18586/And While You Were Gone

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And While You Were Gone
Date of Scene: 14 July 2024
Location: Seaside Victorian House
Synopsis: Sam's resting after the oil rig incident and Morrigan gets him up to speed on the addition to Happy Harbor Schools.
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Sam Wilson

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan never liked seeing Sam hurt. Even if it came a lot in his line of work. She wasn't always around to heal him. It wasn't a horrible gun shot wound, but still...it made her feel like she could have done more.

She'd opened a portal home and had him healed fairly quickly after that.

Now it was the day after and after breakfast. Mo's not gotten out of the shorts and t-shirt she dressed in when she woke up, she's just relaxing for once. "Did I catch you up on the schools?" she asks Sam out of the blue.

Sam Wilson has posed:
The blood loss was the worst part. No major organs hit. He'll recover quickly, especiallly with Morrigan's help. She's done plenty and if he knew how she fely, he'd make sure she knew it too.

Having changed into a t-shirt and pajama pants to settle in on the couch, he was about to start to scroll the movie choices when she speaks up.

He pats the couch cushion next to her to summon her closer if she wants. "Naw. You haven't." he admits a drawl in his tone, just a hint of that Louisiana upbringing. "But I saw some new buildings on campus. I think?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Mo gives a look over to him when he pats the couch cushion and she moves over to be closer to him. "I knew I was forgetting something." she muses as she settles next to him.

"So we are no longer a project of SHIELD. I talked to the people that were in charge and asked if we could say it was a success and focus on the school as a whole." she tells him.

"And the new buildings are the Community College. We launched that earlier in the year. I'd been wanting to do it for awhile, but timing was off until now." she admits. "Which means if you'd like you can switch to being a college counselor if you like. Or I understand if you want to stay at the High School." she tells him with a smile.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Yes. Totally forgot I'm a cuddleslut." Sam teases to her as he reaches around to put his hand on her opposite shoulder. Now that he's comfortable, he can be more relaxed with her. A little squeeze is given as she starts to speak.

As she mentions the break from SHIELD, he ahas. "That's fair, sometimes it felt like we were more a SHIELD training academy than a school in it's own right." he says thoughtfully.

As they discuss the college, he presses his plush lips together in thought. Finally, he decides to approach the question delicatedly. "Where do you need me more, Mo? If I stay in the high school, I can continue to direct kids into the college. In college, I would already know most of the students and what they're looking to do. But that would only last a couple of years, max."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a warm laugh, "I meant, that I forgot to tell you about school changes, but I also forgot about the cuddling, which I am all for." she points out to him with a grin.

"I never really wanted to be a training academy, but that is what some felt we should do...and it's not what I feel should be done at the school. I had a plan of reaching out to groups like SHIELD, The Avengers and others to sort of see if they wanted to mentor some of the students that wanted to do super hero related things, but...I dropped it after Steve died." she shakes her head.

"This is not about where I want you to be. Where do you feel like you will be comfortable and things? I don't want you to be overwhelmed as I know you've got the Avengers and that is the priority." she states.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam listens to Morrigan's words and he leans over to kiss her cheek for her sweet consideration of what he wants. Leaning back again. "What I want." he says thoughtfully. "That's pretty easy to be honest. I want to make sure I can balance SHIELD with the Avengers, with my position at the school, and our relationship. That's kind of why I asked you." he admits. "We're a couple, you should have an opinion on what I do."

"But to answer your question..." He squeezes her again when she mentions Steve's death killing the super hero training. "You never wanted it to be Sky High, Mo." he points out to her. "You wanted it to be a place where even supers can act normal, without being segregated." Like another school he knows about. "And I feel comfortable work with teens. So I'll stay at the high school level."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a grin at the kiss to her cheek, but she focuses on what he wants as he speaks. There is a bit of a look to him, "I know, I just feel weird getting a say in anything." she admits with a laugh. "But...that's one of the reasons why I love you." she adds.

"I did want to still talk to some groups. To see if the idea might be viable. I feel like if we can point students in the right direction that it might be better for them." she comments. "I know it won't always be normal, hell, they don't have a normal head of the schools." she shakes her head.

"So High School it will be. I'm going to guess that you will run across a student named Caleb...and he's going to talk about everybody in Gotham that is after him...and I'm lost on what to do with him." she sighs.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"So, as a counselor. Of both students and veterans, let me say this." Sam starts out. "It's fine to have advice. It's fine to get opinions. But in the end? This is the project that you put your time and effort into. Not Nick Fury. Not anyone else. You nurtured this thing since you first concieved it. So take their advice under consideration. But remember, the decision is ultimately yours." he points out to her.

"And I will support your decision, and tell you if I think you're off track. And even then you don't have to listen to me."

As Caleb is brought up, he frowns a little. "I see. A real victim complex, or is there a legitiment threat to him there? If it's the later, perhaps we can enlist the local bat fan club to help him out." A paure of thought and he adds. "If he wants the help."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan listens to him and there's a soft smile as he tells her that it is her decision in the end of things. "I mean, I didn't come up with the idea, I just sort of expanded on the base idea that SHIELD had." she admits. "So I can't take all the credit there. And Daisy and others have been here for us." she adds.

"But I understand why you are saying." she tells him with a look to him. "You're one of the people that I trust without hesitation. So if you tell me I am off track, I will definitely listen." she points out.

"I mean, he has a mafia guy that's trying to kill him and there was a four hundred year old vampire that I think he wanted me to fight." she explains. "They are real threats, but I don't know why he spends so much time in Gotham to find all of this trouble." she shakes her head. "And I don't know what to do. I was going to bring authorities in at one point, but he'd have been super pissed off." she frowns.

"I know one of the bats. I could probably reach out to them." she adds after a moment.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"They had the idea, you made it happen." Sam points out diplomatically. "And you can give them credit, but you were the driving force. And I love you for that." he points out to her.

And as he listens to Caleb's tale, he sighs. "How'd he fuck up that badly?" he starts to ask. Then he holds up his hand. "Nevermind, don't tell me. I suggest we get a hold of your contact and talk to them, may have more info that what he's given us. Folks in trouble tend to skew the story where they look more like a victim. But until then..."

Sam stretches out a little to get up off the couch. "I'm thinking we can adjourn to the bedroom and find pleasant conversation there. Just would have to be careful." So probably not happening.