and fries, he settles in as Morrigan asks the obvious question. Sticking his straw through the lid of cup, he starts with an apology.

"I'm sorry. I know it's been like a year and I wasn't the best at keeping up." he offers to her quietly. "As for where to start? Where do you feel comfortable? I feel like I should know some things that I don't."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
The kiss had been returned with a smile and a bit of a moment to just take everything in. She picked up the other shake and followed suit with her straw. Taking a sip while he spoke. There is a little shake of her head as he apologizes. "Even a year ago you were in for a few days, but that is what happens sometimes, Sam." she gives him a smile.

"I think it's just best to start where things sort of started." she admits.

"A few years ago...more pushing three I was helping out with a situations where the Gods of Death were being murdered or in some way took out." she starts. "During that, I found out that I had a connection to the actual Morrigan, the triple Goddess from Celtic Mythology. Now, Badb had been infected with some sort of madness and she ended up killing Nemain during this. Which left her and Macha as the two Goddesses at that point." she sighs.

"A group of us went to the Underworld to try to help end this. Souls were not being allowed to pass and death was out of sorts." she explains. "After this, Badb was still crazy and it had spread to Macha." she tells him before she stops to get another fry.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Popping the top on his shake, he dips a few fries into it to eat, as he listens to Morrigan's story. As she explains things from three years ago, he nods his head, not apologizing this time for not being there. Progress!

"So both goddesses of Death had slipped and everything was a no go. Got it." Another few fries dipped and ate. "So what happened to you? Did you catch the same disease?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Umm...not quite?" Morrigan offers to Sam. "Badb had came to me long after we had fixed the death issue. Macha had gotten whatever madness was plaguing them and she was letting me know that I was at the top of a very angry War Goddesses hit list." she muses to that. "So fast forward to our school trip to Cairo in 2022. We took the students out for a really cool show at the pyramids and Macha decides to show up and absolutely wreck my shit." she sighs.

"So all of these students, my boyfriend at the time and everyone else got to see me basically get attacked. She speared me right in the damn heart." she frowns at that. "And I decided that if I was going I was taking her with me." she nods to that. "They got everyone out. I was the only casualty." she explains.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam's not sure for a moment which one to wince at. That she had another boyfriend. Or that she died. It's a tough decision. but he finally wisely settles on the death part. Though she may have a hint of a wince at the mention of a boyfriend. He can't blame her for that. He wasn't around after all. Though his attention turns to the commentary on the trip.

He switches to his burger, unwrapping it to take a bite out of it. "So you locked youself in with Macha... and you died?" he asks her. "I'm guessing you got better." Monty Python to cover his worry for the win.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Mo's not dumb, she knows that wince, "If it makes you feel any better it turned out that he was married still after he told me she was in Europe and they were divorced. Plus his vigilantism and my running a school didn't work out. He just...never showed up after she came to New York." she states. "Oh and he stabbed me earlier this year, but he didn't know it was me." she chuckles. Moon Knight you dick!

"I basically dumped all my magical reserves and locked in. Magic being powered with the hearts blood tends to go off like a huge bomb." she states. "I did in fact get better...I was no longer passed on." she muses. "But that was because a Cult summoned me instead of the actual Morrigan." she points out. "And their plans were not good." she admits. "So Moon Knight, Richard and others came and busted up their ritual and I came back. And until late last year I lived as a vessel for the two goddesses and I found a spell to separate them from me...but I lost so much with it." she frowns.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Jesus Christ, Mo, I thought I was the worst decision you ever made." Sam retorts with a smirk. "Especially if we're living together, which is usually a precursor to marriage. Glad to know I'm not the bottom of the barrel." There's a little smirk at that as he turns his attention back to the second half of the conversation and considers what she's saying.

"Okay, so you came back, but you were sharing your space with two goddesses. You managed to kick them out... but what was the cost?" Sam asks, but his hand reaches for hers to squeeze it. "No matter what you lost, Mo, I'm still in love with you."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan almost snorts milkshake through her nose and she laughs, "Sam Wilson you are never a bad decision. You are literally the sanest person I have ever been with. Because before I dated you I dated a man that was Immortal and bound at the soul with a demon. Then I dated Moon Knight for a bit...and then I stopped getting attached to anyone...because they always left." she admits.

"I came back and had powers that were given. I had duties. I had...purpose outside of just being Dean MacIntyre. I also had a herald and he was great. But when I broke everything up he went back to the underworld." she sighs.

"I just always worry about not being enough. Or making the wrong decisions because I'm trying to protect my own feelings." she admits as she squeezes his hand.

"And...hypothetically...if I were to work for a god, would that bother you?" she asks him.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Hopefully I'm the last guy you date." Sam says cheekily. Another bite of burger, and then he collects his thoughts before speaking. "May I ask a question before I answer yours?" he asks her.

"You speak of powers, duties outside of being Dean. "You ask me how I feel about you being a herald for a god and protecting your own feelings. How does that make you feel? Do you feel like you could give your heart to me. Or are you concerned that the god would not accept a bond like that with a mere mortal?" he asks her curiously.

"Because you're still the same Morrigan I dated time and time again. And I'm hoping this time it sticks - which is why I share a closet and a bed with you now."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan smiles to him, "I'm really hoping that you are as well." she admits. "And you can always ask questions. I don't mind that at all. Communication is a big part of relationships working." she points out softly. Then she's settling back to listen to what his question is.

"You already have my heart, Sam. I would never put myself into a position where I could not share my feelings with the person I am with." she explains. "Though, do you think you are a mere mortal?" she asks him. "Because I think you are exceptional." she grins at that.

"I'm really hoping things stick as well. And if we need to make more closet space you let me know." she winks at him.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Communication is a /huge/ part." Sam responds to the bit about relationships. And he sets aside his food and releases her hand, as he walks around the table to settle next to her for a moment. "I know my limitations, Morrigan." he admits to her. "Except with you. When it comes to you. I feel like anything is possible, because you are there."

His hand reaches up to caress her check, and then his finger brushes over her lips. "I'll take whatever space you wish to give me. Most of my stuff is in the Mansion... but if I'm going to be here, I should set up as such. Because this is what I want." Leaning in, he presses another kiss to her mouth, this one much more familiar and deep than the first one was.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan turns to look at him as he settles down, a blush coming to her pale cheeks at his words, "Don't you ever get yourself hurt over me, Sam. I am tougher than I look." she points out to him. Though she forgets all about food when his hand caresses her cheek and then brushes over her lips.

"I want you to feel like this is your home as well and that you can put things where you want to." she tells him in a whisper. "And I definitely want you here." she adds. The kiss is welcomed and she closes her eyes as she parts her lips for him with a soft sound of content as she does.